Title: A presentation about behaviour
1A presentation about behaviour. Rob Miles, HSE
Offshore Safety Division
2Where are we now?
- B-mod very topical
- Grabbed imagination of senior managers
- Heavily marketed
- Sold as solution to rump of safety issues
- But
3The Engineers Graph or why I dont need to do
Safety management
Accident rate
Human factors
4The Engineers Graph or why I dont need to do
Safety management
Accident rate
Human factors
I need to design better engineering
5The Engineers Graph or why I dont need to do
Safety management
Accident rate
Human factors
I need to design better engineering
More procedures!
6The Engineers Graph or why I dont need to do
Safety management
Accident rate
Human factors
I need to design better engineering
More procedures!
Behavioural modification will fix it(theirs not
7The Engineers Graph or why I dont need to do
Continuous improvement
Safety management
Accident rate
Human factors
I need to design better engineering
More procedures!
Behavioural modification will fix it(theirs not
8The Engineers Graph or why I dont need to do
Continuous improvement
Safety management
Workforce involvement
Accident rate
Human factors
I need to design better engineering
More procedures!
Behavioural modification will fix it(theirs not
9How do you understand behaviour?
- Is behaviour in the workplace something that can
be managed directly, independently of other work
place elements? - or
- Is behaviour in the workplace an emergent
property determined by management style,
resources, supervision and training? - HSEs view
10The majority of safety critical roles are
- Is behaviour modification something to be done to
others? - Or
- Is behaviour modification something you do to
yourself? - And
- What is the legitimate reach of an employer into
staff behaviour? - and
- Are they even your staff?
11So you are going b-mod?
- What evidence do you have that behaviour is the
most pressing problem on your site? - Is behaviour a major cause of incidents in your
investigations? - How far up the organisation do you believe the
problems go? - How far up the organisation will the b-mod
programme go?
12HSEs top 10 common issues
- Organisational change
- Staffing levels/workload
- Training competence
- Procedures
- Managing human failure
- Fatigue
- Organisational culture
- Human factors in design
- Communications/interfaces
- Integration of HF into risk
- assessment investigations
- Behavioural safety human factors
No PPE, No slips and Trips! Its all about HAZARD
No it does not
13If these are your problems
- Organisational change
- Staffing levels/workload
- Training competence
- Procedures
- Managing human failure
- Fatigue
- Organisational culture
- Human factors in design
- Communications/interfaces
- Integration of HF into risk
- assessment investigations
Ask yourself How will modifying employee
behaviour improve my situation?
14.pdf download the full report from the STEP
Read this first!
- The organisational factors required to manage
safety effectively are similar to those required
for effective team based working that can improve
productivity and profitability.
15Programmes that work
- are designed / written with the workforce
- have Senior management commitment
- that commitment has been demonstrated
- properly resourced - real commitment.
- are appropriate for the prevailing situation
- trust / maturity
- observable events
16Matching trust levels
- low trust supervisor observation techniques are
seen as insulting in a high trust work site.
They undermine empowerment. - high trust (empowered) techniques of worker
ownership, time out or shutdown frighten workers
in a low trust site and are treated with
suspicion.. - its easy to undermine trust breach
confidentiality - Be aware of cultural issues US programmes tend
to fail in the UK
17What messages are you sending out?
Over 40 of offshore workers believe that the
PTW exists to protect the employer not them
They treat me like a child.
Never ever think outside the box.
Pushing the envelope.
We are a learning organisation
How do I stop employees leaving their brains at
the heliport?
18If your staff told you they were planning to
Work to rule
- Select A, B, or C
- A) You would be pleased because things would go
well and productivity would improve. - B) Now what do they want, well never make any
money. - C) Thats nice but they do that anyway.
19Riser tensioner piston assembly 500kg
Not secured
Piston seals
20Not a RIDDOR!? IP medivaced to ABZ But back
offshore in 2 days to fill out timesheets
Company investigation -Bad behaviour! -IP warned
not to stand by load -Remedial action remind IP
not to stand by load.
IP aged 65, desperate to get contract renewal, to
be notified next day.
IP worked on overhaul for days
What about Risk assessment? Safe system of
work? Procedures for overhaul? Actually
preventing it?
IPs finger tip
21Behaviours in incident investigation
- Company investigation
- Operator failed to follow procedures
- Response reemphasise rule compliance
- HSE investigation
- Operator instructed to start equipment alone when
procedures specify 2 operators. - Company not providing sufficient staff to work
the plant safely
22Management behaviours
- The employee as a hazard
- They need to be closely managed.
- The less of them the better.
- Less thinking, more procedures.
- Blame in investigations.
- QRA will focus on human error rate.
- The employee as a defence
- They need to be trained, alert and there.
- They are a valuable contribution to the business.
- How can I make their life easier?
- QRA will focus on defences in depth.
23(No Transcript)
24(No Transcript)
25Dinosaurs Safety is a competitive disadvantage
Safety managers dont stay long.
26Stage 1 Enlightenment The separation of safety
from finance
The safety department is separate and powerful
27Fully Enlightened Safety is a competitive
These Organisations typically do not have a
safety department