Buynak Synopsis Vaccines - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Buynak Synopsis Vaccines


Medicinal Chemistry Donlene Mallon SMU Viruses A virus is a submicroscopic obligate parasitic particle that infects cells in biological organisms. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Buynak Synopsis Vaccines

Buynak Synopsis Vaccines
  • Medicinal Chemistry
  • Donlene Mallon
  • SMU

  • A virus is a submicroscopic obligate parasitic
    particle that infects cells in biological
  • Viruses are non-living particles that can only
    replicate when an organism reproduces the
    virulent RNA or DNA.
  • Among other things, viruses do not move,
    metabolize, or decay on their own. Viruses are
    obligate intracellular parasites that lack the
    cellular machinery for self-reproduction.
  • Viruses infect eukaryotes and prokaryotes such as
    bacteria bacteriophages.
  • Typically viruses carry a small amount of
    genetic material, either in the form of RNA or
    DNA, but not both, surrounded by some form of
    protective coat consisting of proteins, lipids,
    glycoproteins or a combination.
  • The viral genome codes for the proteins that
    constitute this protective coat, as well as for
    those proteins required for viral reproduction
    that are not provided by the host cell.

  • Viral nucleic acid can be DNA or RNA. It can be
    single or double stranded, circular or linear,
    with most being linear.
  • The nucleic acid is protected from physical,
    chemical and enzymatic damage by a protein coat
    called a Capsid.
  • Many viruses have a second envelope surrounding
    the Capsid on which there are spikes with
    antigenic determinants.
  • This outer surface of the virus is responsible
    for host cell recognition. Initially viral
    proteins on the outer surface will attach to the
    hosts receptor molecules. A simplified viron is
    illustrated below.

Life Cycle
  • ? Attachment, sometimes called absorption The
    virus attaches to receptors on the host cell
  • Injection The nucleic acid of the virus moves
    through the plasma membrane and into the
    cytoplasm of the host cell. The capsid of a
    phage, a bacterial virus, remains on the outside.
    In contrast, many viruses that infect animal
    cells enter the host cell intact.
  • Transcription Within minutes of phage entry into
    a host cell, a portion is transcribed into mRNA,
    which is then translated into proteins specific
    for the infecting phage.
  • Replication The viral genome contains all the
    information necessary to produce new viruses.
    Once inside the host cell, the virus induces the
    host cell to synthesize the necessary components
    for its replication.
  • Assembly The newly synthesized viral components
    are assembled into new viruses.
  • Release Assembled viruses are released from the
    cell and can now infect other cells, and the
    process begins again.

  • Take advantage of the immune system to kill
    disease-causing microbe
  • Have nearly eliminated diseases that killed
    hundreds of thousands of people in the 19th and
    early 20th century
  • Vaccines protect the whole community, since if
    your immune system is trained to kill a disease,
    you will not be contagious for long, thus you
    will not be able to spread the disease to
    unvaccinated individuals.
  • The word vaccine comes from the Latin word
    vaccinus, which means pertaining to cows

Origin of Vaccines
  • Smallpox was the first disease people tried to
    prevent by purposely inoculating themselves with
    other types of infections. Inoculation is
    believed to have started in India or China before
    200 BC. Physicians in China immunized patients by
    picking off pieces from drying pustules of a
    person suffering from a mild case of smallpox,
    grinding the scales to a powdery substance, and
    then inserting the powder into the person's nose
    in order for them to be immunized. In 1718, Lady
    Mary Wortley Montague reported that the Turks
    have a habit of deliberately inoculating
    themselves with fluid taken from mild cases of
    smallpox. Lady Montague inoculated her own
    children in this manner. In 1796, during the
    heyday of the smallpox virus in Europe, an
    English country doctor, Edward Jenner, observed
    that milkmaids would sometimes become infected
    with cowpox through their interactions with dairy
    cows' udders. Cowpox is a mild relative of the
    deadly smallpox virus. Building on the
    foundational practice of inoculation, Jenner took
    infectious fluid from the hand of milkmaid Sarah
    Nelmes. He inserted this fluid, by scratching or
    injection, into the arm of a healthy local eight
    year old boy, James Phipps. Phipps then showed
    symptoms of cowpox infection. Forty-eight days
    later, after Phipps had fully recovered from
    cowpox, Jenner injected some smallpox-infected
    matter into Phipps, but Phipps did not later show
    signs of smallpox infection

