Title: France Telecom Case Study
1France Telecom Case Study
- II- Business Strategy and
- Management of KEY Competencies
Lecture 4
2Some more features of the corporate context that
have been pre-requistes for the implementation
of Competency Management
- Conducting the privatization process
- Introducing a new Classification System based on
a limited number of reference jobs - Focusing on the Yearly Progress Interview
(performance appraisal) for revising Human
Resources Management Practices
3To summarize 10 years of fast evolution at FT
- From
- - A technical administration evolving in a
monopolistic context - To
- - A commercial service provider evolving in a
competitive context
4- Technical administration with monopoly
- Employment Security
- Scale-based salary
- Mobility on wishes
- Civil servant status of the staff
- Technical legitimacy
- The technique impacts the service offered
- The subscriber is a captive market
- All activities are monopolistic
- Administrative accounting
- Administrative management
- Prices are based on non-optimized costs
- Service company in competitive market
- Fear on employment
- Individualised and Merit-based salary
- Mobility for the service
- Employee shareholder of the company
- Commercial legitimate
- The technique is the answer to match demand
- The Client is in the heart
- All activities are in competitive environment
- Private law accounting
- Management based on quality-cost-deadlines,
productivity and profitability - Prices are determined by the competitive market
5Breakdown of France Telecom staff (France)
Early retirement planat 55 instead of 60
years with 70 of salary one-year bonus
Orange, Wanadoo
Fixed and distribution
6Key issues to be developed
- Re-classification
- Appraisal
- Career management
7New issues of HR Management...
- From one PTT administration towards a Private
company.. - How to manage administrative personnel (civil
servants rights) in coherence with private rights
personnel in a competitive sector company ? - From a qualification approach towards a
competency logic point of view. - How to warrant employment criteria in the work
environment today? - How to warrant the group performance combining
both individual and multi-skills? - How to ensure evolution in skills?
8HR Management Evolution
- This evolution was closely followed by a deep
social reform that lead to a really coherent and
innovative HR management policy (although
conforming to the civil servant rules). - The key issue of this new management
- Re-reclassification
- (from a grade to a specific job-type)
9Re-classification From grades to classification
- Objectives and principles
- Identify all functions in place in the
organization - Facilitate coherence between functions and
professional qualifications - Recognize the value of professional experience
acquired during the career and through promotion - The different steps
- Identify key functions (130) which cover all
fulfilled functions - Position these functions with an appropriate
rating scale - Design evaluation and weighting tool
- Use this tool to fix all functions on levels on
which build the new Human Resources salary scales
10Re-classification Function levels
- 15 function levels identified and organized in 4
classes - Class I corresponds to the functions of
low-skilled employees without required diploma (3
sub-levels) - Class II groups the functions of team members and
supervisors (3 sub-levels) - Class III corresponds to the front-line Managers
(3 sub-levels) - Class IV corresponds to Executive Managers (6
11Re-classification Function levels
Class I specialized agents
Recruiting without any diploma
Class II Team Members and Supervisors
Recruiting A-level
Recruiting mode
500 grades
Class III Exploitation and management
Recruiting bachelor degree
Class IV Top executives
Recruiting master of engineering
12Re-classification Positioning tool weighting
- Responsibility Criteria 35
- Management level 14
- Specific Responsability (finance, security,
etc,.) 10 - Impact status 11
- Competency Criteria 28
- Experience, skills 14
- Problem solving ability 14
- Autonomy Criteria 22
- Relationship Criteria 12
- Hardship Criteria 3
13Re-classification Criteria and weighting degrees
- Management level
- Degrees from 0 to 3000 persons
- Relational Dimension nature, frequency, quality
of relationship - Degrees collection, analysis, simple
restitution, with factual persuasion or no, for
whom, for which purpose,... - Competency experience
- Degrees knowledge, know-how, behaviour
requirements, (in one or various fields) acquired
through experience or studies - Autonomy
- Degrees simple tasks, complex ones, with or
