Title: Measuring and Improving Customer Satisfaction
1Measuring and Improving Customer Satisfaction
- Ron Muns
- HDI Founder CEO
- March 21, 2006
- Customer Satisfaction The Value Proposition
- CS DefinedIndices Defined
- HDIs Balanced Score Card Service Model
- How to Improve Survey principles
- The new HDI-CSI Service
3Statistics that matter
- 4 of customers with problems complain
- Customers with a problem tell 9 to 20 others
- Satisfied customers tell 2 to 4
- Cost of getting a new customer is 5-7 times
greater than retaining the ones you have - A 5 increase in customer retention can increase
profit by 25 to 95 - Implication
- Customer Satisfaction Matters!
4Customer Satisfaction Affects the Bottom Line
The gulf between satisfied customers and
completely satisfied customers can swallow a
business. - Harvard Business Review
5Impact on the IT Organization
- Credibility
- Budget approvals
- Business alignment
- Attitudes towards outsourcing
- Attitudes towards IT leadership
- Improve support for new initiatives
6So just what is Customer Satisfaction?
- Customer Satisfaction is the customers
perception of the actual service received as
compared to the service they expected. - Customer Satisfaction lives at the intersection
of reality and expectations - Ron Muns, 2006
7Indices Defined
- Indices are statistical measures of change in
- HDI defines Customer Satisfaction Indices as
trends in scores over time compared to goals and
industry averages
8Remember to stay Balanced
- HDI believes very strongly in the Balanced Score
Card Service Model - You must simultaneously improve
- Customer Satisfaction
- Cost/value Metrics
- Employee Satisfaction
- Organizational Maturity
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10How to Impact Customer Satisfaction Scores
- Improve performance in the dimensions that matter
to the customer via improvements in tools,
process, culture, people, etc. - Lower expectations (to reflect reality and for
periods of extreme change)
11Survey Principles
- Statistically sample events when they complete
- Telephone and e-support
- Dont over survey anyone
- Graph changes over time
- Set goals
- Compare to others in your industry
- Work on customer perceptions (and needs)
12Questions to AskTelephone Support
- Courtesy of the Analyst
- Skills and Knowledge of the Analyst
- Quality of the Resolution
- Timeliness of the Resolution
- Overall Experience
13Questions to ask Web Support
- Ease of use
- Was your problem solved
- Neither, just browsing
14- What is HDI CSI? (hintno crime scene
involved) - Service built by and for the HDI Community
- Secure Information Transfer
- Benchmarks to goals
- Benchmarks compared to your Industry
- Provides Alerts Dashboard
- Statistical sampling at 95 confidence level
- Easy to use - 30-60 Minute Setup
15- What HDI CSI is Not
- A survey building tool
- Customizable (except for reporting)
- Competitor for periodic survey instruments
- Complicated or Complex
- Hard to implement
- Expensive
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20Reports to Your Desktop (or raw data) Link
- Trends against Goals
- Compared to Industry Peers
- Your raw data for your own customized reporting
21In Closing
- What gets measured, gets done, so, getr done
- Only your industry association can deliver this
service - It is an order of magnitude cheaper than any
other alternative and they cannot give you peer
comparisons - Get on board, be a part of the momentum
- Questions HDI-CSI_at_ThinkHDI.com