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Energy & Chemical Reactions


Chapter 6 Energy & Chemical Reactions General Chemistry I T. Ara d) Manipulating Thermochemical Equations Given the following equation: N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) 2 NH3 (g); H ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Energy & Chemical Reactions

Chapter 6 Energy Chemical Reactions
General Chemistry I T. Ara
A. Energy
  • Thermodynamics science of heat, work the
    transformations of one to the other
  • Thermochemistry the study of energy changes that
    occur during physical processes chemical
  • Energy the capacity to do work
  • All energy can be classified as either kinetic or

2. Kinetic Potential Energy
  • Kinetic Energy energy that something has because
    it is moving
  • Macroscale mechanical energy objects in motion
    (people, cars, baseballs, etc.)
  • Nanoscale thermal energy nanoscale objects in
    motion (atoms, molecules, ions, etc.)

2. Kinetic Potential Energy
  • Potential Energy energy that something has as a
    result of its position and some force that is
    capable of changing that position
  • Macroscale gravitational energy (E mgh)
  • Nanoscale electrostatic energy (coulombic
    attraction between anions cations) chemical
    potential energy (attractions among atomic nuclei
    and electrons in molecules)

2. Kinetic Potential Energy

Gravitational potential energy being converted
into kinetic energy.
The chemical potential energy stored in food
molecules being released (converted into thermal
a) Units of Energy
  • The SI Unit for energy is the joule (J).
  • The joule is an SI derived unit.
  • 1 joule 1 kg?m2
  • s2
  • It is frequently more practical to use a larger
    unit the kilojoule (kJ)
  • 1 kJ 103 J

(Energy Force x Distance)
a) Units of Energy
  • Another common unit of energy is the calorie.
  • 1 cal 4.184 J
  • Energy changes related to most chemical processes
    are reported in kilocalories (kcal) or kilojoules
  • 1 kcal 1000 cal 4.184 kJ 4184 J

a) Units of Energy
  • The label on this Australian packet of Equal
    indicates that it supplies 16 kJ of nutritional
    energy. How many American Calories
    (kilocalories) are in this packet of Equal?

a) Units of Energy
  • The label on this Australian packet of Equal
    indicates that it supplies 16 kJ of nutritional
    energy. How many American Calories
    (kilocalories) are in this packet of Equal?
  • 1 kcal 4.184 kJ
  • 16 kJ x 1 kcal 3.82409
  • 4.184 kJ
  • 3.8 Calories

3. Conservation of Energy
  • The first law of thermodynamics states that
    energy can be neither created nor destroyed the
    total energy of the universe is constant.
  • We will be studying the transfer of energy from
    one form or one place to another.
  • How is energy
  • transferred?
  • Work Heat

a) Work
  • Doing work (or working on an object) is one
    process that transfers energy to an object.
  • For example
  • lifting an object against the force of gravity
    increases the potential energy of the object
  • throwing a baseball increases the kinetic
    energy of an object

b) Heat
  • Transferring heat to an object is another way of
    transferring energy.
  • Heating, or raising the temperature of, an object
    increases the thermal energy of that object.
  • Thermal energy is kinetic energy on the
  • Matter consists of nanoscale particles that are
    constantly in motion.
  • Higher temperature ? faster motion of particles ?
    more thermal energy

b) Heat
  • Heating refers to the energy transfer that occurs
    whenever two samples of matter at different
    temperatures are brought into contact.
  • Energy always transfers from the hotter sample to
    the cooler sample until both are at the same
    temperature a state called thermal equilibrium.

The hot steel bar transfers energy to the cool
water until the two come to thermal equilibrium.
c) Defining the System
  • When analyzing the thermodynamics of a process,
    it is crucial to keep track of ALL energy
    transfers taking place work and heat.
  • In doing so, it is helpful to define the sample
    of matter you are investigating as the system
    (eg. a reaction, an object, etc.)
  • Anything that can exchange energy with the system
    is defined as the surroundings.

