Title: 13 Enemies of Success
113Enemies of Success
Know Your Enemies Sun Tzu
Presented BY The English Academy 91 88666
80407 englishacademybaroda_at_gmail.com Visit us at
Corporate Training ? Personality
Development Mentoring Hand Holding
2If you dont know where you want to go you will
wind up somewhere else! - Yogi Bera
1. Lack of Clear Goals
3He who fails to plan plans to fail!
2. Lack of Plan
4One reason so few achieve what we truly want is
that we never direct our focus. We never
concentrate our powers. -Anthony Robbins
3. Lack of Focus
05 Keep Your Eyes on the Prize.pptx
5One reason so few achieve what we truly want is
that we never direct our focus. We never
concentrate our powers. -Anthony Robbins
4. Laziness
6A closed mind is not only closed to outside
thoughts It is often closed to itself as well
5. Rigidity
7Success consists of going from failure to
failure without loss of enthusiasm. -Winston
6. Lack of Enthusiasm
8Success seems to be a large matter of hanging on
while others have left. -William Feather
7. Accepting Defeat
Don't Act Like an Elephant_hi.pps
But this is life.pptx
9There is very little difference between
confidence complacency -David McGinnis
8. Complacency
10Before you attempt to beat the odds be sure
that you can survive the odds you are
beating. -Larry Kirsten
9. Over Confidence
11There are million ways to lose a work day but
not even one to get it back
10. Procrastination
5 Ways to overcome Procrastination.pptx
12Honest difference of views debate is not
difference of opinion. They are process of
decision making.
11. Disunity
13The real test is not whether you avoid failure
because you wont. Its whether you let it harden
or shame you into inaction or you learn
something from it whether you choose to
persevere. -Barak Obama
12. Failure to Learn from Mistakes
'The Gift of Failure'.flv
14Success is more permanent when you achieve it
without destroying your principles. -Walter
13. Moral Compromise
A New Perspective.pptx
1513Enemies of Success
Know Your Enemies Sun Tzu
Presented BY The English Academy 91 88666
80407 englishacademybaroda_at_gmail.com Visit us at
Corporate Training ? Personality
Development Mentoring Hand Holding