Hamlet and the Pirates: A Case Study in Jungian Criticism Dr. Matthew Fike - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hamlet and the Pirates: A Case Study in Jungian Criticism Dr. Matthew Fike


Hamlet and the Pirates: A Case Study in Jungian Criticism Dr. Matthew Fike Undergraduate and Graduate Student Conference Department of English, Winthrop University – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hamlet and the Pirates: A Case Study in Jungian Criticism Dr. Matthew Fike

Hamlet and the Pirates A Case Study in
Jungian CriticismDr. Matthew Fike
  • Undergraduate and Graduate Student Conference
  • Department of English, Winthrop University
  • February 23, 2008

  • What is Jungian psychology?
  • What is Jungian literary criticism?
  • How do you do Jungian literary criticism of the
    character Hamlet?
  • What elements of Jungian psychology are
    particularly relevant to Hamlets psyche?
  • And, finally, what can we conclude about Hamlets
    encounter with the pirates?

Question 1
  • What is Jungian psychology?

C.G. Jung (1875-1961)
Sometimes a snake is just a snake.
  • it is quite incorrect to assume that a snake,
    when it appears in dreams, always has a merely
    phallic meaning just as incorrect as it is to
    deny that it may have a phallic meaning in some
    cases. Every symbol has at least two meanings.
    The very frequent sexual meaning of dream-symbols
    is at most one of them.
  • CW 4, 539

Ancient Egypt
Collective Unconscious
  • contains the whole spiritual heritage of
    mankinds evolution, born anew in the brain
    structure of every individual (CW 8, 342).
  • A phylogenetic substratum (CW 9i, 518).
  • A treasure-house of primordial images (CW 7,

Key Points
  • Psychoanalysis must do more than relate a
    patients issues to sexuality.
  • The unconscious is not only personal but also

  • Not inherited ideas butinherited possibilities
    of ideas (CW 9i, 136 Jungs emphasis).
  • primordial, structural elements of the human
    psycheirrepresentable in themselves, but their
    effects are discernible in archetypal images and
    motifs (C.G. Jung Lexicon 27).

Well, here I go again.
  • Archetype is to the potential for representation
    as archetypal image is to actual representation.

  • an automatic process whereby contents of ones
    own unconscious are perceived to be in others
    (C.G. Jung Lexicon 104 ).

I know you are, but what am I?
But not in Pee Wees case!
  • The process by which a psyche moves toward
    wholeness and integration involves making the
    unconscious conscious.

Hoocha, BAD!
Question 2
  • What is Jungian literary criticism?

Two Types of Artistic Creation
  • Psychologicalfrom the personal unconscious
  • Visionaryfrom the collective unconscious

The Visionary Mode
  • the hinterlands of mans mind
  • primordial experience
  • transcends our human feeling and understanding
  • a glimpse into the unfathomable abyss
  • CW 15, 141

A Midsummer Nights Dream 5.1.12-17
  • The poets eye, in a fine frenzy rolling,
  • Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to
  • And as imagination bodies forth
  • The forms of things unknown, the poets pen
  • Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing
  • A local habitation and a name.

Question 3
  • How do you do Jungian literary criticism of the
    character Hamlet?

Critical Opinions on Hamlets Individuation
  • Tucker Hamlet is never able in this world to
    achieve psychological equipoiseindividuation is
    impossible for people like Hamlet.
  • Jordan-Finnegan Hamlet comes to a readiness
    and a balance unlike any other character within
    the play.

Hamlets Psyche and Other Characters
  • Opheliaanima
  • Gertrudethe terrible mother
  • Laertes and the piratesshadow
  • Poloniusfather, scapegoat, fool
  • Rosencrantz and Guildensterntricksters
  • Horatioreason
  • Fortinbraswarrior
  • Ghostwarrior father or racial father
  • Claudiusshadow

Question 4
  • What elements of Jungian psychology are
    particularly relevant to Hamlets psyche?

Jung on the Anima
  • the anima is the archetype of life itself (CW
    9i, 66 Jungs emphasis)
  • soul (CW 9i, 57)
  • A link between the conscious and unconscious
    parts of the psyche
  • a personification of the unconscious in general
    (CW 13, 62)
  • a bridge to the unconscious (CW 9ii, 40)
  • The anima can be defined as the image or
    archetype or deposit of all the experiences of
    man with woman (CW 13, 58)

Summary of the Anima
  • To sum up, Jungs theory of the anima includes a
    wide range of manifestations, most of which
    relate to our play the whole of the
    unconscious, the soul, a conduit between the
    unconscious and conscious awareness, a repository
    of the feminine in men, and a balance for the

  • The shadow personifies everything that the
    subject refuses to acknowledge about himself and
    yet is always thrusting itself upon him directly
    or indirectlyfor instance, inferior traits of
    character and other incompatible tendencies (CW
    9i, 513).
  • SHADOW, that hidden, repressed, for the most
    part inferior and guilt-laden personality whose
    ultimate ramifications reach back into the realm
    of our animal ancestors and so comprise the whole
    historical aspect of the unconscious (CW 9ii,

More on the Shadow
  • To the degree that we identify with a bright
    persona the shadow is correspondingly dark.
    When assimilating the shadow by awakening
    awareness of ones dark sidean act of diplomacy
    or statesmanshipone can engage the shadows
    positive characteristics (Lexicon 124).

