Title: Servlets and Web Applications WARs
1Servletsand Web Applications (WARs)
- HTML, Servlets, and Web Applications
- HTML Review
- Servlets
- Web Applications
- Resources
- References
- Basic Document Structure
- Hyper-Text Transport Protocol (HTTP)
- Forms
- Regular text with markup elements specifying
the desired appearance and layout of the
information - Style sheets can also be specified
- Tag Format
- ltTAG ATTRoptionalgtValuelt/TAGgt
5HTML Example
- ltHTMLgt
- ltHEADgt
- ltTITLEgtExample Pagelt/TITLEgt
- lt/HEADgt
- ltH3gtBonus Calculationlt/H3gt
- lt/BODYgt
- lt/HTMLgt
6HTML Structure
- ltHTMLgt
- ltHEADgt
- ltTITLEgtThis is the titlelt/TITLEgt
- lt/HEADgt
- ltBODYgt
- ltH1gtHeadinglt/H1gt
- Other elements
- lt/BODYgt
- lt/HTMLgt
7Example Tags
- ltHTMLgtltHEADgtltBODYgt
- Main document sections
- Headings ltH1gtltH2gt . ltH6gt
- Paragraph ltPgt (lt/Pgt is optional)
- Lists
- Numbered List ltOLgtltLIgt .. lt/OLgt
- Bulleted Lists ltULgtltLIgt .. lt/ULgt
8Other Capabilities
- Character Display
- Bold ltBgt, Italic ltIgt, Font ltFgt, etc.
- Hyperlinks ltA HREFurlgtClicklt/Agt
- Tables
- Forms
- Frames
- Scripting
- Simple, socket-based protocol used between web
browsers and web servers - Defaults to port 80
- Client Request
- Server Response
10HTTP Client Request
- Request message consists of four parts
- Request Line
- Request Header(s)
- Blank Line
- Additional Data (Optional)
- Example
- GET / HTTP/1.0
- Accept /
- Blank Line
11Request Line
- Request Line
- Example
- GET /test.html HTTP/1.1
- Request Type (GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE)
- Document Address
- Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
- URL with no protocol, host, or port
- http//java.sun.com/test.html gt /test.html
- HTTP Version
12Request Methods
- GET (HTTP 1.0)
- Used by browsers for normal document requests
- Additional info can be sent after URI
- GET /test.html?field1value HTML/1.0
- Use for repeatable (bookmarkable) actions
- POST (HTTP 1.0)
- Additional info sent after blank line (not after
URI) - Can transmit more information than GET
- Use for non-repeatable (non-bookmarkable) actions
- HEAD (HTTP 1.0)
- Server only returns response headers
- Used to verify links or obtain server information
without receiving documents
13Request Methods (cont.)
- PUT (HTTP 1.1)
- Client can supply document for storage on the
server - DELETE (HTTP 1.1)
- Client can delete a URI from the server
- Query for supported options on the server
- TRACE (HTTP 1.1)
- Have server echo back passed document unchanged
14Request Headers
- Additional, optional information for server
- Examples
- Accept - MIME types client will accept in
preference order - Accept / - client is willing to accept anything
- Authorizationauth-schemecredentials
- provides no privacy alone - can be combined with
SSL - Connection Keep-Alive
- do not close connection between server
interactions - Content-Length - data length (POST)
- Cookienamevalname2val2
- Referrer - URL of referring page
- Host - host and port from original URL
15Request Example
- GET /test.html?nameDan HTTP/1.1
- Accept image/gif, image/jpeg, /
- Accept-Language en
- Host www.sun.com80
- Content-Length20 required if request was POST
- (Blank Line)
- if request was POST, additional data here
16HTTP Server Response
- Example
- HTTP/1.0 200 Document Follows
- Content-Type text/html
- Content-Length 2908
- lt/!DOCTYPE .gt
- ltHTMLgt
- lt/HTMLgt
17Server Response (Cont)
- Consists of
- Status Line
- HTTP/Version status-code message
- Success 200-299, File Moved 300-399, Client error
400-499, Server Error 500-599 - Response Header(s)
- Blank Line
- Referenced Document
18HTTP Response Headers
- Examples
- Content-Length - File length
- Content-Type - MIME Type
- text/html, audio/x-proprietary
- Last-Modified - date/time of document
modification - Set-Cookie
- WWW-Authenticate
19Response Header Example
- HTTP/1.0 200 OK
- Date Fri, 29 Feb 2000 173120 GMT
- Set-Cookie user-id123 secure
- Content-Length 124
- Content-Encoding x-compress
- Content-Type text/html
- ltBlank Linegt
- HTML document
20Dynamic Page Generation
- Web Servers were built to distribute web pages.
