Serenity and Strife in Swahili East Africa: Contrasting Urban Creole Histories of Mogadishu and Dar - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Serenity and Strife in Swahili East Africa: Contrasting Urban Creole Histories of Mogadishu and Dar


non-tribal, non-racial policy of post-independent nation-state with ... Political and communal conflict and violence mutate into new forms. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Serenity and Strife in Swahili East Africa: Contrasting Urban Creole Histories of Mogadishu and Dar

Serenity and Strife in Swahili East
AfricaContrasting Urban Creole Histories of
Mogadishu and Dar es Salaam
  • Deborah Fahy Bryceson
  • 7 November, 2008
  • Development Studies Association Conference
  • London

Contrasting Urban Histories
  • Methodology spatial comparison of social change
  • Objective study of East African urban ethnicity
    in relation to patterns of political harmony vs.
  • Basic question Why is Mogadishu so violent and
    Dar es Salaam relatively tranquil given common
    Swahili creole legacy?

Swahili Society
  • Origins of Swahili society
  • Characterization of Swahili society
  • Civilization (Horton Middleton)
  • Process of creole fusion
  • Creolization
  • W. Indies identification
  • Definition historical melding of two or more
    cultures giving rise to a hybrid society of
    common cultural identity amidst marked class
    stratification ranging from slaves to a ruling
  • Rural-Urban differentiation

Mogadishu Template for Swahili Coastal Towns
  • Long urban tradition considered to be the
    northern boundary gateway to the Swahili
    littoral, 800-1100
  • 9th century male Arab migrants to the Benadir
  • Blurring rural-urban boundaries as Islam spread
    in the countryside

Golden Age of Mogadishus Swahili Urban Order,
  • Coastal trade thrived Mogadishu was largest
    city on coast under the Muzzafar dynasty
  • Site of religious scholarship and training for
    rest of coast
  • Export of cotton cloth
  • Afro-Arab ethnic history of Sab Rahanweyn who
    married into the dynasty in Mogadishu

Demise of Muzzafar/Ajuraan Dynasty, 1500-1700
  • External threat Portuguese sea power
  • Christian-Muslim tensions emanating from Ethiopia
  • Internal threat
  • Descent of Cushitic Oromo (Galla) Somali
  • Hawiye Abgal settlement in Mogadishu
    inter-married with Ajuraan
  • End of Swahili mercantile state
  • Legend of Hawiye assassination of Ajuraan imam

Mogadishus Clan Politics
  • Domination of Hawiye clan inward looking
    pastoralist economy with decline of Mogadishu
    foreign trade
  • Siad Barres regime, 1969-1991
  • championed expansion of the Somali tribal nation
  • fueled internal clan enmity
  • Collapse of regime brought about Hawiye internal
    conflict within the city

Current State of Conflict
  • Islamic Court Union (ICU) against clan warlordism
  • Triggers US fear of Islamic terrorism
  • Ethiopian troop intervention with US backing from
    Northern Kenya allied with national government
  • ICU and clan warlords join forces and escalation
    of violence
  • Mass exodus of city population

Dar es Salaam Creole Mélange
  • Dars establishment as a cosmopolitan city
  • Centuries of coastal trade
  • Swahili Afro-Arab creole population
  • Kiswahili language
  • Zaramo/Shomvi/Arab continuum

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Ethnicity, Urbanization Nationalism Dar es
Salaam Creolism
  • Cultural mixing through inter-marriage, market
    relations common hybrid language
  • Tranquil city unique to East Africa
  • Relatively easy transition to nation-state
  • - Kiswahili as a national language
  • - non-tribal, non-racial policy of
    post-independent nation-state with unproblematic
    leadership succession

Urbanization Ethnic Nationalism Mogadishu
  • Mogadishu - clan not creole politics
  • Breakdown of rural-urban divide in 16th century
  • Segmentary clan structure and territoriality
  • Political instability of city nation-state
  • Fractious history of pastoral people facing
    natural resource constraints
  • Citys strategic location at the fracture line
    between Islam and Christianity
  • Contentious nationalism clan segmentation

Mogadishu street on the Green Line, January
1993 Source Wikipedia, Anarchy in Somalia,
Hidaya Mosque attack in Mogadishu, 21 April,
2008 Source BBC new Clerics killed in Somali
mosque attack, http//
Sources Mombasa Potts 2005, 99
All other cities UN Population Division 2005
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Dr. Polly WildingCentre for Development
Studies,University of
DSA Conference 2008
  • Cities in an Insecure World
  • Overshadowing Gender in the Debate on Urban
    Violence Comparative Notes on Brazil and the UK

  • Analytical and practical divide
  • private and gender-based violence
  • violence and public security
  • Gender analysis vs. social justice
  • Police, media, institutional attention
  • ? implications?

