Title: Community Partnerships Helping Children Maintain a Healthy Weight
1Community PartnershipsHelping Children Maintain
a Healthy Weight
- National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
- National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and
Kidney Diseases - Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of
Child Health and Human Development - National Cancer Institute
2Why were talking with you today
- Background
- Childhood obesity
- We Can! program
- Our We Can! program plans
- Why we need your help
3Childhood Obesity A National Public Health
- 1 in 3 children between the ages of 2-19 are
overweight or obese - 80 of children who were overweight at ages 10-15
were obese at age 25 - The current generation may have a shorter
lifespan than their parents
4Whats causing the increase in childhood obesity?
5Obesity Rates by Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in
6Nutrition What Are Children Eating?
- Added sugar contributes to about 16 of the total
calories in American diets - Pizza and candy consumption have increased by
425 and 180, respectively, since 1977 - On average, Americans eat less than half
- of the recommended amount of fruit per day
7Physical Activity Are Children Moving Enough?
- Only 26 of high school girls and 44 of high
school boys get at least one hour of physical
activity 5 days a week - Approximately 33 of elementary children
- have daily physical education, and less
- than 20 have extracurricular physical
- activity programs at their schools
8Screen Time
- Nearly 30 of 0-1 year olds have a TV in their
bedroom - On average, 8-18 year olds spend about 4 and a
half hours a day watching TV and movies - On average, 8-18 year olds spend about
- and hour and a half on their phones
9We Can! is a national education program
developed by the National Institutes of Health
and designed to give parents, caregivers, and
communities a way to help children 8 to 13 years
old prevent overweight and obesity, and maintain
a healthy weight
10What Behaviors Does We Can! Emphasize?
11National Institutes of Health (NIH) Collaboration
12Why Focus on Parents/Primary Caregivers?
- Parents influence what children eat at home and
act as effective role models - The home is a primary place for children to learn
about and get nutritious food
13We Can! Community Outreach
14U.S. Organizations that Have Committed to We Can!
15Community Outreach
- Through We Can!, community organizations can
offer - Programs for parents
- Programs for youth ages 8-13
- Resources to distribute at community events
- We are particularly excited to offer
16We Can! Parent Program
- Communities can run this 4-session curriculum for
parents and caregivers - Lessons focus on helping parents make healthy
behavior changes at home - Energy balance
- Portion control
- Family physical activity
17Youth Curricula
- CATCH Kids Club After-school program for
children (K-5) focuses on increasing physical
activity and promoting healthy nutrition - S.M.A.R.T. (Student Media Awareness to Reduce
Television) 3rd or 4th grade classroom
curriculum designed to reduce TV and video game
usage - Media Smart Youth Eat, Think and Be Active A
10 lesson curriculum for youth (11-13) that helps
them understand the connections between media and
their health - SPARK PE and SPARK After School Curricula
designed to promote physical activity in youth
18We Can! Web site
- We Can!s Web site presents a wealth of
information and materials for all audiences
- http//wecan.nhlbi.nih.gov
19We Can! Materials
- Posters in English and Spanish
20We Can! Local Media Outreach
- The We Can! Web site and Energize Our Community
Toolkit for Action offers scripts for radio TV,
print ads, and more - The We Can! Reaching the Media Toolkit offers
- additional step-by-step instructions for sites
to use in - contacting the media
- A press kit
- Ads for insertion in local press
- Matte articles for local distribution
- All materials available online
21Local Media Outreach
- (See notes below for detail)
22Local We Can! Partnerships
23Why We Can! Needs Partnerships
- Our goal is to build partnerships with groups
like YOURS to strengthen our outreach activities - Partnering together can best optimize We Can!
program recruitment/retention which is critical
to making a greater impact on childhood obesity
within OUR community
24Benefits of Partnering with YOUR Organization
25How We Hope You Will Help
- Partners can support We Can! community sites in a
variety of - ways. Were hoping you can help by
- (See notes below for suggestions)
26Thank You!