Persian Church Church of the East- Nestorian - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Persian Church Church of the East- Nestorian


Martha daughter of the covenant. Benai Qiama (sons & daughters of ... Christians practiced celibacy, marriage (no polygamy and incest) Ascetic spirituality ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Persian Church Church of the East- Nestorian

Persian ChurchChurch of the East- Nestorian
  • Capital of Persian see Seleucia-Ctesiphon
  • Martha daughter of the covenant
  • Benai Qiama (sons daughters of the
  • Monasticism sustain faith. They provide
  • Safe haven
  • Worship and prayer
  • Texts copied and preserved
  • Place for theological debate

Persian Church (cont)
  • Aphrahat The Persian Sage
  • Head of Mar-Mattai monastic community- in Mosul
    on Tigris River
  • In dialogue w/ Jewish Persian Rabbis
  • Biblical interpretation
  • Meaning of Messiah
  • Place of Gentiles in history of salvation
  • Work free of Hellenistic philosophy
  • Represents orthodox Chrisitianity in the East
  • Feminine nature of Holy Spirit.

Persian Church (cont)
  • Ehprem the Syrian (306-73) Harp of the Spirit
  • Constant change of frontiers bet. Romans and
  • Ephrem resettled in in Edessa after Roman retreat
    from Nisibis 363 Julian lost war
  • Deacon teacher- malphano
  • Social involvement food drive after

Persian Church (cont)
  • Ehprem the Syrian (306-73) Harp of the Spirit
  • Writings
  • Homilies, commentaries, theological treatises
  • Polemics against Marcion, Mani, Bardaisan
    (teacher of Mani)
  • Hymns Hymns on Paradise.
  • Hymns sung to present day in Syriac Liturgies
  • Writings translated to Greek and Latin (during
    his life time) and later to Coptic, Armenian,

Persian Church (cont)
  • 409 Shah Yazdegerd I issued edict of tolerance
    for Christians
  • 410 Synod of Isaac- indicates a well established
    Church in north and central Asia (bishops from
    frontier city of Samarkand present)
  • Adopt Nicean Creed
  • Adopt liturgical calander
  • Establish major bishoprics
  • Seat in Seleucia-Ctesiphon
  • Head of Church Catholicos
  • 424 Synod of Dadyeshu
  • Catholicos equal in authority to bishop of Rome
    and Alexandria (Nicea 325) and Constantinople
  • Christians melet
  • Syriac culture
  • No images and crosses without crucifix

Persian Church (cont)
  • The School of Edessa (imp by 5th c)
  • Before 431 two nature Christology language of
  • Persian and Syrian students attend school
  • Scriptural exegesis central in curriculum
  • Strong translation efforts Greek ?Syriac
  • Diodore of Tarsus-Theodore of Mopsuestia (2
    nature Christology)
  • After 431 Bishop Rabbula follows Cyril of
    Alexandria in school of Edessa
  • After 451 School of Edessa totally Cyrillian in
  • Liturgy and sermons reflect theology

Persian Church (cont)
  • The School of Nisibis
  • After 450 Bishop Hiba exiled, migrated to Persia
    w/ Barsauma (d 496) and Narsai (c. 399-503) and
    established school in Nisibis (1000 students)
  • Curriculum scripture (influenced by Theodore of
    Mopsuestia 2 nature Christology)
  • Accept Nicea Chalcedon w/ emphasis on 2 nature

Persian Church (cont)
  • Independent church office of bishop confirmed
    by shah
  • No state support
  • Monasteries imp to support church
  • Monasteries
  • Religious centers
  • Educational centers
  • Medicine (influential in court and mission)
  • Translation of Greek medical texts into Syriac
  • Monastic educational institutions taught
  • Philosophy (Aristotle)
  • Theology
  • Medicine
  • Other sciences such as Mathematics, astronomy.

