Title: James Armando Guerra of Austin, TX Avid Runner
1James Armando Guerra of Austin, TX Avid Runner
When he is away from work there are few things
that James Armando Guerra enjoys more than
hitting the roads of Austin, TX for a brisk run.
He is a big believer in keeping yourself
physically fit at all times, as this not only
improves your self-confidence, but also gives you
the energy that you need in order to approach
your professional life properly.
2James Armando Guerra of Austin, TX Worked in
Educational Boards
Having worked in the education space since 2005,
James Armando Guerra of Austin TX has served on a
number of educational boards over the years.
Chief amongst them are the Nevada Teacher
Pipeline Consortium and the Texas State
University Alumni Association. As an education
consultant, Guerra has a lot to offer such
organizations, which is why they value his
3James Armando Guerra of Austin, TX College
James Armando Guerra studied at Texas State
University, where he received a Bachelor of Arts
with a major in Mass Communication Public
Relations. This set him up perfectly for the
career path that he would venture on in later
life. Currently residing in Austin, TX, he now
uses the education he received during his college
years to help other educational institutions
improve their level of service.
4James Armando Guerra of Austin, TX Baseball
James Armando Guerra believes in giving back to
the community, whether that be in Austin, TX or a
little further afield. He has a particular
interest in the continued development in the
youth of the United States, which is why he
sponsors a child every year in order for them to
be able to take part in the Cruz baseball
program, which is based in Houston.
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