Title: The Hip Joint
1The Hip Joint
- Orthopedics and Neurology
- James J. Lehman, DC, MBA, FACO
- University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic
- Discuss specific orthopedic conditions of the
hip. - Teach specific orthopedic tests and signs
- Enable differentiation of hip joint conditions
and diseases
3The Hip Joint
- The hip is a ball-and-socket synovial joint
- The hip is an exceptionally strong and stable
joint, with a wide range of multiaxial movements
4The Hip JointLoading forces acting on the hip
- Standing transfers one third of the body weight
to the hip joint mechanism - Standing on one limb transfers 2.4 to 2.6 times
the body weight to the hip joint mechanism. - Walking transfers 1.3 to 5.8 times the body
weight on the hip joint mechanism.
5The Hip JointFour major components of the
proximal femur
- Greater trochanter
- Lesser trochanter
- Femoral neck
- Femoral head
6The Hip JointThree most clinically important hip
- Trochanteric bursa
- Iliopsoas bursa
- Ischiogluteal bursa
7Iliopsoas Bursitis
8Hip LigamentsLigaments screws home the femoral
head with extension (close-packed)
9Iliofemoral Ligament
- Reinforces the fibrous capsule anteriorly
- Y-shaped and attaches to the anterior inferior
iliac spine and acetabular rim proximally, and
the intertrochanteric line distally. - With extension, the ligament screws the femoral
head into the acetabulum ("close-packed"
10The Hip JointSciatic nerve distribution
- Sciatic nerve exits the pelvis via the sciatic
notch - It usually passes under the piriformis
- Superior gluteal n, a branch of the sciatic,
innervates the gluteus medius, minimus, and the
tensor fascia lata. (Occurs prior to piriformis) -
11The Hip JointSciatic nerve distribution
- Inferior gluteal n innervates the gluteus maximus
and passes under the piriformis - Sciatic n is predisposed to injury from hip joint
to popliteal fossa - Sciatic and peorneal mononeuropathies are second
and first most common mononeuropathies in lower
12The Hip JointHip range of motion by patient
- Supine
- Raises leg above body with knee extended (flexion
of hip) - Knee to chest, opposite leg extended (flexion of
hip) - Swings leg laterally and medially with knee
extended (Abduction and adduction) - Side of foot on opposite knee and moves flexed
knee toward table (external rotation) - Flexes knee and rotates leg to move knee inward
(internal rotation)
13The Hip JointHip range of motion by patient
- Prone or standing
- Swings the straightened leg behind the body
- (see page 685)
14Hip FlexionApproximately 135 degrees
15Hip ExtensionNormally 30 degrees
16Hip AbductionNormal limits 45-50 degrees
17Hip AdductionNormal limits 20-30 degrees
18Hip External RotationNormal limit 45 Degrees
19Hip Internal RotationNormal limit 35 degrees
20Internal and External Hip RotationFlexed position
21Basic Hip Radiological Study
- AP pelvic view
- AP spot hip view
- Lateral (frog leg) spot view of affected side
22The Hip JointOsseous deformities of the proximal
- Coxa vara
- Coxa valga
- Femoral anteversion
- Femoral retroversion
23Coxa VaraDevelopmental and acquired conditions
- Intertrochanteric fracture
- Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
- Legg-Calve-Perthes disease
- Congenital hip dislocation
- Rickets
- Pagets disease
24Coxa Vara
- Coxa vara, by definition, includes all forms of
decrease of the femoral neck shaft angle to less
than 120-135. - (see page 681Evans figure 10-4)
- Yochum states 120-130 degrees is normal for the
Femoral angle - Coxa vara (less than 120 degrees)
- Coxa valga (more than 130 degrees)
- http//www.emedicine.com/Orthoped/topic474.htm
25Coxa Vara Medical therapy
- Many forms of nonoperative treatment have been
proposed in the past, including spica cast
immobilization and skeletal pin traction with bed
rest, with generally unsatisfactory results. - It is generally accepted that no place remains
for conservative nonoperative measures for
individuals requiring treatment for either
symptomatic or progressive CCV.
