Title: Operating Characteristic (OC) Curves
1Operating Characteristic (OC) Curves
- Ben M. Coppolo
- Penn State University
2Presentation Overview
- Operation Characteristic (OC) curve Defined
- Explanation of OC curves
- How to construct an OC curve
- An example of an OC curve
- Problem solving exercise
3OC Curve Defined
- What is an Operations Characteristics Curve?
- the probability of accepting incoming lots.
4OC Curves Uses
- Selection of sampling plans
- Aids in selection of plans that are effective in
reducing risk - Help keep the high cost of inspection down
5OC Curves
- What can OC curves be used for in an
6Types of OC Curves
- Type A
- Gives the probability of acceptance for an
individual lot coming from finite production - Type B
- Give the probability of acceptance for lots
coming from a continuous process - Type C
- Give the long-run percentage of product accepted
during the sampling phase
7OC Graphs Explained
- Y axis
- Gives the probability that the lot will be
accepted - X axis p
- Fraction Defective
- Pf is the probability of rejection, found by 1-PA
8OC Curve
9Definition of Variables
- PA The probability of acceptance
- p The fraction or percent defective
- PF or alpha The probability of rejection
- N Lot size
- n The sample size
- A The maximum number of defects
10OC Curve Calculation
- Two Ways of Calculating OC Curves
- Binomial Distribution
- Poisson formula
- P(A) ( (np)A e-np)/A !
11OC Curve Calculation
- Binomial Distribution
- Cannot use because
- Binomials are based on constant probabilities.
- N is not infinite
- p changes
- But we can use something else.
12OC Curve Calculation
- A Poisson formula can be used
- P(A) ((np)A e-np) /A !
- Poisson is a limit
- Limitations of using Poisson
- nlt 1/10 total batch N
- Little faith in probability calculation when n is
quite small and p quite large. - We will use Poisson charts to make this easier.
13Calculation of OC Curve
- Find your sample size, n
- Find your fraction defect p
- Multiply np
- A d
- From a Poisson table find your PA
14Calculation of an OC Curve
- N 1000
- n 60
- p .01
- A 3
- Find PA for p .01, .02, .05, .07, .1, and .12?
Np d 3
.6 99.8
1.2 87.9
3 64.7
4.2 39.5
6 151
7.2 072
15Properties of OC Curves
- Ideal curve would be perfectly perpendicular from
0 to 100 for a given fraction defective.
16Properties of OC Curves
- The acceptance number and sample size are most
important factors. - Decreasing the acceptance number is preferred
over increasing sample size. - The larger the sample size the steeper the curve.
17Properties of OC Curves
18Properties of OC Curves
- By changing the acceptance level, the shape of
the curve will change. All curves permit the
same fraction of sample to be nonconforming.
19Example Uses
- A company that produces push rods for engines in
cars. - A powdered metal company that need to test the
strength of the product when the product comes
out of the kiln. - The accuracy of the size of bushings.
- MRC is an engine company that builds the engines
for GCF cars. They are use a control policy of
inspecting 15 of incoming lots and rejects lots
with a fraction defect greater than 3. Find the
probability of accepting the following lots
- A lot size of 300 of which 5 are defective.
- A lot size of 1000 of which 4 are defective.
- A lot size of 2500 of which 9 are defective.
- Use Poisson formula to find the answer to number
- Types of OC curves
- Type A, Type B, Type C
- Constructing OC curves
- Properties of OC Curves
- OC Curve Uses
- Calculation of an OC Curve
23Poisson Table
24Poisson Table
25Poisson Table
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