For the coming of the Son of Man - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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For the coming of the Son of Man


For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: For the coming of the Son of Man

For the coming of the Son of Man will be just
like the days of Noah.
Matthew 2436 But of that day and hour no one
knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the
Son, but the Father alone. In 2 Peter 119-21
the Apostle Peter declared We also have the
prophetic word made more sure, to which you do
well to heed as a light that shines in a dark
place, until the day dawns and the morning star
rises in your hearts.
We are now living in the Church Age, and it is
almost over. The Bible declares that prophesy is
the absolute proof that God inspired the Word of
God and distinguishes it from any other religious
writing. Peter explains that prophecy is intended
to be a light to Christians to enable them to
understand the dark times they are living in.
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
Why study the book of Revelation? Well, we are
living in perilous times. We have bad news at our
door steps every morning. Revelation is a message
from God to all of us who are concerned about our
future. It reveals actually that the world is not
going to get better, but worse.
More about the author
Revelation reveals that God is in control. It
should encourage our faith and perseverance. It
also tells us how to gain eternal
life! Revelation was written to reveal Jesus
Christ as the victor over the conflict. It is a
reminder of the events of history and changes
on the cross the Lord Jesus Christ won the
victory yet to be claimed.
John was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus.
He was the son of Zebedee. John walked in
faith, taking Jesus at His word, and was secure
in His love. John was banished to the Isle of
Patmos According to tradition he was
submerged in hot oil, but he remained steadfast
in Jesus love. He was faithful to his calling
even in the midst of Neros persecutions of
Christians in A.D. 54-68. While John was on
Patmos, God revealed to him the coming of the
Lord Jesus Christ and what would soon come to
pass a revelation unparalleled and the last to
be given. With Johns revelation the New
Testament canon of Scripture would be complete.
  • Revelation is

Designed to reveal the course of history in
advance. Two thirds of the Bible are prophecy. It
can tell the future in advance. The challenge of
the book is to live in the expectation of His
coming. Since the book concludes knowledge it
pulls together al the loose strands of the other
books of the Bible.
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
Unveiling The term comes from the Greek word
apokalupsis and means an unveiling or
uncovering. So the book of Revelation, then,
concerns the unveiling of our precious Saviour,
the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the message of the
appearing of Christ. This appearing takes
place at the Rapture (chapter 4, vs. 1) as well
as at the hour of His return to earth.
CLOUDS, and every eye will see Him, even those
who pierced Him and all the tribes of the earth
will mourn over Him. Even so. Amen.
  • The visions of the future that God revealed to
    John.Important Message Be hopeful but be
    warned Jesus is the Christ who reigns and will
    come again!
  • Powerful letters to seven churches in Asia,
    which we can learn from today.
  • Features the scene of God on his heavenly
    throne, complete with crowns, lightning, winged
    creatures, and more.
  • Uses many prophecies from other parts of the
  • Tells of a grand white horse from heaven,
    whose riders name is Faithful and True.
  • Describes what will happen to Satan.
    Tells how the world will end (and begin again).
  • Only book of Prophecy in the New Testament.

Revelation Contains
  • Twenty-two chapters.
  • It is divided into four sections
  • 1-3 Purpose Blessing
  • 4-8 Greeting from John
  • 9-17 Vision of Resurrected Christ
  • 18-20 Keys to understanding the Book

Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
God is Omniscient This is why the prophecy is
so completely trustworthy. He knows all things,
whether they be actual or merely possible, and He
knows them perfectly from all eternity.
Remember, this special message has been given to
reveal Gods truth, not conceal it.
So let's get started learning more.
Acts 1518 tells us that Known unto God are all
His works from the beginning of the world.
Look around today, current international events
reflect exactly the conditions and happenings
predicted throughout the Bible for the last days
of this age (church age). Many people prefer not
to have prophecy explained to them because they
would rather live by the worlds standards.
Revelation 11 The revelation of Jesus Christ,
which God gave him to show his servants what must
soon take place. He made it known by sending his
angel to his servant John.
Revelation is
More than a book of doctrine. It is also for our
reproof, correction, and instruction. Dont let
this book scare you. God did not have John write
it to be ignored. God wanted us to read it and
understand it. And God promised a blessing to
those who read, hear, and keep the Word of God.
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
Jesus Sends message by angel Jesus sends a
message by an angel who carries it on to John on
Patmos, who records it for us. READ verse 2.
The statement is self-explanatory.
The book of Revelation is a study of signs. There
is a sign of the Holy Spirit presented as seven
spirits (v.4) and the sign of the seven golden
candlesticks and the seven stars (v.20). So,
through signs, we come to an understanding of
this gloriously revealed portion of Scripture.

