Title: The Heart Model
1The Heart Model
3(No Transcript)
4Right Atrium
Right Atrium
5Right Atrium
6Left Atrium
Left Atrium
7Left Atrium
8Left Ventricle
Left Ventricle
9Right Ventricle
10Structures Features
Structures Features...
11of the right atrium
- 1. right auricle
- 2. pectinate muscle
- 3. fossa ovalis
- 4. SA node
- 5. AV node
- 6. opening of coronary sinus
- 7. tricuspid valve
12of the left atrium
- left auricle (underside visible)
- pectinate muscle (beneath auricle)
- fossa ovalis
- bicuspid (mitral) valve
13of the right ventricle
- trabeculae carneae
- chordae tendineae
- papillary muscles
- moderator band
- pulmonary semilunar valve
14of the left ventricle
- trabeculae carneae
- chordae tendineae
- papillary muscles
- apex
- aortic semilunar valve
16entering the right atrium
entering the right atrium
posterior view
17tributaries of the coronary sinus
tributaries of the coronary sinus
posterior inferior view
left posterior view
- great cardiac vein
- middle cardiac vein
- small cardiac vein
anterior view
18leaving the right ventricle
leaving the right ventricle
19leaving the left ventricle aorta
Ascending aorta r. coronary a. Marginal
a. Posterior interventricular a. L.
coronary a. Anterior interventricular a.
Circumflex a. Aortic Arch brachiocephalic
a. R. subclavian a. R. common
carotid l. common carotid l. subclavian
a. Descending aorta thoracic aorta
abdominal aorta
leaving the left ventricle aorta
Ascending aorta r. coronary a.
marginal a. posterior interventricular
a. l. coronary a. anterior
interventricular a. circumflex a.
20R. Coronary a.
r. coronary a. marginal a.
posterior interventricular a. l. coronary a.
anterior interventricular a.
circumflex a.
right coronary a. marginal a.
21L. Coronary a.
left coronary artery circumflex a.
anterior interventricular a.
22Posterior interventricular a.
right coronary a. posterior
interventricular a.
23Aortic Arch
Aortic arch brachiocephalic a. r.
subclavian a. r. common carotid l.
common carotid l. subclavian a.
24Aortic arch brachiocephalic a. r.
subclavian a. r. common carotid l.
common carotid l. subclavian a.
25Descending aorta
Descending aorta thoracic aorta abdominal
aorta-not visible here
26Entering L. atrium
entering the left atrium
right lateral view
left posterior view
27Fetal Remnants
Fetal Remnants
28Fossa ovalis
fossa ovalis
29Ligamentum arteriosum
ligamentum arteriosum
30The End
The End