Title: The Katrina Disaster—The Aftermath
1The Katrina DisasterThe Aftermath
- Perspectives on Legal Aid Needs in Southeast
Louisiana - January 2006
- Southeast Louisiana Legal Services
2Southeast Louisiana Demographics
- Southeast Louisiana Legal Services serves
- 10 parishes in Southeast Louisiana. 6 of these
parishes suffered extensive devastation. The
other 4 were also impacted. - Total Service Area Population 1.5 million
- 6 Hardest Hit Parishes 1.2 million
3Pre-Katrina Client Demographics
- Southeast Louisiana
- Poverty Population
- 100 Poverty 310,000
- 125 Poverty 387,000
- 200 Poverty 600,000
- (Estimates based on 2005 food stamp statistics)
4Impact of Katrina on Southeast Louisiana A
Disaster Unlike Any Other
- Everyone lost everything
- 200,000 homes
- 207,000 jobs
- 350,000 cars (half uninsured)
- 300,000 health insurance (statewide)
- Note All statistics for Southeast Louisiana
unless otherwise noted
5Maps of Katrina Flooding and Louisiana Diaspora
680 of New Orleans Flooded
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11Katrina-- Impacts on Housing
- 300,000 families homeless (initially)
- 200,000 families need government
- assisted housing
- No affordable housing left
- Public/subsidized housing closed indefinitely
(only 7 of subsidized housing has re-opened) - Cant get into public housing without custody
12Katrina-- Impacts on Housing
- Disabledfew housing choices
- Evictions increase dramatically
- Flooding disproportionately impacted renters and
minority homeowners
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14KatrinaHomeownership Impacts
- 200,000 homesextensively damaged or destroyed
- 110,000 of 180,000 homes in New Orleans alone
flooded - Many did not have flood and/or homeowners
insurance - Insurance claims for the insured
- Great uncertainty as to rebuilding options
- Creditors or lenders taking all insurance
proceeds - Homeowners cant afford to maintain 2 homes
during rebuilding
15KatrinaImpacts on Jobs
- 207,000 jobs lost in New Orleans area (out of
total of 592,000) - Unemployment compensationoverwhelmed system
- 40 of all small businesses will fail
- Many cant return to jobs because no housing
- 350,000 cars destroyed by flood
- Public transit limited (only at 10 capacity)
16KatrinaImpact on Health
- 40 of poor evacuees report chronic condition
- 30 report health problems because of Katrina
- 300,000 more persons statewide no longer have
health insurance - Charity Hospital indigent care lost forever
- (262,000 patient visits per year)
17KatrinaImpacts on Health
- Nursing homes closed
- Personal care attendants unavailable
- Stress affecting healthespecially the elderly
18KatrinaImpact on Debt
- Pre-Katrina Health costs caused more than 50
of bankruptcies - Pre-Katrina2,200 low-income bankruptcies per
year in SE Louisiana - Loss of homes, jobs, cars and health care
- will greatly increase bankruptcies
19KatrinaImpact on Debt
- New bankruptcy laws more onerous
- Much of bankruptcy bar left New Orleans area
- Child support debt will impact access to
bankruptcy relief - More debt will hurt long term housing
20KatrinaImpacts on Families
- Many are split up for economic reasons
- Katrina Kidnappinginterstate custody disputes
- Many existing custody decrees need modification
- Third party custody needs
21KatrinaImpact on Families
- Divorce will increase
- Domestic violence will increase by 100 to 500
- Child support problems
- ? Community property disputes
- Long-range Loss of family wealth will impact
long-term income security of elderly and those
approaching retirement
22Homeowners Post-Katrina Multiple legal aid needs
- Many clients face multiple legal problems
- One example Homeowners
- FEMA, SBA or insurance claims
- Probate often required to get FEMA or insurance
to rebuild - Divorce and mental incapacity complicate access
to rebuilding funds - Creditors may seize insurance
23Homeowners Post-Katrina