Jesus Christ
  • Jesus Christ is the central one being revealed.
    It is the revelation that belongs to Jesus
  • There are 5 works that the Holy Spirit does in
    relationship to the Bible.
  • Revelation act by which God reveals Himself to
    man, making known-communication.
  • Inspiration God having communicated, now it
    needs to be recorded-through the human author.
  • Preservation responsibly of the Holy Spirit to
    be preserved throughout history.
  • Illumination to bring all of the Holy Spirits
    works down to us, the act by which the teacher
    and student can understand the word accurately.
  • Application result of the ministry of the Holy
    Spirit. One interpretation of the Bible. The
    Bible interprets itself.

v.2 who bore witness to the word of God and to
the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that
he saw.
He voluntarily took a subordinate role when He
came to earth. He stepped down from Heaven to
become savior of the world.
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
V.3 Blessed is he who reads and those who hear
the words of the prophecy, and heed the things
which are written in it for the time is near.
Verse 3 proves that The apocalypse is not some
deep, mysterious, confusing book.
The next event on Gods calendar, the return of
Christ for His Church. This may happen
momentarily. That is why we as Christians, should
keep our eyes fixed heavenward, looking for that
blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the
great God and Savior Jesus Christ. The event
could happen immediately or within then minutes,
ten months, or even ten years.
The Word imminent, means at hand.
God would not be an omniscient, all knowing God
if He promised a special blessing to those who
read, hear, and keep what they read and hear. If
they were unable to comprehend the truth, then
the Book of Revelation would be of little use to
them. The Book of Revelation is understandable
and fills the heart with joy once we see the
glorious message concerning the Lord Jesus
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
V. 4 John to the seven churches which are in
Asia Grace to you and peace from Him who is and
who was and who is to come and from the seven
Spirits who are before His thrones.
Blessed are those who keep His Word and live in
expectation of His coming.
Seven is Gods number of perfection. The number
also pictures seven different sets of conditions
reflecting the history of Gods people throughout
the Church Age. Gods salutation, found in
nineteen of the twenty-seven books of the New
Testament, is presented here as well Grace be
unto you, and peace.
John was faithful to give the Gospel to the
unsaved. John focuses his attention on seven
local churches located in the area called Asia.

It is not peace and grace but grace and
peace, because this is Gods program for
They cannot have peace until He has shown them
His lovely grace. God must show His unmerited
favor and love, called grace, before one can
experience peace. This grace is shown through the
sacrifice at Calvary.
This is not Asia as we know it today, but
Probably a portion of Turkey. Only seven
Churches are mentioned, although there Were
undoubtedly more in existence.
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
5 Reasons Why This Book Has Blessings For Us
This is why the book is so important! All of
history is following an ordained plan. Verse 4
promise- grace and peace to you a promise to
those who believe. Grace Gods policy to deal
with Gods men it upholds His own riches and
integrity. It supplies mans necessities. Eph.
24-8 What we need Grace provides. Rom. 520
Grace is greater than all our sin.
Check out these verses
Romans 51 Therefore having been justified by
faith, we have peace with God through our Lord
Jesus Christ. Col. 120 and through Him to
reconcile all things to Himself, having made
peace through the blood of His Cross through
Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in
heaven. Titus 211 For the grace of God has
appeared, bringing salvation to all men,
  • In no other book do we see the glory, the
    resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • In no other book do we have the panorama of
    church history. The 7 churches of Asia,
    illustrate conditions that take place throughout
  • In no other book do we see the tribulation in its
    fierceness, living in the last days.
  • In no other book does it reveal the horrors of
    rejecting Jesus Christ.
  • No other book clearly reveals the overwhelming
    victory of Jesus at the cross.

