Visual Basic .Net - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Visual Basic .Net


Problems arise when debugging apps on an ASP .Net server that is not part of the ... All data are transferred between the apps in XML format regardless if it is a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Visual Basic .Net

Visual Basic .Net
  • Seminar June 7, 2004

Topics Today include
  • The .Net Framework
  • Studio .Net Environment
  • VB .Net
  • Introduction to VB .Net
  • Loops and Control Structures

The .Net Framework
  • What is the .Net Framework
  • Common Language Runtime
  • .Net Managed Assemblies
  • Compilation of .Net Code
  • .Net Framework Class Library
  • .Net Languages
  • The future of .Net

What is the .Net Framework
  • Primarily a development platform (mostly effects
    application development)
  • Consists of two main parts
  • Common Language Runtime
  • .Net Framework Class Library

CLR (Common Language Runtime)
  • Provides a runtime environment for the
    execution of code written in ANY .Net Language
  • Manages
  • The overall execution of .Net code
  • Inheritance, Memory, Debugging, and application
    development across Multiple languages

CLR (Continued)
  • Languages that utilizes the .Net framework must
    follow the CLS
  • Common Language Specification
  • Outlines the rules and standards required or
    needed by the CLR to execute .Net code.
  • The CLR will execute Managed Assemblies
  • Intermediate Languages managed by the CLR are
    called Managed Code
  • The CLR will manage for the IL
  • Garbage collection
  • Object instantiation
  • Memory allocation
  • Components written in Managed Code by the CLR are
    called .Net Managed assemblies

.Net Managed Assemblies
  • Basic Unit of deployment of .Net Applications
  • Similar to the Microsoft COM Objects
  • Each Managed Assembly contains a Manifest
  • Hold definitions of other components required for
    execution of the application
  • Prevents the problems associated with conflicting
  • Revision numbers and components are listed in the
  • Two versions of the same DLL can then co-exist

Compilation of .Net code
  • All .Net languages are first compiled into an
    intermediate language called MSIL or IL
    (Microsoft Intermediate Language)
  • The MSIL is then Just In Time (JIT) compiled at
    first execution of the code and managed by the
  • All MSIL or IL code can be compiled directly to
    native code with the following
  • Compiling native code will provide faster startup
    execution of the code
  • Performance during execution of the code will
    then be sacrificed
  • During JIT Optimization is placed on the Managed
    Code in order to improve performance at the time
    of execution

.Net Framework Class Library
  • Provide a library of base classes that developers
    can use in their own applications written in ANY
    .Net language
  • Because of the use of these base classes,
    Inheritance can then be extensively used in
    languages that use the .Net Framework

.Net Languages
  • .Net applications can be written by any or a
    combination of many .Net languages
  • Languages include
  • VB .Net
  • C
  • J
  • Managed C (default in studio is set for managed
  • Applications can be developed without the use of
    Studio .Net
  • Applications can be developed still using a
    simple text editor
  • ASP .Net Applications as well as other apps can
    be still developed using notepad

The future of the .Net Framework
  • Standards were release in 2000 from Microsoft to
    the community
  • GNU .Net is a project in the Linux community that
    is presently developing a CLR to run in the Linux
  • Languages planned to include the CLS are
  • APL
  • Eifel
  • Fortran
  • Haskel
  • Mercury
  • Mondrian
  • Oberon
  • Pascal
  • Perl
  • Python
  • RPG
  • Scheme

Studio .Net EnvironmentThe IDE
  • Studio .Net
  • The Start Page
  • Problems with Studio .Net in the lab environment

Studio .Net
  • All present .Net languages are included under one
    development environment
  • When using any one of the languages, the studio
    must be used (there is no longer an environment
    for each language)
  • You have to start a new solution/project
  • Projects are containers that contain the files
    associated with a particular project
  • A solution is a container that contains one or
    more projects or project containers
  • When the IDE is started you have the Projects
    tab, online resources, and My Profile

