High Value Fruits And Vegetables: A perspective from Asia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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High Value Fruits And Vegetables: A perspective from Asia


High Value Fruits And Vegetables: A perspective from Asia By Leslie Cheong Director, Food Supply & Technology Department Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: High Value Fruits And Vegetables: A perspective from Asia

High Value Fruits And Vegetables A perspective
from Asia
By Leslie Cheong Director, Food Supply
Technology Department Agri-Food Veterinary
Authority of Singapore
Challenge Program High Value Crops Fruits and
Vegetables Workshop, Nairobi, Kenya, 7 8 June
  • Background
  • High Value Crops
  • Strategic Focus Asian Perspectives
  • Information and Knowledge
  • Access to Capital
  • Conclusion

Global Fruit and Vegetable Trade Patterns1 (1/3)
  • Share of world agricultural trade
  • 1961 10.6 or US3.4 bil
  • 2001 16.9 or US70 bil
  • Variety
  • 1961 bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes (30 of
    total fruit and vegetable trade)
  • End 1990s above less than 20, with increasing
    share by fresh grapes, fresh vegetables, frozen
    potatoes, tree nuts, and other fruit and
    vegetable products

1 Sophia Wu Huang, 2004. Global Trade Patterns in
Fruits and Vegetables. (In) Global Trade Patterns
in Fruits and Vegetables, Economic Research
Service/USDA. Chapter 1. http//www.ers.usda.gov/p
Global Fruit and Vegetable Trade Patterns1 (2/3)
  • Most trade in following regions
  • European Union (EU)
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
  • Asia
  • Typical of these trade regions
  • Has high-income consumer countries
  • With nearby supplier countries
  • Within EU, Britain, France and Germany are main
    importers, Spain largest exporter and Netherlands
    through whose seaports many exports are shipped
  • Within NAFTA, USA main importer, Mexico is main
  • Within Asia, Japan is largest importer, China
    largest exporter

Global Fruit and Vegetable Trade Patterns1 (3/3)
  • Globalisation of markets
  • Developed countries will continue to dominate
    global trade
  • New varieties will find their way into the diets
    of the relatively affluent everywhere with
    increasing per capita income growth and freer
  • Asia
  • China is fast becoming a larger importer and
    exporter as it improves on the quality of its
  • Japans overall consumption unlikely to increase
    and may decrease with population decline
    beginning before 2010 trade in fresh fruits,
    especially temperate fruits, most likely to grow

Further reference M V Stichele, S van der Wal
J Oldenziel, 2006. Who reaps the fruit? Critical
Issues in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Chain
(update). SOMO, Amsterdam. 192 pp.
High Value Crop Characteristics2 (1/3)
High Value Crops
  • High value products usually meet the needs of
    motivated buyers who are willing to pay a premium
    if their expectations about specifications and
    quality are met.
  • The number of such buyers is limited, and the
    danger of over-supplying such a market is always
    a threat.

2 International Institute of Tropical
Agriculture, 2005. Our story from field to fork.
IITA Annual Report 2005 http//www.iita.org/cms/a
High Value Crop Attributes (2/3)
High Value Crops
ICTA3 Japan4 Remarks
Taste (4) Taste
Appearance (3) Visual perfection
Safety (1) Freshness (2) Quality Stringent safety standards
Ease of preparation
Packaging Shelf-life
Consistency in supply (7) Stability of supply
(5) Lower prices (6) Tariffs Tariffs vary by country of origin
3 International Center for Tropical Agriculture,
2005. Getting a Handle on High-value Agriculture.
CIAT In Focus, 2004 2005 Annual Report of
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
(CIAT) http//www.ciat.cgiar.org/newsroom/pdf/cia
4 John H Dyck and Kenzo Ito, 2005. Japans Fruit
and Vegetable Market. (In) Global Trade Patterns
in Fruits and Vegetables, Economic Research
Service/USDA. Chapter 7. http//www.ers.usda.gov/p
High Value Crop Strategic Focus5
High Value Crops
  • Commercial production and sales by small farmers
    and retailers will depend on their ability to
  • focus on high value, specialty crops targeted at
    specific niche markets
  • differentiate their products
  • optimise product mix
  • establish early brand loyalty