i) System vs. Surroundings
  • The total amount of energy must remain constant,
    so any energy transferred out of the system must
    be transferred into the surroundings, and vice

ii) Thermodynamic Changes
  • We will refer to ?E (change in energy) when
    keeping track of energy transfers.
  • ?Esystem Efinal - Einitial
  • -The sign of ?E indicates the direction of

ii) Thermodynamic Changes
  • We will refer to ?E (change in energy) when
    keeping track of energy transfers.
  • ?Esystem Efinal - Einitial
  • -The sign of ?E indicates the direction of
  • ?Esystem gt 0 Energy transferred into the
  • - Final E greater than initial E
  • ?Esystem lt 0 Energy transferred out of the
  • - Final E lower than initial E

ii) Thermodynamic Changes
  • In many simple cases
  • ?Esystem qsystem wsystem
  • qsystem heat transferred to the system
  • wsystem work done on the system

ii) Thermodynamic Changes
  • In many simple cases
  • ?Esystem qsystem wsystem
  • qsystem heat transferred to the system
  • wsystem work done on the system
  • q gt 0 heat absorbed by the system
  • q lt 0 heat given off by the system

ii) Thermodynamic Changes
  • In many simple cases
  • ?Esystem qsystem wsystem
  • qsystem heat transferred to the system
  • wsystem work done on the system
  • q gt 0 heat absorbed by the system
  • q lt 0 heat given off by the system
  • w gt 0 work done on the system
  • w lt 0 work done by the system

ii) Thermodynamic Changes

What is the change in internal energy of a system
that does 7.02 kJ of work and absorbs 888 J of
?E q w
What is the change in internal energy of a system
that does 7.02 kJ of work and absorbs 888 J of
  • ?E q w
  • q 888 J 0.888 kJ
  • w -7.02 kJ
  • ?E q w
  • ?E 0.888 7.02
  • ?E -6.132 kJ -6.13 kJ

iii) Internal Energy
  • The internal energy of a system is defined as the
    sum of the individual energies of all of the
    nanoscale particles in a sample of matter.
  • Magnitude of internal energy depends on
  • Temperature
  • Type of particles/molecules
  • Number of particles

iii) Internal Energy
  • As a hot cup of coffee cools, its internal energy
  • The energy is transferred, in the form of heat,
    to the surrounding room.
  • The rooms internal energy increases.
  • If the coffee cools from 90 C to 60 C (DT -30
    C), will the temperature in the room increase by
    30 C?

B. Heat Transfer
  • Heat Capacity (C) quantity of energy required to
    increase the temperature of a sample by one
  • C q/?T
  • The magnitude of the heat capacity depends on
  • Mass of the sample
  • Composition of the sample

1. Heat Capacity
Calculate the heat capacity of an aluminum block
that must absorb 629 J of heat from its
surroundings in order for its temperature to rise
from 22 ?C to 145 ?C. Heat Capacity (C) C
1. Heat Capacity
  • Calculate the heat capacity of an aluminum block
    that must absorb 629 J of heat from its
    surroundings in order for its temperature to rise
    from 22 ?C to 145 ?C.
  • Heat Capacity (C) C q/?T
  • C 629 J / (145 - 22 ?C)
  • 629 J / 123 ?C
  • 5.11 J/ ?C

1. Heat Capacity
  • a) When comparing the heat capacities of
    different substances with different masses, it is
    more useful to compare specific heat capacities.
  • Specific Heat (c) quantity of energy needed to
    increase the temperature of one gram of a
    substance by one degree Celsius
  • Molar Heat Capacity (cm) related to specific
    heat, but for one mole of substance

1. Heat Capacity

Metals have low specific heats.
Water has high specific heat. (4.184 J/g?C
or 1.000 cal/g?C)
1. Heat Capacity
  • When dealing with specific heat capacities
  • Given c q/m?T
  • Derive q cm?T
  • ?T Tfinal Tinitial q/cm
  • m q/c?T
  • q thermal heat
  • c specific heat
  • m mass
  • ?T change in temperature


If a 10.0 g sample of each substance below has
250 J applied to it, which substance will have
the greatest increase in temperature? iron (c
0.46 J/g?C) water (c 4.184 J/g?C) copper
(c 0.39 J/g?C) aluminum (c 0.92 J/g?C)
  • If a 10.0 g sample of each substance below has
    250 J applied to it, which substance will have
    the greatest increase in temperature?
  • iron (c 0.46 J/g?C)
  • water (c 4.184 J/g?C)
  • copper (c 0.39 J/g?C)
  • aluminum (c 0.92 J/g?C)
  • Copper! Lower heat capacity means less energy
    required to change the temperature larger
    temperature change.

