Title: New Approaches to Allergen Immunotherapy
1New Approaches to Allergen Immunotherapy
- Harold S. Nelson. MD
- Professor of Medicine
- National Jewish Heath
- University of Colorado School of Medicine
- Denver, Colorado, USA
2Increased Safety with Currently Available Extracts
- Delayed absorption Aluminum v Tyrosine
adsorption v Encapsulation (liposomes) - Reduce levels of IgE Omalizumab v
- Alternative routes Nasal Oral v Sublingual v
Intralymphatic v Epicutaneous v - v Active study or current use
3SLIT What Are the Answered Unanswered
- Answered- Efficacy with monotherapy (Yes)-
Optimal duration (3-4 years)- Prevention of new
sensitization and progression to asthma. (Yes)-
Persistent benefit after stopping (Yes) -
Relative safety in subjects with allergic
rhinitis and controlled asthma. (Yes) - Unanswered- Optimal dosing for allergens other
than grass- Relative efficacy versus
subcutaneous immunotherapy- Use of mixes of
multiple unrelated allergens- Safety in poorly
controlled asthma
4SLIT Efficacy of Grass Tablets
- 628 adult subjects with grass SAR.
- Treated with placebo or 100 IR, 300 IR, or 500 IR
5-grass tablets beginning 4 months before season. - The two highest doses significantly reduced
symptoms 27 and 24, the low dose was
Didier JACI 2008
5Dose-Response to Grass Pollen Extract SLIT
Didier et al. JACI 2007120
6Long-lasting Effects of sublingual Imunotherapy
According to its Duration A 15-year Prospective
M Marogna, et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol
- 78 patients were treated with house dust mite
extract by SLIT at about 30X SCIT dose. - Initial treatment was for 3, 4 or 5 years.
- When group symptom scores rose above 50 of
baseline they were retreated. - Total duration of observation was 15 years.
7A 15-year Prospective Study
- After stopping treatment relapse and retreatment
occurred in 7 years in the 3-year group and 8
years in the 4-year and 5-year groups. - The second course of SLIT produced more rapid
improvement than the first in all three groups. - Methacholine sensitivity and nasal eosinophils
paralleled the clinical course.
M Marogna, et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol
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12A 15-year Prospective Study
- SLIT administered for 3 years resulted in
remission persisting for 7 years following
discontinuation. - SLIT administered for 4 or 5 years resulted in
remission persisting for 8 years after
discontinuation. - Reinstitution of SLIT following relapse resulted
in accelerated improvement compared to original
M Marogna, et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol
13Adverse Reactions to Grass SLITSummary of 7
Phase III Studies
Adults (n2096) Children (n598)
AIT Placebo AIT Placebo
Oral Pruritus 39 5 35 3
Throat Irritation 21 3 25 2
Ear Pruritus 14 1 8 lt1
Mouth Edema 11 lt1 8 lt1
Oral Paresthesias 8 1
Any Drug-related 70 23 62 27
Abstract EAACI June 2011
14Onset and Duration of Adverse Reactions to Grass
SLIT (Median Days)
Adults Children
Onset Duration Onset Duration
Oral Pruritus 1 8 1 5
Throat Irritation 1 6 1 4
Ear Pruritus 1 3.5 1 6
Oral Paresthesias 1 10
Mouth Edema 5 29.5 7.5 16.5
Abstract EAACI June 2011
15Anaphylactic Reactions to SLIT
- Allergen BU Symptoms Reference or
Mnt - Multiple BU Pruritus, AE, Allergy
dizziness 2006611235 - Latex BU Urt, asthma,
anaphylactic shock
200661236 - Multiple Mnt AE, chest pain, Allergy
nausea, abd pain 200762567 - HDM Mnt3 yrs Urt, wheezing Allergy
- 6X dose hypotension, syncope 200863374
- Grass (2) 1st dose Includes hypotension
History of
intolerance for SCIT Allergy
16Clinical Efficacy of Sublingual and Subcutaneous
Birch Pollen Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy A
Randomized, Placebo-Controlled,Double-Blind,
Double-Dummy Study
MS Khinchi, et al. Allergy 20045945-53
- Subcutaneous maintenance dose contained 3.28 ?g
Bet v 1 once monthly. - Sublingual maintenance dose contained 49.2 ?g Bet
v 1 every other day (225 time SC dose). - 5 cases of grade 3 or 4 systemic reactions in the
s.c. group, two treated with adrenalin. No grade
3 or 4 reactions with SLIC
17SLIT versus SCIT
- Treatment Symptoms Medication
- Placebo .02 1.35
- SLIT - .36 .29
- SCIT - .75 No change
- SLIT SCIT significantly better than placebo, no
difference between active treatments. - Pollen counts higher second year
18Allergy 20045945
191st treatment season
Allergy 20045945
20Comparison of Subcutaneous Sublingual
Identified effective doses Greater efficacy Greater safety and convenience
Studies with multiple allergen mixes
But But
Inconvenient Optimum dose not defined except for grass
More systemic reactions Less effective (first year)
Multiple allergen mixes may be ineffective.