5 Ramu Govindasamy and Suzanne Thornsbury, 2006.
Theme Overview Fresh Produce Marketing Critical
Trends and Issues. Choices, 4th Qtr 2006 21(4),
An Asian Perspective (1/5)
Asian Perspective
  • Specialty Crops Specific Niche Markets
  • Proposed 3-year project on Indigenous Vegetables
  • Title Enhancing utilization and conservation of
    indigenous vegetables by rural farmers in ASEAN
  • Training of farmer facilitators and farmers in
    growing IV efficiently
  • Conservation programme by farmers on IV
  • Illustrated guide to IV in ASEAN
  • Facilitating farmers in marketing the vegetables
  • Promoting private sector involvement to develop
    new varieties of indigenous vegetables
  • Lead country Brunei Darussalam under AARNET
    ASEAN-Asian Vegetable Research Development
    Center (AVRDC) Regional Network on Vegetable
  • Status seeking funding support (US454,000)
  • Other IV news http//

An Asian Perspective (2/5)
Asian Perspective
Branded Packed
  • Differentiate their products
  • Product
  • Good Agricultural Practice
  • Join the organic movement

People have become more concerned about what
they eat perhaps because of the recent food
scares. Chris Conway, Executive Assistant
Manager, Grnd Hyatt Hotels mezza9 restaurant.
An Asian Perspective (3/5)
Asian Perspective
Reefer truck
  • Differentiate their products
  • Service matching quality requirements of major
    retailers, e.g., cold-chain integrity
  • Title Study Meeting on Cold-Chain Management of
    Vegetables for members of Asian Productivity
    Organisation (APO)
  • Country papers from participants
  • Key-note addresses by experts
  • Organisers Singapore (AVA and SPRING) and Asian
    Productivity Organisation
  • Status scheduled on 21 24 August 2007

An Asian Perspective (4/5)
Asian Perspective
  • Optimise product mix
  • Transportation
  • High cost of logistics defraying return journey
  • Lack of logistics network dedicated freighting
  • Information and Knowledge
  • Empowerment
  • Of the Individual
  • Of the Village or Community
  • Of the Economy

Chiller hold in vessel
Empowering the Poor
Info Knowledge
  • Village Phone (VP) concept6 7(Grameen Telecom,
    GTC, of Bangladesh)
  • Concept A person may not own a telephone but
    he/she should have access to a telephone within a
    ten minute walk
  • Operation GTC provides Global System Mobile
    (GSM) 900 cellular mobile phones to villagers
  • Grameen Bank member (woman) obtains ownership of
    phone under lease-financing programme of Bank
    serves as a VP operator responsible for extending
    services to the villagers for both incoming and
    outgoing calls may also have phone numbers of
    local MPs, police stations, even the PMO, to
    communicate with
  • Average use of village phones 1,600
    minutes/month, with 600 minutes outgoing calls
  • Outcome One VP covers 2,500 people of that
    village by 2004, 40,000 VP operators provide
    telephone access to 100 mil rural people target
    100,000 VP operators (covering 85 of
    Bangladeshs villagers)

VP in action
6 Durga P. Paudyal, 2006. From the Peasant
Charter to the ICARRD An Overview of the Current
Trends and Emerging Issues in Rural Development
in the Asia-Pacific Region. Asia-Pacific Journal
of Rural Development, Vol XVI No.1, 42pp
7 http//www.telecommons.com/villagephone/section1
Empowering the Village
Info Knowledge
E-choupal in action
  • Village meeting place89 Indian Tobacco Company
    (ITC) or e-choupal
  • Concept confers power of expert knowledge on
    even the smallest individual farmer, thereby
    enhancing competitiveness in the global market
  • Operation ITC establishes Internet Kiosk in
    cluster of villages
  • Selling centre for seeds, fertiliser, crop
    insurance, etc.,
  • Managed by a trained farmer
  • E-choupal is a web-supported initiative offering
    farmers information, customised knowledge,
    products and services to enhance farm
  • Outcome Already benefiting over 3.5 million
    farmers target 10 million farmers in 100,000
    villages to be empowered over next decade

