Title: The MIE Model: Faculty Development and Undergraduate Research
1The MIE ModelFaculty Development and
Undergraduate Research
- Presented by
- Tuajuanda Jordan(Xavier University of Louisiana)
2The MIE Model of Faculty Development A Review
- Funding of research, conferences, and
professional development - Mentoring
- Setting appropriately balanced and rewarded
teaching and research agendas - Professional development on interactive classroom
methods, mentoring, and integrating student
researchers into faculty research activities
3Faculty Development-Bowie State University
- Elaine Davis
- MIE Principal Investigator
4Faculty Development BSU
- Professional Development
- The goal was focused on getting the faculty to
become more technology savvy - The objectives were to introduce, train, and
support faculty with respect to technology
5Faculty Development - BSU
- Professional Development (contd)
- Methodology
- Infusion of technology
- University Transition
- STEM Faculty and Chairperson Survey
- Topics provided
- Level of interest
- Consultants
6Faculty Development - BSU
- Professional Development (contd)
- Implementation
- Basic Computer Use
- Effective Management of Information System
- Writing Effective Proposals
- Undergraduate Research/Effective Mentoring
- Effective Assessment Strategies
- Integrating technology into the Classroom
7Faculty Development Outcomes BSU
- Focused workshops (University wide)
- Generation of the Center of Excellence in
Teaching and Learning (Institutionalization) - Faculty proficiency
- Generation of Student Technology Aides
8Faculty Development-Oyate
- Stacy Phelps
- MIE Principal Investigator
9Faculty Development - Oyate
- Rural isolation, lower pay, lack of local living
accommodations, and no tenure system all are
inherent obstacles that hinder the recruitment
and retention of STEM faculty at tribal colleges
- STEM faculty post MIE Program implementation
- Oglala Lakota College
- 12 Total faculty
- 6 PhD
- 3 years or more 8
- Sisseton Wahpeton College
- 4 Total
- Sitting Bull College
- 4 Total
- STEM Faculty prior to MIE Program
- Oglala Lakota College
- 4 Total faculty
- 2 PhD
- None remain
- Sisseton Wahpeton College
- 2 Total
- Sitting Bull College
- 2 Total
10Faculty Development - Oyate
- Professional Development
- Developed and implemented E-Certification process
for STEM faculty to adapt, develop, and instruct
courses in a distance format for faculty - Adapted STEM courses from traditional classroom
delivery to web delivery - Focus on web teaching methodologies
- Course assessments and distance based project
design - Produced technology savvy faculty
- Technology integrated courses
11Faculty Development - Oyate
- Balancing Teaching and Research
- Integrated undergraduate research courses
- Newly established personnel practice that permit
half-time teaching and half-time research load - Flexible course scheduling to accommodate faculty
and undergraduate student research - Internally funded startup research projects
- Collaborative research projects with Oglala Sioux
Tribal organizations and programs
12Faculty Development - Oyate
- Mentoring
- Faculty lead undergraduate research program
- Meaningful, reservation based research projects
and service learning projects - Teaching assistantship program
- Research laboratory assistantship program
- Graduate education and workforce matriculation
13Faculty Development Outcomes - Oyate
- Highly qualified, stable STEM faculty
- Active faculty-student mentoring and academic
advising - Comprehensive, faculty lead undergraduate
research program - Locally focused faculty and undergraduate
research opportunities - Technology savvy faculty that are certified in
web course development and delivery - Four year distance based environmental science
curriculum - Increase in external faculty research proposal
submissions - Increase in the number of faculty attending and
presenting at professional conferences - Better screening process of new faculty for
positions - Teaching and laboratory assistantship training
14Faculty Development-University of Texas, El Paso
- Ben Flores
- MIE Principal Investigator
15Faculty Development UTEP
- Faculty Development falls under the purview of
the Center for Effective Teaching and Learning
(CETaL) which - promotes excellence in university teaching and
learning. - provides support for instructional design,
development, and evaluation.
16Faculty Development UTEP
- Mentoring by CETaL Fellows who
- are full-time UTEP faculty and select
administrators who have shown a strong commitment
to teaching and have demonstrated teaching
excellence in their own practice. - take on a formal leadership role to promote
effective teaching and learning at UTEP and in
the El Paso community. - are nominated appointed to 3-year terms by
their college deans.
