Performance Management Presentation Manage Transportation and Parking - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Performance Management Presentation Manage Transportation and Parking


Performance Management Presentation Manage Transportation and Parking – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Performance Management Presentation Manage Transportation and Parking

Performance Management PresentationManage
Transportation and Parking
  • Team Members
  • Tom Hayden
  • Gary Freeman
  • ORF and ORS
  • National Institutes of Health
  • 21 January 2004

Table of Contents
  • Main Presentation
  • PM Template .4
  • Customer Perspective..6
  • Internal Business Process Perspective1
  • Learning and Growth Perspective27
  • Financial Perspective36
  • Conclusions.55

  • Manage transportation and parking service group
    was recently revised to include travel services
  • Discrete service added to group Manage travel
    management services, programs, contracts and use
  • Travel services is distinct from transportation
    and parking
  • Current Performance Management Plan (PMP) and
    presentation focuses only on transportation and

(No Transcript)
Relationship Among Performance Objectives
Customer Perspective
Customer Perspective
C1a. Initial Response Time to Acknowledge
InquiryC1b. Resolution time to close out
  • Established method to track customer response
    and resolution time data
  • Customer Inquiry Tracking Form
  • Transportation contract inquiries tracked for 3rd
    Qtr of contract (Sept - Nov 2003)
  • 60 total customer inquiries
  • Average Response Time to acknowledge inquiry
    2.5 days
  • Average resolution Time to close out inquiry
    6.9 days

Customer Perspective (cont.)
Customer Scorecard Methodology
  • As part of a performance-based service contract
  • Collect survey data using two methods
  • Intercept surveys
  • Web-based surveys
  • Survey data is collected on a quarterly basis
  • Analyzed as means to determine contractor
    financial incentives/disincentives

C2a. Parking customer service survey ratings
Satisfaction ratings of attendant-assisted
C2b. Shuttle customer service survey ratings
Customer PerspectiveWhat does the data tell you?
  • Receive on average one customer inquiry/day
    related to parking and shuttle issues
  • On average initial response is within 48 hours -
    resolution is within 7 days
  • In general, customers give high satisfaction
    ratings for both parking and shuttle services
  • Reliability of service was highest rated for
    assisted parking services - accuracy of signage
    for parking availability was the lowest in the
    most recent quarter
  • Driver competence was highest rated for shuttle
    services - timeliness was lowest in the most
    recent quarter
  • Comments from surveys are used to enact changes
    in service levels, route changes, staffing, hours
    of operation

Customer PerspectiveWhat actions are planned?
  • Parking
  • Encourage parking attendants to ensure Lot full
    signs truly reflect status of parking
    availability within lot
  • Ensure attendants have real-time information
    regarding status of parking availability in other
  • Continue to use customer comments to improve
    service delivery
  • Shuttle
  • Implement Blackberry access to shuttle schedules
    posted on web
  • Reviewing new signage for all shuttle stops
    (revised routes, transfer locations, and building
  • Pilot Next Bus technology to provide real-time
    notification at specific shuttle stops in FY04
  • Continue to use customer comments to improve
    service delivery

Internal Business Process Perspective
Internal Business Process Perspective
IB1a. Timeliness of Assisted Parking
  • Measure based on observations of time required
    for customer to retrieve vehicle
  • Expected level of performance is 2 minutes or
    less from time customer makes contact with
    parking attendant to customer being able to move
    his/her vehicle
  • Data unavailable due to lack of manpower to
    collect data

IB1b. Compliments/Complaints for parking
Number of Compliments and/or Complaints
Expected level of performance
IB1c. Number of Parking Meter Maintenance
Number of Observations and/or Complaints
Expected level of performance
IB1d. Reliability of Shuttle Runs
  • Measure based on observations of shuttle
    adherence to published schedules
  • Expected level of performance is 5 minutes leeway
    of arrival time at stop compared to published
    arrival time

IB1d. Reliability of Shuttle Runs
Number of Observations and/or Complaints of
Expected level of performance
Note Noncompliance occurs when shuttle is more
than /- 5 minutes from published schedule.
IB1e. Accessibility of Shuttles for
Employees/Patients with Disabilities
Number of Observations and/or Complaints of
Expected level of performance
Note Noncompliance occurs when disabled
equipment on shuttles fails to work or when
driver cannot operate equipment.
IB1f. Compliments/Complaints for Shuttle
Number of Compliments and/or Complaints
Expected level of performance
IB1g. Percent of Permits Renewed within 3
Business Days
  • No way to currently track this data
  • In future, PARTS will allow tracking of faxed and
    mailed renewel requests