The Start Page
Profile and environment settings
Tab for Additional Help
Tab for this view
Previous Projects
Open a project in a diff. location
Start a new project
Problems with Studio .Net environment in the lab
  • .Net security must allow access to the J drive
    or the local intra net in order to work properly
  • Problems arise when debugging apps on an ASP .Net
    server that is not part of the current domain
    (CLC) Basic apps will still work fine
  • These problems are not present if IIS and remote
    debugging tools are installed on the client
  • This solution is fine for students but is not
    practical for a lab
  • Due to security holes of IIS you can have
    hundreds of security risks on a given network.
  • In the Real world situation, all apps will be
    placed on a server anyway

Visual Basic .Net
  • General Features
  • Additional Features of VB .Net
  • What has changed in VB .Net

General features
  • It is an object oriented language
  • Students do better with this subject when they
    have a firm understanding of objects
  • In the past VB had objects but focus was not
    placed on them
  • VB .Net use objects and inheritance with
  • Uses exception handling extensively
  • New techniques are shown to the student for
    providing feedback from their programs in order
    to help trouble shoot errors
  • Like with most OOP languages, exceptions that are
    not handled will cause programs to abnormally end
    or exit
  • Uses generics with creating classes and Sub
  • Can use the top data type on inheritance of type
  • Used for late binding of data types and is quite
    useful when implementing stacks or queues of any
    data type (.Net 2.0)
  • Provides a quick way to develop heavy duty
    applications in a windowing environment
  • It is a useful tool for developing event driven

Additional Feature of VB .Net
  • Can create both windows applications and web
    applications at the click of a mouse button
  • The interface between the Databases and
  • Are the same between web apps and windows apps
  • All data are transferred between the apps in XML
    format regardless if it is a web application or a
    windows application
  • A copy of the data from the database is loaded
    into a data set.
  • Persistent connections between the application
    and the database no longer exists
  • Every form is a class and new forms now have to
    be instantiated
  • VB .Net is still not case sensitive

What is Not in VB .Net
  • Data Controls
  • Because of the different way that the apps
    connect to the database, there is no longer the
    support of data controls in VB .Net
  • Persistent connections with the database is no
    longer present
  • Object instantiation is now done differently
  • Garbage collection for references that lose there
    objects are done periodically not when the
    reference lose its scope
  • Periodic changes throughout the language making
    it vastly different from VB 6.0 in order to make
    it compliant to the .Net Framework and the CLS

The Introduction to VB .Net
  • Data Types in VB .Net
  • Functions and Sub Procedures
  • Practice Examples

Data Types in VB .Net
  • Data Types and possible values
  • Integer -gt -2,147,483,648 (4 bytes)
  • Double -gt floating point numbers with 14 digits
    of accuracy (8 Bytes)
  • Decimal -gt decimal values ( 16 bytes replaced
    currency in 6.0)
  • Date -gt the date (8 Bytes)
  • Byte -gt 0 to 255 (1 Byte)
  • Char -gt Unicode character (2 Bytes)
  • Boolean -gtTrue or false value (2 Bytes)
  • Single -gt floating point number with 6 digits of
    accuracy (4 bytes)
  • Short -gt 2 byte integer
  • Long -gt 8 byte integer
  • String -gt an arrangement of alpha-numeric
    characters varies in length
  • Object -gt any data type 4 bytes

Functions and Sub procedures / Programs in VB
.Net (Methods)
  • Functions and sub procedures must either have a
    sub or function keyword in the function or sub
    procedure heading
  • They can be either public or private (following
    the same conventions in OOP languages such as C
    or Java)
  • All parameters are passed by value by default in
    VB .Net
  • Parameters of any data type may be passed by
  • All Objects and arrays are passed by reference
    not value
  • All events are handled by a sub procedure in VB
  • Functions return a value and Sub Procedures do