Case study Rio de Janeiro
  • High death rates young, poor, black male
  • Womens roles?
  • Overshadowing impact on womens agency and
  • Apply analysis to new contexts?
  • neglect of gender-based violence (within the
    wider debate on violence)
  • the need for public violence to be seen through a
    gender lens (and how this impacts upon women).

Public / private distinction
  • Artificial construct
  • Gender gap
  • Gender analysis domestic violence
  • Social justice urban institutional violence
  • Prioritisation of visible, yet
  • Forms, actors, incidents overlap
  • Link with poverty, exclusion and inequality
  • Bridging the gap

Initial comparative notes Brazil and UK
  • Attention to race
  • Complexity
  • Overt reference
  • E.g. role models
  • Attention to girls and young women
  • Female criminality
  • Range of roles
  • Overt reference

Visualising target groups
dsafety/WorriedAbout/DG_171325 http//www.comunida
Comments and questions arising
  • Need to address
  • construction of race
  • explicit focus / reinforcement?
  • masculinities and femininities
  • range of roles
  • interplay with sexuality
  • range of stances
  • condoning, supporting, rejecting, subverting
  • interlinkages between forms of violence
  • need for context specific analysis
  • how young people perceive acts of violence
  • as starting point

The Thorny Road to Sustainable Peacethe
mutation of violence in post-conflict cities
  • Nasser Yassin
  • American University of Beirut

May 2008
  • The three incidents share a commonality of being
    in a similar context of post-conflict or
    post-political transition or relative peace.
  • They highlight the problematic of sustaining
    peace in cities that emerge from conflict and/or
    major political transition and illuminate the
    vulnerability of cities to acts of violence.

Aim Argument
  • The paper examines the transformation of violence
    in post-conflict cities from violence associated
    with protracted warfare and prolonged civil
    strife into new forms.
  • The paper argues that post-conflict societies in
    general and post-conflict cities in particular do
    not move from conflict into peace and normality
    in a linear path but rather in a traversal/zigzag
    manner. Political and communal conflict and
    violence mutate into new forms.

  • Violence, seemingly, does not end as peace or
    better call it relative peace is reached.
  • It continues albeit with noticeable distinction
    between war times and peace times what
    Schepher-Huges and Borgois (200419) call it the
    blurring of categories and distinctions between
    wartime and peacetime violence
  • It is a violence continuum.

Characteristics of Post-Conflict Violence
  • violence in post-conflict societies and cities in
    particular mutates into different and new forms.
    It changes in nature, number of fatalities,
    duration, contexts, victims, and actors or
  • It changes
  • from protracted intensive into sporadic
  • It happens sporadically and in between or during
    periods of relative normalcy
  • from large number of fatalities from direct
    fighting and battle-deaths into less numbers from
    single incidents although the number might
  • from fighting between mostly well-identified
    groups and camps into other forms such as gang
  • It takes place in societies with minimum state
    authority albeit weak and fragile.

Typology of post-conflict urban violence
  • Three types
  • Terrorizing violence that targets the city
  • Social and economic
  • Communal

Violence is a result of
  • Legacy of war
  • Dynamics of Peace

As a legacy of war
  • violence can be seen as a consequence of the
    fractured institutions that continue to be weak
    and ineffective in the post-conflict phase
    (criminal inertia)
  • Culture of violence

As Dynamics or Nature of Peace
  • Linked to the practiced liberal approach to
    post-conflict nation-building.
  • Alienation of segments of society
  • Social Exclusion

City not only a backdrop
  • What happens in and at the scale of cities is
    vital to any understanding of the dynamics of
    conflicts and peace at the larger context.
    Violence in post-conflict cities is indicative of
    the overall peace process and transition from
    conflict into peace.