The Immune System
  • Usually takes more than a week to learn how to
    fight off an unfamiliar microbe
  • Certain microbes are so powerful (virulent) that
    they can overwhelm your bodys natural defenses
  • Once your immune system is trained to resist a
    disease, you are said to be immune to it
  • When you get sick and (hopefully) recover, you
    receive naturally acquired immunity
  • Vaccines provide artificially acquired immunity
    and thus represent a less risky way to become

The Immune System Macrophages
  • Macrophages Literally big eaters, white blood
    cells that engulf foreign organisms.
  • Macrophages recognize what is foreign by
    identifying its antigens
  • Macrophages save the antigens, and carry them
    back to the lymph nodes, where immune system
    cells congregate
  • Macrophages show the antigens to specialized
    white blood cells, called lymphocytes

The Immune System Lymphocytes
  • Lymphocytes swing into action when they see the
    foreign antigens
  • Lymphocytes Come in Two types T Cells and B
  • T Cells come in two types cytotoxic T cells and
    helper T cells
  • Cytotoxic T cells are also called killer T
    cells. They latch onto the foreign invader and
    release chemicals that destroy it.
  • Helper T cells assist in activating killer T
    cells and also work with B cells
  • B Cells secrete antibodies secrete antibodies
    that bind to the antigens on the surface of the
  • Antibodies provide a signal to macrophages and
    other defensive cells to come and eat the

The Immune System Memory Cells
  • Following the disease, some of the defensive B
    cells and T cells are converted into memory
  • Memory B cells can quickly divide into plasma
    cells and make more antibody if needed
  • Memory T cells can quickly divide and grow up
    into a disease fighting army.

(No Transcript)
  • Vaccines contain a weakened form of the microbe
    that doesnt cause disease or reproduce
  • Vaccines stimulate the macrophages, which present
    the antigens to T and B cells
  • The mock infection is rapidly cleared, and you
    are left with a supply of memory T cells and B
    cells to protect you against of future infection
    of this type

One type of vaccine Live attenuated vaccines
  • Live attenuated vaccines contain a version of the
    living organism that has been weakened the lab so
    it cant cause disease
  • Since these vaccines are close to the actual
    infection, they elicit strong immune system
    responses and usually confer lifelong immunity
    with only one or two doses
  • Downside live attenuated vaccines could
    potentially revert to a virulent form and cause
    disease. For this reason, they are not given to
    people with weakened immune systems (e.g. cancer
    patients, or those infected with HIV)
  • Downside must be refrigerated to stay potent
  • Hard to create live attenuated vaccines to treat
    bacterial infections (since bacteria have
    thousands of genes and are harder to tame)

Live Vaccines
  • 1. Live attenuated organisms
  • Organisms whose virulence has been artificially
    reduced by in vitro culture under adverse
    conditions, such as reduced temperature. This
    results in the selection of mutants which
    replicate poorly in the human host and are
    therefore of reduced virulence.  Replication of
    the vaccine strain in the host reproduces many of
    the features of wild type infection, without
    causing clinical disease.  Most successful viral
    vaccines belong to this group.
  • The immune response is usually good - when the
    virus replicates in the host cells, both antibody
    as well as cell mediated immune responses are
    generated and immunity is generally long lived.
     Often, only a single dose is needed to induce
    long term immunity.

Live Vaccines
  • 3. Live recombinant vaccines
  • It is possible, using genetic engineering, to
    introduce a gene coding for an immunogenic
    protein from one organism into the genome of
    another (such as vaccinia virus). The organism
    expressing a foreign gene is called a
    recombinant. Following injection into the
    subject, the recombinant organism will replicate
    and express sufficient amounts of the foreign
    protein to induce a specific immune response to
    the protein.
  • Attributes
  • Good immune response
  • Both Cell Mediated Immunity and antibody
  • Immunity is long lived
  • Single dose
  • Safety
  • Danger of reversion to virulence, or
  • Severe disease in immunocomprised
  • Stability
  • Organisms in the vaccine must remain viable in
    order to infect and replicate in the host
  • Vaccine preparations are therefore very sensitive
    to adverse storage conditions
  • Maintenance of the cold chain is very important.
  • Expense
  • Cheap to prepare