Persian Church (cont)
  • Christians in Persia
  • Christian burial practices polluted water
  • Christians not participate in sun and fire
  • Christians practiced celibacy, marriage (no
    polygamy and incest)
  • Ascetic spirituality
  • bishop Barsauma married to comply w/ Persian
    social practices later abolished

The Indian Church
  • Thomas the Apostle (1st cent)
  • David, Bishop of Basra traveled to India as
    missionary (before year 300)
  • Thomas of Cana Persian Christian merchant
  • Might be of Armenian descent
  • Catholicos of Persia (Seleucia-Ctesiphon)
    established Indian Church hierarchy (bishop,
    priests, deacons)
  • Theophilus
  • Indian missionary to South Arabia
  • Visited indigenous Christians in South India
  • Bishop of Rewardashir near Persian Gulf (early
    5th cent.)
  • Metropolitan w/ authority on Church of India

The Indian Church (cont)
  • Liturgical language Syriac
  • Christianity spread through
  • intermarriage
  • slaves
  • merchants as evangelists
  • Christians an Indian cast
  • Cosmas Indicopleustes (the Indian navigator)
  • 6th cent Egyptian monk
  • Reports of Christians in Ethiopia, India, Coast
    of Malabar, and Siri Lanka

West Syrian Church
  • Adopt Alexandrian One-Nature Christology though
    it is the Church of Antioch source of 2 nature
  • Syrian monastics more powerful than bishops
  • Simeon the Stylite
  • Lived on a pillar of 40 years
  • Healer
  • Teacher
  • Man of paryer
  • Syrian Christians became non-Chalcedonians (i.e.
    accept the one nature Christology)

Church of Armenia
  • Armenia buffer zone bet. Roman and Persian
  • Founder of Christianity in Armenia Gregory the
  • Exiled to Roman Empire convert to Christianity
  • Convert his relative King Tiridates III, baptized
    on Jan 6, 303
  • Nation converts to Christianity
  • First Christian nation before Constantine
  • In 439 patriarch Sahak (d. 439) Mesrop the
    scribe (362-440) created alphabet, translated
    Bible, liturgy, theological texts into Armenian
  • Patriarch of Armenia confirmed by Persian Shah

Church of Armenia (cont)
  • 440s Shah force Zoroastrianism on people
  • 451 people led by Christian priests confronted
    the Zoroastrian priests and Persian army
  • Christian faith imp role in Armenian identity
    history (Arabs, Turkish holocaust, Soviets)
  • Patriarch Hovsep executed in 454 followed by
    decades of martyrdom
  • Armenian church looks towards Constantinople
  • Armenian church accepts the one-nature
  • Accept Emperor Zeno (d. 491) Henoticon (document
    of unity to unit Chalcedonians and

Church of Armenia (cont)
  • Synod of Dvin (506-508?)
  • Bishops of Armenia and Georgia convene
  • Reject 2-nature Christology
  • Reject Nestorius and Tome of Leo
  • Constantinople rejects Henoticon
  • Georgia followed Constantinople (Chalcedon)
  • Armenia accepts Alexandrian One-Nature

Church of Egypt
  • Athanasius Anti-Arian, Nicene Creed
  • Monasticism the source of cross cultural and
    spiritual exchange in Christianity

Church of EgyptMonasticism
  • St. Anthony
  • Marin of Tours 4th
  • Jerome 4th
  • Paula 4th
  • Eustochium 4th
  • Melania the Younger 4th
  • Patrick 5th
  • Redegunde of Gaul 6th
  • St. Pachomius
  • Etherea of Spain
  • Melania of Rome
  • Jerome
  • Rufinus
  • John Cassian
  • Basil the Great
  • Benedict of Nursia

Church of EgyptMonasticism
  • Shenouda the Archemandrite (d. 450)
  • Macarius the Great (300-90)
  • Sayings of the Desert Fathers
  • Gnostic books of Nag-Hammadi (Gospel of Judas ?)

One Nature Christology
  • Rise of power of the church of Constantinople
    (close to the Emperor)
  • Importance of Egyptian Church
  • Wealth of Egypt the grain basket of the whole
    Roman Empire
  • Powerful spiritual theological contribution
  • Monasticism
  • Athanasius triumph in Nicea
  • Cyril of Alexandria triumph in Ephesus
    against Nestorius theotokos

One nature Christology
  • St. Cyril of Alexandrias theological formula

One nature of God the Word Incarnate
  • The Word bore the infirmities of the flesh, as
    His own, for His was the flesh and the flesh
    ministered to the works of the Godhead, because
    the Godhead was in it, for the Body was Gods.