17Faculty Development UTEP
- Faculty Mentoring for Women (in collaboration
with the ADVANCE Program) - The mission is to assist women faculty in their
professional development through the guidance and
support of experienced UTEP faculty members who
serve as role models, advisors, and advocates. - Three components
- Access - Increase effectiveness and visibility
through improved access to information and
resources that support academic activities. - Balancing Work Loads - Provides an environment
where they can discuss the conflicting demands of
work and family and prioritize the diverse
demands of teaching, research, and service. - Acculturation -Orient them to UTEP
18Faculty Development UTEP
- Professional Development
- CETaL hosts the annual Sun Conference which is
devoted entirely to teaching and learning - CETaL also provides professional development of
faculty through - mentoring and peer mentoring activities
- seminars on teaching and learning
- facilitation of faculty work groups focused on
integrating teaching, research and service, and
leadership skills.
19Faculty Development-Spelman College
- Albert Thompson
- MIE Principal Investigator
20Faculty Development Spelman
- Funding
- Thirteen MIE-supported faculty attended
professional meetings one research presentation - Faculty supported to attend professional
meetings and workshops where new teaching
strategies are presented - Biology faculty participate in a workshop on use
of computer-aided video microscopes - Computer Science faculty attend seminars on
Internet publishing and usage - Mathematics, Chemistry, and Education faculty
attend workshop (NASA) on use of computers and
calculators in interdisciplinary courses
21Faculty Development Spelman
- Mentoring
- Hired Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics
Scholar-Teachers - Rosalie Richards, Inorganic Chemistry Ph.D.
University of Southern California - Monica Stephens, Applied Mathematics Ph.D. Brown
University - Sonya McCall, Materials Science Ph.D. North
Carolina State University - Brett Sims, Applied Mathematics Ph.D. State
University of New York Stony Brook - Kimberly Jackson, Biochemistry Ph.D. Clark
Atlanta University - Latanya Hammonds-Odie, Physiology Ph.D.
University of Alabama, Birmingham
22Faculty Development Spelman
- Professional Development
- Hired Instructional Technology Specialist
- Developed and distributed Multi-Media Manual to
SEM Faculty and Staff - Conducted workshops on SmartBoard and arranged
for GIS Workshop - Offered individual training for SEM Faculty/Staff
on the use of Multi-media Technology, Classrooms,
and Distance Learning Room
23Faculty Development-Xavier University of
- Tuajuanda Jordan
- MIE Principal Investigator
24Faculty Development XULA
- Funding
- For both research-related activities and
professional development with respect to
curriculum development provide via competitive
minigrant mechanism - For travel to research conferences and workshops
for professional development provided via
first-come, first-served mechanism
25Faculty Development XULA
- Mentoring
- Workshops on mentoring undergraduate research
students provided via the MIE-supported XU Center
for Undergraduate Research - New faculty are assigned two mentors
- Department mentor
- Assigned by the STEM department
- Helps new hire adjust to teaching, research, and
committee responsibilities within the department - University mentor
- Assigned by the Associate Vice President for
Academic Affairs - The mentor will not be a member of the new hires
department - Helps new hire adjust to the University community
26Faculty Development XULA
- Balancing Teaching and Research
- Teaching and research efforts are included in
tenure and promotion considerations by the Rank
and Tenure Committee - Faculty efforts to include undergraduates in
research is favorably viewed in tenure and
promotion - Exceptional faculty efforts in teaching and
mentoring are acknowledged and rewarded at the
end of the academic year at a faculty-attended
Academic Assembly
27Faculty Development XULA
- Professional Development
- Center for Undergraduate Research (CUR) provides
- Workshops on mentoring undergraduate research
students - Workshops on obtaining extramural funding support
in collaboration with the Office of Sponsored
Programs - Meetings with individual departments to
brainstorm methods of integrating research into
the curriculum - Center for the Advancement of Teaching (CAT)
- Supported by the university
- Provides a variety of facilitator-led workshops
on pedagogy, classroom management, test
preparation, teaching portfolios, etc.