- Some may have pre-existing predatory loans
- Lost job, need income to save home unemployment
compensation, pension loans, etc. - Rights to health insurance to avoid debt
- Problems with foreclosure and temporary landlords
- Need bankruptcy to save home
24Homeowners Post-Katrina
- Real estate tax problems
- Government actions to take away home
- Government regulations for rebuilding
- Construction contracts and rip-offs
25Katrina Impact on Southeast LA Services Staff
- 40 of our employees lived in Orleans, Jefferson
or St. Bernard Parishes (75 of firms total) - Many lost their homes, cars and belongings
- 100 displaced for significant time periods
- 60 lost their homes
- Our Chalmette office was lost
26Katrina Impact on Staff
- Some employees spouses lost their jobs
- Support staff unable to return New Orleans
- 7 of our 30 staff attorneys have resigned since
the disaster - Remaining attorneys burdens
27Katrina Impact on Staff
- Child care unavailable
- Schools unavailable for employees children
- Commuting distances increased
- Housing costs increased (some had mortgages plus
cost of replacement housing) - Personal wealth decreased (and many staff are
over 40)
28Projected Client Needs
- The New York 9/11 experience
- Problems will be long-term, perhaps 5 years or
more - Semblance of normality will take 10 years
29Projected Client Needs
- First Phase of Disaster
- Eviction Landlord-Tenant
- AdviceInsurance
- FEMA appeals
- Unemployment Compensation
- Katrina Kidnapping
- Interstate Custody
30Projected Client Needs
- Second Phase of Disaster
- Insurance Mediation
- Loan Forbearance
- Consumer Debt
- Bankruptcy
- Probate to get FEMA and insurance funds
- Custody, interstate, relocation, third party
- Taxes, pensions, denial of health insurance
31Projected Client Needs
- Third Phase of Disaster
- Home repair disputes
- Predatory lending
- Government regulations re rebuilding
- Tax sales redemptions
- Divorce, domestic violence
- FEMA recoupments
32Projected Client Needs
- Other Needs
- Advice, advice, advice
- Subsidized and public housing rights
- Various public benefits
- Employment
- Systemic issues related to disaster
33Post-Katrina Challenges for Indigent Legal Aid
- More new poor
- Pre-Katrina poor dispersed
- Difficulty of representing out of state clients
- Travel expenses a problem
- Post-Katrina, most clients present multiple
legal problems
34Post-Katrina Challenges for Indigent Legal Aid
- Lost papers, witnesses, etc.
- Client local travel more difficult
- Fewer staff to handle existing cases
- Fewer Louisiana pro bono attorneys to help
- New legal issues emerging
35Pro Bono Work?
- Status of Louisiana Limited Practice Rule
- Challenge What can out-of-state attorneys do?
- Many cases are emergencies or involve many legal
36Pro Bono Work?
- What Have Katrina Pro Bono Attorneys Done So Far?
- Outreach advice
- Bankruptcy screening
- Eviction defense
- Community legal education materials
- Advice manuals for Katrina lawyers
- Mentoring and back-up assistance
- Oral argument in major public housing appeal in
US 5th Circuit - Systemic cases on disaster related issues
- Small business recovery
- Fundraising for legal aid programs
37Pro Bono Work?
- Possible Practice Areas for Out-of State
Volunteers - Advice screeninginsurance, landlord-tenant,
family law are all big issues - Mentoring and co-counseling
- Systemic cases
- Insurance mediation
- Community and staff legal education
- Representation of nonprofits
- Small business recovery
- Legislative proposals
38Pro Bono Work?
- Areas of Law where you dont need LA license
- Bankruptcy
- Tax
- Pension
- FEMA appeals
39Pro Bono Work?
- Things Volunteer Attorneys Can Do in Their Own
States - Advice screening
- Insurance mediation?
- Bankruptcies
- Divorces
- Child custodyenforcement of LA judgments
- Child custodydecline jurisdiction
- Child custodymodification
- SSI appeals