The Loose Speak Project James Fan Knowledge-Based Systems Research Group University of Texas at Austin May 8, 2002 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Loose Speak Project James Fan Knowledge-Based Systems Research Group University of Texas at Austin May 8, 2002


The Loose Speak Project James Fan Knowledge-Based Systems Research Group University of Texas at Austin May 8, 2002 Outline Loose speak overview Two types of LS ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Loose Speak Project James Fan Knowledge-Based Systems Research Group University of Texas at Austin May 8, 2002

The Loose Speak ProjectJames FanKnowledge-Based
Systems Research GroupUniversity of Texas at
AustinMay 8, 2002
  • Loose speak overview
  • Two types of LS
  • Complex nominal interpretation
  • Metonymy
  • Future work on LS

Loose Speak
  • Loose speak(LS) the phenomenon that human
    listeners are able to correctly interpret a
    speaker's imprecise utterance.
  • Relevance
  • LS common in human communication, but rarely
    supported in human-computer-interaction.
  • Lack of LS requires SMEs talk in precise terms to
    KB, makes KA tedious and error prone, and
    contributes to the brittleness of KB.

Here's a KA example without LS ...
Mitochondrion Catalysis
Current KA Process
Current KA Process
Current KA Process
Correct Representation
Loose Speak Project
  • Task given an imprecise expression, correctly
    form an interpretation consistent with the
    existing KB.
  • Goal
  • To show that (semi)-automatic interpretation of
    imprecise terms is possible.
  • It can accelerate KA.

Here's how the previous example works with LS ...
KA With LS
KA With LS
After clicking on the See CMAP link
KA With LS
  • Loose speak overview
  • Two types of LS
  • Complex nominal interpretation
  • Metonymy
  • Future work on LS

Complex Nominal Interpretations
  • Complex nominal is an expression that has a head
    noun proceeded by a modifying element. Levi '78
    the semantic relation between the two is
  • Marble statue statue made of marble
  • Animal cell cell that is the basic structural
    unit of an animal
  • Metal detection detecting metal.
  • Complex nominal interpretation task given a
    complex nominal, return the semantic relation
    between the head noun and it's modifying element.

Related Work
  • A set of rules that includes most of the semantic
    relations in complex nominals Levi '78.
  • Hand coded rules Leonard '84.
  • Statistically learned rules Lauer '95.
  • Learned rules under the user's guidance Barker

Our Approach
  • Given a complex nominal made of two concepts H
  • Search KB up to certain depth, return any
    relations between H any of M's
    super/subclasses, or vice-versa.
  • If no relation is returned, select from a set of
    templates based on domain/range match.

Let's see what the templates are ...
  • Templates A set of 32 relations, which includes
    most of the common semantic relations occur in
    complex nominals.
  • Example
  • (a H with (element-type ((a M))))
  • (a H with (is-part-of ((a M))))
  • ...
  • Zero, one, or multiple relations may be returned.

Let's step through a few examples ...
Example 1
  • Given a complex nominal made of two concepts H
  • Search KB up to certain depth, return any
    relations between H any of M's
    super/subclasses, or vice-versa.
  • If no relation is returned, select from a set of
    templates based on domain/range match.
  • M Animal H Cell
  • Do breadth-first KB search, and found the
    following in KB

(every Cell has (is-basic-structural-unit-of ((a
  • Return

(a Cell with (is-basic-structural-unit-of ((a
Example 2
  • Given a complex nominal made of two concepts H
  • Search KB up to certain depth, return any
    relations between H any of M's
    super/subclasses, or vice-versa.
  • If no relation is returned, select from a set of
    templates based on domain/range match.
  • M Cell H Locomotion
  • Do breadth-first KB search, and found the
    following in KB

(every Locomotion has (object ((a
  • Return

(a Locomotion has (object ((a Cell))))
Example 3
  • M Bond H Energy.
  • Given a complex nominal made of two concepts H
  • Search KB up to certain depth, return any
    relations between H any of M's
    super/subclasses, or vice-versa.
  • If no relation is returned, select from a set of
    templates based on domain/range match.
  • Do breadth-first KB search, and found the nothing
    in KB
  • Select from the templates
  • (a Create with (raw-material ((a Bond))) (result
    ((a Energy)))) -- match.
  • (a Create with (result ((a Bond))) (agent ((a
    Energy))) -- match.
  • (a Energy with (element-type ((a Bond)))) --
  • ... ...

