Title: Policy research and public scholarship at disciplinary frontiers
1Policy research and public scholarship at
disciplinary frontiers
- Partnerships for Preparedness
- A Joint Symposium of the Association of Schools
of Public Health and the Association of American
Veterinary Medical Colleges
- April 2007
- Atlanta, Georgia
Justin Kastner, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Food S
afety Security Department of Diagnostic Medicine
/Pathobiology Kansas State University 785-532-4
820 jkastner_at_ksu.edu
Jason Ackleson, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Govern
ment Department New Mexico State University jack
2Why interdisciplinary research (IDR)?
Thought leaders and thought-leading institutions,
including the National Academies, encourage IDR.
Committee on Facilitating Interdisciplinary
Research, Committee on Science, Engineering, and
Public Policy (2004). Facilitating
Interdisciplinary Research. Washington, D.C.
The National Academies Press.
3The Frontier Program - http//fss.k-state.edu/fron
Frontier interdisciplinary program for the
historical studies of border security, food
security, and trade policy Scholarship about fro
ntiers (borders) Scholarship at disciplinary and
institutional frontiers
Public and academic scholarship
Historically-rooted analysis Policy-relevant prod
4Educational benefits
As scholars cross disciplinary frontiers they...
...must translate discipline-specific language
...must interpret and explain assumptions
...inevitably must hone their critical thinking
Education is what remains when the facts are no
longer relevant. Dr. K. Patricia Cross, parap
hrase courtesy of Dr. John Pickrell
5Graduate students and interns example projects
- The historical role of export certification
- For the Dictionary of Transnational History
- History of the germ theory of disease
- History of food safety standards
- Multicultural dimension of the food industry
- Rural Kansas hospital preparedness for pandemic
- TSE surveillance and the sociology of risk
- GIS, FSS, and international relations
6Historical insights for the AAVMC-ASPH joint
7Texas Fever
- Texas longhorns trampling Kansas crops and
spreading Texas Fever
- Texas Fever also termed Spanish fever,
(incorrectly) splenic fever, and tick fever
- Texas longhorns
- immune from long-term exposure to the protozoan
- carried and shed the tick
- Kansas cattle were susceptible
- 4 out of 5 infected animals died
8Texas Fever
February 11, 1865 Kansas acts
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of
Kansas ...If any person or persons other tha
n immigrants shall drive or cause to be driven
any cattle or other stock, by the single head or
in a drove or droves, through or into any county,
in this State from the State of Texas, or from
the territory south of the south line of this
State, he or she or they, for every such offense,
on conviction thereof in the district...court,
shall be fined in a sum not less than one
thousand dollars, and imprisonment in the
penitentiary of the State not less than one
year. ... Approved February 11, 1865. S.J.
CRAWFORD, Governor.
9Texas Fever
Trail drives of 1866 violent encounters
1867 Joseph McCoy Establishes at Abilene a d
epot or market to which a Texan drover could
bring his stock unmolested Entices the Union Pac
ific Railroad to accommodate cattle pens (and
give him a commission on every carload of cattle
shipped) Persuades the Kansas governor not to en
force quarantine against transient Texas cattle
10Texas Fever
1867 Kansas asks the USDA for help
11Investigations of Texas Fever lead to discovery
of other diseases
- 1868 John Gamgee
- British veterinary consultant
- Hired by the USDA to investigate outbreaks of
Texas Fever in Illinois, Kansas, and Missouri
- Notes that contagious bovine pleuro-pneumonia is
also a problem in the U.S.
131879 An embarrassing year for U.S. animal
health food safety
Winter of 1878-1879 British veterinary authorit
ies intensify disease-control measures at ports
January 26, 1879 pleuro-pneumonia diagnosed
in U.S. cattle landed at Liverpool
141879 An embarrassing year for U.S. animal
health food safety
151879 An embarrassing year for U.S. animal
health food safety
U.S. cattle, swine, and sheep subject to
immediate-slaughter restrictions at ports due
to Contagious bovine pleuro-pneumonia Foot and
mouth disease Classical swine fever, or hog chole
ra Immediate slaughter of U.S. pigs affords opp
ortunity to microscopically examine pork
Trichina spiralis suspicions confirmed
16March 28, 1879
- John Shaw Billings, MD
- Brilliant public-health thought leader
- Staff member, U.S. Army Surgeon-Generals office
- Laid the foundation for the National Library of
Medicine, et cetera
- Believed that a newly-created National Board of
Health should address the very important
question of wholesome food supply.
17March 28, 1879
- Dr. J.S. Billings argued
- Both animal-health and food-safety policy should
be crafted at the National Board of Health
- Combining human- and animal-disease studies is
helpful because of the light which each will
throw on the other.
18A missed opportunity?
- Contrary to Dr. J.S. Billingss hopes, the
National Board of Health concerned with only
human diseases
- The U.S. Veterinary Medical Association argues in
January 1880 that the veterinary profession, who
alone have made a special study of these
epizootics, was best suited to deal with animal
diseases - 1881 U.S. government creates veterinary
regulatory body, the Treasury Cattle Commission
(in 1884, upgraded to the U.S. Bureau of Animal
Industry) - 1882 Congress formally declares that the
National Board of Healths duties and
investigations shall be confined to the diseases
of cholera, small-pox and yellow fever.
19Frontier activities related to cross-border
20Regionalization and Compartmentalization
The London Times May 13, 1890
Food safety and animal disease risk management s
hould be taken with reference to particular
commodity supply chains and geographic
regionsnot merely nation-states.
- Dr. Brian Evans (paraphrase)
21SW NM Border Security Task Force
Routinely-held, problem-solving forum for
citizens, stakeholders, policymakers, farmers,
and law enforcement personnel in the Southwest
New Mexico region
22- We are not students of some subject matter, but
students of problems. And problems may cut right
across the borders of any subject matter or
discipline. - - The late Karl Popper, former professor at the
London School of Economics and Political