Aircraft Motion and Control - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Aircraft Motion and Control


Aircraft Motion and Control Know aircraft motion and how it is controlled. 1. Identify the axes of rotation. 2. Identify the effects of flaps on flight. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Aircraft Motion and Control

Aircraft Motion and Control
  • Know aircraft motion and how it is controlled.
  • 1. Identify the axes of rotation.
  • 2. Identify the effects of flaps on flight.
  • 3. Identify the effect of slats on flight.
  • 4. Identify the effects of spoilers on flight.
  • 5. Identify the effects of drag on flight.
  • 6. Describe the elements of controlled flight.

  • 1. The Axes of Rotation
  • 2. Flaps
  • 3. Slats
  • 4. Spoilers
  • 5. Drag Devices
  • 6. Controlled Flight

The Axes of Rotation
  • The fuselage of the conventional airplane is the
    basic structure to which all the other parts are
    attached. The wings, which are the primary
    source of lift, have ailerons attached to them.
    The tail, or empennage, consists of the
    horizontal stabilizer, with attached elevators
    and the vertical stabilizer, with attached rudder.

The Axes of Rotation
  • Longitudinal Axis
  • Running from the tip of the nose to the tip of
    the tail. This axis can be thought of as a
    skewer which turns either right or left and
    causes everything attached to it to turn.

The Axes of Rotation
  • Longitudinal Axis
  • The cause of movement or roll about this axis (or
    roll axis) is the action of the ailerons.
    Ailerons are attached to the wing and to the
    control column in a manner that ensures one
    aileron will deflect downward when the other is
    deflected upward.

The Axes of Rotation
  • Longitudinal Axis
  • When an aileron is not perfectly aligned with the
    total wing, it changes the wings lift
  • To make a wing move upward, the aileron on that
    wing must move downward.
  • The pilot can cause a wing to lift very slightly,
    or by very positive movement on the controls, the
    wing can be made to rise very quickly.

The Axes of Rotation
  • Longitudinal Axis
  • While the one wing is moving upward the other
    wing is moving downward due to the deflection of
    its aileron. The reason again is a change in the
    amount of the wing airfoils lift.
  • The up ailerons deflection is greater than
    that of the down aileron. The up aileron
    must be deflected to a greater degree in order
    for it to affect the airflow and change the lift
    characteristic of the wing.

The Axes of Rotation
The Axes of Rotation
  • Lateral Axis
  • An imaginary rod, running from one wing tip
    through the fuselage and exiting the other wing
    tip, forms an airplanes lateral axis.
  • Another name for the lateral axis is the pitch
  • The elevator can be deflected up or down as the
    pilot moves the control column backward or

The Axes of Rotation
The Axes of Rotation
  • Vertical Axis
  • An imaginary rod or axis which passes through the
    meeting point of the longitudinal and lateral
    axes. It is also referred to as the yaw axis.
  • The airplane turns about this axis in a
    side-to-side direction.
  • The airplanes rudder is responsible for the
    movement about this axis.

The Axes of Rotation
  • The flaps are attached to the trailing edge of
    the wing. In cruising flight, the flaps simply
    continue the streamline shape of the wings
  • When flaps are lowered either partially or fully,
    lift and drag are increased.

  • Flaps increase the camber of the wing airfoil for
    the portion of the wing that it is attached.
  • This causes the air to speed up over the wing
    section where the most lift is created.
  • On the underside of the wing, dynamic lift is
  • When landing, flaps permit the steep descent that
    may be necessary to land on a short runway.
  • Using flaps when taking off helps the airplane
    get off the ground in a shorter distance.

  • In addition to the simple hinge flap there are
    much more complicated ones.
  • When an extended flap leaves a space between the
    wing and flap, it is known as a slotted flap.
  • This happens because the high-speed relative wind
    going through the slot adds energy to the upper
    wing airflow.

Flaps and Slats
  • Slats are protrusions from the leading edge of a
  • The secret of the slat is the slot it produces.
  • In normal flight the relative wind struck the
    leading edge of the slat, passed over the slot,
    and continued around the airfoil.
  • Modern airplanes have retractable slats.

  • Spoilers work to destroy lift.
  • Spoilers are found on various aircraft from the
    jet airliner to the sailplane.
  • On the jet airliners, spoilers are hinged so that
    their aft portion is tilted upward into the
    smooth airflow.

  • A favorable feature about spoilers is that they
    can be deployed or retracted quickly.
  • The use of flaps lowers the stalling speed.

