Stroke thrombolysis: Benefits and pitfalls Dr Neil Baldwin Consultant Physician North Bristol NHS Trust Clinical lead AGW Stroke Network Clinical Lead Acute Stroke ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
3 month mortality 11.3 in SITS-MOST vs 17.3 in RCTs
Complete recovery at 3 months 38.9 (SITS-MOST) vs 42.3 (RCTs)
Lancet Jan 2007 6 Pitfalls of Thrombolysis
Treatment of Stroke mimics
Delayed treatment
Not treating
7 Stroke mimics 8 Clinical Evaluation
Five question approach
Is it a Stroke?
Which type of stroke?
Where is the Stroke?
What caused the Stroke?
Will thrombolysis be helpful?
9 Stroke mimics
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Brain injury
Multiple sclerosis
Peripheral vertigo
Partial epileptic seizure with Todds paresis
Migraine attack (aura)
10 Mr BD 68yr
HPC T 13.45
Sudden onset left hemiparesis
Left visual field defect
Risk Factors
Hypertension on Atenolol
Ex Smoker
Past Medical History
Nil else
11 Mr BD 68yr
General Exam
Alert GCS 15
Pulse 80 SR
BP 175/85
BM 5.6mmol/L
Heart normal
Normal commands
L VII palsy mild
L visual field defect
L hemiparesis
NIHSS 15 12 (No Transcript) 13 (No Transcript) 14 Mr BD 68yr
Time line
Onset T0 13.45
ED Arrival 14.20
CT scan 14.45
Stroke team saw pt in Scanner room
Thrombolysis 15.00
Fully independent when reviewed 1730
Repeat CT 24 hrs normal
Carotid Doppler gt 75 Right ICA
Discharged Following day with plan for Endarterectomy in 2 Weeks
15 Benefit of rt-PA for Acute Stroke mRS 0-1 at day 90 Adjusted odds ratio with 95 confidence interval by stroke onset to treatment time (OTT) lt 3 h SITS-MOST 3 - 4.5 h RCT ECASS III gt 4,5h except selected patients Adjusted odds ratio Stroke onset to treatment time (OTT) min Brott TG. International Stroke Conference 2002 abstract. 16 Mr PB 72yr
HPC T 14.20
Word finding difficulty
Mild right hemiparesis
No visual field defect
Risk Factors
Hypertension on Atenolol Bendroflumethazide
Past Medical History
Previous MI
17 Mr PB 72yr
General Exam
Alert GCS 15
Pulse 80 SR
BP 185/85
BM 8.6mmol/L
Heart clinically enlarged
Normal commands
Moderate expressive aphasia
R VII palsy mild
R visual field defect
R hemiparesis mild
NIHSS 14 18 (No Transcript) 19 (No Transcript) 20 Mr PB
Time line
Onset T0 14.20
ED Arrival 15.30
CT scan 1600
Stroke team saw pt in ED soon afterwards
Marked improvement in NIH 4
No thrombolysis
Fully independent when reviewed next day
CT Carotid Angiogram gt 75 L ICA
Discharged Following day with plan for Endarterectomy in 1 Weeks
21 Mrs SS 45yrs
Sudden onset of L hemiplegia
Severe Dysarthria
Risk Factors
22 Mrs SS 45yr
General Exam
Drowsy GCS 14
Pulse 80 SR
BP 165/85
BM 5.6mmol/L
Heart clinically enlarged
Abnormal commands
Severe Dysarthria
L VII palsy severe
L visual field defect
L hemiplegia
NIHSS 22 23 Mrs SS
Blood sugar normal
Blood Hb 7.9 g/dL
MCV 76
UE Normal
24 Mrs SS 45yrs 25 Mrs SS 45yrs 26 Mrs SS
Time line
Onset T0 16.30
ED Arrival 18.45
CT scan 1900
Stroke team saw pt in ED soon afterwards
Discussion about menohhagia DW Gynae
Thrombolysis given 2.45 hrs after onset
when reviewed next day no change in NIHSS
3 days after admission sudden deterioration in condition GCS 7 is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.
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