- HTML page can be marked-up for processing by
the server - Active Server Pages (ASP),
- Java Server Pages (JSP)
- Web Server can be configured to route specific
URI requests to user code - Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
- Servlets
21HTML Forms
- Gathers user information and submits to
CGI/Servlet programs - GET
- Form parameters appended to end of URI
- Simple, but limited in length and security
- FORM parameters sent in message body
22Form Example
- lt!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0
transitional//en"gt - lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- lttitlegtForm Examplelt/titlegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- ltform method"GET" action"BonusAlias"gt
- ltpgtEnter social security number
- ltpgtltinput type"TEXT" name"SOCSEC"gtlt/inputgt
- ltpgtEnter multiplier
- ltpgtltinput type"TEXT" name"MULTIPLIER"gtlt/inputgt
- ltpgt
- ltinput type"SUBMIT" name"Multiply"
value"Multiply"gtlt/inputgt - ltinput type"RESET" name"Reset" value"Reset"gt
- lt/formgt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
23Form Display
24Form Structure
- Form Header
- ltFORM MethodGET ACTIONurlgt
- Attributes
- Action - URL of processing script
- Method - HTTP method (GET or POST)
- Input Field(s)
- ltINPUT TYPEtype NAMEnamegtlt/INPUTgt
- Action Button(s)
- ltINPUT TYPEtype NAMEname VALUEvaluegtlt/INPUTgt
25Input Fields
- GUI controls for entering information
- Types
- Radio Button ltINPUT TYPERADIOgt
- Hidden Field ltINPUT TYPEHIDDENgt
- Text Window ltTEXTAREAgtlt/TEXTAREAgt
- Menu ltSELECTgtltOPTIONgtlt/SELECTgt
26Menu Example
lt!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0
transitional//en"gt lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegtMenu
Examplelt/titlegt lt/headgt ltbodygt ltform method"GET"
action"PurchaseAlias"gt ltpgtChose Product to
Purchase ltselect name"Product" size2gt ltoption
value"ID_1"gtOffer 1 Desclt/optiongt ltoption
value"ID_8"gtOffer 8 Desclt/optiongt lt/selectgt ltpgt lt
input type"SUBMIT" name"BUYCMD"
value"BUY"gtlt/inputgt ltinput type"SUBMIT"
name"CANCELCMD" value"CANCEL"gtlt/inputgt lt/formgt lt
/bodygt lt/htmlgt
27Menu Display
28Form Submission
- Parameters are encoded and sent to the Action URL
using GET or POST - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- name1val1name2val2namexvalx
- space gt
- non-alphanumeric gt xx
- becomes 7E
- / becomes 2F
29Form Submission Examples
30Form Submission (Cont)
- Web Server makes parameters available via the
environment for CGI programs - Perl and Java are common implementation languages
- Utility Libraries for decoding parameters
- Parameters are made available to servlets via the
HttpRequest object
31Forms Summary
- Forms provide a simple mechanism to gather user
input and submit to server-side programs - For more complex user interfaces, consider a Java
applet/program - presents user interface and gathers input
- opens socket to web server
- sends HTTP formatted GET/POST message
33Servlet Definition
- Web component, managed by a container, that
generates dynamic content - Request-Response mechanism modeled after HTTP
- Required by J2EE v1.2 specification
- Web Server configured to invoke servlets when
specified URLs are accessed (servlet mapping) - HTML Forms
- Java programs
34Servlet Benefits
- Efficiency
- run as threads vs. CGI processes
- Written in Java
- can use any Java API such as JDBC, EJB, RMI, etc.
