Title: Radiation Detection Instrumentation Fundamentals
1Radiation Detection Instrumentation Fundamentals
2Radiation Detection Instrumentation Fundamentals
- Includes
- Basic operation principles of different types of
radiation detectors - Physical processes underlying the principles of
operation of these devices, and - Comparing and selecting instrumentation best
suited for different applications.
3General Principles of Radiation Detection
- Gas-Filled Detectors
- Scintillation Detectors
- Solid State Detectors
- Others
5Gas-Filled Detectors - Components
- Variable voltage source
- Gas-filled counting chamber
- Two coaxial electrodes well insulated from each
other - Electron-pairs
- produced by radiation in fill gas
- move under influence of electric field
- produce measurable current on electrodes, or
- transformed into pulse
6Gas- Filled Detectors - one example
fill gas
Anode ()
End window Or wall
Cathode (-)
7Indirect Ionization Process
e -
e -
e -
e -
e -
e -
e -
e -
Incident gamma photon
8Direct Ionization Process
e -
beta (ß-)
e -
e -
e -
e -
e -
e -
e -
Incident charged particle
9Competing Processes - recombination
e -
e -
10Voltage versus Ions Collected
Recom- bination region
Ionization region
Number of Ion Pairs collected
Saturation Voltage
100 of initial ions are collected
11Saturation Current
- The point at which 100 of ions begin to be
collected - All ion chambers operate at a voltage that
produces a saturation current - The region over which the saturation current is
produced is called the ionization region - It levels the voltage range because all charges
are already collected and rate of formation is
12Observed Output Pulse Height
- Ions collected
- Number of ionizations relate to specific
ionization value of radiation - Gas filled detectors operate in either
- current mode
- Output is an average value resulting from
detection of many values - pulse mode
- One pulse per particle
13Pulse Height Variation
Alpha Particles
Pulse Height
Beta Particles
Gamma Photons
Detector Voltage
14Ionization Region Recap
- Pulse size depends on ions produced in
detector. - No multiplication of ions due to secondary
ionization (gas amplification is unity) - Voltage produced (V) Q/C
- Where
- Q is total charge collected
- C is capacitance of the ion chanber
15Ionization Chambers, continued
- Chambers construction determines is operating
characteristics - Physical size, geometry, and materials define its
ability to maintain a charge - Operates at a specific voltage
- When operating, the charge collected due to
ionizing events is - Q C?V
16Ionization Chambers, continued
- The number of ions (N) collected can be obtained
once the charge is determined - N Q / k
- Where k is a conversion factor
- (1.6 x 10-19C/e)
17Other Aspects of Gas-Filled Detectors
- Accuracy of measurement
- Detector Walls composed of air equivalent
material or - tissue equivalent
- Wall thickness
- must allow radiation to enter/ cause interactions
- alpha radiation requires thin wall (allowed to
pass) - gammas require thicker walls (interactions
needed) - Sensitivity
- Air or Fill gas Pressure
- see next graph
18Current vs. Voltage for Fill Gases in a
Cylindrical Ion Chamber
Air at high pressure
Helium at high pressure
Relative Current ()
Air at low pressure
Helium at low pressure
Applied Voltage (volts)
19Correcting Ion Chambers for T, P
- Ion chambers operate in pressurized mode which
varies with ambient conditions - Detector current (I) and exposure rate X are
functions of gas temperature and pressure as well
as physical size of detector.