Practice example 1
  • You can use the text book given to you to get the
    basics needed in programming VB starting on page
  • Getting familiar with VB .Net
  • Write a program that will take text from one text
    box and place that text in another text box with
    a click of a button
  • Take a look at the attributes of each control
  • A control can be a button text box etc.
  • Each control should contain names that follow VB
    specifications i.e. txtBox1 txtBox2 btnMove
  • Each name as always should be meaningfull

Practice Example 2
  • Using Functions in VB .Net
  • Use the text boxes from the previous example
  • Add a text box
  • Provide a function that adds the values of text
    box 1 and text box 2
  • Place the answer in text box3
  • Use variables of type double and use the CDbl()
    function to convert the string value of the text
    box to a double page 485 in your text

Loops and control structures
  • The If Statement
  • The Select Case Statement
  • The Do While and Loop While loops
  • The For Loop

The IF Statement
  • Every If statement must contain a then and an end
  • Example
  • If Num1 lt 2 Then value
    is less than 2) End If
  • If Num1 ltgt 4 then MessageBox.Show(The value
    is not 4) End If
  • The relational operators that can be used in VB
  • gt
  • lt
  • gt
  • lt
  • ltgt (Not equal to)

The Select Case statement
  • The select case statement is a lot like the
    switch statement in Java
  • It can use ANY data type in VB
  • Example
  • Select Case Num1
  • Case 1 DoSomeThing()
  • Case 2 Do SomethingElse()
  • End Select
  • Yes you can use strings as well

Do While Loops
  • Do while loops evaluate the expression first then
    executes the Loop Body
  • Act much in the same as All While loops in
    languages like C and Java
  • Example
  • Do While Num1 lt 10
  • Num1 1
  • Loop

Loop While Loops
  • The Body of the Loop is executed first then the
    expression is evaluated
  • The loop will execute at least once
  • This is a lot like the do while loop in Java and
    students get confused with this subtle change
  • Example
  • Do
  • Num1 1
  • Loop While Num1 lt 10

End Of Day 1
VB .Net Seminar Day 2
  • June 8, 2004

Microsoft SQL Server
  • MS SQL Basics
  • The Enterprise Manager
  • Creating Databases
  • Connecting to Databases
  • The use of the Data Set
  • Exception Handling

Microsoft SQL Basics
  • Differences between MS SQL and Access
  • Advantages of MS SQL
  • Quirky things with SQL
  • Connecting to the database with the manager

Differences between MS SQL and Access
  • SQL More Powerful than MS Access
  • Larger data types are available
  • Connection over a network provide access to
    multiple clients
  • Blob data type available
  • A client is required to connect to the SQL

Advantages of MS SQL
  • Can handle multiple users at one time
  • Ideal for web sites and web applications
  • Contain the BLOB (Binary Large Object) which
    enables a user to store images in a database
  • Larger numeric values can be stored in each field

Quirky problems with SQL
  • No Auto Number Data Type in MS SQL
  • Auto number is an integer data type
  • Identity is set to yes
  • And the seed is set to one
  • This gives you the option to set the starting
    number and the increment you want the auto number
    to have

Enterprise Manager
  • Connecting to the database
  • Getting through the confusion of locating
  • Defining the different containers in the Manager

Connecting to the DBMS
  • Start the Enterprise Manager
  • Right Click SQL Server group

Connecting to the DBMS
  • Click on SQL Server Registration
  • Click next
  • In the text box labeled Available Servers type
  • Click Add then next

Connecting to the DBMS
  • Click on SQL Server login
  • Username is the first six letters of your last
    name and your first initial
  • Password is vbnet
  • Click next and click next again
  • Click Finish
  • Click close on the next dialog box

Getting through the concussion
  • MS SQL Enterprise Manager will display ALL of the
    databases located on the server
  • Access to each database is controlled by the DBMS
  • ALL tables are displayed in each database
  • This includes tables that are used by the DBMS