- Portability
- supported by many web/application servers
- Simplicity
- Provides support for common operations including
session management
35Servlet Container
- Provides the execution environment for a servlet
- Must support HTTP as the request/response
protocol - HTTP 1.1 support strongly recommended by spec
- May support HTTPS (HTTP over SSL)
- Can be installed directly in a web server or as
an add-on using web server extension mechanisms - May impose security constraints on servlet
36Servlet Container (Cont)
- Web Application (servlet/jsp/html deployment) can
be marked as distributable in the servlet 2.2
specification - Servlet can be deployed in multiple JVMs running
on one or more hosts - Deployed servlets must obey restrictions
Get/Post Request
Web Browser
Web Server
Servlet Container
38Key Servlet Classes
39Servlet Lifecycle
- init() called when servlet is instantiated
- service() called to handle requests throughout
the servlets lifetime - destroy() called when servlet engine unloads the
servlet instance - period of inactivity
- resource issues
40Servlet Implementation
- Extend HttpServlet. Override doGet/doPost
- package ejava.servlets.webbasics
- import javax.servlet.ServletConfig
- import javax.servlet.ServletException
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse
- public class PurchaseServlet extends HttpServlet
- public void init(ServletConfig config) throws
ServletException - super.init(config)
- log("BonusServletinit(config)")
41Servlet (Cont)
- public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
- HttpServletResponse
response) - throws ServletException,
java.io.IOException - response.setContentType("text/html")
- java.io.PrintWriter out
response.getWriter() - out.println("lthtmlgtltheadgtlttitlegt")
- out.println("Purchase Servlet")
- out.println("lt/titlegtlt/headgtltbodygt")
- if (request.getParameter("BUYCMD") ! null)
- String product request.getParameter("Pr
oduct") - out.println("ltpgtltbgtpurchased
productlt/bgt"product) -
- out.println("lt/bodygtlt/htmlgt")
- out.close()
42Request and Reply
- Request URL
- http//localhost7001/webbasics/PurchaseAlias?Prod
uctID_1BUYCMDBUY - Reply Document
- lthtmlgtltheadgtlttitlegt
- Purchase Servlet
- lt/titlegtlt/headgtltbodygt
- ltpgtltbgtpurchased productlt/bgtID_1
- lt/bodygtlt/htmlgt
43Understanding the Request
- Form parameters
- String choicerequest.getParameter(Product)
- Cookies
- Cookie request.getCookies()
- getName(), getValue()
- Binary Data
- InputStream is request.getInputStream()
- Character Data
- Reader r request.getReader()
44Requests and Responses
45Obtaining Selected Product
- Form snippet
- ltSELECT NAME"Product" SIZE2gt
- ltOPTION VALUE"ID_1"gtOffer 1 Desclt/OPTIONgt
- ltOPTION VALUE"ID_8"gtOffer 8 Desclt/OPTIONgt
- lt/SELECTgt
- doGet(), doPost()
- String choice req.getParameter(Product)
- // choice is ID_1 if Offer 1 Desc is
- // selected
46Generating a Response
- ServletResponse permits servlet to generate
output - setContentType( mimeType )
- setContentLength( int len)
- getOutputStream() ServletOutputStream
- binary output to web browser
- getWriter() Writer
- character output for web browser
- Extends ServletResponse to allow HTTP-specific
information to be communicated - setHeader(String header, String value)
- addCookie(Cookie cookie)
- sendError(int sc, String msg)
- setStatus(int sc)
48Simple HTML Output
- public void doGet( HttpServletRequest req,
- HttpServletResponse resp )
- throws ServletException, java.io.IOException
- resp.setContentType(text/html)
- PrintWriter out resp.getWriter()
- out.println("ltHTMLgtltHEADgtltTITLEgt")
- out.println(Example Title)
- out.println("lt/TITLEgtlt/HEADgtlt/HTMLgt")
- out.close()
49HTTP Headers Examples
- HttpServletResponse methods
- setHeader,setDataHeader,setIntHeader
- HTTP response headers
- Allow
- Content-Encoding
- Expires
- Last-Modified
50Example Response Headers(Disable Client Caching)
- response.setDateHeader(Expires, 0)
- response.setHeader(Pragma, no-cache)
- if(request.getProtocol().equals(HTTP/1.1))
- response.setHeader(Cache-Control,
- Session is a complete set of interactions with a
user, but . - HTTP is a stateless protocol
- every web page GET/POST typically results in a
new socket connection - How do we track a user ?