20Correcting Ion Chambers for T, P
- Detector current (I) and exposure rate (X)
related by - k, conversion factor
- ? detector gas density
- V detector volume
- STP standard temp and pressure (273K, 760 torr (1
21Operating Regions of Gas-Filled Detectors
Proportional Region
Pulse Height
Ionization Region
Continuous Discharge Region
Recombination Region
Limited Proportional Region
Geiger-Mueller Region
22Values of k, Conversion Factor
- Calculated as
- (2.58 x 10- 4C/kg-R)(1 h / 3600 s)( 1 A s / C)
- Yields 7.17 x 10- 8 A-h/R-kg
24Proportional Counters
- Operates at higher voltage than ionization
chamber - Initial electrons produced by ionization
- are accelerated with enough speed to cause
additional ionizations - cause additional free electrons
- produces more electrons than initial event
- Process is termed gas amplification
25Pulse-Height Versus Voltage
Ionization Region
Proportional Region
Recombination Region
Pulse Height
26Distinguishing Alpha Beta
- Proportional counters
- can distinguish between different radiation types
- specifically alpha and beta-gamma
- Differential detection capability
- due to size of pulses produced by initial
ionizing events - requires voltage setting in range of 900 to 1,300
volts - alpha pulses above discriminator
- beta/gamma pulses too small
27Alpha Beta-Gamma Plateau
Ionization Current
Beta-Gamma Plateau
Alpha Plateau
Detector Voltage
28Gas Flow Proportional Counters
- Common type of proportional counter
- Fixed radiation detection instrument used in
counting rooms - Windowed or windowless
- Both employ 2? geometry
- essentially all radiation emitted from the
surface of the source enters active volume of
detector - Windowless
- used for alpha detection
29Gas-Flow Proportional Counter
30Gas-Flow Proportional Counter
Fill gas outlet
Fill gas inlet
(window- optional)
Sample planchet
31Gas Flow Proportional, continued
- Fill gas
- selected to enhance gas multiplication
- no appreciable electron attachment
- most common is P-10 (90 Argon and 10 methane)
32Geiger Mueller Detectors
- Operate at voltages above proportional detectors
- Each primary ionization
- produces a complete avalanche of ions throughout
the detector volume - called a Townsend Avalanche
- continues until maximum number of ion pairs are
produced - avalanche may be propagated by photoelectrons
- quenching is used to prevent process
33Geiger Mueller Detectors, continued
- No proportional relationship between energy of
incident radiation and number of ionizations
detected - A level pulse height occurs throughout the entire
voltage range
34Advantages/Disadvantages of Gas-Filled Detectors
- Ion Chamber simple, accurate, wide range,
sensitivity is function of chamber size, no dead
time - Proportional Counter discriminate hi/lo LET,
higher sensitivity than ion chamber - GM Tube cheap, little/no amplification, thin
window for low energy limited life
35Points to Remember for Gas-filled Detectors
- Know operating principles of your detector
- Contamination only?
- High range?
- Alpha / beta detection?
- Dose rate?
- Alpha/beta shield?
36Points to Remember for Gas-filled Detectors
- Power supply requirements
- Stable?
- Batteries ok?
- Temperature, pressure correction requirements
- Calibration
- Frequency
- Nuclides
37Issues with Gas Filled Detectors Dead Time
- Minimum time at which detector recovers enough to
start another avalanche (pulse) - The dead time may be set by
- limiting processes in the detector, or
- associated electronics
- Dead time losses
- can become severe in high counting rates
- corrections must be made to measurements
- Term is used loosely - beware!
38Issues with Gas Filled Detectors Recovery Time
- Time interval between dead time and full recovery
- Recovery Time Resolving time- dead time
39Issues with Gas Filled Detectors Resolving Time
- Minimum time interval that must elapse after
detection of an ionizing particle before a second
particle can be detected.
40Correcting for Dead Time
- For some systems (GMs) dead time may be large.
- A correction to the observed count rate can be
calculated as - Where
- T is the resolving time
- R0 is the observed count rate and
- RC is the corrected count rate
41Relationship among dead time, recovery time, and
resolving time
Pulse Height
Dead Time
Recovery time
Resolving time
Time, microseconds
42Geiger Tube as Exposure Meter
- Exposure is the parameter measuring the
ionization of air. - Geiger tube measures ionization pulses per second
- a count rate. - The number of ionizations in the Geiger tube is a
constant for a particular energy but is energy
- GMs have a high sensitivity but are very
dependent upon the energy of photon radiations. - The next graph illustrates the relative response
(R) of a typical GM vs photon energy (E). - At about 60 keV the response reaches a maximum
which may be thirty times higher than the
detectors response at other radiation energies.
44Energy Response of GM Uncompensated
E, keV
- Detectors poor energy response may be corrected
by adding a compensation sheath - Thin layers of metal are constructed around the
GM to attenuate the lower photon energies, where
the fluence per unit dose rate is high, to a
higher degree than the higher energies. - The modified or compensated response, shown as a
dashed line on the next graph, may be independent
of energy within 20 over the range 50 keV to
1.25 MeV. - Compensation sheaths also influence an
instruments directional (polar) response and
prevent beta and very low energy photon
radiations from reaching the Geiger tube.
46Energy Response of GM Uncompensated and
47Example Polar Response
48Example of Compensated GM
- Pocket meter
- low power components
- automatic self checks
- essential functions accessed while wearing
protective gloves. - Alarm-LED can be seen while the instrument is
worn in a belt-holster. - Instrument also equipped with a built in vibrator
and an earphone-output for silent alarming or use
in very noisy environment. - Number of optional components
- Options
- RadEye PRD - High Sensitivity Personal Radiation
Detector - The RadEye PRD is 5000 - 100000 times more
sensitive than typical electronic dosimeter. - The RadEye PRD uses Natural Background Rejection
(NBR) technology. It is the only instrument of
its type and size to achieve this. - Probably a plastic scintillator more about this
- Options
- RadEye G - Wide Range Gamma Survey Meter for
Personal Radiation Protection - linearity over 6 decades of radiation intensity
from background level to 5 R/h - overrange indication up to 1000 R/h.