Type of vaccine Inactivated or killed vaccines
  • In inactivated vaccines, the disease-causing
    microbe is killed with chemicals, heat, or
  • The dead microbes cant mutate back to a virulent
    form and dont require refrigeration
  • Downside these vaccines stimulate a weaker
    immune response and may require several
    additional doses (or booster shots)

Killed (inactivated) vaccines
  • Attributes
  • Immune response
  • poor  only antibody - no cell immediated immune
  • response is short-lived and multiple doses are
  • may be enhanced by the incorporation of adjuvants
    into the vaccine preparation (see below)
  • 1. Safety
  • Inactivated, therefore cannot replicate in the
    host and cause disease.
  • Local reactions at the site of injection may
  • 2. Stability
  • Efficacy of the vaccine does not rely on the
    viability of the organisms.
  • These vaccines tend to be able to withstand more
    adverse storage conditions.
  • 3. Expense
  • Expensive to prepare

Killed (inactivated) vaccines
  • When safe live vaccines are not available, either
    because attenuated strains have not been
    developed or else because reversion to wild type
    occurs too readily, it may be possible to use an
    inactivated  preparation of the virulent organism
    to immunize the host.
  • The organism is propagated in bulk, in vitro, and
    inactivated with either beta-propiolactone or
    formaldehyde. These vaccines are not infectious
    and are therefore relatively safe. However, they
    are usually of lower immunogenicity and multiple
    doses may be needed to induce immunity. In
    addition, they are usually expensive to prepare.
  • Subcellular fractions
  • When protective immunity is known to be directed
    against only one or two proteins of an organism,
    it may be possible to use a purified preparation
    of these proteins as a vaccine. The organism is
    grown in bulk and inactivated, and then the
    protein of interest is purified and concentrated
    from the culture suspension. These vaccines are
    safe and fewer local reactions occur at the
    injection site. However, the same disadvantages
    of poor immunogenicity and the need for multiple
    boosters applies.
  • Recombinant proteins
  • Immunogenic proteins of virulent organisms may be
    synthesized artificially by introducing the gene
    coding for the protein into an expression vector,
    such as E-coli or yeasts. The protein of interest
    can be extracted from lysates of the expression
    vector, then concentrated and purified for use as
    a vaccine. The only example of such a vaccine, in
    current use, is the hepatitis B vaccine.

Type of Vaccine Subunit Vaccines
  • Subunit vaccines dispense with the entire microbe
    and just use important parts of it the antigens
    that stimulate the immune system
  • The chances of an adverse reaction to the vaccine
    are lower
  • Downside identifying the precise antigens which
    best stimulate the immune system is difficult and
  • It may be possible to manufacture the antigen
    molecules using recombinant DNA technology

Subunit Vaccines
  • Immune response can be stimulated by one or a set
    of viral proteins.
  • This was first demonstrated by hepatitis B and
    influenza vaccines
  • These can be a lot safer than attenuated or
    inactivated vaccines
  • The subunits included are determined by
    identifying which proteins the antibodies
  • Subunits vaccines
  • Composed solely of purified protein
  • can be delivered to body by means of a
    nonpathogenic virus, bacteria, etc

Type of vaccine Toxoid Vaccines
  • Toxoid vaccines are used when a bacterial toxin
    (i.e. a harmful chemical given off by the
    microbe) is the main cause of the illness
  • The bacterial toxins are inactivated by treating
    them with a solution of formaldehyde
  • These detoxified toxins are called toxoids and
    are safe for use in vaccines
  • The immune system produces antibodies that lock
    onto and block the toxin.

Type of Vaccine Conjugate Vaccines
  • Sometimes microbes contain an outer coating of
    polysaccharides that hide the antigens so that
    younger childrens immune system cant recognize
  • Scientists overcome this obstacle by linking
    antigens that a child can respond to to the
  • That way, the childs immune system will become
    trained to respond to the foreign polysaccharides

Type of vaccine DNA Vaccines
  • DNA vaccines would use the naked DNA from a few
    genes of the invading organism
  • Those genes would be introduced into the body,
    taken up by some of the cells
  • Those host cells would then produce the antigens
    molecules, allowing them to be displayed and
    stimulating the immune system
  • The hosts own cells would become the
    vaccine-making factory
  • Still experimental, but being tested against
    malaria, influenza, herpes, and HIV
  • In another version, called a vector vaccine the
    DNA is ferried into the host cells by harmless

