Title: University of Maine System Employee Assistance Program Managers Overview
1University of Maine System Employee Assistance
Program Managers Overview
- Understand the benefits of the EAP
- Highlight the broad scope of available services
- Discuss the available EAP tools for managers
- Understand the different types of EAP referrals
- Review the steps to successfully refer a troubled
employee to the EAP
3Who is CIGNA Behavioral Health ?
- Established in 1974
- Employee Assistance Program since 1975
- Extensive coverage throughout Maine
- National provider network
4What is the EAP?
The University of Maine System EAP is a free
resource for counseling and support services for
all employees regardless of their Medical Plan
enrollment. It is a proven way to increase
employee productivity, job satisfaction, and
- Employee Support
- Marital and relationship issues
- Mental health /substance abuse
- Legal and financial issues
- Anxiety mood disorders
- Balancing work and life
Employer Support Management consultation Crisis
intervention Communication and promotion Web-ba
sed information and resources Education trainin
5EAP Participant ServicesEmployee Assistance
- Benefits of the EAP
- Confidential household benefit available 24/7
- Telephonic and in-person consultation
- Assessment, counseling (up to 6 sessions ) and
- Work/Life information and resources
- Personal health on-line
6Accessing the EAPEmployee Assistance Program
What happens when an employee calls the EAP?
Informational services
Participant calls EAP
Intake specialist identifies appropriate servi
Telephonic support counseling
Face to face assessment and counseling
7Credentials of EAP Professionals Employee
Assistance Program
- Psychologists
- Clinical social workers
- Counselors
- Marriage and family therapists
8University of Maine System EAPToll-Free Phone
Work/Life Services
EAP Services
Career and Benefits
Mind and Body
Personal Services
Family Care
Log on to cignabehavioral.com Provider Direct
ory Search Vehicle Quarterly Awareness Series
Frequently Asked Questions Online Access Referr
al Online Self-Assessment Tool Article Library
Healthy Rewards Online Personal Health Online
Child Care Child care centers Family child care
homes In home care Baby-sitting agencies and opt
ions Nanny agencies and options Au pair agencies
and options Preschools/nursery schools Before
and after school programs Adoption State adoptio
n specialists Adoption support groups Private ad
option National Adoption organizations
Summer Care Residential camps Day camps Traditi
onal camp programs Specialized camp programs Spe
cial Needs Common childhood illnesses Multi-hand
icapped Developmental delays Mentally challenged
/ill Senior Care Home health agencies Nursing h
omes Assisted Living Facilities Continuing care
retirement communities Social Recreational prog
rams Long distance care-giving Backup Care Resp
ite Care
Prenatal Care Birthing Methods Nutrition, exerci
se, and diet Child Care Pre-planning Breastfeedi
ng and formula feeding Parenting Child Developme
nt Sibling rivalry Separation anxiety Sleep and
bedtime routines Toilet Training Child Safety
Discipline Raising Adolescents Pet
Care Veterinarians Insurance Pet-sitting resour
ces Obedience training Pet store and Pet supply
Life _at_ Work 24/7 Telephonic Access Information a
nd Referral Services Consultation and education s
ervices Print and web-based resources available
Discount information provided when available and
applicable Topics include Working with others, W
orkplace conflict, Working overtime, Managing up,
Balancing work and life
Healthy Rewards Access to telephonic and online
information service Access to a discounted netwo
rk of specialty health providers
Access to discounts on products
Free shipping on products Online access via Reso
urceNet Topics include Massage Therapy, Chiropr
actic Care, Vitamin and Herbal Supplements,
Acupuncture, Vision Care, Lasik Eye Surgery,
Hearing Care, Non Prescription Health
Barrier-Free telephonic access
Telephonic triage for emergent, urgent or routine
referrals Telephonic Consultation Face to face-
1-6 Short Term Counseling sessions
24-hour crisis intervention Referrals to Behavior
al Health providers 14-21 day follow-up care by C
IGNA Behavioral Health staff after the referral
is made Community Resources
Legal Services 30 minute free consultation 25 d
iscount on usual fees Referrals to local provide
rs Coverage for most legal issues Elder Law Fin
ancial Information Spending Habits Budgeting S
trategies Managing Credit Debt Management Debt
Consolidation Financial Planning Information Fin
ancial Services 30 minute free consultation 25
discount on usual fees Referrals to local provi
9 ResourceNet_at_CIGNA Personal Health
10Self-improvement Programs These programs offer pa
rticipants a true interactive dialog that helps
create a personalized path to self-improvement.
This interactive tool covers dozens of topics to
help improve participants lives. Depending on
the topic, participants may choose among program
types that can be completed in one quick setting
to those that invite participants to invest more
time. Program types include quick information,
personalized self-assessment, and personal plans.
Online Magazine Browse the archives for health ti
ps, news, and fun. This library of information
offers participants current, informative, and fun
articles on self-improvement and mental health
topics. The online magazine is updated regularly
with current news, helpful suggestions, in-depth
looks at key topics, and refreshing angles on
living well.
Special Discussion Events On a monthly basis, wel
lness-oriented online discussions are hosted by
subject matter experts.
Referral and Benefit Information
Participants can review information regarding
their EAP and/or managed behavioral health
benefits, including referral telephone numbers,
and other detailed plan information.
11Health Behavior
Topics includedieting weight loss, aging,
alternative therapies, healthy eating, managing
your healthcare, smoking substance abuse, and
12Parenting Childcare
Topics includeearly development, family
challenges, health safety, school childcare,
teens, and more
13Aging Eldercare
Topics includecaring for caregivers,diseases
conditions, the aging process,mature diet
nutrition, and more
15EAP Supervisory ServicesSupervisors and Managers
- Management Tools
- Unlimited telephonic consultation
- Supervisory coaching
- Crisis intervention per incident
- EAP referral coordination and follow-up
16EAP Consultation ServicesSupervisors and Managers
- Management Challenges
- Job performance issues
- Substance abuse
- Violence at work and at home
- Sensitive situations
- Critical incidents
17EAP Consultation Services Supervisors and
- Critical Incidents
- Death of employee or significant other
- Workplace injury, accident or natural disaster
- Serious or terminal illness of an employee
- Robbery, assault, rape or suicide of an employee
- Major organizational changes
18Critical Incident Response Employee Assistance
- Reduce the negative impact of traumatic events on
the workplace
- Support and consultation to the organization,
management and employees
- Workplace intervention, education, defusing and
- Assessment and referral of at risk employees
- Follow-up and feedback from management
19EAP Consultation ServicesSupervisors and Managers
- Types of EAP Management Referrals
- Consultation
- Informal referral
- Formal referral
- Continuation of employment
- Fitness for duty coordination
20EAP Consultation ServicesSupervisors and Managers
- EAP Management Referral Process
- Discuss concerns with Human Resources
- Contact EAP and develop action plan
- Clarify type of EAP referral discuss Release
of Information
- Talk with employee about performance issues
- Remind employee about EAP benefits
21EAP Consultation ServicesSupervisors and Managers
- EAP Management Referral Tips
- Review past job accomplishments and express
concern about current performance decline
- Document specific issues and expectations
- Establish plan, time frames and consequences
- Offer support and EAP resources
- Follow-up to review performance improvement
- Take further disciplinary action as indicated
22EAP Consultation ServicesSupervisors and Managers
- EAP Management Consultation Benefits
- Information and support
- Strategy development
- Action planning
- Coaching and rehearsal
- EAP referral and follow-up