- RadEye G incorporates a large energy compensated
GM-tube for dose rate measurement for gamma and
x-ray. - NBR Natural Background RejectionThe NBR
measurement technology has been developed by
Thermo Electron for the supression of alarms
caused by variations of the natural background.
- Emit light when irradiated
- promptly (lt10-8s)
- fluorescence
- delayed (gt10-8s)
- phosphorescence
- Can be
- liquid
- solid
- gas
- organic
- inorganic
54Basis of Scintillation - Energy Structure in an
Excited state
Ground state, last filled (outer) orbital
55Basis of Scintillation - Energy Structure in a
Excited state
Ground state
Interatomic distance
56Scintillator Properties
- A large number of different scintillation
crystals exist for a variety of applications. - Some important characteristics of scintillators
are - Density and atomic number (Z)
- Light output (wavelength intensity)
- Decay time (duration of the scintillation light
pulse) - Mechanical and optical properties
- Cost
57Liquid scintillation counting
- Standard laboratory method for measuring
radiation from beta-emitting nuclides. - Samples are dissolved or suspended in a
"cocktail" containing an aromatic solvent
(historically benzene or toluene, and small
amounts of other additives known as fluors. - Beta particles transfer energy to the solvent
molecules, which in turn transfer their energy to
the fluors - Excited fluor molecules dissipate the energy by
emitting light. - Each beta emission (ideally) results in a pulse
of light. - Scintillation cocktails may contain additives to
shift the wavelength of the emitted light to make
it more easily detected. - Samples are placed in small transparent or
translucent (often glass) vials that are loaded
into an instrument known as a liquid
scintillation counter.
58Organic Scintillators
Excited state
Ground state
Interatomic distance
59Inorganic (Crystal) Scintillators
- Most are crystals of alkali metals (iodides)
- NaI(Tl)
- CsI(Tl)
- CaI(Na)
- LiI(Eu)
- CaF2(Eu)
- Impurity in trace amounts
- activator causes luminescence
- e.g., (Eu) is 10-3 of crystal
60Organic vs. Inorganic Scintillators
- Inorganic scintillators have greater
- light output
- longer delayed light emission
- higher atomic numbers
- than organic scintillators
- Inorganic scintillators also
- linear energy response (light output is ? energy
61Solid Scintillators
- Solids have
- Lattice structure (molecular level)
- Quantized energy levels
- Valence bands
- Conduction bands
62Crystal Lattice
Shared electron pair
63Creation of Quantized Bands
64Introduction of Impurities
Conduction Band
Donor impurity levels
0.01 eV
1 eV
Acceptor impurity levels
Valence Band
65Detecting Scintillator Output- PhotoCathode
Photomultiplier Tubes
- Radiation interaction in scintillator produces
light (may be in visible range) - Quantification of output requires light
amplification and detection device(s) - This is accomplished with the
- Photocathode
- Photomultiplier tube
- Both components are
- placed together as one unit
- optically coupled to the scintillator
66Cutaway diagram of solid-fluor scintillation
67Cutaway diagram of solid-fluor scintillation
Scintillation event
Photomultiplier tube
Gamma ray
Fluor crystal NaI (Tl)
Reflector housing
68Major components of PM Tube
- Photocathode material
- Dynodes
- electrodes which eject additional electrons after
being struck by an electron - Multiple dynodes result in 106 or more signal
enhancement - Collector
- accumulates all electrons produced from final
dynode - Resistor
- collected current passed through resistor to
generate voltage pulse
69Generalized Detection System using a Scintillator
(Crystal Photomultiplier)
Pre- Amp
Multi- Channel Analyzer
High Voltage
70Liquid Scintillation Systems
- Used to detect low energy (ie., low range)
radiations - beta
- alpha
- Sample is immersed in scintillant
- Provides 4 ? geometry
- Quenching can limit output
- chemical
- color quenching
- optical quenching
71Chemical Quenching
- Dissipation of energy prior to transfer from
organic solvent to scintillator - Reduces total light output
- Common chemical quenching agents
- Dissolved oxygen is most common
- Acids
- Excessive concentration of one component (e.g.,
primary fluor) - Too little scintillation media
- halogenated hydrocarbons
72Color Quenching
- Absorption of light photons after they are
emitted from the scintillator - Reduces total light output
- Common color quenching agents
- light absorbing contaminants
- blood
- urine
- tissues samples
73Optical Quenching
- Absorption of light photons after they are
emitted from the scintillator liquid and before
they reach the PMT - Reduces total light output
- Common optical quenching agents
- fingerprints
- condensation
- dirt on the LS vials
