Title: Physics 121: Electricity
1Physics 121 Electricity Magnetism Lecture
13E-M Oscillations and AC Current
- Dale E. Gary
- Wenda Cao
- NJIT Physics Department
2Electromagnetic Oscillations
3Oscillating Quantities
- We will write oscillating quantities with a
lower-case symbol, and the corresponding
amplitude of the oscillation with upper case. - Examples
Oscillating Quantity Oscillating Quantity Amplitude
Voltage v V
Current i I
Charge q Q
4Derivation of Oscillation Frequency
- We have shown qualitatively that LC circuits act
like an oscillator. - We can discover the frequency of oscillation by
looking at the equations governing the total
energy. - Since the total energy is constant, the time
derivative should be zero - But and , so making these
substitutions - This is a second-order, homogeneous differential
equation, whose solution is - i.e. the charge varies according to a cosine wave
with amplitude Q and frequency w. Check by taking
two time derivatives of charge - Plug into original equation
5Which Current is Greatest?
- The expressions below give the charge on a
capacitor in an LC circuit. Choose the one that
will have the greatest maximum current? - q 2 cos 4t
- q 2 cos(4tp/2)
- q 2 sin t
- q 4 cos 4t
- q 2 sin 5t
6Time to Discharge Capacitor
- The three circuits below have identical inductors
and capacitors. Rank the circuits according to
the time taken to fully discharge the capacitor
during an oscillation, greatest first. - I, II, III.
- II, I, III.
- III, I, II.
- III, II, I.
- II, III, I.
7Charge, Current Energy Oscillations
- The solution to the equation
is , which gives the
charge oscillation. - From this, we can determine the corresponding
oscillation of current - And energy
- But recall that , so
. - That is why our graph for the energy oscillation
- had the same amplitude for both UE and UB.
- Note that
8Damped Oscillations
- Recall that all circuits have at least a little
bit of resistance. - In this general case, we really have an RLC
circuit, where the oscillations get smaller with
time. They are said to be damped oscillations.
- Then the power equation becomes
Damped Oscillations
9Resonant Frequency
- How does the resonant frequency w for an ideal LC
circuit (no resistance) compare with w for a
non-ideal one where resistance cannot be ignored? - The resonant frequency for the non-ideal circuit
is higher than for the ideal one (w gt w). - The resonant frequency for the non-ideal circuit
is lower than for the ideal one (w lt w). - The resistance in the circuit does not affect the
resonant frequencythey are the same (w w).
10Alternating Current
- The electric power out of a home or office power
socket is in the form of alternating current
(AC), as opposed to the direct current (DC) of a
battery. - Alternating current is used because it is easier
to transport, and easier to transform from one
voltage to another using a transformer. - In the U.S., the frequency of oscillation of AC
is 60 Hz. In most other countries it is 50 Hz.
- The figure at right shows one way to make an
alternating current by rotating a coil of wire in
a magnetic field. The slip rings and brushes
allow the coil to rotate without twisting the
connecting wires. Such a device is called a
generator. - It takes power to rotate the coil, but that power
can come from moving water (a water turbine), or
air (windmill), or a gasoline motor (as in your
car), or steam (as in a nuclear power plant).
11RLC Circuits with AC Power
- When an RLC circuit is driven with an AC power
source, the driving frequency is the
frequency of the power source, while the circuit
can have a different resonant frequency
. - Lets look at three different circuits driven by
an AC EMF. The device connected to the EMF is
called the load. - What we are interested in is how the voltage
oscillations across the load relate to the
current oscillations. - We will find that the phase relationships
change, depending on the type of load (resistive,
capacitive, or inductive).
12A Resistive Load
- Phasor Diagram shows the instantaneous phase of
either voltage or current. - For a resistor, the current follows the voltage,
so the voltage and current are in phase (f 0). - If
- Then
13Power in a Resistive Circuit
- The plot below shows the current and voltage
oscillations in a purely resistive circuit.
Below that are four curves. Which color curve
best represents the power dissipated in the
resistor? - The green curve (straight line).
- The blue curve.
- The black curve.
- The red curve.
- None are correct.
14A Capacitive Load
- For a capacitive load, the voltage across the
capacitor is proportional to the charge - But the current is the time derivative of the
charge - In analogy to the resistance, which is the
proportionality constant between current and
voltage, we define the capacitive reactance as - So that .
- The phase relationship is that f -90º, and
current leads voltage.
15An Inductive Load
- For an inductive load, the voltage across the
inductor is proportional to the time derivative
of the current - But the current is the time derivative of the
charge - Again in analogy to the resistance, which is the
proportionality constant between current and
voltage, we define the inductive reactance as - So that .
- The phase relationship is that f 90º, and
current lags voltage.
16Units of Reactance
- We just learned that capacitive reactance is
and inductive reactance is .
What are the units of reactance? - Seconds per coulomb.
- Henry-seconds.
- Ohms.
- Volts per Amp.
- The two reactances have different units.
17Summary Table
Circuit Element Symbol Resistance or Reactance Phase of Current Phase Constant Amplitude Relation
Resistor R R In phase with vR 0º (0 rad) VRIRR
Capacitor C XC1/wdC Leads vR by 90º -90º (-p/2) VCICXC
Inductor L XLwdL Lags vR by 90º 90º (p/2) VLILXL
- Energy in inductor
- LC circuits total electric magnetic energy is
conserved - LC circuit
- LRC circuit
- Resistive, capacitive,
Energy in magnetic field
Charge equation
Current equation
Oscillation frequency
Charge equation
Oscillation frequency
19Thoughts on Clickers
- How did you like using the clickers in this
class? - Great!
- It had its moments.
- I could take it or leave it.
- I would rather leave it.
- It was the worst!
20Thoughts on Clickers
- Which answer describes the most important way
that the clicker aided you in learning the
material? - It helped me to think about the material
presented just before each question. - It broke up the lecture and kept me awake.
- It tested my understanding.
- It provided immediate feedback.
- It showed me what others were thinking.
21Thoughts on Clickers
- Which answer describes the second most important
way that the clicker aided you in learning the
material? - It helped me to think about the material
presented just before each question. - It broke up the lecture and kept me awake.
- It tested my understanding.
- It provided immediate feedback.
- It showed me what others were thinking.
22Thoughts on Clickers
- How would you react to clickers being used in
other classes at NJIT? - I think it would be excellent.
- I think it is a good idea.
- I wouldnt mind.
- I would rather not.
- I definitely hope not.
23Thoughts on Clickers
- What problems did you have with your clicker?
- I had no problems with my clicker.
- It was too big or bulky, a pain to carry around.
- I had trouble remembering to bring it to class.
- My clicker had mechanical problems.
- I lost or misplaced it (for all or part of the
24Thoughts on Clickers
- If you had the choice between using a clicker
versus having a lecture quiz where you had to
fill in a scantron, which would you prefer? - I would prefer the clicker.
- I would prefer the scantron quiz.
25Have a Nice Day
- Please click any button on your clicker as you
turn your clicker in. This will register your
name as having turned in your clicker.