The 4 myths of current intervention in
post-conflict cities
Myth 1 States make peace, cities are marginal
Myth 2 supersize the projects, commit to markets
and peace is inevitable
Myth 3 Build walls, make them high and guard
them with private security
Myth 4 Fractured communal relations will
Confronting Urban Displacement
  • Lessons in Mobilization and Participation from
    Kurasini, Dar Es Salaam
  • Michael Hooper
  • Stanford University / University of Oxford

  • What motivates slum dweller participation in
    urban social movements?
  • In other words, who participates and why?

Why Important?
  • Growing focus on participatory and bottom-up
    approaches to development
  • With low government capacity and insecurity -
    considerable hope placed in grassroots social
  • Tacit assumption the poor will participate in
    bottom-up action. Some people participate, but

Project Setting
  • Examined participation in the Tanzanian
    Federation of the Urban Poor (TFUP)
  • A savings group-based movement associated with
    Slum Dwellers International
  • Specifically looking at participation in costly
    movement activities
  • In particular, enumerations (geographic and
    population census) of at-risk communities

  • Goal of enumerations - use data to lobby
    government for grant of land for resettlement
  • Kurasini - unplanned, informal settlement of
    35,000 people built amongst infrastructure of Dar
    Es Salaams port
  • Evictions to expand fuel storage facilities in
    the port, beginning in late 2007 and 2008
  • Organizers believe payoffs important to
    participation as an enumerator. Since renters
    not compensated, intended as primary
    beneficiaries of any land grant and this
    motivates participation

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  • Analytic narrative - combining formal hypothesis
    testing with textual analysis of qualitative
    interviews with 102 enumerator and non-enumerator
    slum dwellers
  • Six formal hypotheses - based on literature and
    field work
  • 1) Payoffs
  • 2) Movement identification
  • 3) Social Networks
  • 4) Connection to Place
  • 5) Sense of Political Significance of Community
  • 6) Belief in Efficacy of Action

  • Do not coincide with a priori expectations
  • Most frequent participants in costly social
    movement activities
  • Owners
  • 90 of all enumerators were owners
  • Not renters, as expected by TFUP organizers

Explaining Results
  • Qualitative analysis of interview transcripts
    shows owners favoured by
  • Payoffs
  • - Different payoffs operate than those expected
    by organizers
  • - Owners and renters have different payoffs
  • - Renters participate to gain grant of land
    through successful enumeration
  • - But, owners participate to improve accuracy of
    enumeration, to influence compensation process
  • Owners participate most because they are the
    people who benefit most. Owners are responsible
    for the value of their house and the enumeration
    secures value. - interviewee

Explaining Results
  • Why are owners more likely to pursue their
  • Ownership significantly related to
  • Connection to place
  • -Owners have lived for significantly longer in
    their settlement,
  • -Are significantly more likely to consider their
    settlement home,
  • -Are Significantly more likely to conceive of
    challenges facing community over the long term
  • Renters are seen, and see themselves, as
    temporary residents with less responsibility. -

Explaining Results
  • Qualitative analysis of interview transcripts
    shows owners also favoured by
  • Belief in efficacy of action
  • - More likely to feel that their opinions and
    concerns matter
  • - Inspired by compensation to believe that their
    claims can yield results
  • Most owners participate because they have
    confidence. And their confidence comes from
    their property. Renters lack this confidence -
    confidence that their actions will bring returns
    and benefits because they lack property. -

Theory Exit-Voice-Loyalty
  • Results coincide with Hirschmans
    Exit-Voice-Loyalty model
  • Two Options in dealing with declining performance
    of a state, firm, or organization Voice or Exit
  • Two factors lower cost of pursuing voice
  • Belief in efficacy of action, gained through
    positive past experience
  • Loyalty (spatially akin to connection to place)

Policy Implications
  • Kurasini shows risks in mobilization
  • Mobilization of unintended groups
  • Inequitable or unrepresentative mobilization
  • To ensure effective mobilization grassroots
    organizers and policy makers should
  • Recognize that not everyone participates
  • Ensure assumed payoffs are those actually
    motivating participation
  • Understand which cleavages in community are
    relevant for participatory decision making (do
    all face same payoffs?)
  • Understand which factors influence decisions to
    pursue payoffs

Policy Implications
  • In an age of increasingly participatory
    development policy
  • Payoffs are important
  • But most importantly, ownership is likely to be a
    vital cleavage around which decisions to
    participate are made
  • Findings likely to hold more broadly since,
    theory suggests, ownership lowers the cost of
    pursuing voice
  • Owners have greater connection/responsibility to
  • Owners have greater belief in efficacy of action
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