The Enemy Within
Spock is a Jungian.
  • And what is it that makes one man an exceptional
    leader? We see here indications that it is his
    negative side that makes him strong that is, his
    evil side, if you will, properly controlled and
    disciplined, is vital to his strength.

Shadow and Anima
  • The shadow coincides with the personal
    unconscious (which corresponds to Freuds
    conception of the unconscious), but the anima
    and animus evidently live and function in the
    deeper layers of the unconscious, especially in
    that phylogenic substratum which I have called
    the collective unconscious (CW 9i, 513 and 518).

First Things First
  • If the encounter with the shadow is the
    apprentice-piece in the individuals
    development, then that with the anima is the
    master-piece (CW 9i, 61).
  • the integration of the shadow, or the
    realization of the personal unconscious, marks
    the first stage in the analytic process, and
    without it a recognition of anima and animus is
    impossible (CW 9ii, 42).

  • Conscious awareness must incorporate the
    personal unconscious in order to reach and
    integrate the collective unconscious.

Shadow Integration
  • to the degree in which the shadow is recognized
    and integrated, the problem of the anima, i.e.,
    of relationship, is constellated i.e.,
    activated (CW 9i, 485, n. 18).

Question 5
  • What can we conclude about Hamlets encounter
    with the pirates?

Critical Opinion on the Pirates
  • Aronson None of these three protagonists ever
    integrates the shadow he projects.
  • Porterfield In the To be or not to be
    soliloquy, Hamlet begins shadow integration by
    owning the parts of his personality that are
    not convenient the sea voyage is a voyage into
    the unconscious.
  • Rogers-Gardner the Danish prince takes off
    across the sea, away from his mother, to test
    himself in a mans world, that the encounter
    with the pirates sets in motion the conjunction
    of opposites necessary to maturation, and that
    he almost loses his capacity for feeling in
    the process.
  • Oakes it is the sea journey that generates
    his extrication from the terrible mother in his
    rebirth from water and that the experience moves
    him beyond the personal to the communal.

Jungian Premises
  • A male must separate from maternal anima by means
    of rites designed to organize this separation,
    as in primitive societies (CW 7, 314).
  • The first half of a mans life focuses on the
    masculine and the second half on the feminine (CW
    8, 782).
  • And projection ceases the moment it becomes
    conscious, that is to say when it is seen as
    belonging to the subject (CW 9i, 121).

Hamlets Letter to Horatio
  • Ere we were two days old at sea, a pirate of
    very warlike appointment gave us chase. Finding
    ourselves too slow of sail, we put on a compelled
    valor, and in the grapple I boarded them. On the
    instant they got clear of our ship, so I alone
    became their prisoner. They have dealt with me
    like thieves of mercy, but they knew what they
    did I am to do a good turn for them. Let the
    King have the letters I have sent, and repair
    thou to me with as much speed as thou wouldest
    fly death (4.6.15-24 my emphasis).

My Thesis
  • I am arguing that Hamlets tragedy is not that
    he never confronts or overcomes the shadow (he
    apparently does both on his sea voyage). His
    tragedy is rather that he encounters the anima
    and the shadow in the wrong order, attempting a
    relationship with Ophelia before he has properly
    integrated his shadow. He attempts the
    master-piece before the apprentice-piece.

Hamlet to Ophelia
  • I did love you once. I loved you not. Get
    thee to a nunnery (3.1.116-22).
  • I loved Ophelia. Forty thousand brothers / Could
    not with all their quantity of love / Make up my
    sum (5.1.272-74).

Hamlets Anima-Alienation
  • I am too much in the sun (1.2.67).
  • Anima and sun are thus distinct, which points to
    the fact that the sun represents a different
    principle from that of the anima. The latter is a
    personification of the unconscious, while the sun
    is a symbol of the source of life and the
    ultimate wholeness of man (CW 12, 112/84).

More Anima-Alienation
  • frailty, thy name is woman! (1.2.146)
  • The anima also stands for the inferior
    function and for that reason frequently has a
    shady character in fact she sometimes stands for
    evil itself (CW 12, 192).
  • stewed in corruption, honeying and making love /
    Over the nasty sty! (3.4.95-96)

My Point
  • If Hamlet can speak lovingly in the graveyard,
    he has done a good bit of shadow work, and this
    point is especially true in light of his
    anima-related dysfunction in several earlier

Poor Hamlet
  • Jung the anima will gradually cease to act as
    an autonomous personality and will become a
    function of relationship between conscious and
    unconscious (CW 16, 504)
  • Gertrude I hoped thou shouldst have been my
    Hamlets wife (5.1.244).

  • Hamlet is a more integrated personality than he
    was at the plays opening, but problems with
    shadow and anima prevent the couple from relating
    properly and by the time Hamlet returns from his
    sea voyage, it is too late to do anything but
    stay the course that the ghost has charted for

The endlove and kisses.
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