- URL re-writing
- Cookies
52HttpSession (Cont)
- URL re-writing can be complex
- session id has to be encoded into every URL
- encodeUrl() on HttpServletResponse
- Users may disable cookies
- Session Tracking support added in 2.0
- HttpServletRequest request
- HttpSession sessionrequest.getSession(true)
- session.putValue(Cart, new java.util.Vector() )
53HttpSession Example
- Integer salarynull
- HttpSession session request.getSession(true)
- if (session.isNew())
- out.println("ltpgtsession is new")
- session.setMaxInactiveInterval(5)
- salary new Integer(1)
- session.setAttribute("salary",salary)
54HttpSession Example (cont.)
- else
- out.println("ltpgtsession is not new, id"
session.getId()) - out.println("ltpgtsession created at "
- new java.util.Date(session.getCreationTime()
)) - out.println("ltpgtsession last accessed at "
- new java.util.Date(session.getLastAccessedTi
me())) - out.println("ltpgtsession will time out after
" - session.getMaxInactiveInterval() "
secs") - salary (Integer)session.getAttribute("s
alary") -
- out.println("ltpgtold salary" salary)
- salary new Integer(salary.intValue()
multiplierValue) - out.println("ltpgtnew salary" salary)
- session.setAttribute("salary",salary)
55HttpSession Example Output (1st Reload)
56HttpSession (Cont)
- HttpSession is a convenient place to store
information - Shopping Cart
- Preferences valid for this session only
- Objects bound to session can implement
HttpSessionBindingListener - valueBound(HttpSessionBindingEvent e)
- valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent e)
57Sessions (Cont)
- Modern web application servers can store session
data in persistent storage - Supports failover
- Supports clustering
- However . Session is not the place for large
amounts of data - Session persistence is not covered in the j2ee
58Http Session
- Cookies can be used to store information that
should persist beyond the current session - Stored on client, limited size
- Strings
- Users may disable storing of cookies
61Cookie Example
- HttpServletRequest req
- Cookie cookie req.getCookies()
- for( int i0iltcookie.lengthi)
- System.out.println(cookiei.getName()
cookiei.getValue() ) -
- .
- HttpServletResponse resp
- resp.addCookie( new Cookie(user_id_for_site,
62Additional Cookie Methods
- setComment(String)
- Description of cookies purpose
- setDomain(String)
- Set of computers that cookie will be sent to
- setSecure(boolean)
- Only send cookie on secure connection (https)
- setMaxAge( int seconds )
- -1this session only,0delete
63Servlet Context
- Servlet may wish to interact with the host server
- GenericServletgetServletContext()
- getMimeType( String file )
- getServlet(String name) Servlet
- log(Exception, String)
- log(String)
64(No Transcript)
- Web Browser redirection
- resp.sendRedirect(String url)
- resp.sendError(int code, String message)
- Server-Side
- RequestDispatcher rd
- getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(urlString
) - rd.forward()
66Request Dispatcher
67Thread Safety
- Servlets are inherently threaded
- Only one servlet instance exists for each URL
- Write thread-safe code
- Synchronize access to shared resources
- Use local variables
- Implementing SingleThreadModel
- Code that is not thread-safe
- Operations that should not be threaded e.g. file
68Servlet Summary
- Allows simple generation of dynamic web pages
- All Java features can be used
- Continuous out.println(someHtml) can still be
69Web Applications
- Web Archive
- Introduced with servlet 2.2 specification
- Portable deployment mechanism for web
applications - Defines directory structure
- Jard into a .war file for deployment
- Uses XML deployment descriptor
71Directory Structure
- find ./webbasics -print
- ./webbasics
- ./webbasics/WEB-INF
- ./webbasics/WEB-INF/classes
- ./webbasics/WEB-INF/classes/ejava
- ./webbasics/WEB-INF/classes/ejava/servlets
- ./webbasics/WEB-INF/classes/ejava/servlets/webbasi
cs - ./webbasics/WEB-INF/classes/ejava/servlets/webbasi
cs/BonusServlet.class - ./webbasics/WEB-INF/classes/ejava/servlets/webbasi
cs/PurchaseServlet.class - ./webbasics/WEB-INF/web.xml
- ./webbasics/WEB-INF/weblogic.xml
- ./webbasics/FormExample.html
- ./webbasics/MenuExample.html
72Directory Structure (Cont)
- Contains web.xml deployment descriptor
- Contains class files for web app (classes)
- Contains .jar files for web app (lib)
- Contains Tag Library Descriptors (tlds)
- Can not be served to client
- Other directories store web content i.e. jsp/html
files, images, sound, etc.
