Title: Hosted VoIP Phone Systems By Folkerson Communications
1Hosted VoIP Phone Systems By Folkerson
- Austin, Texas 2013/Press Release If you are
looking for ways to cut down your business
expenses, a hosted VoIP telephone service could
be just the ticket for you. More and more
business firms in Texas are now making the switch
to VoIP telephone systems because of the monthly
savings it offers. With VoIP, you will be able to
save on your local and long distance phone bills,
audio conferencing, inbound fax, voicemail and a
lot more. - Folkerson Communications, LTD is a leading
provider of hosted VoIP and telecommunication
services in the state of Texas. The company
provides highest quality telephone systems and
services to business firms in Austin, Belton,
Copperas Cove, Coupland, Gatesville, Georgetown,
Harker Heights, Killeen, Lampasas, Nolanville,
Round Rock, Moody, Temple, Troy, Waco and many
other areas of Texas.
2 With more than thirty years of experience in the
IT Industry, Folkerson Communications, LTD has a
proven track record for success and knows how to
create a powerful and effective business
communications system for you. Hosted VoIP Phone
Systems offered by the company will help small,
mid-size as well as large business firms across
Texas improve their image, control costs, and
stay connected anytime, anywhere.
3If you are unable to choose VoIP system for your
business, the qualified and trained sales
engineers at Folkerson Communications, LTD can
help you out. They will visit your office and
determine the best solution for your business.
They provide consultation on VoIP telephone
systems, and plans out a solution to your
requirements. They also provide installation of
structured cabling, network systems and setting
up VoIP phone systems. To know more about the
VoIP services provided by Folkerson
Communications, LTD, feel free to visit them at
6448 E Hwy 290, Austin, TX 78723. You can also
call them at Austin (512) 977-0055, Temple
(254) 742-0064, Killeen (254) 698-0016 and Waco
(254) 662-2255. You can also visit their website
http//www.folkersoncom.com/ for more details.