Deculturalization and the Struggle for Equality - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Deculturalization and the Struggle for Equality


Deculturalization and the Struggle for Equality A Brief History of the Education of Dominated Cultures in the United States By: Joel Spring Presented by: Heather Nast ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Deculturalization and the Struggle for Equality

Deculturalization and the Struggle for Equality
  • A Brief History of the Education of Dominated
    Cultures in the United States
  • By Joel Spring
  • Presented by Heather Nast, Lauren Finelli and
    Andrew Reder

Racial Violence
  • In Education
  • Protestants and Catholics in 1840s
  • Punishment of enslaved Africans
  • Racial clashes
  • School integration riots
  • Current debates
  • Throughout history...
  • US Civil War
  • Trail of Death
  • 19th century Chinese
  • Enslaved Africans
  • Race riots in 19th and 20th centuries
  • Zoot Suit riots
  • Civil Rights Movement

  • Globalization- begins when Columbus arrives in
    the Americas in 1492 and links the world trade
  • Civilized v. uncivilized- Christian v. Pagan

Religious Superiority
  • Catholics
  • Religious heretics
  • Catholics schools developed the private school
  • Protestant
  • The superior belief
  • Referred to as public schools
  • Mostly anti-Catholic (obvious in government life)

Lead to the Catholic/Protestant school riots
over religious doctrines
Race, Racism and Citizenship
  • Race- primarily a social construction
  • Racism- prejudice plus power

Educational Methods for Global Cultural Encounters
  • Cultural Genocide
  • Deculturalization
  • Assimilation
  • Cultural Pluralism
  • Denial of Education
  • Hybridity

Educational and Cultural Differences
  • Colonists
  • Child-rearing- discipline, authority and
    memorization (break the will of the child)
  • School- formal setting
  • Work- activity provided protection against sin
  • Political power- only men
  • Native Americans
  • Child-rearing- quite dismissive
  • School- informal, educated by stories told by the
  • Work- only for what they needed
  • Political power- held by some women

Early Native American Educational Programs
  • Failed establishment of Henrico College
  • Praying towns
  • Dartmouth College
  • Moors Charity School

5 Civilized Tribes
  • Choctaw, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Creek and Seminole
  • Government wanted their land
  • Felt like the nuclear family and the
    establishment of a formal government was leaked
    to the need for a nuclear family
  • Hoped for a cash economy to develop

Native Americans Deculturalization, Schooling,
and Globalization
  • Native Americans as Indigenous people
  • The Naturalization Act of 1790 excluded them from
    citizenship of the U.S.

  • Thomas McKenney thought schooling would socially
    control Native Americans and improve their
  • He introduced schools to Indian tribes as
  • White Missionary teachers- American Board of
    Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM)
  • 1819 Civilization Fund Act

Native American language and culture
  • Sequoyah created a written language to preserve
    their history, religions, and culture
  • Elias Boudinot created Cherokee Phoenix in 1828

Indian Removal
  • Andrew Jackson worried that education was giving
    Indians the power to resist the U.S. government
  • Indian Removal Act of 1830
  • Trail of Tears

  • Once settled they began setting up schools and
  • The Spencer, Armstrong, New Hope Academies
  • Cherokees were almost 100 literate!

Reservations and Boarding Schools
  • Charles E. Mix said that the U.S. had made great
    errors when dealing with the tribes
  • 1867 Indian Peace Commission
  • Boarding schools take children to strip away
    their native culture
  • Carlisle Indian School Hampton- Richard Pratt

  • Poor conditions- how are they to learn?
  • Meriam Report in 1928

African Americans Deculturalization,
Transformation, and Segregation
  • Diaspora
  • British, Spanish, and Portuguese imperialists
    moved enslaved Africans to North American and
    other locations
  • North- societies with the slaves
  • South- slave societies (plantation life)
  • Two ways denial of education laws can be used

  • Creole
  • Increase demand of slaves
  • Devastating tolls on newly arrived slaves
  • Free slaves still had restrictions
  • Petitions to gradually abolish slavery in the

Educational Segregation
  • Freedom vs. Equality
  • Segregated schools
  • Reading and writing in English
  • Unequal funding
  • Discrimination

Boston Fights for Equal Education
  • Massachusetts Education Act of 1789
  • Funding
  • Benjamin Roberts daughter- First
    separate-but-equal ruling in judicial history
  • 1855 Massachusetts governor signed a law that
    said no child can be denied admission based on

  • Slaves were not allowed to read
  • Although many of them learned
  • Helped the slaves learn about what was happening
    in the Civil War
  • Darky act or trickers

  • African Americans had to obey the government, but
    was not allowed to have a say in it
  • The Fourteenth Amendment Section 1
  • Homer Plessy

First Crusade
  • First literacy
  • Former slaves established schools
  • Trying to improve political and economic
  • Booker T. Washington
  • cast down its buckets and use black workers
  • W.E.B. Du Bois
  • General Samuel Armstrong
  • Hampton and segregated industrial education

Second Crusade
  • 1910- 1930s, Expansion of segregated schools paid
    by individual supporters and government
  • The Anna T. Jeanes Fund The Julius Rosenwald

Asians Shifting Views
  • Generally speaking, White efforts at
    deculturization focused on the denial of
    education and separation of Asian populations
    from White populations
  • The nature of Asian immigration caused treatment
    to shift much faster than any other group

Coming to America
  • Chinese Moving around since 15th century
  • First major wave was Gold Rush
  • 1850s in California
  • Paid their own way, not enough money to get back
  • Ended up working on railroads or in agriculture
  • Japanese Late start
  • 1639 law forbade foreign travel
  • Immigration started in 1868 to Hawaii and