Internal Business Process PerspectiveWhat does
the data tell you?
  • Parking
  • Assisted parking attendants appear to be doing a
    good job for they received several customer
  • Parking meter maintenance does not seem to be a
  • Shuttle
  • During 3rd Qtr, shuttle did not meet the expected
    level of performance on reliability
  • Primarily due to many changes on campus traffic
    patterns due to parking lot closures and changing
    security levels
  • Few more shuttle complaints were submitted during
    3rd Qtr

Internal Business Process PerspectiveWhat
actions are planned?
  • Working on plan to establish staffing to collect
    quality assurance data for this performance based
    contract (PBC)
  • Gathering both parking timeliness and shuttle
    reliability observations during 4th Qtr
  • Continue to provide customer service training for
    both parking attendants and shuttle operators

Learning and Growth Perspective
Learning and Growth Perspective
L1a. Dollars spent on technology solutions
  • FY03 investments in technology solutions
  • PARTS 750,000 (FY02 and FY03)
  • Highway advisory radio system (HARS) - 160,000
  • Estimated FY04 investments in technology
  • Upgrade current HARS to include off-campus
    locations - 150,000
  • Install traffic lights and pedestrian signals
    on-campus - 150,000

Highway Advisory Radio System - AM 1610 (L1a)
Learning and Growth Perspective
L2a. Hours of training for NIH staffL2b. of
contractor staff meeting contract-specified
training requirements
  • L2a NIH Staff
  • L2a target for FY03 20 hours/year (per
  • Based on current staffing levels and campus
    demands/requirements, training for NIH staff did
    not meet the target for FY03
  • L2b Contractor Staff
  • Contractor staff has met contract training
    requirements for FY03
  • Types of training received by contractor staff in
  • Customer service
  • Sexual harassment
  • ADA requirements
  • Ethics training

L2c. Hours spent with transportation authorities
in meeting or seminars
Learning and Growth PerspectiveWhat does the
data tell you?
  • Did not meet our training goal for FY03
  • Demands on current staff did not allow time to
    attend training
  • Estimated technology solutions dollars for the
    past 2 FYs
  • FY03 approximately 535,000 spent on technology
  • FY04 estimate to spend 300,000 on technology
  • On average spend about 18 hours/month in
    transportation planning meetings

Learning and Growth PerspectiveWhat actions are
  • Augment current staffing levels through contract
    support/NIH details to allow staff time for
  • Implementation of Next Bus technology through
    Transportation PBC to provide real-time status of
  • Installation of pilot traffic signals/pedestrian
    crossing signals are designed to improve traffic
    flow and pedestrian movements on-campus
  • Will use lessons learned for future signalization

Financial Perspective
Financial Perspective Mandatory to Report on
Unit Cost Objective
Attendant-Assisted Parking at Lot 41 (F1)
Attendant-Assisted Parking at Lot 31B (F1)
Attendant-Assisted Parking at MLP (F1)
F1. Minimize the unit cost for providing parking
services on campus
F1. Minimize the unit cost for providing parking
services on campus
Note Attendant-assisted parking involves the
attendants managing both the self parked car and
the stacked car parked adjacent to the space.
Thus in estimating the cost of attendant assisted
parking, managed cars counts both the stacked
car and 1 self-parked vehicle.
F2. Minimize the unit cost for satellite parking
facilities off campus
  • For FY02-FY03, using number of parking spaces
    leased instead of actual number of spaces used
  • FY03
  • Mid Pike Plaza - 400 spaces
  • Twinbrook - 200 spaces
  • Shady Grove - 125 spaces
  • 6006 Executive - 118 spaces
  • New Carrollton - 25 spaces
  • FY03 Total 868
  • FY02
  • Mid Pike Plaza - 200 spaces
  • Shady Grove - 125 spaces
  • 6006 Executive - 118 spaces
  • New Carrollton - 25 spaces
  • FY02 Total 468

F2. Minimize the unit cost for satellite parking
facilities off campus
FY02 daily budgeted unit cost - 4.60 FY03 daily
budgeted unit cost - 2.97
Note Units for satellite parking are the number
of spaces leased not the actual number of
satellite spaces used.
NIH Shuttle (F3)
F3 Minimize the unit cost for providing shuttle
F3 Minimize the unit cost for providing shuttle
Note Estimate that budget for patient shuttle
is 30 of total budget for the discrete service
budget to employee shuttles is 70 of budget for
the discrete service.
F4 Minimize the unit cost of administering and
coordinating alternative transportation
  • Number of participants in alternative
    transportation in FY03
  • Transhare participants estimated at 3,208 for
  • Includes Van pool - 10 van pools, 112 van poolers
  • Estimated Sept 03 number based on data from the
    new PARTS IT system obtained in Dec 03

