Title: CP502 Advanced Fluid Mechanics
1CP502 Advanced Fluid Mechanics
Flow of Viscous Fluids and Boundary Layer Flow
10 Lectures 3 Tutorials
Computational Fluid dynamics (CFD)
project Midsemester (open book) examination
2What do we mean by Fluid?
- Physically liquids or gases
- Mathematically
- A vector field u (represents the fluid velocity)
- A scalar field p (represents the fluid pressure)
- fluid density (d) and fluid viscosity (v)
3Recalling vector operations
- Del Operator
- Laplacian Operator
- Gradient
- Vector Gradient
- Divergence
- Directional Derivative
4Continuity equation for incompressible (constant
density) flow
- derived from conservation of mass
where u is the velocity vector
u, v, w are velocities in x, y, and z directions
5Navier-Stokes equation for incompressible flow of
Newtonian (constant viscosity) fluid
- derived from conservation of momentum
kinematic viscosity (constant)
density (constant)
external force (such as gravity)
6Navier-Stokes equation for incompressible flow of
Newtonian (constant viscosity) fluid
- derived from conservation of momentum
7Navier-Stokes equation for incompressible flow of
Newtonian (constant viscosity) fluid
- derived from conservation of momentum
Acceleration term change of velocity with time
8Navier-Stokes equation for incompressible flow of
Newtonian (constant viscosity) fluid
- derived from conservation of momentum
Advection term force exerted on a particle of
fluid by the other particles of fluid surrounding
9Navier-Stokes equation for incompressible flow of
Newtonian (constant viscosity) fluid
- derived from conservation of momentum
- viscosity (constant) controlled
- velocity diffusion term
- (this term describes how fluid motion is damped)
- Highly viscous fluids stick together (honey)
- Low-viscosity fluids flow freely (air)
10Navier-Stokes equation for incompressible flow of
Newtonian (constant viscosity) fluid
- derived from conservation of momentum
- Pressure term Fluid flows in the direction of
largest change in pressure
11Navier-Stokes equation for incompressible flow of
Newtonian (constant viscosity) fluid
- derived from conservation of momentum
Body force term external forces that act on the
fluid (such as gravity, electromagnetic, etc.)
12Navier-Stokes equation for incompressible flow of
Newtonian (constant viscosity) fluid
- derived from conservation of momentum
change in velocity with time
body force
13Continuity and Navier-Stokes equations for
incompressible flow of Newtonian fluid
14Continuity and Navier-Stokes equations for
incompressible flow of Newtonian fluid
in Cartesian coordinates
x - component
y - component
z - component
15Steady, incompressible flow of Newtonian fluid in
an infinite channel with stationery plates-
fully developed plane Poiseuille flow
Steady, incompressible flow of Newtonian fluid in
an infinite channel with one plate moving at
uniform velocity - fully developed plane Couette
16Continuity and Navier-Stokes equations for
incompressible flow of Newtonian fluid
in cylindrical coordinates
Radial component
Tangential component
Axial component
17Steady, incompressible flow of Newtonian fluid in
a pipe- fully developed pipe Poisuille flow
Fixed pipe
Fluid flow direction
18Steady, incompressible flow of Newtonian fluid
between a stationary outer cylinder and a
rotating inner cylinder- fully developed pipe
Couette flow