Performance Measurements
  • Precision C / A, where C number of instances
    in which a correct answer is returned, A number
    of instances in which an answer is returned.
  • Recall C / T, where C number of instances in
    which a correct answer is returned, T the total
    number of test instances.
  • Avg. ans. length L / A, where L total lengths
    of all the answers returned, A number of
    instances in which an answer is returned.

  • Tested on 2 sets of data from Alberts Alberts,
    el with a total of 184 test examples.
  • Our approach has similar precision and recall
    values as the templates method does.
  • Our approach has much shorter average answer
  • The distribution of answer lengths is bi-modal
    65 answers have 1 or 2 choices 19 have 9 or 10

Evaluation (Continued)
  • Our approach is compared to a templates based
    method because the templates resemble the
    hand-coded rules approach.
  • Mistakes from data set 2 are caused by
  • invalid data entries (e.g. phosphate residue -gt
    phosphate substance translation)
  • incomplete KB (e.g. topic slot missing from KB).

Future Work for Complex Nominal Interpretation
  • Gather more data for further evaluation.
  • Integrate the KB search with the templates.

KB Search And Templates Integration
  • KB search is bounded by a certain depth.
  • The selections from the templates can direct
    deeper searches.
  • Example
  • Cell Ribosome.
  • KB search found nothing.
  • Templates
  • (a Ribosome with (is-part-of ((a Cell))))
  • (a Ribosome with (material ((a Cell))))
  • Deeper search reveals
  • (a Ribosome with (element-type-of ((a Aggregate
    with (is-part-of ((a Cytoplasm with (is-part-of
    ((a Cell))))))))))

  • Loose Speak Overview
  • Two types of LS
  • Complex Nominal interpretation
  • Metonymy
  • Future work on LS

  • Metonymy a figurative speech in which "one
    entity the metonym is used to refer to another
    the referent that is related to it". Lakoff
    Johnson '80
  • Example
  • Joe read Shakespeare. It was good.
  • Metonymy resolution task given an input
    expression denoting a piece of knowledge,
    identify any occurrence of metonymy, uncover the
    referent, and returned the paraphrased version of
    the input expression.

Relevance of Metonymy Resolution
Traditional Approaches Fass '91Hobbs
'93Markert Hahn '97Harabagiu '98
  • Given an input (often in the form of sentences in
    natural language)
  • Detect metonymy based on detection of type
  • Resolve metonymy based on a search in metonymy
  • Anaphora is used to validate the result of the
    metonymy resolution.

Let's what the metonymy space is ...
Metonymy Space
  • Metonymy space the set of entities related to
    the metonym.
  • Metonymy space construction
  • given the metonym A, return set S X exists
    A-r1-A1-r2-A2- ... -rn-X where r1, r2, ..., rn
    are members of a fixed set of slots, such as
    has-part, material, agent, result, etc., and A1,
    A2, ..., X are frames.
  • Given A Shakespeare, S Shakespeare, His
    Head, His Text, ... because
  • Shakespeare, r1 self
  • Shakespeare-has-part-His Head, r1 has-part
  • Shakespeare-agent-of-Write-result-His Text, r1
    agent-of, A1 Write, r2 result