The Containers in SQL
  • Each container has a specific role
  • Student Databases are in the databases container

Database Container
  • Every students database is displayed
  • Only the database that the student has
    permissions for can be opened
  • Click on the database container with your username

Student Database container
Creating the Database
  • Creating tables
  • Properties of the data types
  • Entering and Displaying Data in database Tables

Creating Tables
  • Right click on the table container
  • Click new table
  • This is a lot like the Access interface with
    different data types.
  • At this points explore the interface and notice
    the differences

Properties of Data Fields
  • Each Data Field has a length property
  • This sometimes causes a problem with students who
    make this field too small
  • Each data Field can also allow null values
  • After defining each column and setting all the
    properties set the primary key by right clicking
    on the field that is to be the key

Entering and Displaying Data
  • Right Click the table
  • Click Open Table
  • Click Return All Rows
  • From here you can view and enter new data into
    the table

Practice Example 1
  • Creating a Table in VB .Net
  • Create a table of customers in a hardware store
  • Columns will include
  • Customer ID
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Address
  • Zip Code
  • Fill the table with data
  • Display that data

Connecting to the database with VB .Net
  • The Data Provider
  • The Data Set
  • The use of the wizard

The Data Adapter
  • Needed to connect to every DBMS
  • Must Use the Adapter that represents the DBMS you
    are going to use
  • We are going to use the SQLDataAdapter Object
  • Holds the information on how to

The Data Provider
  • Manipulates data through the use of SQL
    statements or commands
  • Hold connection information to the Database
  • Contain two Major components
  • Data Adapter Object updates data in the dataset
  • Connection Object maintains the connection

The Data Set
  • Holds data returned from a procedure or Query
    performed by the data adapter
  • Provides a local Copy of the data from the
    table on the local machine
  • Prevents persistent connections with the database
    and reduces network traffic

The use of the wizard
  • Give Demo on using the wizard

The Data Set
  • Generating the data set object
  • The use of the onload event handler
  • Binding controls
  • Creating navigation for a database

Generating the Data Set Object
  • Once the Data Adapter and the connection object
    is created click on Data in the menu
  • Click generate dataset
  • Give a name to the dataset
  • Click OK

The use of the onLoad event Handler
  • Double click the form
  • Place the fill method in the Load event handler
  • This will fill the dataset object with the data
    from the table when the form loads
  • Example
  • SQLDataAdapter1.Fill(MyDataSet1)

Binding Controls
  • Once you create a data set you can then bind the
    controls of the form to fields or columns of the
    database table
  • This is done with in the Bindings property in the
    text box properties sheet
  • Under the bindings property click text and then
    the field you wish to bind to the text box

Creating navigation for a database
  • Managed by the BindingManagerBase Object
  • This object contains the Position Property the
    holds the current position of the record in the
  • This is done by adding one to the position
    attribute of the object
  • Methods of this object includes
  • Addnew()
  • EndCurrentEdit()
  • CancelCurrentEdit() -gt provides a role back
  • RemoveAt() -gt deletes current row at given

Exception Handling Implementation
  • Use try catch block much the same in Java
  • Can help trouble shoot connections to databases
  • Very important to use when filling the dataset
  • Example
  • Try
  • SqlDataAdapter1.Fill(DataSet11)
  • Catch ex As Exception
  • MessageBox.Show("Error will dataset
  • End Try

Practice Example 2
  • Connecting a form to your Hardware customers
  • Create a form with text fields for each column
  • Create the data Adapter and Data Connection with
    the use of the wizard
  • Create the data set object
  • Create the onload event handler to fill the data
  • Bind your controls
  • Be sure to use exception handling for filling the
    data set
  • Create a Next button to navigate to the next
    record in the database

End Of Day 2
VB .Net Seminar Day 3
  • June 9, 2004

  • Adding and Editing Records
  • Updates and deletes with Bound controls
  • Classes and Modules in VB .Net
  • Menus
  • From design
  • MDI (Multi Document Interfaces)
  • Bound and unbound controls in VB .net
  • Why Unbound controls are used

