Title: Cold Chain & Logistics for New Vaccines
1Cold Chain Logistics for New Vaccines
- A presentation on the logistics and cold chain
issues for the new vaccines
2Cold Chain Logistics for New Vaccines
- Cold Chain issues
- What is the capacity of existing cold chain?
- Does it need to be expanded to accommodate the
new vaccines? - What plans do you have for expansion/ improvement
in your cold chain system? - What training needs are there for cold chain?
- A national cold chain assessment, if conducted,
would highlight the above needs
3Cold Chain Logistics for New Vaccines
- Cold Chain Assessment
- Many countries have ageing cold chain equipment
- No major reviews of cold chain carried out in the
past - New vaccines require additional consideration in
the cold chain - increased space requirement
- special technical consideration (e.g. freezing)
- new equipment (e.g. new freeze watch)
4Cold Chain Logistics for New Vaccines
- Cold Chain Consideration (for HepB)
Monovalent HepB (liquid) in pre-filled
single-dose injection device
5Comparison of storage volumes of different
6Cold Chain Logistics for New Vaccines
- Cold Chain Consideration (for HepB)
- If it is DTP-HepB combined, there is a slight
increase in cold chain space requirement than for
DTP alone - A DTP-HepB combined has the same volume as that
of HepB monovalent. Therefore, if you choose HepB
monovalent, your cold chain space requirement
doubles - Your cold chain space requirement triples or
quadruples if you choose single dose monovalent
preparations of HepB
7Cold Chain Logistics for New Vaccines
- Cold Chain Consideration (for HepB), contd..
- And your cold chain requirement approximately
triples if you choose DTP-HepB (liquid) combined
in single pre-filled injectable device - The pentavalent also increases your cold chain
space requirement roughly by three times than of
what you would need for DTP alone
8Cold Chain Logistics for New Vaccines
- Cold Chain Consideration (for Hib)
9Cold Chain Logistics for New Vaccines
- Cold Chain Consideration (for Hib)
- A 10 dose DTP/Hib requires a slightly more cold
chain space than DTP/HepB, but this requirement
more than triples if you choose liquid, single
dose Hib - A lyophilized 10 dose vial needs just slightly
more space than a 10 dose DTP/HepB, but increases
tremendously if you choose lyophilized, single
dose with ADs packed together - A lyophilized two dose vial will need double the
space than a lyophilized 10 dose vial
10Cold Chain Logistics for New Vaccines
- Logistics for the new vaccines
- Once you have established your cold chain needs,
you have to plan for the ordering, receipt
distribution of vaccines - Ensure that your vaccine requirement forecast is
correct - Establish your quantity required and the
frequency with which supplies will be delivered - By carefully adjusting your vaccine orders, even
without increase in your cold chain capacity, you
can manage greater amount of vaccine with shorter
supply periods.
11Cold Chain Logistics for New Vaccines
- Logistics for the new vaccines, contd..
- Know the dates of delivery of your vaccines so
that you have in place storage and transport
ready - Make sure that your distribution to the regional,
provincial and district levels is planned and
that all key people are aware of the shipment of
the vaccine
12Cold Chain Logistics for New Vaccines
- Logistics for the new vaccines, contd..
- Ensure that your transport system is in place and
functioning prior to your actual receipt of the
vaccine - Receive the vaccine, check to ensure that the
cold chain was maintained throughout the
transport period from the manufacturer to your
cold store at national national reject shipment
if evidence of breakdown of cold chain- document
everything for future reference
13Cold Chain Logistics for New Vaccines
- Distribution from the central to regional/
provincial district stores - The faster you can ship vaccines from central to
regional and provincial stores, the easier it
will be for you to lessen pressure on cold chain
space at the national level - But the regional and provincial level cold stores
must be in a position to take care of the vaccine
14Cold Chain Logistics for New Vaccines
- Distribution from the central to regional/
provincial district stores, contd... - Over-stocking at the district peripheral health
facility should be avoided to lessen potential
for loss of vaccine due to expiry or failure of
cold chain
15Cold Chain Logistics for New Vaccines
- Issue of Freezing
- DTP freezes at about -5o C, but HepB and its
combinations freeze at -0.5o C - Therefore, monovalent HepB vaccine or any of its
combination formulation cannot be allowed to
reach 00 C or lower at any point of time
16Vaccines affected or not affected by freezing
affected by freezing DTPw DTPw combos DTPaDTPa
combos Td/TT/dtpa hepatitis B hepatitis A HA/HB
not affected by freezing OPV measles
lyophilised mumps lyophilised rubella
lyophilised MR lyophilised MMR lyophilised varicel
la lyophilised Hib lyophilised
adapted from WHO EPI/LHI/98.02
17Stability of commonly used vaccines
adapted from WHO report 1998 Galazka A et al
thermostability of vaccines WHO GPV 98/07 pp
18Cold Chain Logistics for New Vaccines
- Issue of Freezing, contd..
- And it is also known that, especially in those
top opening refrigerators, there is a gradient or
differential temperature from top to bottom- I,e,
it is warmer at the top and cooler at the bottom - Therefore, a temperature reading closer to the
top may not necessarily indicate the right
temperature at the bottom - Anything in contact with the sides and bottom (in
ILRs) is likely to freeze
19Cold Chain Logistics for New Vaccines
- What can be done to prevent freezing-some
practical tips? - Reset any refrigerators so that temperatures can
be maintained between 20 C to 80 C - If freezing is likely, set the thermostat of the
refrigerator closer to the 80C. If temperature
is set around 80C around noon, it is unlikely to
reach zero at night. - Stock DTP-HepB or DTP-HepBHib or HepB on the
lower racks in a front opening refrigerators
20Cold Chain Logistics for New Vaccines-practical
- Stock DTP-HepB or DTP-HepBHib or HepB in the
middle of the pile or closer to the lid in top
opening refrigerators - Do not stock anything that should not be frozen
at the bottom or in contact with sides of ILRs-
keep sufficient space on the sides, use a
polystyrene board or wooden pelt at the bottom to
prevent vaccines from coming in direct contact
(of course, you lose space for this)
21Cold Chain Logistics for New Vaccines-
practical tips---contd/
- Even if it is a holiday or weekend, make sure
that you check your refrigerator temperature at
least once a day - Use freeze watch. The previous freeze watch is
designed to pop at -40C and when it pops, it
stains the absorbing paper red. But the current
freeze watch for the new vaccines is designed to
pop at 00C and when it pops, the paper is stained
dark blue
22Cold Chain Logistics for New Vaccines-
practical tips---contd/
- If freezing is suspected, try the shake test,
always with a never frozen vial as control - If freezing seen gt DISCARD
- If freezing suspected gt conduct shake test. If
sedimentation rate lt2 minutes gt DISCARD - If sedimentation rate gt10 minutes, suspected
samples will need to be tested for particle size
distribution - If in doubt (and if vaccine quantity is small)
discard, but if quantity is large, then further
testing may be necessary contact your programme
in-charge for further advice
23Cold Chain Logistics for New Vaccines
- Monitoring vaccine wastage
- Because the new vaccines are expensive, it is
essential to make every effort to reduce vaccine
wastage - Therefore, daily vaccine use and vaccine wasted
must be recorded and reported periodically
(ideally on a monthly basis) from the health
facilities to the next higher level
24Cold Chain Logistics for New Vaccines
- Monitoring vaccine wastage
- At the national level, at least a quarterly
analysis of vaccine wastage should be possible - Any large scale, sudden wastage of vaccine should
be investigated