Title: Lecture 6 & 7: Structured Analysis
1Lecture 6 7 Structured Analysis
- Anita S. Malik
- anitamalik_at_umt.edu.pk
- Adapted from Schach (2004) Chapter 11
2Specifications Phase
- Specification document must be
- Informal enough for client
- Formal enough for developers
- Free of omissions, contradictions, ambiguities
- Specification techniques include
- Informal specifications
- Structured systems analysis
- Object Oriented analysis
- Entity-relationship modeling
- Finite state machines
- Petri nets
- Other formal techniques such as Z specification
3Informal Specifications
- Example
- If sales for current month are below target
sales, then report is to be printed, unless
difference between target sales and actual sales
is less than half of difference between target
sales and actual sales in previous month, or if
difference between target sales and actual sales
for the current month is under 5
4Meaning of Specification
- Sales target for January was 100,000, actual
sales were only 64,000 (36 below target) - Print report
- Sales target for February was 120,000, actual
sales were only 100,000 (16.7 below target) - Percentage difference for February (16.7) less
than half of previous months percentage
difference (36), do not print report - Sales target for March was 100,000, actual sales
were 98,000 (2 below target) - Percentage difference lt 5, do not print
5But Specifications Do Not Say This
- Difference between target sales and actual
sales - There is no mention of percentage difference
- Difference in January was 36,000, difference in
February was 20,000 - Not less than half of 36,000, so report is
printed - Difference of 5
- Again, no mention of percentage
- Ambiguityshould the last clause read percentage
difference of 5 or difference of
5,000 or something else entirely? - Style is poor
6Informal Specifications (contd)
- Claim
- This cannot arise with professional
specifications writers - Refutation
- Text Processing case study
7Episode 1
- 1969 Naur Paper
- Given a text consisting of words separated by
blank or by nl (new line) characters, convert it
to line-by-line form in accordance with following
rules - (1) line breaks must be made only where given
text has blank or nl - (2) each line is filled as far as possible, as
long as - (3) no line will contain more than maxpos
characters - Naur constructed a procedure (25 lines of Algol
60), and informally proved its correctness)
8Episode 2
- 1970 Reviewer in Computing Reviews
- First word of first line is preceded by a blank
unless the first word is exactly maxpos
characters long
9Episode 3
- 1971 London found 3 more faults
- Including procedure does not terminate unless a
word longer than maxpos characters is encountered
10Episode 4
- 1975 Goodenough and Gerhart found 3 further
faults - Includinglast word will not be output unless it
is followed by blank or nl - Goodenough and Gerhart then produced new set of
specifications, about four times longer than
11Case Study (contd)
- 1985 Meyer detected 12 faults in Goodenough and
Gerharts specifications - Goodenough and Gerharts specifications
- Were constructed with the greatest of care
- Were constructed to correct Naurs specifications
- Went through two versions, carefully refereed
- Were written by experts in specifications
- With as much time as they needed
- For a product about 30 lines long
- What chance do we have of writing fault-free
specifications for a real product?
12Episode 5
- 1989 Schach found fault in Meyers
specifications - Item (2) of Naurs original requirement (each
line is filled as far as possible) is not
13Informal Specifications
- Conclusion
- Natural language is not a good way to specify
product - Fact
- Many organizations still use natural language,
especially for commercial products - Reasons
- Uninformed management
- Undertrained computer professionals
- Management gives in to client pressure
- Management is unwilling to invest in training
14Structured Systems Analysis
- Three popular graphical specification methods of
70s - DeMarco
- Gane and Sarsen
- Yourdon
- All equivalent
- All equally good
- Many corporations use them for commercial
products - Gane and Sarsen used for object-oriented design
15Structured Systems Analysis Case Study
- Sallys Software Store buys software from various
suppliers and sells it to the public. Popular
software packages are kept in stock, but the rest
must be ordered as required. Institutions and
corporations are given credit facilities, as are
some members of the public. Sallys Software
Store is doing well, with a monthly turnover of
300 packages at an average retail cost of 250
each. Despite her business success, Sally has
been advised to computerize. Should she? - Better question
- What sections?
- Still better
- How? Batch, or online? In-house or out-service?
16Case Study (contd)
- Fundamental issue
- What is Sallys objective in computerizing her
business? - Because she sells software?