Adding and Editing Records
  • When Adding records
  • The Position of the dataset should be set to the
  • The text boxes should be cleared
  • The AddNew() Method accomplishes all this in one
    method call
  • The AddNew() Method is part of the
    BindingManagerBase Object
  • When changes are being made, a cancel button
    should be provided to Roll Back changes made to
    the data set

  • When Navigating the database the Text boxes
    should be disabled to prevent changes
  • There should be an edit button that
  • Disables the navigation button
  • Enables the text boxes for editing
  • Provide a cancel button that Roles Back the
    changes that are made by calling the
    CancelCurrentEdit() method of the
    BindingManagerBase Object

Update and Deleting Records
  • This is done by
  • Ending the current edit by calling
    EndCurrentEdit() in the BindingManagerBase class
  • Updating the DB with Update() in the data adapter
  • Cause the dataset to reflect the changes by
    calling the AcceptChanges() method in the data
  • Deleting the records
  • First Ask the user if they are sure they want to
  • Use the RemoveAt() method of the
    BindingManagerBase object
  • Update the database with the Update() method
  • Have the dataset reflect the change by calling
    the AcceptChanges() method of the dataset object

Practice Example 1
  • With the Example finished yesterday
  • Add an Add Button
  • Add an Edit Button
  • Provide a Save and a delete feature
  • Use exception handling for everything

Classes and Modules in VB .Net
  • Creating classes in VB .Net
  • The constructor and Sub procedures in VB .Net
  • The use of Modules

Creating Classes in VB .Net
  • Classes can be added to a project by
  • Right clicking the project container
  • Click add
  • Click add class
  • As in Most OOP Languages VB classes have
  • Public and private attributes
  • Public and private Methods (called functions or
    sub procedures)
  • Constructors and Destructors (destructors are not
    really needed in VB because of garbage collection)

  • Modules can also be added to a project to provide
    a place for Global Methods and Identifiers
  • These Identifiers and methods can be either
    public or private
  • Public Identifiers and methods can be accessed
    from all of the forms and classes in the VB

Practice Example
  • For this Example
  • Create an Auto Class
  • An Auto will have
  • Three Attributes
  • Three Methods
  • Two constructors
  • Try instantiating the method in the form

  • When adding menus to a form you can type in the
    choice right into the menu object
  • Click event handlers can then be added for each
    menu choice in the same manner as the button

Form Design
  • Colors are important
  • They should be contrast in color
  • Ease to read
  • Easy on the eyes for long periods of viewing
  • Should provide easy navigation
  • Should provide a way to enter the data easily
    with just using the keyboard

Multi Document Interfaces (MDI)
  • When creating a form in VB .Net you are creating
    a class
  • Every class in vb must be instantiated before it
    is used
  • This is accomplished by using the new keyword
  • When the instance of the form is created, the
    form can then be visible by calling the forms
    show method
  • Closing a form does not exit the program. To
    exit the program the End method should be called

Practice Example 3
  • Create a Form that will be a switch board
  • Add a form to yesterdays example
  • Place a button that will open the customer form
  • Place a button that will exit the program

Bound and Unbound Controls
  • So far we have seen the benefits of bound
  • These are ok if you intend to use the same SQL
    query for the whole application
  • Once controls are bound to a data set, changes to
    the query in the data adapter can not be
  • Unbounded controls give you the power to create
    new data adapters with new queries.
  • Values can then be placed into the query to find
    specific records in a database

End Day 3
VB .Net Seminar Day 4
  • June 10, 2004

  • ASP .Net basic applications
  • ASP .Net Database applications
  • Web Forms
  • Crystal Reports
  • Creating Help Files
  • Demo with Serial port programming and VB .Net
  • Handout Certificates

ASP .Net basic Applications
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
End Day 4
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