1. Heat Capacity
  • How much heat (in joules) does it take to raise
    the temperature of 225 g of water from 25.0 to
    100.0 ?C? (c 4.184 J/g?C)

1. Heat Capacity
  • How much heat (in joules) does it take to raise
    the temperature of 225 g of water from 25.0 to
    100.0 ?C? (c 4.184 J/g?C)
  • q cm?T
  • q (4.184 J/g?C)(225 g)(100.0 25.0 ?C)
  • q 7.06x104 J

1. Heat Capacity
What will be the final temperature of a 5.00 g
silver ring at 37.0 ?C that gives off 25.0 J of
heat to its surroundings (c 0.235 J/g
1. Heat Capacity
  • What will be the final temperature of a 5.00 g
    silver ring at 37.0 ?C that gives off 25.0 J of
    heat to its surroundings
  • (c 0.235 J/g ?C)?
  • ?T Tfinal Tinitial q/cm
  • Tfinal 37.0 ?C -25.0 J / (0.235 J/g
    ?C)(5.00 g)
  • Tfinal 37.0 ?C -21.3 ?C
  • Tfinal 37.0 ?C - 21.3 ?C
  • Tfinal 15.7 ?C

1. Heat Capacity
148 J of heat are transferred to a a piece of
glass (c 0.84 J/g?C), raising the temperature
from 25.0 ?C to 49.4 ?C. What is the mass of the
1. Heat Capacity
  • 148 J of heat are transferred to a a piece of
    glass (c 0.84 J/g?C), raising the temperature
    from 25.0 ?C to 49.4 ?C. What is the mass of the
  • m q/c?T
  • m (148 J)/(0.84 J/g?C)(24.4 ?C)
  • m 7.2 g

2. Phase Changes
  • We just saw that energy transfers ALWAYS
    accompany temperature changes.
  • Energy transfers also accompany physical and
    chemical changes, even when there is no change in
  • eg. Energy is always transferred into or out of a
    system during a phase change.

a) Melting/Freezing
  • During a phase change
  • The temperature of the sample remains constant
  • Energy must be continually transferred into or
    out of the sample to facilitate the
  • Melting phase change from solid to liquid
    energy is transferred into the sample
  • Freezing phase change from liquid to solid
    energy is transferred out of the sample

a) Melting/Freezing
  • Heat of Fusion quantity of thermal energy that
    must be transferred to a solid as it melts
    (qfusion - qfreezing)

Water Heat of fusion 333 J/g at 0
?C. Specific Heat (l) 1.00 cal/g?C Specific
Heat (s) depends on T ? 0.5 cal/g?C near 0 ?C
a) Melting/Freezing
  • Adding energy to a sample can cause temperature
    changes and/or phase changes.
  • The energy required to melt a 1-gram ice cube at
    0 C would be enough to heat a 1-gram block of
    iron at 0 C to 738 C (red hot) or to melt a
    0.5-g ice cube and warm the resulting water to 80

b) Vaporization/Condensation
  • Vaporization phase change from liquid to gas
    energy is transferred into the sample
  • Condensation phase change from gas to liquid
    energy transferred out of the sample
  • Heat of Vaporization energy that must be
    transferred to convert a liquid to a gas
  • qvaporization -qcondensation

b) Vaporization/Condensation
  • Heating the flask causes the water to boil
    liquid turning to a vapor.
  • When the heating is stopped, energy is
    transferred to the surroundings as the steam
    condenses back into liquid water.

How much heat is required to melt 125 g of ice at
How much heat is required to melt 125 g of ice at
  • Water Heat of fusion 333 J/g at 0 ?C
  • (125 g)(333 J/g) 41625 J
  • 4.16x104 J
  • 41.6 kJ

