Title: Arts and Aging Programs: Best Practice
1Arts and Aging Programs Best Practice
- National Center for Creative Aging
2NCCA Mission
- NCCA is dedicated to fostering the vital
relationship between creative expression and
healthy aging - And to develop programs that build on this
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- Aging in America
- Demographic shift by 2030
- Over 70 million people will be over 65
- The number of people over 85 will triple.
- People are living longer and healthier lives
- Shift from seeing older people as a problem, to
seeing older people for their potential! - Older people seeking meaning and purposeful
engagement - Quality of life matters
- New opportunities with the baby boomers on the
- Creativity and Aging Study
- The Impact of Professionally Conducted Cultural
Programs on Older Americans - Dr. Gene Cohen, M.D. Ph.D.
- Elders Share the Arts, Brooklyn
- Center for Youth and Elders in the Arts, San
Francisco - Levine School of Music, Washington, DC
8Creativity and Aging Research
- Indicators
- Social engagement
- Mastery
9Creativity and Aging Research
- Better health
- Less doctor visits
- Less medication
- Increase in activities and social engagement
10Best Practice Guiding Principals
- Follow older adult learning principles
- Sequentially developed programs
- Led by professional artists
- Programs are evaluated
- Sustainable
11Key concerns for programming
- Ageism look across the aging continuum
- Cultural sensitivity
- Cross generational development
12Best Practice EDUCATIONLifelong learning
through the arts
- Senior Centers
- Community Schools for the Arts
- Libraries
- Higher Education extension divisions in
universities - Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes
- Elderhostel programs
- Distance Learning Programs DOROT
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21Arts Aging in Community Settings
- Opportunities for civic engagement
- Building community
- Creating partnerships
22Community based arts organizations
- Elders Share the Arts, New York City
- Arts for the Aging, Washington, DC
- Center for Elders and Youth in the Arts, San
Francisco, CA - Stagebridge Theater, Oakland, CA
23Cross generational Programs
- Schools and senior centers
- After school programs
- Shared sites nursery and adult day care
- Residencies by professional companies
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32Audience enrichment
- Discount tickets for older people
- Performing arts centers
- Theaters
- Museums
33Arts and Healthcare
- Clinical settings
- Art Therapies
- Fine Arts
- TimeSlips
- Memories in the Making
- Dancing Heart of Kairos
- Modern Museum of Art in NYC
34Why arts and aging?
- Research shows that arts create healthy aging
through mastery and social engagement. - People are living longer and healthier lives with
meaning and purpose.
35Where are the resources? Build community arts
- State and local arts councils and artists
- Schools of the arts
- Libraries
- Museums
- Community Theaters
- Schools (K-12)
- Higher education programs
36Where are the resources?Funding possibilities
- Grants from Foundations
- Underwriting from Banks and Corporations
- Open an store
- Hold underwritten events
- Fee-for-service to cover class costs
- Find community sponsors (LCDC)
- Support from local government
- Individual donors
37NCCA services
- Information and Resources
- Arts and Aging Creativity Matters Toolkit
- Arts and Aging Directory
- Clearinghouse for best practice programs
- Education
- Onsite and distance learning
- Research and development
- Evidence based research studies
- Advocacy and Policy
- Leadership symposia
- News briefs
38Arts and AgingCreativity Matters Toolkit
- Available free online in April
- Hard Copy 35
- Examples for this presentation were taken from
the Toolkit
39National Center for Creative AgingInformation
and Resources
- National Center for Creative Aging
- an affiliate of George Washington Univ.
- 4125 Albemarle Street NW
- Washington, DC 20016
- 202.895.9416
- www.creativeaging.org
- info_at_creativeaging.org
40Dont Forget Your Free Copy of Aging in Stride
NCOA and Caresource are pleased to offer
first-time registrants for this Healthy Aging
Briefing Series a complimentary copy of the book,
Aging in Stride, which includes the new
supplement Just In Case Emergency Readiness for
Older Adults and Caregivers. To receive your
copy, please visit www.AgingInStride.org/NCOAoffer
. Or just email service_at_caresource.com with your
name, title, organization, mailing address, phone
number, and date of the briefing you participated
in. One free copy per registrant, please.