God - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Holy Spirit God s Provision For Mission Today. Looking beyond the nuts and bolts. The Holy Spirit is the Executor of the Godhead . When Jesus ascended ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: God

Gods Provision For Mission Today.
The Holy Spirit
Looking beyond the nuts and bolts.
The Holy Spirit is the Executor of the Godhead.
  • When Jesus ascended after His death He left his
    last will and testament with His disciples...Matt
    28 18-20.
  • The Holy Spirit became the executor of this
  • Jesus was not foolish leaving His mission in the
    hands of 12 disciples. He trusted the Holy
  • Jesus knew that the Holy Spirit would come and
    guide, coach, teach, comfort, lead and empower
    the disciples to accomplish His mission.
  • This was the Fathers plan..Jesus obeyed in
    every detail..the Holy Spirit obeyed in every
    detail too!

The Holy Spirit directed the Church to be planted
in Cities.
  • The Urban Church Planting Mission started in
    Jerusalem, spread to Antioch in Syria, then to
    the Cities of Asia and then onto Rome.
  • The Church quickly became multi-cultural and had
    to respond to the many cultures of the
    Mediterranean region, as well as African and

The Holy Spirit in urban mission- A quick review
  • Guiding principles
  • Mission shapes the Church
  • Context shapes the Mission Mode.

Gods Mission for His Church.
  • For us to join with Jesus in His Mission.
  • All authority in heaven and on earth has been
    given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of
    all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
    Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
    and teaching them to obey everything that I have
    commanded you. And remember, I am with you
    always, to the end of the age. Matthew.

Our mission context.
  • Post Christendom. Christendom Rejected
  • Post Modern. Modernity Rejected
  • Diverse, pluralist with few commonalities.
  • Relocated / transient. Exilic
  • Spiritually curious, hungry searching.
  • Dogmatically suspicious and often hostile.
  • Officially disinterested / hostile to

It looks so simple !
The Mission Objectives being pursued
Conditions and demands of context Shape
and Mode of Church
Couldnt this apply to any human enterprise?
Does God do it differently?
Are we Christians or Deists?
  • Is it all good strategy and human kindness?
  • What role does God play?
  • How does God enable His Mission?
  • How does God work through His people?

Where is God in history
  • Looking on from a distance?
  • Closed system
  • Deism - believes in God but has no relationship
    with God
  • Dissolved and incorporated
  • Indistinguishable from system
  • Eastern- Hinduism ultimately inclusive of all
    concepts of God
  • Separate and sustaining
  • Creator standing outside creation, able to
  • Judeo-Christian able to be involved with God

Is there something else?
For the kingdom of God depends not on talk but on
power. 1 Corinthians 420
Jesus said to them, Truly I tell you, there are
some standing here who will not taste death until
they see that the kingdom of God has come with
power. Mark 91
Where is Gods power today?
Lets take a closer look at the Twentieth Century
  • What has God been doing?
  • Where has the Power been at work?
  • How is the Holy Spirit working?

Some reflections
1901, A fresh outpouring.
Bethel Bible College, Topeka, Kansas, USA
  • Charles Parham and others, seeking holiness
  • Opens Bethel Bible School with 40 students, a
    faith community seeking Gods provision through
    prayer and service.
  • Prayer was central with a 24 hour prayer tower
  • 3 days before 1-1-1901 Parham asked students to
    study baptism in Holy Spirit, especially in Acts
    and search for objective, biblical evidence where
    by a person could know for certain they had in
    fact received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
    On New Years Eve he returned.

What did he find?
Parham Wrote
  • To my astonishment they all had the same story,
    that while there were different things that
    occurred when the Pentecostal Blessing fell, the
    indisputable proof on each occasion was that they
    spoke with other tongues.

And then?
  • In the watch night service (1900-1901) later that
    evening, the Holy Spirit manifested Himself with
    unusual intensity. At about 1100 p.m., Agnes
    Ozman (1870-1937), asked Parham to pray for her
    that she might receive the baptism of the Holy
    Spirit as observed in their study.

