Fluency, rhythm and intonation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fluency, rhythm and intonation


Fluency, rhythm and intonation A top-down look at English Starting from the top Fluency, rhythm and intonation: the overall structures of language sound Does it make ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fluency, rhythm and intonation

Fluency, rhythm and intonation
  • A top-down look at English

Starting from the top
  • Fluency, rhythm and intonation the overall
    structures of language sound
  • Does it make sense to start by focusing on these
    large structures rather than on individual
  • We are probably more used to thinking bottom-up,
    particularly concerning sounds
  • The overall structures obviously depend on the
    smaller units it is difficult to become fluent
    without knowing how to pronounce the individual

  • However, communicative language teaching means
    that we want to present the pupils with texts
    that have meaning to them from the very beginning
    (such as songs and rhymes)
  • This means that rhythm, intonation and fluency
    are factors that in the teaching we do will be
    there from the beginning

Starting from the top
  • Pronunciation is in many ways the one area where
    we are most dependent on thinking wholeness from
    the very beginning
  • Working with vocabulary, we will usually have a
    gradual and (to some extent) controlled
    introduction of new words
  • Working with grammar, starting with a few simple
    structures and then introducing more and more
    complicated ones is at least an option
  • Controlling the teaching material on
    pronunciation criteria (using only words with
    sounds which has been specifically taught) is
    hardly an option
  • We must often let the children start with the
    tools they already have (their Norwegian sound
    system), and adjust it gradually
  • As a counterweight to this, it is useful to have
    them listen to and think about what English
    spoken language sounds like overall (in
    manageable chunks) from the very beginning

Starting from the top
  • Children who learn their first language start
    mimicking the sound of connected speech, often
    before they can make meaningful words or the
    language sounds are firmly established
  • This also means that they have to relate to quite
    complicated sound patterns from the beginning
  • In foreign language teaching, this should be an
    opportunity, not a problem most children enjoy
    playing with sounds
  • We need to work with pronunciation from the top
    down and from the bottom up simultaneously

The structure of the workshop
  • Fluency
  • Stress and rhythm
  • Intonation
  • I will at times put in bits of text written in
    phonemic symbols you do not have to read these
    to follow my points, so this is primarily meant
    to make you used to seeing them

  • Fluency in pronunciation is about the ability to
    speak at a suitable speed without too much
    hesitation and false starts
  • In this sense all skills in (oral) language get
    together in fluency pronunciation of individual
    sounds, vocabulary, grammar, rhythm, intonation
  • BUT we cannot wait until everything else is in
    place before we start focusing on fluency
  • It must be in focus from the beginning

  • This means we have to find a balance between
    accuracy training and fluency training
  • Accuracy training is necessary for fluency in the
    long run, but may hinder it in the short run

  • Fluency training training which focuses on
    producing connected speech at natural speed
  • Part of this must be focused on unplanned
    communication conversation training
  • However, training rhythm and intonation are also
    central elements in fluency training

  • In speech, some syllables will be pronounced
    with greater force they are stressed
  • Tension /"tenSn/
  • Perform /p_at_"fOm/
  • If you look in a dictionary, the vertical line
    which marks stress is placed before the first

  • We can look at stress in two ways
  • Word stress
  • Sentence stress

Word stress
  • Where does the stress go in a word spoken in
    isolation (word stress)
  • In relation to natural speech, word stress tells
    us where the stress may come, but it does not
    have to come anywhere in the word not every word
    is stressed in natural speech.

Sentence stress
  • Sentence stress the syllables in an actual,
    spoken sentence which receive stress.
  • Syllables that receive stress when a word is
    pronounced in isolation will often lose it in
    connected speech
  • our /"aU_at_/
  • If you think our cars dirty, you ought to see
    our house.
  • /If jU TINk au_at_ "kAz d3tI jU Ot_at_ si aU_at_

More on word stress
  • Getting word stress right is important in order
    for our words to be understood by the listener
  • Stress on the wrong syllable is more likely to
    cause misunderstanding than the use of a wrong
  • In two-syllable words, stress is normally on the
    first syllable.
  • In words of Three or more syllables, stress tends
    to come on the second- or third last syllable

Where would you put the stress in the following
  • Participation Claustrophobia
  • Neutrality Potential
  • Philosopher Necessity
  • Inform Intonation
  • Dialect Horseradish
  • Outgun Uncool

Sentence Stress
  • While word stress is simply a part of the
    pronunciation of a word, sentence stress is
    connected to the meaning we want to express.
  • In connected speech only the words most important
    to the content of the sentence will receive
  • These tend to be the content words or lexical
    words nouns, verbs (not auxiliaries),
    adjectives, adverbs.
  • The other words are known as form words or
    grammatical words auxiliaries, articles,
    prepositions, conjunctions etc., will normally be
    unstressed in a sentence.