Type of Vaccine Combination Vaccine
  • Several vaccines are combined into one dose
  • DTP diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis
  • MMR measles, mumps, rebella

  • Certain substances, when administered
    simultaneously with a specific antigen, will
    enhance the immune response to that antigen. Such
    compounds are routinely included in inactivated
    or purified antigen vaccines.
  • Adjuvants in common use
  • Aluminium salts
  • First safe and effective compound to be used in
    human vaccines.
  • It promotes a good antibody response, but poor
    cell mediated immunity.
  • Form precipitate with antigen, making complex
    more antigenic
  • 2. Liposomes and Immunostimulating complexes
  • 3. Complete Freunds adjuvant is an emulsion of
    Mycobacteria, oil and water
  • Too toxic for man
  • Induces a good cell mediated  immune response.
  • 4. Incomplete Freund's adjuvant as above, but
    without Mycobacteria.
  • 5. Muramyl di-peptide
  • Derived from Mycobacterial cell wall.
  • 6. Cytokines
  • IL-2, IL-12 and Interferon-gamma.
  • Possible modes of action
  • By trapping antigen in the tissues,  thus
    allowing maximal exposure to dendritic cells and
    specific T and B lymphocytes.
  • By activating antigen-presenting cells to secrete
    cytokines that enhance the recruitment of
    antigen-specific T and B cells to the site of

Timeline of Vaccines
  • 18th century
  • 1796 First vaccine for smallpox, first vaccine
    for any disease
  • 19th century
  • 1882 First vaccine for rabies
  • 20th century
  • 1932 First vaccine for yellow fever
  • 1945 First vaccine for influenza
  • 1952 First vaccine for polio
  • 1954 First vaccine for Japanese encephalitis
  • 1957 First vaccine for adenovirus-4 and 7
  • 1962 First oral polio vaccine
  • 1964 First vaccine for measles
  • 1967 First vaccine for mumps
  • 1970 First vaccine for rubella
  • 1974 First vaccine for chicken pox
  • 1977 First vaccine for pneumonia
  • 1978 First vaccine for meningitis
  • 1981 First vaccine for hepatitis B
  • 1992 First vaccine for hepatitis A

DNA Vaccines
  • DNA vaccines are at present experimental, but
    hold promise for future therapy since they will
    evoke both humoral and cell-mediated immunity,
    without the dangers associated with live virus
  • The gene for an antigenic determinant of a
    pathogenic organism is inserted into a plasmid.
     This genetically engineered plasmid comprises
    the DNA vaccine which is then injected into the
    host.  Within the host cells, the foreign gene
    can be expressed (transcribed and translated)
    from the plasmid DNA, and if sufficient amounts
    of the foreign protein are produced, they will
    elicit an immune response.
  • in recent years a new type of vaccine, created
    from an infectious agent's DNA called DNA
    vaccination, has been developed. It works by
    insertion (and expression, triggering immune
    system recognition) into human or animal cells,
    of viral or bacterial DNA. These cells then
    develop immunity against an infectious agent,
    without the effects other parts of a weakened
    agent's DNA might have. As of 2006, DNA
    vaccination is still experimental, but shows some
    promising results.

Vaccines in General Use
  • Measles
  • Live attenuated virus grown in chick embryo
    fibroblasts, first introduced in the 1960's. Its
    extensive use has led to the virtual eradication
    of measles in the first world. In developed
    countries, the vaccine is administered to all
    children in the second year of life (at about 15
    months). However, in developing countries, where
    measles is still widespread, children tend to
    become infected early (in the first year), which
    frequently results in severe disease. It is
    therefore important to administer the vaccine as
    early as possible (between six months and a
    year). If the vaccine is administered too early,
    however, there is a poor take rate due to the
    interference by maternal antibody. For this
    reason, when vaccine is administered before the
    age of one year, a booster dose is recommended at
    15 months.

MeaslesUnited States, 1950-2002
  • Vaccine Licensed

Vaccines in General Use
  • Mumps
  • Live attenuated virus developed in the 1960's.  
    In first world countries it is administered
    together with measles and rubella at 15 months in
    the MMR vaccine.
  • The current "Jeryl Lynn" strain of the mumps
    vaccine was developed by Dr. Maurice Hillman from
    the mumps virus that infected his 5-year-old
    daughter (whose name was Jeryl Lynn). This
    vaccine, combined with rubella or both rubella
    and measles vaccines (MMR), has been widely used
    worldwide (300 million doses given) since it was
    approved by the FDA in 1967.