What happened?
Parham wrote
  • Humbly in the name of Jesus, I laid my hand upon
    her head and prayed. I had scarcely repeated
    three dozen sentences when a glory fell upon her,
    a halo seemed to surround her head and face, and
    she began speaking in the Chinese language and
    was unable to speak in English for three days

Significance ?
  • This was a spiritual breakthrough.
  • The Bible would never be read the same way again.
  • The Holy Spirit was coming in from the cold.
  • It established for these first Classical
    Pentecostals speaking in tongues as the Biblical
    evidence for baptism in the Holy Spirit. This
    experience provided the desired objective
  • New idea? In 4th Century Augustine and
    Chrysostom had reached same conclusion.
  • Others sought to receive from Parham and revivals

Seeking a personal Pentecost
  • Normal activities at Bethel were suspended all
    went to an upper room and waited on the Lord for
    their personal Pentecost.
  • By January 3rd, 1901 all students and Parham had
    received a powerful Pentecostal Blessing.
  • Parhams own description There came a slight
    twist in my throat, a glory fell over me, and I
    began to worship God in the Swedish tongue, which
    was later changed to other languages and
    continued so until the morning.
  • In the following days sincere and curious seekers
    came, some also received a Pentecostal blessing
    and took the witness out.
  • By Summer the buildings were sold and school
  • A spark had been lit .

Another ripple, William Seymour
312 Asuza Street Mission, Los Angeles, USA, 1906
  • William Seymour spent much of his time behind the
    pulpit with his head inside the top shoe box of
    which the pulpit had been made, praying.
  • One participants description Someone might be
    speaking. Suddenly the Spirit would fall upon
    the congregation. God himself would give the
    altar call. Men would fall all over the house,
    like the slain in battle, or rush for the altar
    enmasse to seek God. We simply prayed the
    Holy Ghost did the rest.
  • A fire was being kindled.

Asuza Street, the urban poor!
  • At last there was a church where black and white
    could worship together.
  • Blacks were mostly poor, although some poor
    whites where present as well.
  • Pentecostal experience was marginalized in
  • To gain respectability Pentecostals gradually
    lost their appeal to the poor as the dominant
    wealthier racist white class took control.

How to frame these events?
A First Wave of Pentecost for the 20th Century
  • It featured
  • Racial Diversity. Black and white praised God
    together. Colour was washed in the blood
  • Gender Diversity. Women preachers. Gal. 3 v 28
  • Tongues as evidence of baptism in the Holy Spirit
  • Through the first decades of the 20th century
  • Similar outpourings were documented around the
    world Europe, India, China, Africa, South
    America etc. A new out pouring seemingly
    orchestrated by the Holy Spirit.

An example from India, 1906
  • Pandita Ramabai (1858-1920) a well educated
    woman born of an upper caste, had become a
    Christian in the latter part of the 19th c. An
    astute scholar, she was recognised by the
    Sanskrit scholars of Calcutta University who had
    conferred on her the distinguished titles of
    Sarawatti and Pandita. She mastered 7 languages
    and translated the Bible from Hebrew and Greek
    into Marathi, her mother tongue. She authored
    The high Caste Hindu Woman and A Life of Christ,
    as well as numerous tracts distributed throughout
    India. During a severe famine in her region of
    India she opened a home for girls and in this
    endeavour was totally dependent on God for
    provision, and prayer was her lifeline.

An example from India, 1906
  • In January 1905 Ramabai began to speak about the
    need to seek God for revival. Before long, 550
    people, mostly women and girls, were meeting
    twice daily, praying for revival and for the
    endowment of power. On June 30, Ramabai was
    teaching the girls from John 8 when suddenly the
    Holy Spirit fell as in the Book of Acts.
    Everyone in the room began to weep and pray
    aloud. The revival had begun.
  • Ramabai suspended regular school activities,
    giving the Holy Spirit free reign in their midst.
    At the outset, confession of sin and repentance
    dominated, but then came glad singing, wonderful
    praise and joy-filled dancing. Some experienced
    visions and supernatural dreams. Many
    experienced baptism in the Holy Spirit
    accompanied by speaking in tongues.

Another example from Kunming
  • James A Baker ran an orphanage in Kunming South
    West China in the late 1800s to early 1900s.
    The story is in his book Visions Beyond the
  • James Baker tells the story of a Holy Spirit
    visitation where children from 3-10 years old saw
    visions of heaven, and Angels, spoke in tongues,
    and told adults in the streets there sins,
    whereupon the adults repented.

A First Wave 1901 - 1960.
  • By the third generation after Bethel and Asuza
    Street, and many other places the place of
    Pentecost had become confused.
  • Spiritual Treasure in Clay Pots?

The Evidence of Pentecost?
  • To Pentecostals the evidence was the gifts and
    signs of the Holy Spirit, and in particular
    speaking in tongues.
  • To outsiders the evidence was that finally there
    was a church with the power that could break down
    the divisions between rich and poor, black and
    white, upper class and lower class.
  • Sadly, this new found reconciliation among
    societys long standing divisions did not last
    long in the Pentecostal Church.