8 B Sudhakar Rao, 2006. Rural Infrastructure A
Critical Issue for Farm Productivity in Asia.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development, Vol
XVI No.1, 61-77 9http//www.itcportal.com/ruraldev
Empowering the Economy
Info Knowledge
Awarding elite businessmen
  • Township and Village Enterprises (TVE)1011 in
  • Concept Integrated rural development by
    combining agricultural production with
    development of rural and small industries in
    public-private partnership
  • Operation Both husband and wife who worked on
    their farm also worked in the factory in the
    township or village enterprise in their area
    people who worked in the factory came home in the
    evening to till their plots
  • During harvest time, the factories would be
    closed down and the workers would be permitted to
    spend all their time in harvesting their land
    Earlier they would be given time for preparation
    of land for sowing
  • Outcome TVEs contributed to the success of
    transitioning China from a controlled economy to
    a market-based economy. It encouraged modern day
    entrepreneurs in China. Line of public and
    private business blurred. However TVEs are
    breaking down because of high rate of
    out-migration from rural areas into urban sector.

10 Rehman Sobhan, 2006. Comments on From the
Peasant Charter to the ICARRD An Overview of the
Current Trends and Emerging Issues in Rural
Development in the Asia-Pacific Region.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development, Vol
XVI No.143-54 11http//www.umich.edu/ipolicy/ch
An Asian Perspective (5/5)
Asian Perspective
  • Establish early brand loyalty Maple Leaf case

Problem Shrinking population, getting older,
town left behind by countrys post-war economic
Adversity Towns orange trees, once main source
of income, were damaged by storms and unusually
cold weather in 1981. Farmers forced to look for
other work.
Human spirit No matter how old you are, you
need a job to feel a reason for living.
New Opportunity Gathering leaves to high-end
restaurants to garnish traditional Japanese
dishes began with shipments of simple wild leaves.
Business Some 200 residents (mostly women in
their 80s or older) have contracts with Irodori
Co. Inc., a joint public-private venture that
brokers sale of the leaves.
Information Empowerment They (the residents)
receive faxed orders and get daily information on
the business through the Internet.
Improvements Nowadays the line-up has expanded
to value-added oriducts such as small
origami-style figures, including cranes, fans,
boats and arrows made of iris leaves.
Earnings The residents have managed to turn the
business into an enterprise earning more than
S3.13 million a year.
Viability If you watch TV all day long, you get
old. I can get over the slightest cold easily as
I work hard. In fact, Im too busy to see a
doctor. Hariki, great-grandmother
Lesson learnt Public-Private partnerships work,
and succeeds well when entrepreneurial spirit is
Another Strategic Focus Access to Capital
One more Focus
  • Raising private capital for starting and
    expanding a business is an essential aspect for
    any business environment
  • Government loan
  • often given to individual
  • sometimes perceived by the individual as an
  • Comercial loan
  • TVEs Ability to procure production inputs, such
    as capital, is another advantage instrumental for
    TVEs success in China11
  • local Government involvement in TVEs created
    favourable environment for banks to lend to the
    TVEs since TVEs have community Government back-up
  • Kenyas Equity Bank and Mexicos Banco Azteca12
  • Equity Bank low-cost bank accounts
  • Banco Azteca Mexicans without formal jobs

12 Eric Onstad, 2007. Big corporations try to tap
a market they have ignored (By) C.K.Prahalad.
(In) Khaleej Times, 6 June 2007.
  • Tremendous potential in business of high-value
    fruits and vegetables
  • Characteristics of high-value produce
  • Asian perspective on Strategic Focus
  • Information and Knowledge Empowerment
  • Maple Leaf case study
  • Re-engineering of Township Village Enterprises?
  • Getting big corporations to tap market of the 4
    billion poor (USD 5 trillion annual purchasing
    power), e.g., bank loans
  • Challenge to developing and implementing a
    programme on high value fruits and vegetables is
    in keeping a multi-disciplinary approach from
    farm to plate

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