Title: Public Key Encryption
1Public Key Encryption
2A Brief History of Cryptography
- Ancient Greeks
- Scytale Cipher
- Julius Caesar
- Caesar Cipher
- Enigma
- Automated Cipher
3What is Cryptography?
- Secure and private communication
- Encryption
- Rendering a message unintelligible
4Symmetric vs. Asymmetric
- Symmetric
- Single key
- Asymmetric (Public Key)
- Two keys
- Public key Private key
- Mailbox Concept
- Digital Signature
5Branches of Cryptology
Message Authentication
6Advantages of Asymmetric
- Secure Exchange of Keys
- Cant trust the middleman
- Nonrepudiation
- Keep track of your own key
- More Uses
- Encryption
- Message Authentication
- Digital Signatures
7Modular Arithmetic
- Most cryptosystems based on finite, discrete sets
modulus 12
8Modulus Operation
Given integers a, r, and m, we say a r mod m
if (r a) is divisible by m
- Note that there are infinitely many remainders
a r mod m
9The Ring Zm
- Ring of integers with properties
- Arithmetic operations always yield result in Zm
- e.g. ?a, b e Zm then (a b) e Zm
- Neutral elements 0 for addition, 1 for
multiplication - e.g. ?a e Zm, a 0 a mod m
- Additive inverse always exists
- i.e. ?a e Zm, ?b -a such that a b 0 mod m
- Multiplicative inverse only exists for some
10Euclidean Algorithm
- Calculates Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)
- Simplify the problem
- GCD(a, b) GCD(a b, b)
11Euclidean Algorithm
a bq r
a su b tu
b sv r tv
r a bq
a bq r
r (su) (qt)u
a (sv)q (tv)
r (s qt)u
a (sq t)v
12Euclidean Algorithm
Procedure of Euclidean Algorithm
1 q1 a / b a bq1 r1 r1 a b q1
2 q2 b / r1 b q2 r1 r2 r2 b q2 r1
3 q3 r1 / r2 r1 q3 r2 r3 r3 r1 q3 r2
n qn rn-2 / rn-1 rn-2 qn rn-1 rn rn rn-2 qn rn-1
n1 qn1 rn-1 / rn rn-1 qn1 rn 0 ---
13Extended Euclidean Algorithm
- Modular Division
- Multiplication by multiplicative inverse
- ba-1 instead of b/a
- Multiplicative Inverse
- aa-1 1 mod m
- Extended Euclidean Algorithm
- Fast, efficient way to find multiplicative inverse
14Extended Euclidean Algorithm
- Perform regular Euclidean Algorithm
- GCD(a, b) must be 1
- Then for ax by 1,
- x is the multiplicative inverse of a, and
- y is the multiplicative inverse of b
15Extended Euclidean Algorithm
a bq1 r1 b q2 r1 r2 r1 q3 r2 r3 rn-2
qn rn-1 1
r1 a bq1 r2 b q2 r1 r3 r1 q3 r2 1
rn-2 qn rn-1
1 rn-2 qn rn-1 1 rn-2 qn (r1 q3 r2) 1
rn-2 qn (r1 q3 (b q2 r1)) 1 rn-2 qn (r1
q3 (b q2 (a b q1))) 1 ax by
16Extended Euclidean Algorithm
ax by 1
ax by ? 1 mod a
by ? 1 mod a
aa-1 ? 1 mod a
17Eulers Totient Function
- Essential for RSA Scheme
- and most likely others
- Totient ?(n)
- Number of totatives of an integer n
- Totative An integer m, 0 lt m lt n, GCD(m, n) 1
- Prime factorization of n must be known
18Example ?(30)
1, 2, 3, , 30
19Example ?(30)
- Calculate totients from frequency
- De Morgans Theorem
- Probability a number is in a subset is equal to
Probability a number is not in all other subsets - Probability a number is NOT in a set is equal to
1 (Probability of being IN the set) - Probability (1 1/2) (1 1/3) (1 1/5)
- Frequency (1 1/2) (1 1/3) (1 1/5) 30
20Eulers Totient Function
?(n) n(1 1/p1)(1 1/p2)(1 1/pm)
?(n) (p1 1)p1k11(p2 1)p2k21 (pm
- Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, Leonard Adleman
- 1977
- Most widely used asymmetric scheme today
- Two main uses
- Secure exchange of keys
- Digital signatures
22How RSA Works
- Keys are pairs of integers
- Encrypting key (e, n)
- Decrypting key (d, n)
- Encryption/Decryption Exponentiation within Zn
- Encrypt message C Me
