Title: Training 5. Has the supply section established and conducted
5. Has the supply section established and
conducted a training program for the Responsible
Officers? (Data collection only) CF1,2
Responsible Officer/ Responsible Individual
Supply Personnel
Commanding Officer
Formal entry level ESBC/EWBC (Pvt LCpl)
Formal entry level GSOC (WO 2ndLt)
Commanders Course
RO training
Optional intermediate level ESIC/GSCC (NCO / SNCO)
Sustainment training HHQ / MSC (All)
4. Have enlisted Marines attended formal follow
on training for appropriate grade? (Data
collection only) CF 2
Sustainment training HHQ / MSC (All)
2. Does the Supply section maintain training
jackets/folders with current Training and
Readiness (TR) standards for Military
Occupational specialties (MOS)? (para 1011 of MCO
P4400.150E, Section E, Chapter 2 of Marine Corps
Manual, NAVMC 3500.64, and MCRP 3-0B, appendix
B) (Weight 4) CF 2
1. Has an MOS sustainment training program been
established within the Supply section in
accordance with TR standards? (para 1011 of MCO
P4400.150E, Section E, Chapter 2 of Marine Corps
Manual, NAVMC 3500.64, and MCRP 3-0B, appendix
B) (Weight 4) CF 2
Critical Factors Critical Factor 1 The RO
needs to be trained how to manage his/her CMR,
specifically regarding internal procedures for
the addition/removal of equipment. Critical
Factor 2 The Supply personnel must be
adequately trained in order to proficiently
execute their pertinent duties related to
property accountability.
Personnel assignment
Establish and maintain trng records for a Supply
Appoint SupO RO
Certificate of relief
Appointment / Acceptance letters
Appointment / Acceptance letters
SOP/Desktops/ Turnover binders
3. Have applicable desktop procedures/turnover
folders been prepared for each billet involving
administrative and management functions? (para
1008 of MCO P4400.150E) (Weight 4) CF 2
Training material available at Supply School
share point
HHQ Guidance / Orders Directives (See
Sustainment Mgmt flow process)
Supply Officers communication
responsibilities to CO
28 September 2010