You have 1.00 g of ice at 0.0 ?C. How much
energy would it take to melt all of the ice, warm
the water from 0.0 ? C to 100.0 ? C, and boil the
water to vapor (gas) at 100.0 ? C?
You have 1.00 g of ice at 0.0 ?C. How much
energy would it take to melt all of the ice, warm
the water from 0.0 ? C to 100.0 ? C, and boil the
water to vapor (gas) at 100.0 ? C?
Phase 1 (Melting Ice) Heat of Fusion 333 J/g
at 0 ?C q (1.00 g)(333 J/g) 333 J Phase 2
(Warming Water) c 4.184 J/g ?C q (4.184
J/g?C)(1.00 g)(100.0 ?C) q 418.4 J Phase 3
(Vaporizing Water) Heat of Vap. 2260 J/g at
100 ?C q (1.00 g)(2260 J/g) 2260 J q
333 418.4 2260 3011 J 3.011 kJ
3. Endothermic vs. Exothermic
  • Processes involving energy transfers can be
    described as endothermic or exothermic.
  • endothermic energy must be transferred into the
    system to maintain a constant temperature
  • exothermic energy must be transferred out of the
    system to maintain a constant temperature

3. Endothermic vs. Exothermic
  • Melting and Vaporization are both endothermic
    processes (q gt 0)
  • Heat must be transferred into the system to
    facilitate these phase changes
  • Heat is absorbed by the system
  • Freezing and Condensation are both exothermic
    processes (q lt 0)
  • Heat must be transferred out of the system to
    facilitate these phase changes
  • Heat is given off by the system

C. Enthalpy (?H)
  • The quantity of thermal energy transferred into a
    system at constant pressure (qp) is called the
    enthalpy change (?H).
  • Enthalpy is an extensive property used to
    quantify the heat evolved or absorbed during a
    physical or chemical change.
  • Extensive Property dependent on the quantity of
    substance in the sample (the enthalpy of 2 mol of
    A is exactly twice the enthalpy of 1 mol of A)

C. Enthalpy
  • Enthalpy is a state function a property whose
    value is always the same if a system is in the
    same state.
  • A change in a state function does not depend on
    the path by which the system changes from one
    state to another.

This allows us to apply laboratory measurements
to real-life situations. eg. The enthalpy change
of a chemical reaction is the same whether it
occurs in a lab or in your body.
eg. Altitude is a state function.
1. Enthalpy of Chemical Reactions
  • We have already investigated energy transfers
    during physical transformations, what about
    chemical transformations reactions?
  • ?H Hproducts Hreactants
  • An endothermic reaction (?H gt 0) is a reaction in
    which heat is absorbed from the surroundings.
  • An exothermic reaction (?H lt 0) is a reaction in
    which heat is given off to the surroundings.

1. Enthalpy of Chemical Reactions
  • The combustion of hydrogen in the presence of
    oxygen is highly exothermic. This means that the
    energy of the reactants is higher than the energy
    of the products. The extra energy is released
    during the reaction.
  • 2 H2 (g) O2 (g) ?
  • 2 H2O (g)

2. Thermochemical Equations
  • Thermochemical Equation a balanced chemical
    equation (including phase labels) with the molar
    enthalpy of reaction written directly after the
  • N2 (g) 3 H2 (g) ? 2 NH3 (g) ?H -91.8 kJ
  • a) Molar Interpretation When 1 mol of nitrogen
    gas reacts with 3 mol of hydrogen gas to form 2
    mol of ammonia gas, 91.8 kJ of energy is given

b) Physical States of Matter
  • Physical states are important in thermochemical
  • Phase changes are accompanied by enthalpy
    changes, so ?H depends on the phases of the
    reactants and products.
  • H2 (g) ½ O2 (g) ? H2O (g) ?H? - 241.8 kJ
  • H2 (g) ½ O2 (g) ? H2O (l) ?H? - 285.8 kJ

c) Quantity of Matter
  • Thermochemical equations obey the rules of
    stoichiometry the larger the magnitude of the
    reaction, the more energy is transferred.
  • H2 (g) ½ O2 (g) ? H2O (g) ?H? - 241.8 kJ
  • 2 H2 (g) O2 (g) ? 2 H2O (g) ?H? - 483.6 kJ

d) Manipulating Thermochemical Equations
  • When a thermochemical equation is multiplied by
    any factor, the value of ?H for the new equation
    is obtained by multiplying the ?H in the original
    equation by that same factor.
  • When a thermochemical equation is reversed, the
    value of ?H is reversed in sign.