73Deployment Descriptor (web.xml)
lt!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems,
Inc.//DTD Web Application 1.2//EN"
"http//java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-app_2_2.dtd"gt lt
web-appgt ltdisplay-namegtHTML Basicslt/display-nam
egt ltcontext-paramgt ltparam-namegtweblogic.h
ltparam-valuegt1lt/param-valuegt lt/context-paramgt
ltservletgt ltservlet-namegtPurchaseServletlt/s
ervlet-namegt ltservlet-classgtejava.servlets.w
ltinit-paramgt ltparam-namegtparam1lt/param-na
megt ltparam-valuegtvalue1lt/param-valuegt
lt/init-paramgt lt/servletgt ltservletgt
etlt/servlet-classgt lt/servletgt ...
74Mapping Servlets to URLs (web.xml)
ltservlet-mappinggt ltservlet-namegtPurcha
seServletlt/servlet-namegt lturl-patterngtPurcha
seAliaslt/url-patterngt lt/servlet-mappinggt
ltservlet-mappinggt ltservlet-namegtBonusServlet
lt/servlet-namegt lturl-patterngtBonusAliaslt/url
-patterngt lt/servlet-mappinggt ...
75Declaring Default Pages (web.xml)
lt/welcome-file-listgt ...
76Setting up Security (web.xml)
ltauth-constraintgt ltrole-namegtinstructorlt/
role-namegt lt/auth-constraintgt
lt/security-constraintgt ltlogin-configgt
lt/login-configgt ltsecurity-rolegt
lt/security-rolegt ...
77Setting up Security (weblogic.xml)
lt!DOCTYPE weblogic-web-app PUBLIC "-//BEA
Systems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 6.0 //EN"
b-jar.dtd"gt ltweblogic-web-appgt
lt/security-role-assignmentgt ... lt/weblogic-web-
78Setting up Security (WebLogic Console)
79Setting up Database Access (web.xml
ltresource-refgt ltres-ref-namegtjdbc/my
dblt/res-ref-namegt ltres-typegtjavax.sql.DataSo
urcelt/res-typegt ltres-authgtContainerlt/res-aut
hgt lt/resource-refgt lt!DOCTYPE
weblogic-web-app PUBLIC "-//BEA Systems,
Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"
dtd"gt ltweblogic-web-appgt ltreference-descriptor
gt ltresource-descriptiongt
ltjndi-namegt weblogic.jdbc.dataSource.MyJDBC Data
Sourcelt/jndi-namegt lt/resource-descriptiongt
lt/reference-descriptorgt lt/weblogic-web-appgt
80Viewing the Data Source in the JNDI Tree
(WebLogic Console)
81Setting up Database Access (config/ltdomaingt/confi
ltJDBCConnectionPool DriverName"COM.cloudscape.cor
e.RmiJdbcDriver" Name"MyJDBC Connection
Pool" Properties"usernonepasswordnone"
Targets"myserver" TestConnectionsOnRelea
se"true" TestConnectionsOnReserve"true"
ltJDBCDataSource JNDIName"weblogic.jdbc.