Other Asian Populations
  • Small amounts (lt10,000) from Korea and India
  • In 1907 a large Filipino migration began
  • Other Asians not significant until Immigration
    Act of 1965

White Views
  • Until 1960s, major views were
  • Coolie
  • low cost, servile labor
  • Born from railroad workers/farmhands
  • Deviant
  • Immoral, sexually permissive
  • Born from opium dens and prostitution
  • Combined as Yellow Peril

Push and Pull
  • Asian immigration started relatively late, when
    big pushes for more equal rights were starting
  • Coolie legislation often clashed with Deviant
  • Many of most repressive laws were reversed soon
    after being enacted

Example San Fransisco
  • 1872 All White students to be educated
  • 1884 Imperial Chinese Consulate complains
  • SF School board specifically bars Mongolians
  • 1885 Superior Court overrules SF
  • 1885 Segregated schools implemented
  • 1906 Forced integration to avoid international

A New Image
  • WWII
  • Japanese Internment
  • Asians differentiated
  • 1950s, the Model Minority

Latinos Location, Location
  • Biggest Latino influxes came from conquest
  • 1848 End of Mexican-American War
  • US gained California, Colorado, New Mexico,
    Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Texas
  • 1898 End of Spanish-American War
  • US gained Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Guam and
    naval base in Cuba

Similar View, Different Treatment
  • Latinos mix of Indian (not white) and Spanish
    (white on a technicality)
  • Generally regarded as Indians or worse
  • Mexicans valued as cheap labor
  • Education was denied/neglected/segregated
  • Puerto Ricans feared as too independent
  • Education was forced in order to Americanize

Puerto Rico A dream snatched away
  • Strong independence movement since 1860s
  • Made autonomous state in 1897
  • Constitutional Republic with Spanish Governor
  • Conquered in 1898

Puerto Rico Winning Hearts and Minds
  • Put an American schoolhouse in every valley and
    upon every hilltop
  • Education used as a weapon to inspire loyalty
  • English-only past first grade
  • American History over Puerto Rican History
  • Celebration of American holidays
  • Biggest tension was over English Language
  • Starting in 1912, calls for Bilingual education

Mexicans Kept poor and dumb
  • Similar Policies to Puerto Rico to inspire
  • Almost never enforced
  • Educating the Mexican is educating them away
    from the job, away from the dirt
  • Those that did go to school were segregated

Globalization The Great Civil Rights Movement
and Wars of Liberation
  • Internationally
  • Declaration on the Granting of Independence to
    Colonial Countries and Peoples
  • Domestically
  • Discrimination everywhere
  • Deculturalization and school segregation was part
    of a general global movement

School Desegregation
  • NAACP- desegregation and opportunity to
    participate in economic system
  • 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education Topeka
  • Public demonstrations to take action
  • Lack of supervision to make sure segregation

Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • King was born in 1929 into a family of Baptist
  • Introduction of nonviolent confrontation
  • 1957 Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Martin Luther King, Jr. Continued
  • Rosa Parks
  • 1957 Give us the Ballot speech to Washington,
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Titles 4 6

Contrast Asian Experience
  • During this time, Model Minority view became
  • Contrasted to Black experience
  • Obscured reality of Asian Experience

  • In 1961, 450 Indians attended the American Indian
    Chicago Conference
  • End to termination policies
  • John F. Kennedy
  • More Indian participation in decisions involving
    federal policies
  • Struggle for self-determination
  • Pan-Indian Movement

Indian Education A National Tragedy
  • Bilingual Education Act of 1968
  • Indian Self-Determination and Education
    Assistance Act of 1975
  • Tribally Controlled Schools Act
  • Native American Languages Act of 1990

Bilingual Education
  • 1951 Puerto Rico becomes commonwealth
  • Spanish restored
  • 1968 Boycotts in LA
  • Bilingual Education Act of 1968
  • Official language disputes

Multicultural Education, Immigration and the
Cultural Wars
  • 1965 Immigration Act that abolished the 1924
    Immigration Act (and the quota system)
  • Multicultural education rose
  • Ethnocentric schools (go back to segregation)

Cultural Wars cont. and NCLB
  • Mandatory standardized tests only measure one
  • Bilingual education be used as a vehicle for
    learning English

21ST Century Post- Racial Society
  • Post-racial- a society where race is no longer
    important in determining social status and income
  • However, government agencies state that the
    concept of race has no scientific or
    anthropological meaning but persist in using
    racial categories in their reports
  • Socially constructed in contrast to legal or
    administrative definitions of race

In Comparison
  • Drop out rates (1972-2006)
  • 1- Hispanic
  • 2- Black
  • 3- Whites
  • Race and income
  • 1- all white
  • 2- white (Hispanic or Latino)
  • Least- Black or African American

Is the US a Post-Racial Society
  • YES
  • Racial categories are no longer recognized, by
    government agencies, as having scientific or
    anthropological meaning
  • Because race is a confusing term taking on many
    different meanings among post-1965 immigrants
  • Since post-1965 immigrants are not facing any
    overt attempts as Deculturalization and
  • NO
  • Many native-born whites and blacks still think in
    the racial categories created by law and judicial
    decisions from the 18th century to the Civil
    Rights Movements
  • Since government agencies require the use of
    racial categories
  • The legacy of race-based laws and
    Deculturalization still contribute to educational
    and economic inequality
  • Since many immigrants from Mexico and Central
    America as assimilation into native-born Hispanic
    communities suffering from the legacy of the past
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