For by grace you have been saved through Faith
and not of yourselves, It is the gift of God Not
as a result of works, that no one should
boast. Eph. 28-9
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
Peace is the result of having received grace
Col. 120, Rom. 51 give us the reconciled state
of the believer. The peace of God is available
to us in 3 different ways
Revelation 15and from Jesus Christ, the
faithful witness, the first born of the dead, and
the ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him who
loves us, and released us from our sins by His
  • The peace with God Salvation
  • The peace from God Sanctification
  • The peace of God Application (Phil. 46-7)

The question is often asked, Why is Christ the
first begotten from the dead when Lazarus and
others where raised first? Simply, because
Others were raised to life, but they died again.
They were raised from physical death to physical
life only to eventually die a second time. Jesus
Christ was raised from the dead to
immortalitynever to die again! He is the first
to have been resurrected with a new, never-dying
body. This is why Christshould be the first that
should rise from the dead Acts 2623, 1Tim. 616
The source of peace comes from Him who is, who
was, who is to come.
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
God intends to establish His kingdom here on
Five times Jesus is called "the first begotten"
Even at his birth, an angel visited His mother,
the virgin Mary, and told her she would have a
son who would sit on a throne and His kingdom
would never end. And that promise was fulfilled
literally when Jesus Christ the Son of God died
on the cross.
Another five times He is called the only
begotten. The term only begotten refers to
His incarnation, whereas first begotten (or
firstborn) refers to His resurrection.
Incarnation means to come in the flesh.
Romans 829 declares, For whom He foreknew, He
also predestined to become conformed to the
image of his Son, that He might be the firstborn
among many brethren Think this verse through
carefully so that no cultist can trip you up on
the terms first begotten and firstborn, in
his attempts to make the eternal Christ have no
Jesus Christ has been chosen by God to rule over
that kingdom.
Jesus is called
The Faithful WitnessJesus was faithful in all
the things God gave Him to do. He was the Word
Made Flesh The Firstborn from the Dead-Jesus was
the first to die and be raised from the dead. He
never died again. The Prince of the Kings of the
Earth-This is His position in the world. The day
will come when the rulers of this world will see
Him physically reign over every power on earth.

Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
V.6 and He has made us to be a kingdom, priests
to His God and Father to Him be the glory and
the dominion forever and ever. Amen.
Verses 5 6 Contain three glorious statements
concerning Christs work on our behalf
When He comes in power and great glory When He
comes to smite the nations, all kindreds of the
earth shall wail because of Him. This is because
He comes for judgment and none will escape. As
John envisions the hour when the Lord come with
ten thousands of His saints (Jude 14), He
victoriously cries, Amen! Amen!
He loved us. He washed us from our sins in His
own blood. He has made us kings and priest unto
God and His Father.
It should be even more thrilling when one sees
that His love is in the present tense, meaning
that He continues loving those He has washed.
This is why John 131 triumphantly declares,
Jesus, having loved His own which were in the
world, He loved them unto the end. That love is
The judgments of the tribulation are
not for the believers. The focus of the promise
is the Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
Preview This is a preview of what will happen
when He returns with His saints in Chapter 19.
Isnt it thrilling to know that when the
lightning comes out of the east, and shines even
on to the west (Matt. 2417), every eye will
witness the spectacle of the ages? There will be
great grief of soul by unbelievers for what they
Verse 7 announces- the Lords return to earth
Notice that every eye shall see Him. That is why
this great event is described as the revealing
or revelation of Christ and occurs when He
comes as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
(Rev. 1911-16).
Jesus went away in the clouds (Acts 19), and He
will be coming back in the clouds (Matt. 2430).