74Circuitry in LSC systems
- Shielded counting well
- Two (or more) PMTs optically coupled to sample
well - Coincidence circuitry to compare PMT pulses
- Pulse Summation Circuit
- adds signals from PMTs
- gates single pulse to amplifier
- summation circuit doubles height of signal
75Coincidence Circuitry
- Used to reduce noise
- Limit thermionic emissions
- spontaneous emissions from within the PMT
- Directly opposing PMT tubes
- connected to coincidence circuit
- gated outputs from both tubes
- only simultaneous signal from both will be
accepted - only one signal is not accepted
- simultaneous signals are summed
- Applied to Liquid Scintillation Systems
76Coincidence Anticoincidence Circuitry
- Sometimes desirable to discard pulses due to some
radiations accept only those from a single type
of particle. - Examples
- detection of pair-production events (accept only
simultaneous detection of 180 apart photons) - detection of internal conversion electrons
- radioisotopes with IC electrons emit gammas
X-rays. - A single detector counts IC and compton
electrons. - Use X-rays that are emitted simultaneously with
IC block Compton events
77A simple coincidence circuit
Multi-channel Analyzer
Coincidence Unit
After Tsoulfanidis, 1995
78Basic LSC System
Beckman LS 6500 Liquid Scintillation
Counting System.
79Single summed pulse spectra
With pulse summation
Counts/ Min
Without pulse summation
Pulse Height
80Correcting for Quench
- Quench correction
- any quenching that occurs in sample results in
shift of pulse height spectrum toward lower
values - Techniques
- purge sample with N2, CO2, or Ar (removes O2
chemical quench - bleach or decolorize sample (reduces color
quench) - handle LSC vials by top/bottom wiping vials
clean prior to counting (reduces optical
81Alternative Methods
- Channel ratio method
- two energy windows established
- known amount of radioactivity is added to varying
concentrations of quenching agent - ratio of net counts in upper channel over lower
channel vs quench correction is plotted - Disadvantage
- low count rates require longer counting times
- multiple calibration curves may be required for
- range
- quenching agents
82Alternative Methods
- Internal standard method
- older technique
- sample is counted
- known quantity of radioisotope is added
- sample recounted
- Efficiency (cpm(stdsample)
cpm(sample))/dpm(std) - Most accurate method
- requires ability to add same amount of
radionuclide each time - more costly time consuming
83Alternative Methods
- External standard method
- relies on gamma source (226Ra or 133Ba) adjacent
to sample - two sets of calibration curves are derived
- sample standard count is plotted versus amount of
quench agent - Net External Counts - External Sample Std cpm
- Sample Standard cpm - Disadvantages
- least accurate of available methods
- samples must be counted twice
- sample uniformly dispersed in counting vials
84Pulse Height Discrimination
- Light produced per disintegration of a
radioactive atom - is related to particle type (alpha, beta, gamma),
- and energy (keV - MeV).
- Pulse height increases with energy
- Example (follows) beta emitters of varying
energies - 3H, ?max 18.6 keV
- 14C, ?max 156 keV
- 32P, ?max 1.71 MeV
85Pulse Height Discriminationfor three common beta
Count Rate
Pulse Height
86Background Efficiency Checks on LSC
- Essential - LSCs are essentially proportional
counters change in potential impacts gain - Efficiency depends on several variables
- temperature
- quenching (? determine counting efficiency for
every sample) - Background efficiency checks needed with every
run - contamination
- efficiency changes
87Field Applications for Liquid and Solid
Scintillation Counters
- Solid Scintillators
- in-situ measurement of low to high energy gammas
- laboratory systems
- spectroscopy
- SCA or MCA mode
- Liquid Scintillators
- wipe tests
- contaminants in solids (concrete)
- contaminants in aqueous/organic liquids
88Selecting Scintillators - Density and Atomic
- Efficient detection of gamma-rays requires
material with a high density and high Z - Inorganic scintillation crystals meet the
requirements of stopping power and optical
transparency, - Densities range from roughly 3 to 9 g/cm3
- Very suitable to absorb gamma rays.
- Materials with high Z-values are used for
spectroscopy at high energies (gt1 MeV).
89Linear Attenuation of NaI
90Relative Importance of Three Major Interaction
- The lines show the values of Z and hv for which
the two neighboring effects are just equal
91Light output of Scintillators
- Scintillation material with a high light output
is preferred for all spectroscopic applications. - Emission wavelength should be matched to the
sensitivity of the light detection device that is
used (PMT of photodiode).