- Decrypt cyphertext M Cd
- Before encrypting
- Convert plaintext to integer with hash function
23RSA Key Generation
- Choose two arbitrary prime numbers p and q
- Calculate n pq
- Calculate ?(n)
- (p 1)(q 1)
- Choose arbitrary integer e lt ?(n) 1 such that
GCD(e, ?(n)) 1 - Calculate d multiplicative inverse of e mod
?(n) using Extended Euclidean Algorithm
24RSA Key Generation
- Basic requirement
- After choosing p, q, choose e, d, k satisfying
- ed 1 k(p 1)(q 1)
- Extended Euclidean Algorithm requires two
integers that are relatively prime - Thus, requiring e and ?(n) to be relatively prime
ensures that there will be a matching private key
25How RSA Works
- Me C Cd M
- Prove Cd (Me)d Med M mod n
- Fermats Little Theorem
- M?(n) 1 mod n if M and n are relatively prime
- Mk?(n) 1 mod n
- MMk?(n) M mod n
- Mk?(n)1 M mod n
- ed 1 k(p 1)(q 1)
- ed k(p 1)(q 1) 1
- ed k ?(n) 1
Med M mod n
26How RSA Works
- M Med
- M1?(n)k
- (M)M?(n)k
- (M)(M?(n))k
- (M)(1)k
- M
- M M
27RSA Faster Encryption
- Square-and-Multiply Algorithm
- Quick and efficient, even with large numbers
- Based on binary representation of exponent
- Iterative through bits, left to right
- Consider y xh mod n
- Starting with 2nd bit from left
- Calculate y x
- Calculate y y2 mod n
- If current bit of h is 1, calculate y yx mod n
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each bit in exponent
28RSA Faster Encryption
29RSA Faster Encryption
- Square-and-Multiply has complexity O(log n),
where n is the number of bits in the exponent - Relatively efficient
- Although still intensive for small devices
- Speed up encryption more smaller public key
- No significant loss of security
30RSA Faster Decryption
- Cant use smaller private key
- Major security loss
- Chinese Remainder Theorem
- Allows computation of y x mod (pq) given
- y1 x mod p and y2 x mod q
- Break down Cd mod n into smaller computations
- More computations, but less intensive
- Requires knowledge of p and q, thus cannot be
used to speed up encryption
31RSA Faster Decryption
- Variation of Fermats Little Theorem
- xp-1 1 mod p
- Using this, break down exponent d into d1 d
mod (p 1) and d2 d mod (q 1) - Decryption now requires two exponentiations
- Using Chinese Remainder Theorem, compute
- y y1q(q1 mod p) y2p(p1 mod q) mod n
- On average, four times faster
32Practical Uses of RSA
- Even with these methods to speed up RSA,
it is still much slower than symmetric systems - Not typically used for large-scale encryption
- Encrypt smaller messages
- Passwords
- Symmetric keys
- Digital Signatures
- Used together with symmetric systems
- Secure key exchange fast, efficient encryption
- Modern computers becoming more efficient
- Factoring large numbers is becoming easier
- Larger keys required for RSA to remain secure
- RSA becoming slower and slower
- Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)
- 1985
- Neal Koblitz, Victor S. Miller
- Estimated to be widespread within next decade
35Elliptic Curve Cryptography Premise
- Point Addition (addition of ordered pairs)
- Given a set E of points, and an operator
- Compute sum of two points as another point
- P Q R P, Q, R ? E
- NOT actual arithmetic addition
- Point Multiplication
- G P P Pk kP G, P ? E, k ? R
36Elliptic Curve Cryptography Premise
- The set E is drawn from points of an elliptic
curve - y2 x3 ax b
- Security comes from difficulty of finding k
if given G and P - Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem
- Cant just divide G by P
- Not arithmetic multiplication!
