Title: Electronic Portfolios
1Electronic Portfolios
Gil Diaz, April Moore, and Amy Duncan
- Gil Diaz
- Educational Technology
- Curriculum Coordinator
- San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools
April Moore Secondary Literacy Curriculum
Coordinator San Bernardino County Superintendent
of Schools
Amy Duncan Program Specialist West End SELPA San
Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools
- Now that we have all this data, how are you
coming together as teachers administrators to
evaluate student achievement and drive
instruction? - Do the numbers reflect the individual learning
levels of students?
4PortfoliosBackground Research
- Purposes of Portfolios
- Learning
- Assessment/Growth
- Employment
- Marketing
- Showcase/best work
- Key characteristics of a student portfolio
include - Selection, charting growth over time
- Reflection, both on individual pieces and
holistically (metacognition) - Presentation
5PortfoliosBackground Research
Barrett, Helen C. White Paper Researching
Electronic Portfolios and Learner Engagement.
The REFLECT Initiative. 2005. http//electronic
6ePortfolio Outcomes
- ePortfolios promote
- Students articulating their understanding of
their learning - Accountability for the achievement of all
students -
- Effective transition across grade levels and
instructional programs - An analytical view of the individual childs
learning - Parent/home communication
7Paper vs. Electronic Portfolios
- Student Engagement
- Professional Application of Technology Skills
- Longevity of Portfolio
- Accessibility/Storage
- Paper
- Collecting
- Selecting
- Reflecting
- Projecting
- Celebrating
- Electronic
- Archiving
- Linking/Thinking
- Storytelling
- Collaborating
- Publishing
8Equipment Needed
- Multimedia Programs
- ePORT subscription/ internet access required
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Microsoft Word
- Any web authoring program
- Scanner and/or Digital Camera
- Computer
- Additional multimedia devices
- Digital Voice Recorder, i.e.. iPod with
microphone recorder - Digital Video Camera
9Student SampleePORTS
10Student SampleePORTS
IEP Template
Mrs. Diaz
11Student SampleePORTS
12 How do you see ePortfolios impacting the
educational outcomes for you, your staff, and
ultimately your students?
13- Resources from todays presentation will be
available at - www.sbcsseport.org
- Click on E and
- West Coast Effective Schools
14- For additional information
- please contact Gil and April
- at 909-386-2696
15- Resources from todays presentation will be
available at - www.sbcsseport.org
- Click on E and
- West Coast Effective Schools