Conclusion about the first wave?
  • When the Holy Spirit was moving unusually and
    powerfully among the people, traditional social
    divisions were healed.
  • As the Holy Spirits power receded the social
    effect receded.
  • Pentecostal outpourings moved many poor into the
    middle class and they largely forgot their roots.
    The poor were attracted to the power of
  • A few movements were started by poor Pentecostals
    to the poor during the early stages of the First

Personal comment from research into outpourings
of the Holy Spirit
  • Most outpourings are accompanied by unusual signs
    that result in abnormal behaviour according to
    the status quo of the middle and upper classes.
  • To participate in these outpourings is humbling
    for the middle and upper classes.
  • The power of God manifested in the outpourings
    meets the needs (especially healing) of the poor.
  • Pentecostal outpourings are more appealing to the
    poor than the other classes.
  • Humility of heart leading to obedience is the
    goal of the Spirits work.

A Second Wave 1960-1983.
  • The Holy Spirit moved through the existing

Pentecost in the Mainline Churches.Established
denominations visited.
Episcopalians - Anglicans
  • In November 1959, while praying in his home,
    Dennis Bennett, (1917-1992) Rector of St. Marks
    Episcopalian Church, Van Nuys California had
    received a Pentecostal Baptism in the Holy
  • TIME magazine told the story in April 1960.
  • The Episcopal Church was not welcoming. Bennett
    sent to St. Lukes in the desert and made it
    bloom. - Institutional disapproval.
  • By 1963 there were 2000 charismatic
    Episcopalians in Ca. (Source Christianity Today)

Some welcomed a new Pentecost
Roman Catholics
  • On October 11, 1962 80-old Pope John XXIII
    solemnly opened Vatican II, the 21st Ecumenical
    Council and prayed
  • "Divine Spirit renew your wonders in this our age
    as in a new Pentecost, and grant that your Church
    praying perseveringly and insistently with one
    heart and mind together with Mary, the Mother of
    Jesus, and guided by Blessed Peter, may increase
    the reign of the Divine Savior, the reign of
    truth and justice, the reign of love and peace.

Roman Catholic experience
  • Vatican II allowed for dialog with others.
  • Roman Catholics open to joint prayer with other
  • Cardinal Seunens championed role of charismatic
    gifts in life of Church. This led to open and
    positive attitude by Council.

Roman Catholic experience
  • Event happened at Duquesne University Pittsburgh,
    Feb. 17-19, 1967 at a Professors Retreat
  • As these Catholic seekers prayed through to
    Pentecost many things familiar to classical
    Pentecostals began to take place. Some laughed
    uncontrollably in the Spirit, while one young
    man rolled around the floor in ecstasy.
    Shouting praises to the Lord, weeping and
    speaking in tongues characterised this beginning
    of the movement in the Catholic Church.
  • From here it spread, by 1970 A Catholic
    Conference at Notre Dame attracted 30,000.

Second Wave, Both blessings and problems
  • Pouring New Wine into Old Skins?
  • USA high water mark 1977, 152,000 Pentecostal /
    Charismatics met at Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas
    City. R.C.s, Lutherans, Presbyterians,
    Episcopalians, denominational Pentecostals,
    Baptists, Methodists and Messianic Jews. A
    tremendous celebration.
  • Problems upon returning to local parish.
  • Issue of authority between Institutional and
    Charismatic ministry. Whom should yield to
  • Personal point of entry - Parish Prayer Groups

Second Wave, A summary
  • According to Peter Wagner, then professor of
    Church growth at Fuller Theological Seminary.
  • The second wave had been particularly
    influential in the more liberal denominations.
  • The fire of the Holy Spirit swept through Roman
    Catholic South America and evangelical movements
    flourished when opposition confronted Roman
    Catholics touched by the fire.
  • In South America urban poor movements were
    birthed by Pentecostal Churches in countries such
    as Brazil and Chile.

What happened here in your country?
  • Were there examples of first wave outpourings of
    the Holy Spirit here?
  • Did these movements impact the poor?
  • How was the second wave received by your
  • What is your view of tongues as a sign of the
    Holy Spirit?

Second Wave, An abiding question
  • Why did God do this?
  • "There will be a new springtime for the Church
    If people will welcome the promptings of the Holy
    Spirit, The 21st Century will usher in a new
    evangelization and, a tidal wave of conversions
    will sweep the earth."
  • Pope John Paul II speaking about the Charismatic
    Renewal Movement.

