Title: The Impact of Industrialization
1The Impact of Industrialization
2Nature of Industrial Work
- From Cottages to Factories
- Cost of Textile Machinery
- Steam Engines
- Industrial Espionage
- Maximizing Output
- Quality Control
3Types of Factory Workers I
- Women
- Children
- Incentives for Employing Children
- Dexterity with Hands
- No Pre-Industrial Work Habits
- Physical Size
- Lower Wages
- Demography
4Children in the Mills
5Children in Mines
6Children as Carriers
7Types of Factory Workers II
- Men
- Wages
- Well Paid Compared to Other Alternatives
- Soaring Population Growth
- Population Living in Cities over 5000
- 1700 3 cities with 20,000
- 1800 5 cities with 50,000
Victorian London
9Shift of Population Northward
- 1700 Population Triangle Bristol, London
Norwich - 1800 Population Triangle Bristol, Hull
(Yorkshire) Preston - (Lancashire)
- Explosive Growth of Factory/Port Towns
- Bradford, Manchester Birmingham
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11Impact on the Environment
- Urbanization Unplanned
- Laissez Faire Philosophy
- Entrepreneurs Created Towns
- Deficient Workers Housing
- Appalling Facilities
- Maximized Numbers
- Social Consequences of Unrestricted Growth
12Cramped Workers Housing
13Back-to-Back Housing in Saithes, Yorkshire
14Environment Bad Air Pollution
- Numerous Sources of Pollution
- 200 New Carcinogenic Chemicals
- Noise Pollution
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17Dores London
18Environment Deteriorating Health
- Contagious Diseases
- Poisoning of Workers
- Impact Rising Mortality Levels, Especially
Infant Mortality - Food Adulteration
Victorian London
19Early Victim of Cholera
20London Slums
Devils Acre, Nr. Westminster
21London Slums
Whitechapel, London
22Environment Social Segregation
- Housing Segregated by Class
- Middle Class Withdrew into Suburbs
- Better Amenities and Fewer Noxious Smells
Victorian Hampstead
23Spatial Segregation Railroad Travel
Masses Exposed to Open Air
24Middle-Class Victorian Life
25Victorian Family
26Distribution of Wealth
- Social Dislocation
- Rising Amounts of Poor Relief
- Two-Fold Impact on Wealth Structure
- Small Percentage Wealthier
- Rising Numbers of Poor
27Standard of Living Debate
- Long-Term Benefits Clear
- Short-term Benefits for Industrial Workers
Unclear - Obstacles to Appraisal
- Impact on Standard of Living
- Quality of Life
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29Towards an Industrial Society, 1830
- Industrialization Had Not Revolutionized Society
- Urbanization
- Persistence of Farm Work
- Concentration of Industry
- Factory Work Atypical
- New Class Created
- Conclusion Transitional Stage