Money, Corruption, and the Financing of Presidential Elections - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Money, Corruption, and the Financing of Presidential Elections


A broad campaign is needed to educate and re-engage a public that ... Halliburton -13. 50% 37% Dick Cheney. Margin. Unfavorable. Favorable. Independent Voters ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Money, Corruption, and the Financing of Presidential Elections

Money, Corruption, and the Financing of
Presidential Elections
  • Public Opinion on Campaign Finance and Funding of
    Election Campaigns

Money, Corruption and the Financing of
Presidential Elections
  • A broad campaign is needed to educate and
    re-engage a public that does not know how the
    presidential public funding system works and what
    the check box means on their tax form.
  • Voters do not believe the Presidential campaigns
    rely on limits and public financing.
  • The current climate of scandal may be increasing
    cynicism about politics generally and thus
    undermining the voluntary public financing
    system. However, it could also build renewed
    interest in reform if ways can be found to
    connect the dots.
  • The strongest message in this environment is the
    cost of corruption to your family and America as
    a wholeillustrated with ties to oil, gas,
    insurance, and pharmaceutical companies.

Money, Corruption, and the Financing of
Presidential Elections
  • Voters are not engaged with what is going on with
    campaign finance laws in the country.

Voters have a lot on their mind these days, and
campaign finance reform is not high on the list.
What do you think is the number one problem for
the President and Congress to deal with -- that
is, what is the problem that you and your family
think is most important for the President and
Congress to deal with?
Source LRP/The Tarrance Group George
Washington University Group Battleground Poll
1,000 registered likely voters nationwide October
9-12, 2005
Despite high voter interest and turnout in 2004,
less than one in six voters gave money to a
presidential candidate.
Did you, yourself contribute to a campaign in
support of one of the 2004 presidential
candidates this year or not?
Source Pew Research Center National panelback
survey of 1209 November 2004 voters who were
originally interviewed in October 2004 November
5-8, 2005
And even fewer participate in the voluntary
check-off program.
Voters based their vote on many other issues in
the 2004 presidential election.
Single Most Important
For each item I name, please tell me how
important it will be in your vote for president
next year (2004). Will it be one of the single
most important issues, very important, somewhat
important, or less important that that.
Source ABC/Washington Post Nationwide survey
of 1104 adults September 10-13, 2003.
Most Americans think campaign finance reform is
an important issue for Congress, but only one in
four prioritize it.
Id like to ask you some questions about
priorities for President Bush and Congress this
year (2004). As I read from a list, tell me if
you think the item I read should be a top
priority, important but lower priority, not too
important, or should it not be doneReforming the
campaign finance system?
Source Pew Research Center National survey of
1503 adults January 6-11, 2004.
Although there was some interest, a majority of
Americans did not follow the indictment of Tom
DeLay closely.
Closely Not Closely
As I read each item, tell me if you happened to
follow this news story very closely, somewhat
closely, not too closely or not closely at all
the criminal indictment of House Majority Leader
Tom DeLay for campaign finance violations.
Source Pew Research Center National survey of
1500 adults October 6-10, 2005
However, even though many do not follow the news
stories closely, voters have strong negative
opinions about those associated with campaign
finance scandals.
Now I'd like to ask you about some public figures
and institutions. For each, please tell me
whether you have a very favorable, somewhat
favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very
unfavorable impression.
Source Lake Research Partners National survey
of 1183 voters, -November 16 22, 2005
Money, Corruption, and the Financing of
Presidential Elections
  • However, voters perceive the system is flawed and
    want change in the campaign finance laws.

A majority of voters are dissatisfied with the
campaign finance laws, but a quarter dont know
enough to rate them.
Please say you are very satisfied, somewhat
satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very
dissatisfied. How about the nations campaign
finance laws.
Source Gallup National survey of 1005 adults
January 3-5, 2005
There has been an up tick in support for fixed
spending amounts for federal candidates since the
1980s. However, more research is needed to see
if this trend is continuing.
It has been suggested the federal government
provide a fixed amount of money for the election
campaigns of candidates for the presidency and
for congress and that all private contributions
from other sources should be prohibited. Do you
think this is a good idea or poor idea?
Source Gallup National surveys of adult
Americans are clearly bothered by the amount of
money candidates spend on campaigns.
Bothers Does Not Bother
How much does the amount of money politicians
spend on campaigns bother you very much,
somewhat, not too much, or not at all?
Voters are confused about the free speech issue
and tend to see all campaign ads as bought
SourcePew Research Center National survey of
1500 adults Released February 19.
Money, Corruption, and the Financing of
Presidential Elections
  • How did we get here? Influence of business
    contributions and political campaign advertising.

A plurality of Americans blame the campaign
finance system for corporate scandals.
Do you blame for these problems (recent corporate
fraud and accounting problem in companies such as
Enron, Xerox and WoldCom or notthe political
campaign finance system?
Source Harris Interactive National survey of
1010 adults July 18-22, 2005
Over-one third of Americans do not pay much
attention to news on public affairs. This
disconnect leads to more advertising, thus the
need for more campaign dollars.
How many days in the last week did you pay
attention to news on public affairs?
Source Center for Public Policy National
survey of 1004 adults September 7-17, 2004
Voters do not rely on network news programs for a
majority of their information.
Where do you get the majority of your news and
current affairs information?
Source Lake Research Partners , 800 Likely
Voters, 57 Targeted Congressional Districts
And Americans are bothered by political
Bothers Does Not Bother
How much does political advertising on television
bother you very much, somewhat, not too much,
or not at all?
SourcePew Research Center National survey of
1500 adults Released February 19, 2004
Local programming on public affairs is crowded
out by entertainment.
Source Alliance for Better Campaigns
Where do we go from here? Next steps
  • More research is needed on voter perceptions of
    national campaign laws to understand their
    disconnect and unwillingness to participate in
    the federal funding system.
  • Hold broadcasters accountable to provide public
    affairs programming on public airwaves.
  • Consider new and innovative approaches to
    dedicate funding to presidential campaigns and
    reduce the influence of large contributors.
  • Use the Internet to power the voluntary
    presidential election campaign check-off.
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