Revelation 17 Behold, He is Coming with the
Clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those
who pierced Him and all the tribes of the earth
will mourn over Him. Even so, Amen.
Why will the unbelievers mourn?
Because they rejected Him.
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
Jesus Christ is the High Priest His current
ministry is from heaven. We are to be living
expectedly, offering effective prayers. Almighty
a name used for the Father in connection with
His person. This term is used 40 times in the Old
The Beginning and the End
  • Ambassador 2 Cor. 514-21 to witness and carry
    the gospel to unbelievers.
  • Every believer is a priest 1 Pet. 25-9 we are
    commanded to boldly approach the throne-offer
    expectable sacrifices prayer.
  • Every believer is a minister 1 Cor. 124-7
    redemption is needed because of sins (unbeliever).

Jesus says He is the Alpha and Omega The first
letter of the Greek alphabet is Alpha
(beginning), the last letter is Omega (the end).
He is everything that can be said about God
from start to finish, from A to Z.
v.8 I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord
God, who is and who was and who is to come, the
If the world hates you, know that it hated me
before it hated you. John 1518
Johns persecution came because of his devotion
to Christ.
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
Check out this verse
V. 9 I, John, your brother and companion in the
tribulation and kingdom and perseverance which
are in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos,
because of the Word of God and the testimony of
2 Timothy 312 And indeed, all who desire to
live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.
John was on the Isle of Patmos, a small island in
the Mediterranean Sea, where he was imprisoned by
the Roman Emperor Domitian. What was his crime?
Two things 1) he would not deny the truth of the
Bible, and 2) he would not deny the witness of
Jesus Christ. John would rather be cast in prison
and killed than reject Christ. Becoming a
servant of God will not keep Christians out of
trouble. We will not go through life without
problems. There will be crosses to bear.
John realizes that he is an old man and highly
revered He wants no praise from men for his
sufferings. He immediately identifies himself as
a brother in Christ and a companion in heartache
and suffering. He places importance in the fact
that He is a member of the Royal Family.
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
John sees first hand Beginning with this verse,
we enter into the revelation experience with John
and observe firsthand all that is presented to
him through the remainder of the book. The
Lords day refers to the first day of the week.
So, on Resurrection day Sunday the first day
of the week John is visited by the One who had
so loved him while on earth Jesus himself. As
He appears, John hears the trumpet-like voice of
Let your light shine before men
John was so shaken that he fainted, just as
Daniel did when the angel Gabriel appeared to him
and prophesied to him of the end times. Both men
took these prophecies seriously, and so should
we. When John regained consciousness, Jesus told
him the reason for His visit. John was to be the
person who would see Gods future for mankind and
was to write so that everyone could read and be
able to interpret it in the light of current
Jesus said, Let your light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works, and glorify
your Father which is in heaven.
V. 10, I was in the Spirit on the Lords day, and
I heard behind me a loud voice like the sound of
a trumpet
The Bible declares that prophecy is the absolute
proof that God inspired the Word of God and
distinguishes it from any other religious writing.
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
V.11 saying, Write in a book what you see, and
send it to the seven churches to Ephesus and to
Smyrna and to Pergamum and to Thyatira and to
Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Ladoicea.
Verse 11 pictures the eternal Christ giving
Johns revelations unveil wonderful
prophecies In the millennial Kingdom Christ will
restore all things. The world is now rushing
toward an abyss of civil war, a totalitarian
world government and the final devastation of
nuclear, chemical and biological warfare.
The good news is that Jesus Christ will have
complete victory over the forces of evil.
The voice told John to write on a scroll what he
was about to see. That scroll is Revelation.
Jesus, picked seven particular churches, and
listed them in order. He had listed them
as so because of their good and bad qualities and
problems they faced.
In 2 Peter 119-21 the Apostle Peter declared
We also have the prophetic word made more sure,
which you do well to heed as a light that shines
in a dark place, until the day dawns and the
morning star rises in your hearts. Peter explains
that prophecy is intended to be a light to
Christians to enable them to understand their
dark times and to motivate them to appropriate
action in light of His soon coming. If we truly
believe that Christ is coming, we will be
motivated to witness as never before, while there