92Decay time
- Scintillation light pulses (flashes) are usually
characterized by a fast increase of the intensity
in time (pulse rise time) followed by an
exponential decrease. - Decay time of a scintillator is defined by the
time after which the intensity of the light pulse
has returned to 1/e of its maximum value. - Most scintillators are characterized by more than
one decay time and usually, the effective average
decay time is given - The decay time is of importance for fast counting
and/or timing applications
93Mechanical and Optical Properties
- NaI(Tl) is one of the most important
scintillants. - Hygroscopic
- Can only be used in hermetically sealed metal
containers - Some scintillation crystals may easily crack or
cleave under mechanical pressure - CsI is plastic and will deform.
- Important aspects of commonly used scintillation
materials are listed on the next 2 slides. - The list is not exhaustive, and each
scintillation crystal has its own specific
application. - For high resolution spectroscopy, NaI(Tl), or
CsI(Na) (high light output) are normally used. - For high energy physics applications, the use of
bismuth germanate Bi4Ge3O12 (BGO) crystals (high
density and Z) improves the lateral confinement
of the shower. - For the detection of beta-particles, CaF2(Eu) can
be used instead of plastic scintillators (higher
94Commonly Used Scintillators
(1) Effective average decay time For g-rays.(2)
At the wavelength of the emission maximum.(3)
Relative scintillation signal at room temperature
for g-rays when coupled to a photomultiplier tube
with a Bi-Alkalai photocathode.
95Commonly Used Scintillators
(1) Effective agerage decay time For g-rays.(2)
At the wavelength of the emission maximum.(3)
Relative scintillation signal at room temperature
for g-rays when coupled to a photomultiplier tube
with a Bi-Alkalai photocathode.
- Defined as the fraction of scintillation light
still present for a certain time after the X-ray
excitation stops. - Originates from the presence of millisecond to
even hour long decay time components. - Can be as high as a few after 3 ms in most
halide scintillation crystals . - CsI(Tl) long duration afterglow can be a problem
for many applications. - Afterglow in halides is believed to be intrinsic
and correlated to certain lattice defects. - BGO and Cadmium Tungstate (CdWO4) crystals are
examples of low afterglow scintillation materials
97Scintillators - Neutron Detection
- Neutrons do not produce ionization directly in
scintillation crystals - Can be detected through their interaction with
the nuclei of a suitable element. - 6LiI(Eu) crystal -neutrons interact with 6Li
nuclei to produce an alpha particle and 3H which
both produce scintillation light that can be
detected. - Enriched 6Li containing glasses doped with Ce as
activator can also be used.
98Neutron Detection
99Neutron Detection
- Conventional neutron meters surround a thermal
neutron detector with a large and heavy (20 lb)
polyethylene neutron moderator. - Other meters utilizes multiple windows formed of
a fast neutron scintillator (ZnS in an epoxy
matrix), with both a thermal neutron detector and
a photomultiplier tube.
100Radiation Damage in Scintillators
- Radiation damage results inchange in
scintillation characteristics caused by prolonged
exposure to intense radiation. - Manifests as decrease of optical transmission of
a crystal - decreased pulse height
- deterioration of the energy resolution
- Radiation damage other than activation may be
partially reversible i.e. the absorption bands
disappear slowly in time.
101Radiation Damage in Scintillators
- Doped alkali halide scintillators such as NaI(Tl)
and CsI(Tl) are rather susceptible to radiation
damage. - All known scintillation materials show more or
less damage when exposed to large radiation
doses. - Effects usually observed in thick (gt 5 cm)
crystals. - A material is usually called radiation hard if no
measurable effects occur at a dose of 10,000
Gray. Examples of radiation hard materials are
CdWO4 and GSO.
102Emission Spectra of Scintillation Crystals
- Each scintillation material has characteristic
emission spectrum. - Spectrum shape is sometimes dependent on the type
of excitation (photons / particles). - Emission spectrum is important when choosing the
optimum readout device (PMT /photodiode) and the
required window material. - Emission spectrum of some common scintillation
materials shown in next two slides.
103Emission Spectra of Scintillators
104Emission Spectra of Scintillators
105Temperature Influence on the Scintillation
- Light output (photons per MeV gamma) of most
scintillators is a function of temperature. - Radiative transitions, responsible for the
production of scintillation light compete with
non-radiative transitions (no light production). - In most light output is quenched (decreased) at
higher temperatures. - An exception is the fast component of BaF2 where
intensity is essentially temperature independent.