d) Manipulating Thermochemical Equations
Given the equation 3 O2 (g) ? 2 O3 (g) ?H
285.4 kJ Calculate ?H for the following
equation 3/2 O2 (g) ? O3 (g) ?H ?
d) Manipulating Thermochemical Equations
  • Given the equation
  • 3 O2 (g) ? 2 O3 (g) ?H 285.4 kJ
  • Calculate ?H for the following equation
  • 3/2 O2 (g) ? O3 (g) ?H ?
  • ? H 285.4 kJ / 2 142.7 kJ

d) Manipulating Thermochemical Equations
  • Given the equation
  • H2 (g) Cl2 (g) ? 2 HCl (g) ?H -184.6 kJ
  • Calculate ?H for the following equation
  • 2 HCl (g) ? H2 (g) Cl2 (g) ?H ?

d) Manipulating Thermochemical Equations
  • Given the equation
  • H2 (g) Cl2 (g) ? 2 HCl (g) ?H -184.6 kJ
  • Calculate ?H for the following equation
  • 2 HCl (g) ? H2 (g) Cl2 (g) ?H ?
  • ? H - (-184.6) 184.6 kJ

d) Manipulating Thermochemical Equations
  • Given the following equation
  • N2 (g) 3 H2 (g) ? 2 NH3 (g) ?H -91.80 kJ
  • Write the thermochemical equation for
  • a) Formation of one mole of ammonia gas.

d) Manipulating Thermochemical Equations
  • Given the following equation
  • N2 (g) 3 H2 (g) ? 2 NH3 (g) ?H -91.80 kJ
  • Write the thermochemical equation for
  • a) Formation of one mole of ammonia gas.
  • 1/2 N2 (g) 3/2 H2 (g) ? NH3 (g) ?H -45.90 kJ

d) Manipulating Thermochemical Equations
  • Given the following equation
  • N2 (g) 3 H2 (g) ? 2 NH3 (g) ?H -91.80 kJ
  • Write the thermochemical equation for
  • b) Decomposition of 6 mol of ammonia gas.

d) Manipulating Thermochemical Equations
  • Given the following equation
  • N2 (g) 3 H2 (g) ? 2 NH3 (g) ?H -91.80 kJ
  • Write the thermochemical equation for
  • b) Decomposition of 6 mol of ammonia gas.
  • 2 NH3 (g) ? 3 H2 (g) N2 (g) ?H 91.80 kJ
  • 6 NH3 (g) ? 9 H2 (g) 3 N2 (g) ?H 275.4 kJ

When 0.250 mol of solid CaO is mixed with 0.250
mol of liquid water, solid Ca(OH)2 is formed and
16.3 kJ of heat is released. Write a
thermochemical equation for the reaction
producing 1 mol of Ca(OH)2.
When 0.250 mol of solid CaO is mixed with 0.250
mol of liquid water, solid Ca(OH)2 is formed and
16.3 kJ of heat is released. Write a
thermochemical equation for the reaction
producing 1 mol of Ca(OH)2.
  • 0.250 CaO (s) 0.250 H2O (l) ? _____ Ca(OH)2 (s)
  • 0.250 CaO (s) 0.250 H2O (l) ? 0.250 Ca(OH)2 (s)
  • ?H -16.3 kJ
  • 0.250 CaO (s) 0.250 H2O (l) ? 0.250 Ca(OH)2
    (s) x 4
  • ?H -16.3 kJ x 4
  • CaO (s) H2O (l) ? Ca(OH)2 (s)
  • ?H -65.2 kJ

What is the enthalpy change when 22.5 g of CH4
are burned in excess O2?CH4(g) 2 O2(g) ?
CO2(g) 2 H2O(l) ?H? -890 kJ
What is the enthalpy change when 22.5 g of CH4
are burned in excess O2?CH4(g) 2 O2(g) ?
CO2(g) 2 H2O(l) ?H? -890 kJ
  • CH4 12.011 4(1.008) 16.043 g/mol
  • 22.5 g CH4 1.402 mol CH4
  • 16.043 g/mol
  • (1.402 mol CH4)(-890 kJ/mol) -1247.78 kJ
  • -1.25x103 kJ

D. Chemical Energy
  • In an exothermic chemical reaction (?H lt 0),
    where does the energy come from?
  • In an endothermic reaction (?H gt 0), where does
    the energy go?
  • In a chemical reaction, chemical bonds are broken
    and new chemical bonds are formed.
  • As nuclei and electrons move closer together or
    further apart, their energies change.