is still time.
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
V.12 And I turned to see the voice that was
speaking with me. And having turned I saw seven
golden lampstands.
When the trumpet like voice of Christ sounded in
verse 11 John turned to see the voice that
spoke to him. This is different! Have you ever
seen a voice?
The fact that the seven churches are pictured as
seven lampstands is significant. This tells us
that believers are the light of the world.
Matt. 514 The seven churches represent
seven different periods of the Church Age.
John turned to see the voice. As he looks in
that direction, he sees seven golden lampstands.
Verse 20 explains this
The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in
My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands
means this The seven stars are the angels of the
seven churches(angelos-messengers-pastors) and
the seven lampstands (a stand made to hold pots
of burning oil), are the seven churches.
Next John saw where the voice came from Someone
who looked like the Son of Man was standing in
the middle of the seven churches. He was wearing
a long robe that went down to his feet with a
golden sash around this chest.
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
Jesus Christ intercedes for His people He is
able to save forever those who draw near to God
through Him, since He always lives to make
intercession for them. Heb.725
Paul also testified to this blessed fact by
stating Seeing then that we have a great high
Priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus
the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.
Heb. 414
Our Great High Priest
Jesus is clothed with the garments of the Old
Testament high priest Why is this significant?
Because He is risen and in heaven, performing
His ministry of intercession.
The signs have a spiritual significance in the
Christians life. In the course of history- the
church has pushed Jesus Christ out. He is robbed
of His high priestly garment.
So, 60 years after Christs death and
resurrection, John sees Him as a High Priest in
the heavenlies.
v.13 and in the middle of the lampstands one like
a son of man, clothed in a robe reaching to the
feet, and girded across His breast with a golden
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
Christ has a gold belt Christ has a gold belt
that reached from His waist to His chest, showing
His higher rankHe has the highest ranking. Gold
speaks of deity. We are commanded to be girded in
our mind with the belt of truth. (Eph. 614).
Revelation 114 And His head and His hair were
white like white wool, like snow and His eyes
were like a flame of fire
1 Peter 113 tells us through the knowledge of
the Word of God, Jesus judges from His own
earthly experience-we are to follow in His
footsteps. His voice will prevail over
anything. John had such great reverence for Him
that he fell as a dead man.
Johns description speaks of antiquity and
coincides with the vision Daniel had in chapter
7, verses 9-13. This Ancient of Days, the eternal
One, Jesus Christ, is also pictured in terms of
whiteness because of His righteousness, for He is
holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners,
and made higher than the heavens (Heb. 726).
1 Peter 55-7 Humble yourself under the mighty
hand of God.
The Greek also emphasizes the fact that His eyes
shot out fire. Christ is righteously angry
concerning the sin of the churches depicted in
Rev. chap. 2 and 3.
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
Christ feet picture judgment and relate to the
events that take place when He returns to the
earth in chaps. 19 and 20. His voice as the
sound of many waters (flood), also depicts
V.15 and His feet were like burnished bronze,
when it has been caused to glow in a furnace, and
His voice was like the sound of many waters.
His voice roared like the mighty waves of the
ocean. It was the voice of the one who spoke
everything into existence (creation), the voice
of the one who will raise the dead (rapture), the
powerful voice of the one who has authority over
all creation.
In the Old Testament, God told the Hebrews to
rise up and crush their enemies with hoofs of
bronze. Here we see that the feet of Jesus were
like burning bronze. This is a reminder that He
will judge everyone. We must all appear before
the judgment seat of Christ. 2 Cor. 510
Jesus is our God Rev. 18 He is our great High
Priest. Rev. 113 He is our Judge. Rev. 115
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
Sharper than any two-edged sword The seven
stars of this verse are angels or messengers of
the seven churches (v.20), while the two-edged
sword is the Word of God.
The Shekinah Glory
Hebrews 412 tell us For the Word of God is
quick, and powerful, and sharper than any
two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing
asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and
marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and
intents of the heart.
Jesus the Sun of Righteousness He is the light
of the world. John is stunned, and
astonished, and humbled at the experience and
cries. It takes us back to the
transfiguration scene in Matt. 172 and pictures
the glory of Christ, who is to be the Judge