106Temperature Influence on the Scintillation
107Choosing a Scintillator
- Following table lists characteristics such as
high density, fast decay etc. - Choice of a certain scintillation crystal in a
radiation detector depends strongly on the
application. - Questions such as
- What is the energy of the radiation to measure ?
- What is the expected count rate ?
- What are the experimental conditions
(temperature, shock)?
108(No Transcript)
109(No Transcript)
- Highly sensitive surface contamination probes
incorporate a range phosphors - Examples include
- zinc sulphide (ZnS(Ag)) powder coatings (510
mgcm2) on glass or plastic substrates or coated
directly onto the photomultiplier window for
detecting alpha and other heavy particles - cesium iodide (CsI(Tl)) that is thinly machined
(0.25 mm) and that may be bent into various
shapes - and plastic phosphors in thin sheets or powders
fixed to a glass base for beta detection.
111(No Transcript)
- Probes (A and B previous slide) and their
associated ratemeters (C) tend not to be robust. - Photomultipliers are sensitive to shock damage
and are affected by localized magnetic fields. - Minor damage to the thin foil through which
radiation enters the detector allows ambient
light to enter and swamp the photomultiplier. - Cables connecting ratemeters and probes are also
a common problem. - Very low energy beta emitters (for example 3H)
can be dissolved in liquid phosphors in order to
be detected.
11343-93 Alpha/Beta Scintillator
- The Model 43-93 is a 100 cm² dual phosphor
alpha/beta scintillator that is designed to be
used for simultaneously counting alpha and beta
11443-93 Alpha/Beta Scintillator
- INDICATED USE Alpha beta survey
- SCINTILLATOR ZnS(Ag) adhered to 0.010" thick
plastic scintillation material - WINDOW 1.2 mg/cm² recommended for outdoor use
- Active - 100 cm²
- Open - 89 cm²
- EFFICIENCY (4pi geometry) Typically 15 - Tc-99
20 - Pu-239 20 - S-90/Y-90 - NON-UNIFORMITY Less than 10
- BACKGROUND Alpha - 3 cpm or less
- Beta - Typically 300 cpm or less (10 µR/hr field
- Alpha to beta - less than 10
- Beta to alpha - less than 1
11543-93 Alpha/Beta Scintillator
- TUBE 1.125"(2.9cm) diameter magnetically
shielded photomultiplier - OPERATING VOLTAGE Typically 500 - 1200 volts
- CONNECTOR Series C (others available )
- CONSTRUCTION Aluminum housing with beige
polyurethane enamel paint - TEMPERATURE RANGE 5F(-15C) to 122F(50C) May
be certified to operate from -40F(-40C) to
150F(65C) - SIZE 3.2"(8.1 cm)H X 3.5"(8.9 cm)W X 12.2"(31
cm)L - WEIGHT 1 lb (0.5kg)
11644-2 Gamma Scintillator
- The Model 44-2 is a 1" X 1" NaI(Tl) Gamma
Scintillator that can be used with several
different instruments including survey meters,
scalers, ratemeters, and alarm ratemeters
11744-2 Gamma Scintillator
- INDICATED USE High energy gamma detection
- SCINTILLATOR 1" (2.5 cm) diameter X 1" (2.5 cm)
thick sodium iodide (NaI)Tl scintillator - SENSITIVITY Typically 175 cpm/microR/hr (Cs-137)
- COMPATIBLE INSTRUMENTS General purpose survey
meters, ratemeters, and scalers - TUBE 1.5(3.8cm) diameter magnetically shielded
photomultiplier - OPERATING VOLTAGE Typically 500 - 1200 volts
- CONNECTOR Series "C" (others available )
- CONSTRUCTION Aluminum housing with beige
polyurethane enamel paint - TEMPERATURE RANGE -4 F(-20 C) to 122 F(50 C)
May be certified for operation from -40 F(-40
C) to 150 F(65 C) - SIZE 2" (5.1 cm) diameter X 7.3" (18.5 cm)L
- WEIGHT 1 lb (0.5kg)
118Scintillation Detectors
- Best
- Measure low gamma dose rates
- Also
- Measure beta dose rates (with corrections)
- However
- Somewhat fragile and expensive
- Not intended for detecting contamination, only
radiation fields
119Semi-Conductor Detectors
120Idealized Gamma-Ray Spectrum in NaI
Counts per Energy Interval
121Components of Spectrum
Compton edge
Backscatter Peak
Counts per Energy Interval
X-ray Peak
Annihilation Peak
122NaI(Tl) vs. HPGE
123NaI(Tl) vs. HPGE
124Semiconductor Detectors
- Solids have
- lattice structure (molecular level)
- quantized energy levels
- valence bands
- conduction bands
- Semiconductors have lattice structure
- similar to inorganic scintillators
- composed of Group IVB elements
- ability to easily share electrons with adjoining
125Crystal Lattice
Shared electron pair
126Basic Nature of Semiconductors
- Schematic view of lattice of Group IVB element Si
- Dots represent electron pair bonds between the Si
127Basic Nature, contd
- Schematic diagram of energy levels of crystalline
Si. - Pure Si is a poor conductor of electricity