  • MumpsUnited States, 1968- 2002

Vaccines in General Use
  • Polio
  • Two highly effective vaccines containing all 3
    strains of poliovirus are in general use
  • The killed virus vaccine (Salk, 1954) is used
    mainly in Sweden, Finland, Holland and Iceland.
  • The live attenuated oral polio vaccine (Sabin,
    1957) has been adopted in most parts of the
    world  its chief advantages being low cost, the
    fact that it induces mucosal immunity and the
    possibility that, in poorly immunized
    communities, vaccine strains might replace
    circulating wild strains and improve herd
    immunity.  Against this is the risk of reversion
    to virulence (especially of types 2 and 3) and
    the fact that the vaccine is sensitive to storage
    under adverse conditions. - Orimune
  • The inactivated Salk vaccine is recommended for
    children who are immunosuppressed.
  • 3 types of live polio virus, magnesium chloride,
    amino acid, polysorbate 80, purified water,
    neomycin, sulphate, streptomycin, penicillin and
    monkey kidney cell cultures.

  • PoliomyelitisUnited States, 1950-2002

Vaccines in General Use
  • Rubella
  • Live attenuated virus. Rubella causes a mild
    febrile illness in children, but if infection
    occurs during pregnancy, the fetus may develop
    severe congenital abnormalities. Two vaccination
    policies have been adopted in the first world. In
    the USA, the vaccine is administered to all
    children in their second year of life (in an
    attempt to eradicate infection), while in
    Britain, until recently, only post pubertal girls
    were vaccinated.  It was feared that if the
    prevalence of rubella in the community fell, then
    infection in the unimmunized might occur later -
    thus increasing the likelihood of infection
    occurring in the child-bearing years.  This
    programme has since been abandoned in Britain and
    immunization of all children is the current
  • MMR live measles virus, live mumps virus, live
    rubella virus, chick embryo, human foetal cells,
    neomycin, sorbitol, gelatine.

  • RubellaUnited States, 1966-2002

Vaccines in General Use
  • Rabies
  • No safe attenuated strain of rabies virus has yet
    been developed for humans. Vaccines in current
    use include
  • The neurotissue vaccine - here the virus is grown
    in the spinal cords of rabbits, and then
    inactivated with beta-propiolactone. There is a
    high incidence of neurological complications
    following administration of this vaccine due to a
    hypersensitivity reaction to the myelin in the
    preparation and largely it has been replaced by
  • A human diploid cell culture-derived vaccine
    (also inactivated) which is much safer.
  • There are two situations where vaccine is given
    a) Post-exposure prophylaxis, following the bite
    of a rabid animalA course of 5-6 intramuscular
    injections, starting on the day of exposure.
    Hyperimmune rabies globulin may also administered
    on the day of exposure.
  • b) Pre-exposure prophylaxis is used for
    protection of those whose occupation puts them at
    risk of infection with rabies  for example,
    vets, abbatoir and laboratory workers. This
    schedule is 2 doses one month apart ,and a
    booster dose one year later. (Further boosters
    every 2-3 years should be given if risk of
    exposure continues).

Virus Vaccine Brand Name Type Route
Hepatitis A Havrix Inactivated Intramuscular
Hepatitis A VAQTA Inactivated Intramuscular
Hepatitis B Recombivax Subunit Intramuscular
Hepatitis B Engerix-B Subunit Intramuscular
Influenza Fluzone Whole Inactivated Intramuscular
Influenza Fluzone, FlueShield Split-Virion Intramuscular
Influenza Fluvirin Subunit Intramuscular
Japanese Encephalitis JE-Vax Inactivated Subcutaneous
Measles Attenuvax Live Attenuated Subcutaneous
Mumps Mumpsvax Live Attenuated Subcutaneous
Polio Orimune Inactivated Salk Subcutaneous
Polio IPOL, Poliovax Live Attenuated Sabin Oral
Rabies HDCV Inactivated Intramuscular
Rabies RVA Inactivated Intramuscular
Rabies RabAvert Inactivated Intramuscular
Rotavirus RotaShield Live Attenuated Oral
Rubella Meruvax II Live Attenuated Subcutaneous
Varicella-Zoster Varivax Live Attenuated Intramuscular
Yellow Fever YF-Vax Live Attenuated Subcutaneous
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