dataSource.MyJDBC Data Source"
Name"MyJDBC Data Source" PoolName"MyJDBC
Connection Pool"/gt
82Setting up Database Access(HttpServlet.init)
- public void init(ServletConfig config) throws
ServletException - super.init(config)
- ServletContext context getServletContext()
- dataSource_ (DataSource)context.getAttribu
te("dataSource") - if (dataSource_ null)
- try
- InitialContext jndi new
javax.naming.InitialContext() - dataSource_ (DataSource)jndi.lookup(
"javacomp/env/jdbc/mydb") - context.setAttribute("dataSource",
dataSource_) -
- catch (NamingException ex)
- throw new ServletException("error
locating data source"ex) -
83Accessing Database(HttpServlet.doPost/doGet)
- public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
- HttpServletResponse
response) - throws ServletException,
java.io.IOException - Connection connectionnull
- try
- connection dataSource_.getConnection()
- //do something with the connection...
- catch (Exception ex)
- finally
- closeConnection(connection)
84Creating the .war file
- cd c\\weblogic/myserver/public_html/webbasics
\ - //c/jdk1.3/bin/jar cvf /webbasics.war
- added manifest
- adding FormExample.html(in 467) (out
257)(deflated 44) - adding MenuExample.html(in 486) (out
274)(deflated 43) - adding WEB-INF/(in 0) (out 0)(stored 0)
- adding WEB-INF/classes/(in 0) (out 0)(stored
0) - adding WEB-INF/classes/ejava/(in 0) (out
0)(stored 0) - adding WEB-INF/classes/ejava/servlets/(in 0)
(out 0)(stored 0) - adding WEB-INF/classes/ejava/servlets/webbasics/(
in 0) (out 0)(stored 0) - adding WEB-INF/classes/ejava/servlets/webbasics/B
onusServlet.class(in 2403) ( - out 1260)(deflated 47)
- adding WEB-INF/classes/ejava/servlets/webbasics/P
urchaseServlet.class(in 2585 - ) (out 1449)(deflated 43)
- adding WEB-INF/web.xml(in 1843) (out
587)(deflated 68) - adding WEB-INF/weblogic.xml(in 412) (out
227)(deflated 44) - adding WEB-INF/web.xml(in 1071) (out
366)(deflated 65) - adding welcome.html(in 183) (out
103)(deflated 43)
85Deploying WAR file/dir(WebLogic Console)
- Standardized mechanism for web tier deployments
87(Optional)Debugging Sevlets
88Setup Application Server(startWebLogic)
- "JAVA_HOME\bin\java" -hotspot -ms64m -mx64m
-classpath"CLASSPATH" -Dweblogic.Domainmydomai
n -Dweblogic.Namemyserver "-Dbea.homeC\bea"
eblogic.policy" -Xdebug -Xnoagent
-Djava.compilerNONE -Xrunjdwptransportdt_socke
t,address8787,servery weblogic.Server
89Attach to Remote Process(TogetherJ)
90Set a Break Point(TogetherJ)
91Invoke Servlet(Browser)
92Step Debugger(TogetherJ)
- Main Servlets Page
- http//java.sun.com/products/servlet/
- Java Servlet Specification v2.2
- http//java.sun.com/products/servlet/2.2/index.htm
l - Marty Halls servlet tutorial
- http//www.apl.jhu.edu/hall/java/Servlet-Tutorial
- Developing Java Enterprise Applications. Asbury,
Weiner. Wiley. 1999 - Java Enterprise in a Nutshell. Flanagan et al.
OReilly 1999 - Sun Servlets Tutorial
- Java Pro, January 2000 A Study of Servlets and
Server Pages - Java Developers Journal Volume 5 Issue 2.
Creating a JSP JavaBeans Framework and Servlet
Session Display - Java Report, August 1999 Using Java Server Pages
- Servlets Made Simple - Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition Platform and
Component Specifications - Core Servlets and Java Server Pages
- Web Development with Java Server Pages
- Designing Enterprise Applications with the Java 2
Platform, Enterprise Edition