Let's step through a few examples ...
Metonymy Example 1 (Traditional Approach)
  • Given an input (often in the form of sentences in
    natural language)
  • Detect metonymy based on detection of type
  • Resolve metonymy based on a search in metonymy
  • Anaphora is used to validate the result of the
    metonymy resolution.
  • Given Joe read Shakespeare. It was good.
  • Type constraints
  • agent-of-read Person.
  • object-of-read Text
  • MetonymySpace Shakespeare, His Head, His Text
    ... .
  • Selects His Text
  • Anaphora It confirms His Text fits better than

Metonymy Example 2 (Traditional Approach)
  • Given an input (often in the form of sentences in
    natural language)
  • Detect metonymy based on detection of type
  • Resolve metonymy based on a search in metonymy
  • Anaphora is used to validate the result of the
    metonymy resolution.
  • Given electrons are removed from water
  • Type Constraints
  • object-of-remove Entity.
  • base-of-remove Entity.
  • No violation found, no metonymy resolution

Metonymy Example 2 (Continued)
  • However the input, Electrons are removed from
    water molecules, does need metonymy resolution
    in our representation because
  • Remove requires the base have the object as its
    part, e.g. water molecule should have a part
    called electron.
  • Water molecule does not have a part called
    electron. It has a hydrogen atom part, which has
    a electron part, and it has an oxygen atom part,
    which has a electron part.
  • Therefore the literal translation of the input
    does NOT work, and the traditional approach does
    NOT give the correct answer either.

Our Approach
  • Given (a Read with (object (Shakespeare))),
    translate it into Read-object-Shakespeare
  • Given KM expression that can be translated into
    X-r-Y, where X, Y are frames, and r is a slot
  • Do
  • X' X, Y' Y
  • I Ideal(X, r)
  • M MetonymySpace(Y)
  • Y m such that m Î M and distance(m, I) lt
    distance(m', I) for all m' Î M
  • I Ideal(Y, rinverse)
  • M MetonymySpace(X)
  • X m such that m Î M and distance(m, I) lt
    distance(m', I) for all m' Î M
  • Until (X X' and Y Y')
  • Return X'-r-Y'

1st iteration X Read, Y Shakespeare
I (a Text with (purpose ((a Role with (in-event
((a Read)))))) M Shakespeare, His Head, His
Text, Y His Text I (a Event) M Read X
2nd iteration
Return Read-object-His Text
Ideal and Metonymy Space
  • Ideal
  • Type constraints.
  • Add/delete/precondition list of the action.
  • Teleological constraints.
  • Metonymy Space given the metonym A, return set
    S X exists A-r1-A1-r2-A2- -rn-X where r1,
    r2, , rn are members of a fixed set of slots,
    such as has-part, material, agent, result, etc.,
    and A1, A2, , X are frames.
  • Search depth the n in the A-r1-A1-r2-A2- -rn-X
    path mentioned above. For example, search depth
    of A 0, search depth of A1 1, etc.

Distance Measurement and Comparison
  • Distance - (p, n, t) the similarity between an
    element from the metonymy space and the ideal.
  • p number of shared properties between the
    element and the ideal.
  • n search depth of the element in the metonymy
  • t taxonomical distance between the element and
    the ideal.
  • Given (p1, n1, t1) and (p2, n2, t2), then.
  • (p1, n1, t1) lt (p2, n2, t2) if
  • p1 gt p2 or.
  • p1 p2 and n1 lt n2 or.
  • p1 p2 and n1 n2 and t1 lt t2.