Drag Devices
  • These devices may be located at the trailing
    edges of the wings, or they may protrude from the
    aircrafts fuselage upon activation by the pilot.
  • These devices may be called dive brakes, air
    brakes, dive flaps, or drag parachutes. Their
    purpose is to produce a significant amount of
    drag without affecting the airfoils lift.

Controlled Flight
  • Takeoff and Climb
  • After taxiing to the runway, a pre-takeoff
    checklist is accomplished.
  • As take off airspeed is approached, gentle back
    pressure on the control wheel raises the elevator
    which causes the nose to pitch upward.
  • Once the nosewheel is off the runway, right
    rudder is applied to counteract the left-turning
    tendency, which is present under low airspeed,
    high-power flight conditions.

Controlled Flight
  • Takeoff and Climb
  • As airspeed increases to the best rate-of-climb
    airspeed, back pressure on the control wheel is
    adjusted to maintain that airspeed until the
    first desired altitude is reached.
  • Upon reaching cruising altitude, the airplanes
    pitch attitude is reduced and the airplane
    accelerates to cruising speed.

Controlled Flight
  • Basic Flight Maneuvers
  • Basic flight maneuvers are started from straight
    and level flight.
  • Power setting is maintained at 55 to 75 percent
    of available power.
  • A series of slight adjustments or corrections in
    pitch, yaw, and roll are made to keep the wings
    level and heading and altitude constant.
  • Basic flight maneuvers include climbs, descents,
    turns, and a combination of these.

Controlled Flight
  • Climbs are a combination of power and up
  • Best angle-of-climb.
  • The climb angle is steep and all available power
    is used.
  • Used when the pilot must rise quickly after
    take-off to avoid objects at or near the end of a
  • Other than best-rate and best-angle climbs, most
    climbs are very gentle at low angles of attack.

Controlled Flight
  • Descent
  • A combination of reducing power and adjusting to
    maintain the desired airspeed. Airspeed is
    maintained by varying pressure on the control
    wheel. This varies the angle of attack and
  • The rate of descent, measured in feet per minute,
    is controlled by applying or reducing power as

Controlled Flight
  • Turns
  • Turns are either gentle, medium, or steep, and
    they may be made when climbing, descending, or
    while not gaining or losing altitude.
  • Causing the airplane to turn requires smooth
    coordination of aileron, rudder and elevator
    controls, pressure on the control wheel and
    rudder pedal should be applied simultaneously.

Controlled Flight
  • Turns
  • The moment a wing begins to rise in a banked
    turn, it experiences more drag because of the
    lowered aileron and its higher angle of attack.
  • Once the coordinated turn is established,
    ailerons and rudder usually are neutralized.

Controlled Flight
  • Turns
  • In-flight turns are measured as the number of
    degrees of bank involved.
  • At 60o of bank the airplane experiences twice the
    normal force of gravity (2Gs).
  • At 80o of bank a force of almost six times that
    of normal gravity is felt.
  • The average light airplane has a design limit of
    approximately 3.8Gs.
  • In steep turns, those of 35o or more of bank,
    considerable back pressure on the control wheel
    is required to produce the needed amount of lift.

Controlled Flight
  • Landing
  • A good landing begins with a good approach.
  • Flaps are used to permit a lower approach speed
    and a steeper angle of descent.
  • The airspeed and rate of descent are stabilized
    and the airplane is aligned with the runway
    centerline as the final approach is begun.

Controlled Flight
  • Landing
  • When the airplane descends across the approach
    end (the threshold) of the runway, power is
  • Continuing back pressure on the control wheel, as
    the airplane enters ground effects and gets
    closer and closer to the runway, further slows
    its forward speed and rate of descent.

Controlled Flight
  • Landing
  • The pilots objective is to keep the airplane
    flying safely just a few inches above the runway
    until it loses flying speed.
  • With the wheels of the main landing gear firmly
    on the runway, the pilot applies more back
    pressure on the control wheel.

Controlled Flight
  • Stalls
  • At the critical angle of attack, air going over a
    wing will separate from the wing or burble,
    causing the wing to lose its lift (stall).
  • This speed will vary with changes in wing
    configuration (flap position).
  • Most airplanes give adequate warning as the
    stalling speed is approached.

Controlled Flight
  • Stalls
  • Newer aircraft have stall warning horns and/or
    lights that activate 5 to 10 knots above the
    stalling speed.
  • When the wing stalls, the nose of the airplane
    starts dropping, even though the control wheel
    may be in the full back position.

  • 1. The Axes of Rotation
  • 2. Flaps
  • 3. Slats
  • 4. Spoilers
  • 5. Drag Devices
  • 6. Controlled Flight
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