- More similar to finding k in a bk
- No efficient algorithm exists to solve this
37Computing P Q
- Since elliptic curves are cubic, there are
generally three points a line intersects the
curve - Use this fact to calculate P Q
- Draw line from P to Q
- Define the third point of intersection to be R
- Thus R is the mirror reflection of R
38Computing P Q
- If there is no third point (the line is
vertical), P Q is said to be
infinity, denoted as O - O is an additive identity (P O P)
- To compute P P, use Ps tangent line instead
39Elliptic Curve Algebra
- Algebraic Formulae
- P Q
- xPQ ß2 xP xQ
- yPQ ß(xP xR) yP
- ß is the slope of the line
- P P (or 2P)
- x2P (3x2P a / 2yP)2 2xP
- y2P (3x2P a / 2yP) (xP xR) yP
- a is the same parameter from the cubic equation
40How it is Applied to Cryptography
- To ensure security, some restrictions
- Curve must be smooth (no cusps, intersections,
etc) - Cant use all real numbers must be discrete
- In particular, prime numbers or binary numbers
- No longer a curve, but algebra still holds
- Why ECC is harder to crack than RSA
- Algebra is more complex than factoring numbers
41Secure Key Exchange
- Variation of Diffie-Hellman Scheme
- Alice and Bob agree on parameters for curve
- a, b in y2 x3 ax b and a point G ? E
- Alice chooses a private integer XA and calculates
a point YA XAG - Bob does similar, calculating YB from integer XB
- Alice and Bob publicly exchange YA and YB
- The secret key K is computed by
- For Alice, K XAYB
- For Bob, K XBYA
42Secure Key Exchange
- Alice and Bob get the same private key, because
- K
43The Bigger Picture
- ECC found to be 10x faster than RSA
- Requires less memory and computational power
- Equal security as RSA
- Ideal for use on
- Smart cards
- Wireless devices
- Other constrained devices RSA is unsuitable for
44The Bigger Picture
- Security of RSA
- Increasingly more vulnerable
- Security of ECC
- No significant increase in vulnerability over 25
NIST Recommended Key Sizes for Equal Security
- 1 Alayont, Feryâl. (2005). RSA A Public Key
Cryptosystem. lthttp//faculty.gvsu.edu/alayontf/t
alks/rsa.pdfgt - Â
- 2 Kak, Avi. (2011). Elliptic Curve
Cryptography and Digital Rights Management.
Lecture Notes on Computer and Network Security.
tures/Lecture14.pdfgt - Â
- 3 Kotas, William A. (2000). A Brief History of
Cryptography. University of Tennessee Honors
Thesis Projects. lthttp//trace.tennessee.edu/utk_c
hanhonoproj/398gt - Â
- 4 National Security Agency. (2009). The Case
for Elliptic Curve Cryptography.
ve.shtmlgt - Â
- 5 Paar, Christof and Pelzl, Jan. (2010).
Introduction to Cryptography. Understanding
Cryptography A Textbook for Students and
Practitioners (online slides). - lthttp//www.crypto-textbook.comgt
- Â
- 6 Paar, Christof and Pelzl, Jan. (2010). The
RSA Cryptosystem. Understanding Cryptography A
Textbook for Students and Practitioners (online
slides). - lthttp//www.crypto-textbook.comgt
- Â
- 7 RSA Laboratories. (2000). RSA Laboratories
Frequently Asked Questions About Todays
Cryptography, Version 4.1. lthttp//www.rsasecurit
y.com/rsalabs/faq/files/rsalabs_faq41.pdfgt - Â
- 8 Turner, Clay S. (2008). Eulers Totient
Function and Public Key Cryptography.
Winter/notes/RSAmath.pdfgt - Â
- 9 Vinck, A.J. Han. (2011). Introduction to
Public Key Cryptography. lthttp//www.exp-math.uni
- Additional images for this presentation retrieved
from - http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enigma_machine
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public-key_cryptograp
hy - http//www.usc.edu/dept/molecular-science/RSA-2003
.htm - http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonhard_Euler
- http//physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/47723
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Credit_card