Metonymy Example 2 (Continued)
  • Given KM expression that can be translated into
    X-r-Y, where X, Y are frames, and r is a slot
  • Do
  • X' X, Y' Y
  • I Ideal(X, r)
  • M MetonymySpace(Y)
  • Y m such that m Î M and distance(m, I) lt
    distance(m', I) for all m' Î M
  • I Ideal(Y, rinverse)
  • M MetonymySpace(X)
  • X m such that m Î M and distance(m, I) lt
    distance(m', I) for all m' Î M
  • Until (X X' and Y Y')
  • Return X'-r-Y'
  • Given (a Remove with (object ((a Electron)))
    (base ((a Water-Molecule)))), translate into
    Remove-object-Electron and Remove-base-Water-Molec
    ule. Lets consider Remove-base-Water-Molecule

1st iteration X Remove, Y Water-Molecule
I(a Tangible-Entitytype constraint with
(purpose ((a Role with (in-event ((a Remove))))
teleological constraint (has-part ((a
Electron)))) del-list M Water-Molecule,
Oxygen-Atom, Hydrogen-Atom, Electron, Y
Oxygen-Atom I (an Event M Remove X
2nd iteration Return (a Remove with (object
((a Electron))) (base ((a Oxygen-Atom with
(is-part-of ((a Water-Molecule)))))))
Metonymy Example 3
  • Given KM expression that can be translated into
    X-r-Y, where X, Y are frames, and r is a slot
  • Do
  • X' X, Y' Y
  • I Ideal(X, r)
  • M MetonymySpace(Y)
  • Y m such that m Î M and distance(m, I) lt
    distance(m', I) for all m' Î M
  • I Ideal(Y, rinverse)
  • M MetonymySpace(X)
  • X m such that m Î M and distance(m, I) lt
    distance(m', I) for all m' Î M
  • Until (X X' and Y Y')
  • Return X'-r-Y'
  • Given (a Nucleus with (content ((a Object)))),
    translate it into Nucleus-content-Object.

1st iteration. X' Nucleus, Y' Object
I (a Tangible-Entity) M Object Y
Object I (a Container) M Nucleus, Container,
Nucleoplasm, ... X Container
2nd iteration Return (a Nucleus with (purpose
((a Container with (content ((a Object)))))))
Metonymy Example 4
  • Given (a Catalyze with (instrument ((a
    Mitochondrion)))), translate it into
  • Given KM expression that can be translated into
    X-r-Y, where X, Y are frames, and r is a slot
  • Do
  • X' X, Y' Y
  • I Ideal(X, r)
  • M MetonymySpace(Y)
  • Y m such that m Î M and distance(m, I) lt
    distance(m', I) for all m' Î M
  • I Ideal(Y, rinverse)
  • M MetonymySpace(X)
  • X m such that m Î M and distance(m, I) lt
    distance(m', I) for all m' Î M
  • Until (X X' and Y Y')
  • Return X'-r-Y'

1st iteration X' Catalyze, Y' Mitochondrion
I (a Chemical-Object with (purpose ((a
Catalyst)))) M Mitochondrion, Container,
Aggregate, Oxido-Reductase, ... Y
Oxido-Reductase I (a Event) M Catalyze X
2nd iteration ... Return (a Catalyze with
(instrument ((a Oxido-Reductase with
(element-type-of ((a Aggregate with (content-of
((a Be-Contained with (in-event-of ((a Container
with (purpose-of ((a Mitochondrion)).
Future Work on Metonymy
  • Test data bounded by KB. More data needed for
  • Other applications of the metonymy resolution

Other Applications of Metonymy Resolution
  • Shields SMEs from the idiosyncrasy of the
  • roles,
  • spatial representations,
  • aggregates,
  • properties.
  • E.g. instead of (a Car with (color ((a
    Color-Value with (value (pair red Object)))))),
    do (a Car with (color (red))) directly
  • LS generation for concise display of the
    knowledge to users.

  • Loose speak overview
  • Two types of LS
  • Complex nominal interpretation
  • Metonymy
  • Future work on LS

Future Work on LS Project
  • Discover more patterns of LS.
  • Overly general speak stating knowledge in an
    overly general way, often using a general concept
    in the place of a specific one.
  • Example "there may be 15 RNA polymerases
    speeding along the same stretch of DNA ..".
  • More extensive evaluations.
  • Explore the process of theory and validation.
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