- She needs an in-house system with sound and light
effects - Because she uses her business to launder hot
money? - She needs a product that keeps five different
sets of books, and has no audit trail - Assume Computerization in order to make more
money - Cost/benefit analysis for each section of
17Case Study (contd)
- The danger of many standard approaches
- First produce the solution, then find out what
the problem is! - Gane and Sarsens method
- Nine-step method
- Stepwise refinement is used in many steps
18Case Study (contd)
- Data flow diagram (DFD) shows logical data flow
- what happens, not how it happens
19Step 1. Draw the DFD
- First refinement
- Infinite number of possible interpretations
20Step 1 (contd)
- Second refinement
- pending orders scanned daily
21Step 1 (contd)
- Portion of third refinement
22Step 1 (contd)
- Final DFD
- Larger, But easily understood by client
- Larger DFDs
- Hierarchy
- Box becomes DFD at lower level
- Frequent problem
- Process P at level L, expanded at level L1
- Correct place for sources and destinations of
data for process P is level L1 - Clients cannot understand DFDsources and
destinations of data for P are missing - Solution
- Draw correct DFD, modify by moving sources and
destinations of data one or more levels up
23Step 2. Decide What Parts to Computerize
- Depends on how much client is prepared to spend
- Large volumes, tight controls
- Batch
- Small volumes, in-house microcomputer
- Online
- Cost/benefit analysis
24Step 3. Refine Data Flows
- Data items for each data flow
- Refine each flow stepwise
- Refine further
- Need a data dictionary
25Step 3. Refine Data Flows (contd)
- Sample data dictionary entries
26Step 4. Refine Logic of Processes
- Have process give educational discount
- Sally must explain discount for educational
institutions - 10 on up to 4 packages, 15 on 5 or more
- Translate into decision tree
27Step 4 (contd)
- Advantage of decision tree
- Missing items are quickly apparent
- Can also use decision tables
- CASE tools for automatic translation
28Step 5. Refine Data Stores
- Define exact contents and representation (format)
- COBOL specify to pic level
- Ada specify digits or delta
- Specify where immediate access is required
- Data immediate access diagram (DIAD)
29Step 6. Define Physical Resources
- For each file, specify
- File name
- Organization (sequential, indexed, etc.)
- Storage medium
- Blocking factor
- Records (to field level)
30Step 7. Determine Input/Output Specs
- Specify input forms, input screens, printed output
31Step 8. Perform Sizing
- Numerical data for Step 9 to determine hardware
requirements - Volume of input (daily or hourly)
- Size, frequency, deadline of each printed report
- Size, number of records passing between CPU and
mass storage - Size of each file
32Step 9. Hardware Requirements
- DASD requirements
- Mass storage for back-up
- Input needs
- Output devices
- Is existing hardware adequate?
- If not, recommend buy/lease
- Response times cannot be determined
- Number of I/O channels can only be guessed
- CPU size and timing can only be guessed
- Nevertheless, no other method provides these data
for arbitrary products - The method of Gane and Sarsen/De Marco/Yourdon
has resulted in major improvements in the
software industry
34Structured Analysis (Summary)
- Nine Steps
- Draw the Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
- Decide what section to computerize
- Determine the details of the data flows
- Define the logic of the processes
- Define the data stores
- Define the physical resources
- Determine input-output specifications
- Perform sizing
- Determine the hardware requirements
35Air Gourmet Case Study Structured Sys. Anal.
- Data flow diagram reflects centrality of SPECIAL
MEAL DATA - See Appendix E for remainder of structured
systems analysis
36Testing during the Specification Phase
- Walkthrough of the document
- Inspect the document against a checklist. A study
done on inspections showed each hour invested in
inspections at analysis stage saved 30 hrs of
execution-based fault detection and correction.
37Metrics for Analysis Phase
- Size, cost, duration, effort and quality
- Size number of pages in the specification
document - Quality note the number of faults of each type
found during inspection - Duration and effort number of items in the data
dictionary, number of files, data items,
processes etc.
38Challenges of Analysis Phase
- The documents generated during the analysis phase
should be informal enough for the client to
understand and formal enough for the development
team to use as the description of the product to
be built - To keep within the what boundary and not cross
to the how boundary