Title: Anesthesia for orthopaedic replacement surgeries
1Anesthesia for orthopaedic replacement surgeries
Prof.Dr.K.BALAKRISHNAN, Chennai.
- Some of the common joint replacement surgeries
are - 1. Hip replacement
- 2. Knee replacement
- 3. Shoulder replacement
- 4. Elbow replacement
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5- Total knee replacement (TKR) and hip fracture
coming for replacement are the two most common
surgical procedures after the sixth decade of
6- Most of the patients have degenerative joint
disease, commonly osteoarthritis (OA).
7- Other conditions requiring knee or hip
replacement are injury to the neck of femur or
knee joint, knee deformity, rheumatoid arthritis
and gout.
8- Joint replacement is performed to relieve pain
and morbidity.
9The challenge.
- Decreased organ function and reserve
- Co-morbid conditions
- Consequences of polypharmacy
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11Challenges have been converted into good outcomes
- Better understanding on pathophysiology of aging
- Better pharmacotherapy
- Safer anaesthetic techniques
- Improvements in monitoring
- Multimodal analgesia and site specific analgesia
- Physiotherapy and early ambulation
12Pain is the first enemy to mankind.
And anaesthesiologists are mankinds
guardian angels.
13The straw that breaks the camels back may be a
very small one when the camel is nearing the end
of its journey !
14Pre-operative concerns
- Associated injuries
- Cause for the fall
- Difficulty in assessing cardio respiratory
reserve - Osteoarthritis- Medications-NSAIDs
15Pre-operative concerns.
- Pre-renal azotaemia
- DVT prophylaxis
- Diabetes Mellitus
- The emotional significance of fracture to the
geriatric patient must also be considered.
16Preoperative Preparation
- Evaluation of the functional cardiovascular
reserves may be difficult due to the bedridden
state, the confusion encountered, and the
fracture. Simple steps (e.g., auscultation, ECG,
and chest x-ray) can detect acute decompensation.
17- Echocardiography if feasible at the bedside and
can give useful information about left
ventricular and valvular function. - Evaluation of electrolytes and blood count is
required anemia or electrolyte disturbances
should be addressed prior to anesthesia
18Prophylaxis against DVT
- Prophylaxis against deep vein thrombosis after
lowerlimb joint surgery is done with low
molecular weight heparin starting either post
operatively or 12 hours preoperatively .
19Intra-operative concerns
General anesthesia
20- The choice of anaesthesia is determined by
- i) surgical factors
- ii) Patients factors
- iii) Estimates of risk associated with
anaesthesia techniques
21Regional Anesthesia -Advantages
- Stress response to surgery
- Intraoperative blood loss
- Post-operative hypoxia
- DVT- early mobilization
22Regional Anesthesia -Advantages
- Preemptive analgesia
- Post-operative analgesia
Hypostatic pneumonia Pressure sores
23Centri Neuraxis Block - Concerns
- Coagulopathy
- Conscious sedation
- Shivering
- Technical difficulty
- Autonomic dysfunction
- -Hypotension
- I.V. fluids,
- vasopressors,
- Diastolic pressure 60 mm Hg
24Regional anesthesia techniques
- - Spinal
- - Epidural anesthesia
- - Combined spinal epidural anaesthesia
- - Femoral and Sciatic nerve blocks (especially
in patients with fixed cardiac output in whom a
neuraxial block is not preferred due to possible
haemodynamic changes specifically profound
25- The alternative option in fixed cardiac output
states include segmental epidural, here the
titrated doses of local anaesthetic
administration and just blocking the segments
involved offers the benefits of regional
anaesthesia in critically ill patients and at the
same time provides stable haemodynamics.
26General anesthesia -Pre-operative beta
- Hypertension
- Diabetes mellitus
- Hypercholesterolemia
- Renal dysfunction
- Goal Heart rate between 60-70.
27General anesthesia -Pre-Oxygenation
- 100 Oxygen
- 8 deep breaths
- Oxygen flow 10 L per min
28General anesthesia -Choice of Anesthetic agent
- Short acting and less lipid soluble drugs
- Propofol
- Fentanyl
- Rocuronium
- Atracurium
- Sevoflurane
- Isoflurane
29Intra-operative monitoring
- Pulse Oximetry
- 5 lead ECG-ST analysis
- Capnography
- Temperature
- Neuromuscular monitoring
- Urine output
30Blood Transfusion
Progressive reaming of femur and resection of the
condyles is associated with steady blood loss
31Bone Cement- Hypotension
The placement of the prosthesis involve the use
of methylmethacrylate ( bone cement )
32- The cementing can cause hemodynamic fluctuations
- These fluctuations are related to the
vasodilatory and mast-cell degranulating
properties of the monomeric form of
33Bone Cement implantation syndrome
Bone cement implantation syndrome (BCIS) is
poorly understood. It is an important cause of
intraoperative mortality and morbidity in
patients undergoing cemented hip arthroplasty and
may also be seen in the postoperative period in a
milder form causing hypoxia and confusion.
34Bone Cement implantation syndrome - Treatment
BCIS may be reversible with prompt basic life
support and treatment to maintain both coronary
perfusion pressure and right heart function.
Administer fluid volumes to augment right
ventricular preload. Direct acting vasopressors,
such as phenylephrine and norepinephrine can be
titrated to restore adequate aortic perfusion To
improve ventricular contractility and function
administer inotropes such as dobutamine.
35Fat embolism
- The high incidence of fat embolism with femoral
neck fracture repair and cemented endoprosthesis
may contribute to pulmonary dysfunction
36Tourniquet in knee replacement
- Tourniquet inflation
- may precipitate heart failure
- may cause hypotension after release of tourniquet
- due to
- Release of acid products
- Affected limb getting filled with blood
- Blood loss
37Post-operative care
- Immediate postoperative care should be directed
to supporting oxygenation, controlling pain, and
facilitating the patient's return to the baseline
mental status by emphasizing orientation.
38Post-operative concerns
39- Postoperative pain therapy is best a multimodal
approach. - - local anaesthetic infusions through perineural
catheters supplemented with analgesics including
a combination of paracetamol, tramadol,
NSAID(when there is no contraindication) and
No.1 Start with low dose Avoid long acting
drugs No.2 Use standing dose
regimens No.3 Repeated reassessment of pain
relief No.4 Repeated reassessment of side
effects No.5 Educate/inspire the care giver
41Post-operative concerns
- Post operative delirium
- Post operative hypoxemia
- Hyponatremia
- Hypoglycemia
42Early Mobilisation
Psychological support
Peri-operative Sepsis
Peri- operative Antibiotics
- Geriatric patients for joint replacement
surgeries offer a great challenge to the
anaesthesiologists. - A careful preoperative examination, preoperative
optimization, safe intraoperative anaesthetic
techniques, good postoperative pain relief, good
postoperative followup with rehabilitation would
aid in decreasing the morbidity in these patients.
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