Title: Problem Solving And Decision Making
1Problem Solving And Decision Making
- Problem solving refers to active efforts to
discover what must be done to achieve a goal that
is not readily attainable.
3Types of Problems (Greeno)
- Problems of Inducing Structure
- Problems of Arrangement
- Problems of Transformation
4Approaches to Problem Solving
- Trial Error
- Heuristics
- Forming Subgoals (Tower of Hanoi)
- Working Backwards (Water Lilies)
- Using Analogies (Tumor)
- Reenvisioning the Problem
5Barriers to Effective Problem Solving
- Irrelevant (Distracting) Information
- Functional Fixedness (Screw Driver)
- Mental Set
- Unnecessary Constraints
6Decision Making
- Two types of decisions
- Making choices (selecting among alternatives)
- Taking chances (deciding amidst uncertainty)
7Selecting Among Alternatives
- Strategies
- Additive
- Subtractive (Elimination of Aspects)
8Making Risky Decisions
- Risky Decisions (Tversky Kahneman)
- Factors Influencing Risky Decisions
- Using Probabilities
- Expected Value
- Subjective Utility
- Factors that Affect Probability Estimates
- Heuristics
- Availability
- Representativeness
- Ignoring Base Rates
- The Conjunction Fallacy
- Alternative Outcomes Effect
- Framing the Question
9Humans as Decision Makers
- Classic View
- Irrational
- Prone to errors mistakes
- Mentally limited
- Evolutionary View
- Specialized cognition is adaptive
- Rational
- Fast and Frugal heuristics work
Dual Process Theories
Intuitive Thinking Rational Thinking
10Reducing Regret after Decisions
Told next person tasks were fun and interesting
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Asked how much they enjoyed experiment
Boring Tasks
Told next person tasks were fun and interesting
11Making Decisions in Groups
- Group Polarization
- Groupthink
12Group Polarization
Group Polarization- tendency to shift toward
more extreme positions after group discussion
- Groupthink- syndrome of bad decision-making