Conduction Band
1.08 eV
Forbidden Gap
Valence Band
128Basic Nature, contd
- Schematic view of lattice of Group IV element Si,
doped with P (Group VB) as an impurity note
extra electron
129Basic Nature, contd
- Schematic diagram of disturbed energy levels of
crystalline Si. - Si with Group V impurities like P is said to be
an n-type silicon because of the negative charge
carriers (the electrons)
Conduction Band
0.05 eV
Donor level
Valence Band
130Basic Nature, contd
- Schematic view of lattice of Group IV element Si,
doped with B (Group IIIB) as an impurity note
hole in electron orbital
131Basic Nature, contd
- Schematic diagram of disturbed energy levels of
crystalline Si with B impurity. - Si with Group III impurities is said to be a
p-type silicon because of the positive charge
carriers (the holes)
Conduction Band
Acceptor level
0.08 eV
Valence Band
132Occupation of energy states for n and p-type
As donor impurity levels
Conduction Band
0.013 eV
0.67 eV
Ga acceptor impurity levels
Valence Band
After Turner
133Operating Principles of Semiconductor detectors
- Si semiconductor is a layer of p-type Si in
contact with n-type Si. - What happens when this junction is created?
- Electrons from n-type migrate across junction to
fill holes in p-type - Creates an area around the p-n junction with no
excess of holes or electrons - Called a depletion region
- Apply () voltage to n-type and (-) to p-type
- Depletion region made thicker
- Called a reverse bias
134Energy-level diagram for n-p junction
Conduction Band
Junction region
Valence Band
After Turner
135Detector specifics
- Depletion region acts as sensitive volume of the
detector - Passage of ionizing radiation through the region
- Creates holes in valence band
- Electrons in conduction band
- Electrons migrate to positive charge on n side
- Holes migrate to negative voltage on p side
- Creates electrical output
- Requires about 3.6 eV to create an electron hole
pair in Si
136Detector Specifics, contd
- Reverse bias n-p junction is good detector
- Depletion region
- Has high resistivity
- Can be varied by changing bias voltage
- Ions produced can be quickly collected
- Number of ion pairs collected is proportional to
energy deposited in detector - Junction can be used as a spectrometer
- Types of detectors
- HPGe
- GeLi (lithium drifted detectors)
- Surface barrier detectors
- Electronic dosimeters
137(No Transcript)
- Solid state detectors utilize semiconductor
materials. - Intrinsic semiconductors are of very high purity
and extrinsic semiconductors are formed by adding
trace quantities (impurities) such as phosphorus
(P) and lithium (Li) to materials such as
germanium (Ge) and silicon (Si). - There are two groups of detectors
- junction detectors and bulk conductivity
- Junction detectors are of either
- diffused junction or
- surface barrier type
- an impurity is either diffused into, or
spontaneously oxidized onto, a prepared surface
of intrinsic material to change a layer of
p-type semiconductor from or to n-type. - When a voltage (reverse bias) is applied to the
surface barrier detector it behaves like a solid
ionization chamber. - Bulk conductivity detectors are formed from
intrinsic semiconductors of very high bulk
resistivity (for example CdS and CdSe). - They also operate like ionization counters but
with a higher density than gases and a ten-fold
greater ionization per unit absorbed dose. - Further amplification by the detector creates
outputs of about one microampere at 10 mSvh1
140Solid State Counters
- A - very thin metal (gold) electrode.
- P - thin layer of p-type semiconductor.
- D - depletion region, 310 mm thick formed by the
voltage, is free of charge in the absence of
ionizing radiations. - N - n-type semiconductor.
- B - thin metal electrode which provides a
positive potential at the n-type semiconductor.
- The main applications for semiconductor detectors
are in the laboratory for the spectrometry of
both heavy charged (alpha) particle and gamma
radiations. - However, energy compensated PIN diodes and
special photodiodes are used as pocket electronic
(active) dosimeters. - PIN diode Acronym for positive-intrinsic-negative
diode. - A photodiode with a large, neutrally doped
intrinsic region sandwiched between p-doped and
n-doped semiconducting regions. - A PIN diode exhibits an increase in its
electrical conductivity as a function of the
intensity, wavelength, and modulation rate of the
incident radiation. Synonym PIN photodiode.