F4 Minimize the unit cost of administering and
coordinating alternative transportation
Note FY03 number is estimated based on data
obtained from PARTS IT system regarding transhare
participants Dec 03. FY02 figures obtained from
PAID IT system reflect transhare participatns as
of July 02. Decrease in numbers may be due to
inaccuracies due to limitations in the PAID IT
F5. Minimize the unit cost for issuing and
tracking parking permits
  • Number of parking permits as of Sept 2003
  • General - 8,412
  • Red - 2,048
  • Off-campus - 1,988
  • Contractor - 561
  • Satelitte - 460
  • Car pool - 178
  • Van pool - 10
  • Disabled - 140
  • Temporary - 40

Note Annual number of parking permits issued
for FY03 is count of number of permits held not
actual number issued.
F5. Minimize the unit cost for issuing and
tracking parking permits
Financial PerspectiveWhat does the data tell you?
  • DS1 Provide parking services on campus
  • For attendant assisted parking, budgeted unit
    cost is around 22/stacked car, 11/managed car
  • DS2 Provide satellite parking spaces off campus
  • The number of leased satellite parking spaces
    doubled in FY03 while the budgeted cost per unit
  • DS3 Provide shuttle services
  • Number of employee shuttle riders decreased in
    FY03 compared to FY02
  • 1ts QTR FY04 has shown an increase in shuttle
  • Thus budgeted unit cost increased per employee
    shuttle ride
  • The budgeted unit cost of patient shuttle ride is
    about 30

Financial PerspectiveWhat does the data tell
you? (cont.)
  • DS4 Administer/coordinate use of alternative
  • New PARTS data system will provide a more
    accurate number of actual transhare participants
    compared to prior system
  • Appears to be sizable increase in the budgeted
    unit cost per transhare participant
  • DS5 Issue and track parking permits
  • Budgeted unit cost of issuing a parking permit in
    FY03 was about 14

Financial PerspectiveWhat actions are planned?
  • For transhare and parking permits, generate
    monthly reports from new PARTS computer system to
    indicate actual transhare participation level and
    number of permits issued
  • Improve the integrity of our measuring system
  • Ensure we have an accurate count of number of
    transhare users and parking permits issued
  • Implement a program to estimate the actual number
    of cars parked in satellite parking lots
  • Know if we are properly utilizing the spaces

Conclusions from PMP
  • Customer Findings
  • We are fairly timely in responding to customer
  • In general, customers give high satisfaction
    ratings for both parking and shuttle services
  • Internal Business Process Findings
  • Assisted parking attendants appear to be doing a
    good job for they received several customer
  • Parking meter maintenance do not seem to be a
  • During 3rd Qtr of contract, shuttle did not meet
    the expected level of performance on reliability
  • Shuttle complaints increased somewhat during 3rd
    Qtr of contract
  • Learning and Growth Findings
  • Did not meet our training goal for FY03
  • Demands on current staff did not allow time to
    attend training

Conclusions from PMP
  • Learning and Growth Findings (cont.)
  • Estimated technology solutions dollars for the
    past 2 FYs
  • FY03 approximately 535,000 spent on technology
  • FY04 estimate to spend 300,000 on technology
  • On average spend about 18 hours/month in
    transportation planning meetings
  • Financial Findings
  • For attendant assisted parking, budgeted unit
    cost is around 22/stacked car, 11/managed car
  • The number of leased satellite parking spaces
    doubled in FY03 while the budgeted cost per unit
  • Number of employee shuttle riders decreased in
    FY03 and the budgeted has increased
  • Budgeted unit cost for patient shuttle is about
    30/ride - much more than the budgeted unit cost
    for an employee shuttle ride
  • Appears to be sizable increase in the budgeted
    unit cost per transhare participant

Conclusions from PMP
  • Initiatives for FY04
  • Parking
  • Encourage parking attendants to ensure Lot full
    signs truly reflect status of parking
    availability within lot
  • Ensure attendants have real-time information
    regarding status of parking availability in other
  • Continue to use customer comments to improve
    service delivery
  • Shuttle
  • Implement Blackberry access to shuttle schedules
    posted on web
  • Review and install new signage for all shuttle
    stops (revised routes, transfer locations, and
    building identification)
  • Implementation of Next Bus technology through
    Transportation PBC to provide real-time status of
  • Continue to use customer comments to improve
    service delivery

Conclusions from PMP
  • Initiatives for FY04
  • Augment current staffing levels through contract
    support/NIH details
  • Provide manpower to gather necessary quality
    assurance data for PBSCs
  • Allow staff time for training
  • Installation of pilot traffic signals/pedestrian
    crossing signals are designed to improve traffic
    flow and pedestrian movements on-campus
  • Will use lessons learned for future signalization
  • For transhare and parking permits, generate
    monthly reports from new PARTS computer system to
    indicate actual transhare participation level and
    number of permits issued
  • Increase the validity of the data reported
  • Explore separating travel from transportation and
    parking service group
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