St. Athanasius
  • When there was need to raise Peters mother in
    law, who was sick of a fever, He stretched forth
    His hand humanly, but He stopped the illness
    divinely. And in the case of the man blind from
    birth, He gave forth from the flesh a human
    spittle, but divinely did He open the eyes
    through the clay.

And in the case of Lazarus, He gave forth a human
voice as man but divinely as God, did He raise
Lazarus from the dead.
Epistle of St. Cyril
  • For the One and Only Christ is not twofold,
    although He is understood as constituted out of
    two different elements into an inseparable unity
    just as man also is understood to consist of
    soul and body, and yet is not twofold, but one
    out of both. But if we think aright we shall
    hold that both the human sayings and the Divine
    were spoken by One Person.

Athanasius and Leo
  • When there was need to raise Peters mother in
    law, who was sick of a fever, He stretched forth
    His hand humanly, but He stopped the illness
    divinely. And in the case of the man blind from
    birth, He gave forth from the flesh a human
    spittle, but divinely did He open the eyes
    through the clay. And in the case of Lazarus, He
    gave forth a human voice as man but divinely as
    God, did He raise Lazarus from the dead.
  • To feel hunger, thirst, and weariness, and to
    sleep is evidently human but to satisfy
    thousands of men with five loaves, and to bestow
    living water on the Samaritan woman, the drinking
    of which would cause her who drank it to thirst
    no more to walk on the surface of the sea with
    feet which did not sink, and to allay the rising
    billows by rebuking the tempest, is without
    doubt Divine. As then, to omit many other
    examples, it does not belong to the same nature
    to weep in an emotion of pity for a dead friend,
    and to raise that same friend from the dead with
    a word of power, after the stone over the tomb
    where he had been for four days buried had been
    removed or, to hang on the wood and, changing
    the light into darkness to make all elements
    tremble or, to be pierced with nails and to open
    the gates of Paradise to the faith of the robber
    so it does not belong to the same nature to say,
    I and the Father are One, and the Father is
    greater than I.

One Nature Christology
  • Council of Chalcedon (451)
  • Depose Bishop Discours of Alexandria
  • Emperor appointed Proterius as bishop of
    Alexandria by military force
  • Alexandrian population elected Timothy Aelurus
    as bishop of Alexandria

One Nature Christology
  • In 482 Emperor Zeno issued the Henoticon drafted
    by Acacius bishop of Constantinople
  • Cyrils theology standard of orthodoxy
  • Condemned Nestorius
  • Avoided Chalcedon and Tome of Leo
  • Rome rejects Henoticon and excommunicates Acacius
    of Constantinople
  • Egyptian and Syrian churches did not accept
  • After failure of Henoticon, Emperor and patriarch
    of Constantinople accepted Chalcedon
  • First division of the Universal Church

Church of Ethiopia (Nubia)
  • Nubia
  • Also known as Kush
  • Imp city of Meroë attacked in 325 by Blemmyes and
  • Nubia Christianized by 500

Church of Ethiopia (Nubia)
  • Ethiopia
  • Abyssinian or Ethiopian kingdom capital Axum
  • Ethiopian church independent neither Roman
    nor Persian influence
  • Matthew first Apostle to Ethiopia
  • Acts 827 an Ethiopian eunuch, a court official
    of the Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, in
    charge of her entire treasury (Candace, queen of
    city of Meroë)
  • Story debated by Biblical scholars
  • Axum takes of Meroë
  • No account of Christianity till 4th cent.

Church of Ethiopia
  • Conversion of Ethiopia
  • Meropius of Tyre the teacher of Frumentius and
  • Frumentius and Aedesius captured, sold into
    slavery to the King of Axum when ship was at an
    Ethiopian port
  • Frumentius tutors Kings son
  • Queen and son free Frumentius and he travels to
  • In 347 Athanasius ordained him bishop on Ethiopia
    (known as Abba Salama)
  • Court convert to Christianity
  • Ordains priests, opened schools, translate LXX
    into Geez.

Church of Ethiopia
  • The Nine Saints (Teseatu Keddusan)
  • Syrian monks in Egypt fled the Chalcedonian
    persecution and founded monasteries following
    Pachomian rule
  • Coptic Church and Ethiopian Church
  • Ethiopian Church recognize authority of pope of
  • Till 20th cent Coptic popes ordained Ethiopian

Church in China
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