1. Bond Enthalpies
  • Bond Enthalpy (Bond Energy) the enthalpy change
    that occurs when two bonded atoms in a gas-phase
    molecule are separated completely at constant
  • Bond breaking is always an endothermic process
    energy must be put in to break a chemical bond.
  • Bond enthalpies are always positive.
  • The potential energy of atoms are lower when they
    are bonded together.

1. Bond Enthalpies
  • Atoms that are chemically bonded together are
    thought of as being in a stable energy well.
    (More on this later.)

1. Bond Enthalpies
  • Bond breaking is always endothermic
  • Cl2 (g) ? 2 Cl (g) ?H? 242 kJ
  • Bond formation (the reverse reaction) is always
  • 2 Cl (g) ? Cl2 (g) ?H? - 242 kJ
  • Bond enthalpies are usually expressed per mole of
  • eg. The bond enthalpy (bond strength) of Cl2 is
    242 kJ/mol.

1. Bond Enthalpies
  • Knowing the bond enthalpies for the bonds broken
    formed in a chemical reaction allows you to
    predict whether the reaction will be endothermic
    or exothermic.

1. Bond Enthalpies
  • Use the table of bond enthalpies to answer the
  • a) Which of the molecules in the table has
    the strongest bond? The weakest bond?
  • b) Calculate the enthalpy change for the
    following reactions
  • H-H Br-Br ? 2 H-Br
  • H-H F-F ? 2 H-F
  • c) Which is the most exothermic?

Bond Bond Enthalpy
(kJ/mol) _ H-H 436 H-Br
366 H-F 566 Br-Br 193 F-F
1. Bond Enthalpies
  • Strongest Bond?
  • Highest Bond Enthalpy ? HF
  • Weakest Bond?
  • Lowest Bond Enthalpy ? F2

1. Bond Enthalpies
H-H (g) Br-Br (g) ? 2 H-Br (g) ?H ?
1. Bond Enthalpies
  • H-H (g) Br-Br (g) ? 2 H-Br (g) ?H ?
  • Bonds Broken H-H ?H 436 kJ/mol
  • Br-Br ?H 193 kJ/mol
  • Bonds Formed H-Br ?H - 366 kJ/mol
  • ?H 436 193 (2 x 366)
  • ?H - 103 kJ/mol

1. Bond Enthalpies
H-H (g) F-F (g) ? 2 H-F (g) ?H ?
1. Bond Enthalpies
H-H (g) F-F (g) ? 2 H-F (g) ?H ? Bonds
Broken H-H ?H 436 kJ/mol F-F ?H
158 kJ/mol Bonds Formed H-F ?H - 566
kJ/mol ?H 436 158 (2 x 566) ?H - 538
1. Bond Enthalpies
H-H Cl-Cl ? 2 H-Cl ?H - 184 kJ/mol H-H
F-F ? 2 H-F ?H - 538 kJ/mol Which is the
most exothermic?
1. Bond Enthalpies
H-H Cl-Cl ? 2 H-Cl ?H - 184 kJ/mol H-H
F-F ? 2 H-F ?H - 538 kJ/mol Which is the
most exothermic? Formation of H-F
2. Calorimetry Measuring Enthalpy Changes
  • Thermochemical equations and bond enthalpies can
    be used to calculate ?H for a chemical reaction.
  • Thermal energy transfers can also be measured
    directly using a calorimeter.
  • Calorimeter device for measuring the quantity of
    thermal energy transferred during a chemical
    reaction or some other process

2. Calorimetry Measuring Enthalpy Changes
  • When at least one of the reactants or products is
    a gas, a bomb calorimeter is used because it is
    closed to the atmosphere at constant volume.
  • System burning sample (reaction)
  • Surroundings water bomb
  • qreaction -(qbomb qwater)
  • qreaction ?Ereaction

A bomb calorimeter has a heat capacity of 783
J/?C and contains 254 g of water. How much energy
is evolved by a reaction when the temperature of
the calorimeter goes from 23.73?C to 26.01?C?
A bomb calorimeter has a heat capacity of 783
J/?C and contains 254 g of water. How much energy
is evolved by a reaction when the temperature of
the calorimeter goes from 23.73?C to 26.01?C?
  • ?T 2.28 ?C
  • qbomb (heat capacity)(?T) (783 J/?C)(2.28 ?C)
  • qbomb 1785 J
  • qwater cm?T (4.184 J/g?C)(254 g)(2.28 ?C)
  • qwater 2423 J
  • qreaction -(qbomb qwater) - (1785 2423)
    -4208 J
  • qreaction -4.21x103 J 4.21 kJ