  • The pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables
    are very important in English (think poetry)
  • English is fundamentally stress-timed, not
    syllable timed.
  • The length it takes to pronounce a sentence
    depends on the number of stressed syllables, not
    the total number of syllables.
  • This is the same in Norwegian, but remember some
    of our students may have a background from a
    language which is fundamentally different where
    all syllables are the same length

  • Invariably rude (5 syllables)
  • Very rude (3 syllables)
  • I have heard your excuses (7 syllables)
  • I wont listen to any more of your silly
    excuses (15 syllables)
  • The two phrases in these pairs should take
    approximately the same time
  • The unstressed syllables are pronounced very
    quickly, and therefore tend to be reduced

Your tools for teaching rhythm
  • Probably your most important tool is your own
    pronunciation make sure that you use rhythm and
    weak forms appropriately
  • However, there are many types of exercises which
    are appropriate for this purpose, e.g.
  • Rhymes, poems, songs
  • Growing sentences
  • Forward- and back-chaining

Nursery rhymes/childrens rhymes
  • Clear rhythmic pattern
  • Rhymed lines easy to remember
  • Often used as part of skipping games further
    emphasis on rhythm
  • May help the speaker achieve a natural speaking
    speed, which also makes it more natural to get
    the weak forms right
  • Of course, the rhythm in such verses tends to be
    exaggerated, but this exaggeration is likely to
    be automatically evened out in real speech

Childrens rhymes
  • Georgie Porgie pudding and pie
  • Kissed the girls and made them cry
  • When the boys came out to play
  • Georgie Porgie ran away!
  • (Note how the number of syllables in pudding
    and forces each syllable to be shortened)

Older children
  • When the children become too big for traditional
    nursery rhymes, there are other types of rhythmic
    poetry that can be used or there are of course
    twists on (or twisted versions of) the rhymes
    they already know (if you want to subject
    children to such brutality)
  • Mary had a little lamb Tommy had a pup Alfonzo
    had a crocodile That ate the others up
  • Mary had a little lamb You've heard this tale
    before But did you know she passed her plate
    And had a little more

  • Again, the clear rhythm makes these a useful
  • There was a young lady of Niger
  • Who smiled as she rode on a tiger
  • They returned from the ride
  • With the lady inside
  • And the smile on the face of the tiger
  • Here the strict form also means that students can
    produce these themselves

Growing Sentences
  • A sentence begins with the most important content
    words, and id then expanded, mainly with function
    words. The number of stresses, and therefore the
    time it takes, remains unchanged, and the added
    words are likely to be unstressed many of them
    weak forms.
  • Clyde robbed banks
  • Bonnie and Clyde robbed banks
  • Bonnie and Clyde must have robbed the banks
  • Bonnie and Clyde must have been robbed by the
  • Bonnie and Clyde must have been robbed by the
    greedy banks

  • Building a sentence by beginning at the first
    word and then adding new items noticing how the
    rhythm changes. Note that the focus of the
    sentences keeps moving, since the most important
    item of information tends to come last
  • Priscilla
  • Priscilla played
  • Priscilla played the lead role
  • Priscilla played the lead role in an amateur
  • Priscilla played the lead role in an amateur
    production of Twelfth Night.
  • Priscilla played the lead role in an amateur
    production of Twelfth Night which was an
    enormous success.

  • Note how with back-chaining the focus of the
    sentence and thus the intonation pattern
    stays the same
  • Restaurant
  • Really nice restaurant
  • At a really nice restaurant
  • Dinner at a really nice restaurant
  • Bought me dinner at a really nice restaurant
  • My aunt bought me dinner at a really nice
  • Strangely enough, my aunt bought me dinner at a
    really nice restaurant.

Finding rhythmic patterns
  • Mark likely full stresses in the following list
    and group the words or sentences into four groups
    of four, so that each group has the same stress
    pattern. Then transcribe all the sets
  • Consideration Remember
  • Terminology Banana
  • I met some artists Nevertheless
  • We left her Electricity
  • Merry-go-round Characteristic
  • So you lost again Lets face it
  • Hes a countryman Jack-in-the-box
  • Under the window They ought to know

Intonation is
  • Continuous changing of the pitch (tone) of the
    speakers voice to express meanings (Bradford)
  • It is linked to rhythm, because rhythm and stress
    decides where we get pitch-changes

Changes in pitch that express meaning
  • Pitch changes are not used in English to
    distinguish between words with different basic
    meaning, as it is used extensively in e.g.
    Chinese (and even in Norwegian to a much smaller
    extent håpet vs. håpe.)
  • They are used to mark the communicative function
    of an utterance (is it a question or a
    statement?) and to mark emotional attitude.

  • This may well be the psychologically most
    difficult part of language to copy for foreign
    speakers it may also feel like giving up part
    of your personality.
  • It is important to keep ears open, observe and

General points on English intonation
  • Pitch within an utterance tends to start low and
    be kept low until the first stressed syllable (if
    the first syllable in the utterance is stressed,
    we will start off at a high pitch level).
  • The first stressed syllable usually jumps to a
    higher pitch
  • The pitch then tends to stay on a high and fairly
    even level
  • At the main communicative focus of the sentence,
    the stressed syllable will have a glide either up
    or down.

  • The communicative focus of an English sentence
    tends to lie towards the end
  • If the focus moves towards the front, this needs
    a more special context to be natural
  • The main pitch change will therefore also lie
    towards the end

Where would the main stress naturally go? What
happens if we move it?
  • I always take the bus.
  • Would you like some tea?
  • We first met them in France.
  • I thought John had fixed that.
  • Can you hear that strange noise?

  • Note particularly that the pitch tends to stay
    even (and relatively high) from the first
    stressed syllable until the tonic syllable
  • In Norwegian, every stressed syllable tends to be
    emphasised by a pitch-change from the speaking
    tone, but this is not the case in English
    stressed syllables except for the first one and
    the tonic one tend to have the same pitch as the
    surrounding unstressed ones.

  • Two points we should think about when we speak
    English (or try to teach it to others) are
  • Keeping the speaking tone from the first stress
    to the main focus of a meaning unit high and
    relatively even
  • Having a clear focus of each spoken unit, marked
    by a clear pitch-change

  • Rhythm and intonation come together in the
    concept of chunking
  • Breaking your spoken language into manageable
  • If you make them too short, fluency will suffer
  • If the chunks become too long, intonation will
    become flat and difficult to follow
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