A continuation of the pattern of the end of the
last two centuries?
  • In the late 1700s William Carey and a new
    European Evangelical Missionary movement was
    birthed in prayer mobilization took place in
    the early 1800s
  • In the late 1800,s a prayer movement preceded the
    Pentecostal outpourings of the early 1900s.
    Another wave of evangelical missions followed.
  • Will the unprecedented prayer movement of the
    late 1900s yield fresh movements as Pope John
    Paul II predicts?

A Third Wave 1983- ???
  • John Wimber (1934-1997) A fat man trying to
    get to heaven
  • Wimber emerged as spokesperson for Third Wave and
    founded Association of Vineyard Churches.
  • His meetings were characterised by unusual
    manifestations of the Holy Spirit similar to
    early Pentecostals. Prophecy, tongues, being
    slain, shaking, swooning as if seemingly drunk.
  • Third Wavers tended to stay within their
  • Had a different theological explanation seeing
    Baptism in Holy Spirit as part of
    conversion-initiation process not a second

Third Wave / Wimbers legacy
  • He taught us how to see God at work.
  • Interpret and discern what God is doing in the
  • How are people being touched by God?
  • Prayer Ministry changed from Second Wave
  • Less Touch
  • Less Talk
  • More time
  • Wimber made a prophetic visit to England in 1983.
    Ministered in five key churches. Each was to
    become a significant Church in following decade
    and to the present.
  • An American the English could learn from without
  • He moved everyone on from the initial brashness
    yet kept moving forward into God and into mission.

Third Wave A summary, so far. . .
  • According to Peter Wagner, former Professor of
    Church Growth at Fuller Theological Seminary.
  • The Third Wave has been particularly
    influential on the more conservative evangelical
  • Alpha may be recognised as a fruitful and
    significant outcome.
  • New Churches being planted in pagan England and
    elsewhere, (some Anglican) may be seen as fruit.
    This is ongoing.
  • Meshing in with First and Second Wave the Third
    Wave sought and ministered a basic spiritual
    experience of God. In consequence of this by
    2000 over 25 of the Worlds Christians are
    Charismatic-Pentecostals. What will the 21st
    Century bring?

Fourth Wave ?
  • Is it too early to say?
  • Will the Urban poor be impacted this time?

There will be more !
Some personal reflections
  • Power Evangelism in todays context
  • The model of Elijah on Mount Carmel see I Kings
  • Being modelled in Africa by South African and
    West African Evangelists
  • Conclusions
  • Whose God is real in the post-modern,
    post-Christian, cynical West ? Amongst Muslims?
  • Perhaps only an undeniable experience of Gods
    powerful presence will convict of truth.

Re-check the mission maths
The Mission Objectives Being Pursued
Conditions and Demands of Context Shape
and Mode of Church Holy Spirits
Empowerment ______________________________________
_____________________________ Fruitfulness as
Jesus intended.
What does this mean for You?
  • What does this mean for the urban mission among
    the poor ?
  • What does it mean for the members of the
    Encarnacao Alliance?

The Fruitful Church
  • Needs
  • 1. The power of Gods Holy Spirit
  • 2. Vessels (People) capable and available of
    being continually filled with the power of the
    Holy Spirit.
  • 3. Humility and compassion in carrying out its
  • 4. Structural-Organisational flexibility
    allowing people to engage and pursue mission as
    Holy Spirit empowered agents.

  • The producer of this power point presentation is
    deeply indebted to
  • James A Baker, Visions Beyond the Veil. Taiwan.
  • Dennis J Balcombe, Revival Church, HK.
  • David Garrison, Church Planting Movements.
    WIGTake. India.
  • Viv Grigg, Urban Leadership Foundation. NZ.
  • Philip Jenkins, The Next Christendom. Oxford
    University Press.
  • Eric H F Law, The Wolf Shall Dwell with the Lamb.
    Chalice Press.
  • Manuel Ortiz, One New People. IVP.
  • Lamin Sanneh, Whose Religion is Christianity?
    Eerdmans. UK.
  • P.G Vargis, Indian Evangelical Team. India.
  • The Vatican Council, Pope John Paul II, Rome.
  • George Verwer, Operation Mobilization. UK.
  • C. Peter Wagner, Monarch Publications. UK.
  • John Wimber, Vineyard Fellowships. USA
  • George Yancey, One Body, One Spirit. IVP.USA.
  • K.P.Yohannan, Revolution in World Misions.GFA
    Books. India.
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