2. Calorimetry Measuring Enthalpy Changes
  • When a reaction takes place in solution, it is
    easier to use a calorimeter that is open to the
  • This allows for the direct measurement of the
    enthalpy change (?H q at constant pressure).
  • A cheap and easy way to do this is with a
    coffee-cup calorimeter.

Coffee Cup Calorimeter
  • ?Hreaction -qsolution
  • The energy transferred to the solution comes from
    the reaction.
  • The masses of other substances in the solution
    are so small compared to the mass of the solvent
    (water) that their heat capacities can usually be
    ignored (c ? 4.184 J/g?C)

Coffee Cup Calorimeter
  • When a 13.0 g sample of NaOH (s) dissolves in
    400.0 g water in a coffee cup calorimeter, the
    temperature of the water changes from 22.6 to
    30.7 ?C. Calculate
  • The heat transfer from system to
  • ?H for the process NaOH (s) ? Na (aq) OH-

Coffee Cup Calorimeter
  • When a 13.0 g sample of NaOH (s) dissolves in
    400.0 g water in a coffee cup calorimeter, the
    temperature of the water changes from 22.6 to
    30.7 ?C. Calculate
  • The heat transfer from system to
  • ?H for the process NaOH (s) ? Na (aq) OH-
  • qsolution cm?T
  • (4.184 J/g ?C)(400.0 13.0 g)(30.7 22.6
  • (4.184 J/g ?C)(413.0 g)(8.1 ?C)
  • 13996.735 1.4x104 J

Coffee Cup Calorimeter
  • When a 13.0 g sample of NaOH (s) dissolves in
    400.0 g water in a coffee cup calorimeter, the
    temperature of the water changes from 22.6 to
    30.7 ?C. Calculate
  • qsolution 13996.735 1.4x104 J
  • ?H for the process NaOH (s) ? Na (aq) OH-
  • ? H qreaction / mols NaOH
  • qreaction - qsolution - 1.4x104 J
  • 13.0 g NaOH x 1 mol 0.325 mol NaOH
  • 39.9971 g

Coffee Cup Calorimeter
  • When a 13.0 g sample of NaOH (s) dissolves in
    400.0 g water in a coffee cup calorimeter, the
    temperature of the water changes from 22.6 to
    30.7 ?C. Calculate
  • qsolution 13996.735 1.4x104 J
  • ?H for the process NaOH (s) ? Na (aq) OH-
  • ? H (-13996.735)/(0.325 mol)
  • ? H - 4.3x104 J
  • ? H - 43 kJ

Coffee Cup Calorimeter
A 19.6-g sample of metal was heated to 61.67 ?C
and placed in 26.70 g of water in a coffee cup
calorimeter. The temperature of the water
increased from 25.00 ?C to 30.00 ?C. What is the
specific heat of the metal? - First, calculate
the magnitude of the heat transferred to the
water. Then, use qwater to calculate c for the
Coffee Cup Calorimeter
  • A 19.6-g sample of metal was heated to 61.67 ?C
    and placed in 26.70 g of water in a coffee cup
    calorimeter. The temperature of the water
    increased from 25.00 ?C to 30.00 ?C. What is the
    specific heat of the metal?
  • - First, calculate the magnitude of the heat
    transferred to the water. Then, use qwater to
    calculate c for the metal.
  • qwater cm?T (4.184 J/g ?C)(26.7 g)(5.00
  • 558.56 J
  • qmetal - qwater

Coffee Cup Calorimeter
A 19.6-g sample of metal was heated to 61.67 ?C
and placed in 26.70 g of water in a coffee cup
calorimeter. The temperature of the water
increased from 25.00 ?C to 30.00 ?C. What is the
specific heat of the metal? qwater 558.56
J qmetal - qwater qmetal - 558.56 J
c(19.6 g)(30.00 61.67 ?C) c (- 558.56
J) / (19.6 g)(- 31.67 ?C) c 0.900 J/g?C
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