26Coxa VaraSurgical intervention
- Most patients seem to present for evaluation and
are considered for treatment when aged 5-10
years. - Femoral osteotomy procedures are technically
easier in the older child, as more bone stock is
27The Hip JointAnteversion and retroversion
- Normal angle of anteversion is 15 degrees
(adults) - Increase in angle excessive femoral anteversion
- Decreased angle femoral retroversion
28Normal, Anteversion, and RetroversionAnterior
anterior angulation of the neck of the femur
29Anteversion of HipToe-in-gait
30Retroversion of HipToe-out-gait
31Normal Femoral RotationInfants
32Excessive AnteversionMore common in infants
33Excessive Femoral RetroversionInfants
34Motor Testing of HipPrimary flexor
IliopsoasSecondary Rectus femoris Femoral
nerve, L1,2,3
35Motor Testing of HipPrimary extensor Gluteus
Maximus Inferior Gluteal nerve, S1
36Motor Testing of HipPrimary abductor Gluteus
medius Superior gluteal nerve, L5Secondary
abductor Gluteus minimus
37Motor Testing of HipAlternate motor test for
38Motor Testing of HipPrimary adductor Adductor
Longus, Obturator nerve, L2,3,4 Secondary
Add. Brevis/magnus, pectineus, gracilis
39Sensory Distribution Hip and pelvis
40Sensory Distribution Anus
41PalpationPelvic obliquity
42Bony Anatomy of Hip and Pelvis
43PalpationIliac crest and tubercle
44PalpationGreater trochanter (posterior aspect)
45PalpationIschial tuberosity
46Sacroiliac Joint
47PalpationL4-5 spinous process
48Informed ConsentPalpation
- Explain procedure to patient
- Technique
- Area to be examined
- Reason for examination
- 2. Request and gain permission to perform
- 3. Medical assistant present
49Soft Tissue PalpationFemoral triangle of Scarpa
Sartorius, inguinal ligament, and adductor longus
50Soft Tissue PalpationInguinal ligament
51Soft Tissue PalpationFemoral artery
52Soft Tissue PalpationNormally, the femoral vein
and nerve are not palpable
53Soft Tissue PalpationSartorius muscle
54Soft Tissue PalpationAdductor longus muscle
55Femoral TriangleTenderness and swelling in the
femoral triangle may indicate enlarged lymph
nodes as a result of an ascending infection or
local pelvic problems
56Soft Tissue PalpationTrochanteric bursal pain
may be confused with sciatic pain
57Soft Tissue PalpationSciatic nerve is halfway
between ischial tuberosity greater trochanter
58Soft Tissue PalpationIschial bursitis might be
confused with sciatic pain
59Superficial Hip and Pelvic Muscles
60Soft Tissue PalpationRectus femoris
61Soft Tissue PalpationQuadriceps
62Soft Tissue PalpationOrigin of gluteus maximus
63Hip Joint Orthopedic TestsHip dislocation
- Allis test
- Ortolanis Click test
- Hip telescoping test
64Allis TestHip dislocation
- Procedure
- Supine
- Knees flexed
- Feet approximated
65Allis Test Galeazzis Sign Hip dislocation or
bone dysplasia
- Rationale
- A difference in height of the knees test
(supine posture) - Short knee (affected side) posterior
displacement of femoral head or decreased tibial
length - Long knee (affected side) anterior displacement
of femoral head or increased tibial length
66Ortolanis Click Test
- Procedure
- Infant supine
- Grasp both thighs with thumbs at lesser
trochanters - Flex and abduct thighs bilaterally
67Ortolanis Click Test
- Rationale
- Either a palpable and/or audible click indicate a
test - Femoral displacement of femoral head
- Common use with small children, in order to
determine a hip dislocation
68Congenital Hip Dislocation
- The condition is more accurately called
dislocatable hips or developmental dislocation
of the hips (DDH). - Waddling, limping, toe-walking, and unequal leg
lengths in a toddler or older child may be the
sign of a hip problem that went undiagnosed in
infancy. - In babies, parents may notice an unequal number
of thigh skin folds, uneven knee position, or
legs that appear to be different lengths. - http//www.drgreene.com/21_1056.html
69Congenital Hip Dislocation
- Hip dislocation is often associated with
congenital torticollis. If a baby has torticollis
or turned-in feet, careful attention should be
paid to the hips. - Unless the problem is corrected before the baby
begins to bear weight, long-term hip damage can
occur. - Often hip instability cannot be prevented.
- Avoiding excess exposure to estrogens or
medicines that relax the hips and avoiding breech
delivery may prevent some cases.
