Title: Feedback Control Real-time Scheduling
1Feedback Control Real-time Scheduling
- James Yang, Hehe Li,
- Xinguang Sheng
- CIS 642, Spring 2001
- Professor Insup Lee
- Motivation.
- Feedback control system overview.
- Important Issues of Feedback control real-time
scheduling. - FC-EDF by UVA.
- Conclusion.
- Static real-time scheduling algorithms
- Requires complete knowledge of task set and
constraints. - eg. RM algorithm
- Dynamic algorithms
- Does not have complete knowledge of task set.
- Resource sufficient Vs. insufficient.
- eg. Earliest Deadline first, spring algorithm
- They are all open-loop algorithms.
- Works poorly in unpredictable dynamic systems.
Because they are usually based on worse-case
work-load parameters. - Most dynamic real world applications have
insufficient resources and unpredictable
workload. - Assumes that timing requirements(such as
deadline)are known and fixed.
- Motivation.
- Feedback control system overview.
- Important Issues of Feedback control real-time
scheduling. - FC-EDF by UVA.
- Conclusion.
6Feedback Control Scheduling
- Defines error terms for schedules, monitor the
error, and continuously adjust the schedule to
maintain satisfactory performance. - Based on adaptive control theory, stochastic
control. - The result would be that many applications meet
significantly more deadlines thereby improving
the productivity.
- Controlled Variable.
- Set point.
- Error set point current value of CV.
- Manipulated Variable.
- Feedback Loop.
- Motivation.
- Feedback control system overview.
- Important Issues of Feedback control real-time
scheduling. - FC-EDF by UVA.
- Conclusion.
9Feedback control real-time scheduling
- Choices for control variables, manipulated
variables, set points. - Choice of appropriate Control functions. Is PID
enough? - Stability Problem of feedback control in the
context of real-time scheduling? - How to tune Control parameters?
- How significant is the overhead and how to
minimize it? - How to integrate a runtime analysis of time
constraints with scheduling algorithms?
- Motivation.
- Feedback control system overview.
- Important Issues of Feedback control real-time
scheduling. - FC-EDF by UVA.
- Conclusion.
11FC-EDF algorithm
- Control Variable miss rate of admitted tasks
MissRatio(t) - Set Point 1.
- Manipulated Variable System Load(requested CPU
utilization). - Controller PID Controller.
- Scheduler EDF algorithm.
- Actuators Service level Controller, admission
12FC-EDF Architecture
13Task Model
- Imprecise Computation Model
- Ti (Ii, ETi, VALi, Si, Di)
- I Logical Versions of Ti ( Ti1, Ti2, , Tik)
- ET Execution time (ETi1, ETi2, , ETik_)
- VAL values of different implementations.
- Si Start time, DiSoft deadlines
- Different Version of task are called service
levels. - In the future, extend deadlines.
14PID Controller
- Maps the miss ratio of accepted tasks to the
change in requested utilization so as to drive
the miss ratio back to set point. - Cp, Ci, Cd , are tunable parameters.
15PID Controller cont.
/ called every sampling period PS / void
PID() Get Error(t) during last sampling
period P S /PID control function/
?CPU(t) Cp Error(t) Ci IW Error(t) CD
(Error(t-DW) - Error(t))/DW /
greedily increase system load when lightly loaded
/ if(?CPU(t) ³ 0) ?CPU(t) ?CPU(t)
?CPU A / call the Service Level Controller,
which returns the portion of ?CPU(t)
that is not completed in it / ?CPU0
SLC(?CPU(t)) / call the admission controller
to accommodate the portion of ?CPU(t) that is
not completed by SLC, if there is any /
if(?CPU0 ! 0) ACadjust(?CPU0) Â
16Service Level Controller
17Admission Controller
- Decides whether accepts a task or not.
- If ETik lt 1- CPU(t) accept, else reject.
- CPU(t) maybe adjusted when SLC controller cannot
completely accommodate ?CPU(t) - void Acadjust(?CPU0)
- CPU(t) CPU(t) - ?CPU0
- Given an example.
18Admission Controller(example)
- Suppose CPU(t) 80,
- SLC could increase 10 of the cpu use.
- AC could only admit tasks with 10 usage of cpu
time, instead of 20
19Experiment Results
- Simulation Model
- Workload Model
- Implementation of FC-EDF
- Performance Matrices
- Experiment A Steady Execution time
- Experiment B Dynamic Execution Time
20Simulation Model
21Workload Model
- Each source is characterized with a period (P)
(the deadline of each task instance equals its
period), - Worst case execution times WCETi, best case
execution times BCETi, estimated execution
times EETi, average execution times AETi - Each tuple (P, WCETi,BCETi, EETi, AETi, VALi)
characterizes a service level - EETi (WCETiBCETi)0.5
- AETi EETietf
- etf execution time factor denotes the accuracy
of the estimation.
22Implementation of FC-EDF
23Performance Matrices
- MRA Miss Ration among admitted tasks.
- CPU utilization how much the CPU is used.
- HRS hit ratio among submitted tasks is a measure
of throughput. - VCR Value completion ratio quality of results.
Task with lower service level contributes to
lower value.
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26Performance Conclusion
- FC-EDF provides soft performance guarantee for
admitted tasks. - Achieving high system utilization.
- High throughput.
- Effectively adapts to the radical changes in the
execution time and system load and maintains
satisfactory performance.
- Presented the need for feedback control
scheduling - Presented a system developed by UVA.
- Questions?
29Control Theory Terminology
- Process Variable
- Error
- Overshoot
- Steady state error
- Settling time
30PID Controller
- PID Proportional, Integral, Derivative
- Proportional the controller output is
proportional to the error. - Integral output is proportional to the amount of
time the error is present. - Derivative output is proportional to the rate of
change of the measurement of error.
31PID Controller (cont.)