142PIN Diodes
- Ordinary Silicon PIN photodiodes can serve as
detectors for X-ray and gamma ray photons. The
detection efficiency is a function of the
thickness of the silicon wafer. For a wafer
thickness of 300 microns (ignoring attenuation in
the diode window and/or package) the detection
efficiency is close to 100 at 10 KeV, falling to
approximately 1 at 150 KeV(3). - For energies above approximately 60 KeV, photons
interact almost entirely through Compton
scattering. Moreover, the active region of the
diode is in electronic equilibrium with the
surrounding medium--the diode package, substrate,
window and outer coating, etc., so that Compton
recoil electrons which are produced near--and
close enough to penetrate--the active volume of
the diode, are also detected. - For this reason the overall detection efficiency
at 150 KeV and above is maintained fairly
constant (approximately 1) over a wide range of
photon energies. - Thus, a silicon PIN diode can be thought of as a
solid-state equivalent to an ionization-chamber
radiation detector.
- Specially combined thin and thick detectors
provide the means to identify charged particles. - used to monitor for plutonium in air,
discriminating against alpha particles arising
from natural radioactivity, and for monitoring
for radon daughter products in air. - Small physical size and insensitivity to gamma
radiation have found novel applications inside
nuclear fuel flasks monitoring for alpha
contamination and checking sealed radium sources
for leakage. - Bulk conductivity detectors can measure high dose
rates but with minute-long response times. A
Ge(Li) detector operated at 170C is capable of
a very high gamma resolution of 0.5. The
temperature dependence and high cost add to their
144Another type of Solid State / Scintillation
- Thermoluminescent Dosimeters
- (TL) is the ability to convert energy from
radiation to a radiation of a different
wavelength, normally in the visible light range. - Two categories
- Fluorescence - emission of light during or
immediately after irradiation - Not a particularly useful reaction for TLD use
- Phosphorescence - emission of light after the
irradiation period. Delay can be seconds to
months. - TLDs use phosphorescence to detect radiation.
- Radiation moves electrons into traps
- Heating moves them out
- Energy released is proportional to radiation
- Response is linear
- High energy trap data is stored in TLD for a long
147TL Process
Conduction Band (unfilled shell)
Electron trap (metastable state)
Phosphor atom
Valence Band (outermost electron shell)
Incident radiation
148TL Process, continued
Conduction Band
Thermoluminescent photon
Heat Applied
Phosphor atom
Valence Band (outermost electron shell)
149Output Glow Curves
- A glow curve is obtained from heating
- Light output from TLis not easily interpreted
- Multiple peaks result from electrons in "shallow"
traps - Peak results as traps are emptied.
- Light output drops off as these traps are
depleted. - Heating continues
- Electrons in deeper traps are released.
- Highest peak is typically used to calculate dose
- Area under represents the radiation energy
deposited in the TLD
150Trap Depths - Equate to LongTerm Stability of
Time or temperature
151TLD Reader Construction
DC Amp
To High Voltage
To ground
Recorder or meter
TL material
Heated Cup
Power Supply
- Advantages (as compared to film dosimeter badges)
includes - Able to measure a greater range of doses
- Doses may be easily obtained
- They can be read on site instead of being sent
away for developing - Quicker turnaround time for readout
- Reusable
- Small size
- Low cost
153TLD Disadvantages
- Lack of uniformity batch calibration needed
- Storage instablity
- Fading
- Light sensitivity
- Spurious TL (cracking, contamination)
- Reader instability
- No permanent record
154NON-TL Dosimeters
- "Optically Stimulated Luminescence" (OSL)
technology - Minimum detectable dose
- 1 mRem for gamma and x-ray radiation,
- 10 mRem for beta radiation.
155Non TL Dosimeters, continued
- Uses thin layer of Al2O3C
- Has a TL sensitivity 50 times greater than
TLD-100 (LiFMg,Ti) - Almost tissue equivalent.
- Strong sensitivity to light
- Thermal quenching.
- Readout stimulated using laser
- Dosimeter luminesces in proportion to radiation
- Wide range of detection equipment available
- Understand strengths and weaknesses of each
- No single detector will do everything
- Well get to selection issues in the next two days
157Suggested Reading
- Glenn F. Knoll, Radiation Detection and
Measurement, John Wiley Sons. - Hernam Cember, Introduction to Health Physics,
McGraw Hill. - Nicholas Tsoulfanidis, Measurement and Detection
of Radiation, Taylor Francis. - C.H. Wang, D.L.Willis, W.D. Loveland, Radiotracer
Methodology in the Biological, Environmental and
Physical Sciences, Prentice-Hall