70Congenital Hip Dislocation
- Treatment depends on the developmental status of
the hips. - Treatment often involves holding the hips in the
correct position so that they can continue their
development. - This might be accomplished with harnesses,
splints, or other devices. - Sometimes surgery is needed to correct the
71Hip Telescoping TestAssessment for congenital
dislocation of the hip articulation
- Procedure
- Supine posture
- Hip and knee flexed to 90 degrees
- Depress femur toward table
- Lift leg from table
- Considerable movement with dislocatable hips
72Hip Joint Orthopedic TestsLeg Length
- Actual leg-length test
- Apparent leg-length test
73Actual Leg-Length TestAssessment for true
leg-length discrepancy
- Procedure
- Supine posture with feet together and lower
extremities extended - Measure distance from apex of ASIS to medial
malleolus - Actual leg length shortening is caused by an
abnormality above or below the trochanter
74Apparent Leg-Length TestAssessment for apparent
leg length discrepancy
- Procedure
- Measure from umbilicus to apex f medial malleolus
- Measurement is an index of the functional length
of the lower extremity - A scanogram is the most accurate confirmatory
test. - http//backandneck.about.com/od/conditions/ss/til
75Hip Joint Orthopedic TestsFracture
- Anvil test
- Chienes test
- Ludloffs sign
76Anvil TestAssessment for fractures of femoral
neck or head
- Procedure
- Supine posture
- Tap with fist the inferior calcaneus.
- Rationale
- Localized pain indicates area of fracture, such
as, femoral, tibial, fibular, or calcaneal
77Chienes TestAssessment for fracture of the neck
of the femur
- Procedure
- Supine posture with legs extended
- Measure circumference of thigh at level of
greater trochanter of affected limb - Measure and record opposite leg
- Compare to opposite leg
78Chienes TestAssessment for fracture of the neck
of the femur
- Rationale
- Increased diameter indicates a lateral rolling of
trochanter - Increased diameter correlates with fracture of
the neck of femur
79Ludloffs SignAssessment for traumatic
separation of the lesser trochanter
- Procedure
- Seated posture
- Unable to raise affected limb from table
- Ecchymosis and edema in Scarpas triangle
80Hip Joint Orthopedic TestsIntracapsular
- Guavains sign
- Jansens test
- Patricks test
81Guavains SignAssessment for tuberculous
arthritis of the hip joint or adult-onset
osteonecrosis of the femoral head
- Procedure
- Supine with affected limb up and extended
- Passively rotates thigh
- Rationale
- Sign is present if contraction of abdominal
muscles noted on ipsilateral side of rotation
82Jansens TestAssessment for osteoarthritis of
hip joint
- Procedure
- Supine posture
- Active crossing of legs with ankle resting on
opposite knee - Rationale
- Patient unable to perform if significant disease
83Patricks TestAlso known as FABERE
SignAssessment for intracapsular coxa pathology
- Procedure
- Supine posture
- Passive flexion, abduction, externally rotated,
and extended of thigh - Rationale
- Hip pain with maneuver is a positive test for a
coxa pathologic condition.
84Hip Joint Orthopedic TestsMuscular dysfunction
- Obers test
- Phelps test
- Thomas test
- Trendelenbergs test
85Obers TestAssessment for iliotibial band
- Procedure
- Side-lying with affected hip down
- Grasps ankle while steadying pelvis
- Abducts and extends thigh
86Obers TestAssessment for iliotibial band
- Rationale
- Leg remains abducted with contracture
- Test is positive with contracture with both
anesthetized and conscious patients - test may occur with - radiological study
- May cause lumbosacral spinal disorders with or
without sciatica
87Phelps TestAssessment for contracture of
gracilis with associated pathology of hip joint
- Procedure
- Prone posture with knees extended and thighs
maximally abducted (pain resistance) - Actively flex knees bilaterally to right angle
- Note changes in hip abduction
88Phelps TestAssessment for contracture of
gracilis with associated pathology of hip joint
- Rationale
- Positive test if knee flexion increases hip
abduction - Positive test if knee extension decreases hip
abduction - Test indicates contracture of gracilis muscle
89Thomas TestAssessment for flexion contracture
involving the iliopsoas
- Procedure
- Supine posture
- Thigh is flexed with the knee bent uon the
abdomen - Patients lumbar spine should flatten
90Thomas TestAssessment for flexion contracture
involving the iliopsoas
- Rationale
- Lordosis maintained test
- Indicates hip flexion contracture as from a
shortened iliopsoas
91Trendelenbergs TestAssessment for insufficiency
of the hip abductor system
- Procedure
- Patient stands on affected side and raises
opposite limb into flexion of thigh and knee - Normal hip will demonstrate inferior iliac crest
ipsilateral to planted foot and opposite iliac
crest will present superior
92Trendelenbergs TestAssessment for insufficiency
of the hip abductor system
- Rationale
- Hip-joint involvement and muscle weakness will
present an inferior iliac crest on the unaffected
side and a superior iliac crest on the affected
side (planted foot) - Legg-Calve Perthes, poliomyelitis, epiphyseal
separation, coxa ankylosis, dislocation,
fracture, or subluxation
93Hip Joint Orthopedic TestsMeningeal Irritation
- Guillands sign
- Procedure
- Pinch quadriceps with patient supine
- Usually when sign is present the contralateral
hip and knee flex - Presence of sign is due to meningeal irritation