28Faculty Development Outcomes-XULA
- Funding for research, conferences, and
professional development - Travel
- Two senior faculty members have received funding
to attend retooling workshops - 40 faculty have received funding from MIE to
attend research conferences/symposia - Curriculum development minigrants
- Since 1996, 28/86 (32) STEM faculty members have
been involved in course development and/or
revision - This activity has affected 45/176 STEM courses
(25) - 75 of these faculty obtained funding support
from MIE 20 from CAT 5 from other sources - Research minigrants
- 20 junior faculty supported with MIE-funded
minigrants since 2000 - Seven (33) have obtained extramural funding
- 100 have either published /or presented their
work at conferences and/or symposia
29Faculty Development - XULAJunior Faculty
Release Time
30Faculty Development - XULA STEM Faculty Funded
31Faculty Development XULA Outcomes
- Mentoring
- Of undergraduates in research
- 50 (43/86) of all STEM faculty are engaged in
research - 100 of all research-active faculty engage
undergraduates in their research
32Faculty Development - Summary
- Each MIE realized that faculty involvement is key
to any successful program designed to increase
representation of under-represented minorities in
the STEM fields - Although each institution approached faculty
development in a different manner, the results
clearly indicate that student and faculty
successes are intricately linked
33Undergraduate ResearchThe Spelman Collegeand
Xavier University Models
34Undergraduate Research Spelman College
- Research Methods Course
- Annual Research Day
- Student oral and poster presentations
- Scientists panel and lectures
- Scholar-Teachers (Biology, Chemistry and
Mathematics - Equipment for research-training in all areas
35Undergraduate Research Spelman College
- Project Focus Teams
- Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, and
Physics - Four Faculty and 10 Students
- Synthesis of Tetraarylporphyrins
- Protocols Across Different Networks
- Operations Research/Optimization Investigation
- Liquid Crystals as Optical Fiber Modulators
36Undergraduate Research Spelman College
- The Students
- MIE Scholars (all have HS G.P.A.s gt 3.0)
- MIE Research Interns
- Begin sophomore year
- Conduct research project under faculty supervisor
- Apply for summer research opportunities
- Exchange Research Students
- An arrangement between Spelman College and
Universidad Metropolitana or Bennett College - Students from each institution participate in an
8-week research project at the other institution
during the summer
37Undergraduate Research XULA
- Two types of MIE-supported students
- MaSTER Scholars
- Minimum G.P.A. of 3.0
- All non-pre-med STEM majors can apply
- Receive tuition assistance
- Funding support for
- Research supplies
- Travel to conferences and symposia
- MaSTER Associates
- All of the above except there is no minimum
G.P.A. requirement and they do not receive
tuition assistance
38Undergraduate Research XULA
- All MIE-supported MaSTER scholars
- are required to
- attend bi-weekly MIE meetings
- be engaged in research-related activities
- during the academic year gt 10 hours/week
- during the summer 20 40 hours/week
- must take a department-specific research course
- must participate in a research ethics and
bioethics workshop - must present
- annually at the campus-wide Festival of Scholars
- at least once at a national conference/symposium
- must go on campus visits to perspective graduate
39Undergraduate Research Impact Student Research
- Spelman College
- Locally at the Spelman College Campus Wide
Research Symposium - Nationally at ABRCMS and the UMET Research
- Locally at the Festival of Scholars and Sigma Chi
- Nationally at NSBE, Technical Symposium, HBCU-UP
National Research Conference
40Undergraduate Research Impact
- Participation in major off-campus research
programs during the academic year - A semester at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
(Spelman) - A semester engaged in environmental research at
Tecnológic de Monterrey in Mexico (XULA)
41Undergraduate Research Impact
- Student co-authors on faculty research
publications - Spelman 12
- XULA - 5
- Student presentations at conferences and symposia
- Spelman 40
- XULA 40
42Undergraduate Research Impact
- Student acceptance into graduate programs across
the country (e.g., Harvard, Brown, UNC, U of
Michigan, Michigan State, Emory, UCLA, Berkley,
Georgia Tech, U of Wisconsin, etc.) - Student receipt of graduate scholarships and
fellowships (e.g., Packard, Gates, UNCF, Kellogg
Foundation, GEM, etc.) - Institutional recognition at the national level
for producing high-ability underrepresented
minority research scholars