during the Great Tribulation hour, Armageddon,
and the Great White Throne assembly of Rev.
Revelation 116 And in His right hand He held
seven stars and out of His mouth came a sharp
two-edged sword and His face was like the sun
shinning in its strength.
Scripture tells us the sharp double-edged sword
represents the Bible. It is alive and active and
it judges the thoughts and attitudes of our
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
V.17 And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as a
dead man. And He laid His right hand upon me,
saying, Do not be afraid I am the first and the
The sight of Christ glorified was breathtaking
Hades was the place where the souls and the
spirits of all humans went until the cross Sheol
(Old Testament) and Hades (New Testament) were
one and the same. In Sheol and Hades were two
compartments, one for the wicked and the other
for the righteous. In Luke 1622-23, the rich man
and Lazarus went to their respective places-one
to suffering and the other to comfort.
The one who laid his head upon Jesus at the Last
Supper now falls prostrate at His feet. As John
falls before his blessed Lord in fear, Jesus
lovingly says, Fear not. He is saying the same
to us today.
Not only have we been delivered from the fear of
death but from the fear of Hades as well.
The thief on the cross went to the comfort side,
or paradise, as promised by Christ when He said,
Today you shall be with me in paradise (Luke
23-43). This is where Christ went upon His death
(Acts 227, 31). There He ministered to His
people and led captivity captive (Eph. 48-10),
literally releasing them from their entrance into
the third heaven of 2 Cor. 122.
V. 18 I am the living One and I was dead, and
behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the
keys of death and of Hades (the cross).
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
Check out this verse
Presently, the comfort side of Hades has been
emptied by Him who has the keys of death and
Hades (hell), but the torment side is still full.
This will be emptied for the Judgment Day when
death and Hades deliver up the dead. Rev. 2013
John 141 Let not your heart be troubled.
This message to John is from the first and the
last, the Alpha and the Omega, the eternal One,
Jesus Christ. Because of this tremendous fact,
Christians are not to fear, for through
deathChrist destroyed him that had the power of
death, that is the devil And delivered them who
through fear of death were all their lifetime
subject to bondage. Heb. 214-15
V. 19 Write therefore the things which you have
seen, and the things which are, and the things
which shall take place after these things.
This verse gives us the order of the Book of
Revelation which is written chronologically, or
as the events happened.
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
V. 20 As for the mystery of the seven stars which
you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden
lampstands, the seven stars are the angels of the
seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the
seven churches.
Past, Present, and Future
The tribulation period is seven years of Gods
wrath. The millennium is a thousand year reign of
Christ on earth. A mystery is a hidden truth
that has not been made known before. Until it is
revealed, it is meaningless to the reader. Once
it is revealed, it ceases to be a mystery and
becomes a revelation.
What John had seen was not for his own personal
knowledge Jesus wanted it written down for all
of Gods people. The seven churches really
existed when John had his vision. They were
selected for this revelation because they reveal
aspects of the seven periods of the Church Age.
What will take place later refers to future
events that will take place after the Church Age
is over.
John recorded seven messages from Jesus to seven
churches representing the complete Bride of
They reveal what will happen during the
Tribulation Period plus what will happen during
the Millennium and beyond.
Author John the Apostle
Date written About A.D. 95
While Satan hates the whole Bible He especially
despises Genesis and Revelation, the beginning
and the end of the Word of God. He hates Genesis
because it reveals Gods glorious creation and
Christs ultimate defeat of Satan in the last
Study Questions
The book of Genesis has suffered many years of
continuous attacks by those who hate the Bible.
Satan hates the Book of Revelation more than any
other in the Bible because it reveals his true
character, his deceptions, his devices and his
ultimate overthrow. The Apocalypse details
Satans defeat at the battle of Armageddon, his
imprisonment for a thousand years and his final
destruction in the lake of fire.
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  • Should we be afraid of Revelation? _______
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Satans attack
Satans attack on the Revelation has focused on
getting the Church to ignore the book as
something too mystical and mysterious to be
practical. Genesis and Revelation are the Alpha
and the Omega, the beginning and the ending of
Gods message to the Church.
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