without procedures to apply - Problem solving ability unusual situation or
not.. - Responsibilities extend limited, concerned with
others.. - Impact with or without risks, recommendation
needed,.. - Hardship physical, psychological, mental
14Re-classification Job description - functional
- Objective allowing the establishment of a link
between an employee and a targeted function - Methodology
- From occupied job posts and the link to a
function, a proposal is made to every employee
through a job description which includes - The hierarchical connection
- A structural position
- A position in the classification scale
- A corresponding salary scale
- Internal promotion perspectives
15An Appraisal tool the Progress Interview (PI)
- Implementation of PI allows
- Evaluation
- Post activities and associated skills mastering
- Fixed objectives achievement and performance
- Employee potential capability
- Fixing objectives for the period to come
- Raising needs in terms of skills development
- Promoting individual expectations
- PI becomes a real management tool which permits
- a compensation evolution
- a promotion for the employee
- Consideration for evolution wishes in terms of
16Conducting of Annual Progress Interview (PI)
- A progressive implementation processA top-down
approach, without any exception - Preliminary Preparation of those conducting the
interviewsA face-to-face training session,
complemented with a probationary period allowing
HR Managers to master their facilitators role - Detailed information of those being assessedAn
opportunity to put into practice the up-dated
rules concerning internal communication
(cascading dissemination, intensive use of the
Intranet,listening practices and bottom-up
information flows) - Conducting the annual interviewWith a strong
will to eliminate any prejudice and in order to
conciliate collective interest with individual
17Job Description Key features
- Creation date
- Job title
- Duty station
- Job title of the Supervisor
- Main duties
- Size and importance of the position
- of the post itself (allocated budget, staff)
- of the business unit (overall budget, staff)
- Specific context/ environment/ contribution to
the value chain
18 Job Description Key competencies (Managerial
and Executive levels)
- To decide
- To direct
- To make happen
- Ensure data security,..while delegating the
responsibility - Analyse disfunctionning causes
- To Lead
- Supervise the personnel management team
- Support and take training actions
- To Communicate
- Coordinate the different interlocutors
- Inform and assist the users
- To Solve problems
- Define, coordinate, organise and manage
TEAMSactivities - Be aware of new techniques
19The Management of Career Development Mapping of
Critical Competencies
Make happen
20Career evolution (1/2)
- Career orientation complements the individual
appraisal - To be organized in line with the Progress
Interview and without any hierarchical
constraint - Through the implementation of ad-hoc committees
whose members are Heads of Operational Units or
HQ Departments - Already prepared to identify competency
profiles- Aware of job vacancies in the
concerned regional area and concrete
opportunities for filling these posts - Able to
design transitional scenarii for moving
step-by-step from the current post to the target
21Career evolution (2/2)
Management of internal re-deployment is
considered as a real process- In order to
create a genuine employment market at the level
of each regional area, reflecting the diversity
of job opportunities in compliance with the
national and international Human Resources policy
of the company. - Based on a clear
identification of the responsibilities of the
originatingand terminating branches of the
organization,..that should not be
limitedneither to an excessive confidence in the
employees goodwill, norto sub-contracting the
HR Manager the whole re-deployment process-
Recognizing the importance of eventual
transitional situations for a smoothtransfer of
22From a local HRM towards a virtual one From
the HR executive office to HRCC and
Intranet New upcome...
- The Front line manager (Group Manager) becomes
the first HR Adviser of his/her Group (team). - The Business Unit HR Director is required to
provide support to the group manager. - Usual actions related to HR management are
carried out through the Intranet. Every employee
becomes an actor of his/her own management - gt Reduction of HR structure in the units
- HRCC creation HR platform (Call Center) to
bring together resources providing support to
several units..and provide corporate visibility
on Job Vacancies
23www.francetelecom.comBernard MERK Equipes RH
acteurs de la str_at_tégie