21Grass Transcutaneous Immunotherapy in Children
with Seasonal Rhnoconjunctivitis
F Agostinis, et al. Allergy 201066410-1
- 15 children received grass transcutaneous
immunotherapy and 15 placebo patches from
February to April. - Patches (grass pollen extract containing 11.25
mcg major allergen, 50 petrolleum jelly and lt3
salicylic acid) were applied weekly for 12 weeks
and removed after 24 hours.
22Grass Transcutaneous Immunotherapy in Children
with Seasonal Rhnoconjunctivitis
- There were no local or systemic reactions to the
patches. - Symptoms during the grass pollen season favored
active treatment for- Rhinitis (p .009)-
Nasal obstruction (p .003)- Dyspnea (p
.03)- Ocular tearing (p lt .05)- Antihistamine
use (p lt .02)
F Agostinis et al. Allergy 201066410-1
23Grass Transcutaneous Immunotherapy
Grass pollen count
Green Grass pollen countPink Peak grass pollen
season.Red placeboYellow active treatment
Agostinis et alAllergy 200960L410-1
24Epicutaneous Allergen Administration As a Novel
Method of Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy
G Senti, et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol
- A double-blind study was conducted in 37
grass-sensitive adults in Zurich, Switzerland. - Prior to and during the 2006 grass pollen season
subjects had 13 weekly patches applied to
tape-stripped sites (2 in clinic and 11 by
patient). - Patches remained on the skin 48 hours.
- Clinical response was assessed for the grass
pollen seasons of both 2006 and 2007 (without
further treatment)
25Symptoms Compared to 2005
Act Pla Act Pla
P 0.02
P 0.005
G SantiJACI2009124997-1002
? Outliers
26Intralymphatic Allergen Administration Renders
Specific Immunotherapy Faster and Safer A
Randomized Controlled Trial
G Senti et al. Proc Nat Acad Sci 200810517908-12
- Randomized, open label comparison of 3 years of
subcutaneous injections (cumulative dose 4 X 106
SQ -U) or 3 intralymphatic injections at 4-week
intervals (cumulative dose 3,000 SQ-U) - Nasal tolerance was faster with IL injections (4
months versus 1 year) and persisted at 3 years. - Reactions were fewer with IL injections.
- Other outcomes at three years were similar for
the 2 approaches.
27Intralymphatic vs. Subcutaneous
G SentiPNAS200810517908-17
28Nasal Challenge IL versus SC
Max. tolerated allergen conc. (log10)
G SentiPNAS200810517908-17
29Symptom Scores IL versus SC
PNAS 200810517908-12
30Increased Safety with Currently Available Extracts
- Delayed absorption Allows more rapid
escalation of dose - Reduce levels of IgE Omalizumab - Reduces
asthmatic reactions to immunotherapy by
improving asthma control - Alternative routes Oral - Investigated in food
allergy Sublingual - Established efficacy and
safety Epicutaneous - Promising in initial
studies with long-lasting effect.
Intralymphatic - 3-year response with 3
injections -
31Enhanced Safety and Efficacy with Modified
- Chemical Treatment of Allergens- Allergoids v
- Recombinant Technology- Unmodified allergens v
- Site-directed mutagensis and deletion v -
peptides v - Fusion proteins. - Combined with Immune Stimulation- ISS-ODN (CpG)
v - Monophosphoryl Lipid A (MPL) v vActive
study or current use
32Development and Preliminary Clinical evaluation
of a Peptide Immunotherapy Vaccine for Cat Allergy
M Worm---AB Kay, M Larche. J Allergy Clin
Immunol 201112789-97
- Determined binding affinities of Fel d 1 peptides
for 10 commonly expressed HLA-DR molecules. - Functional immunodominant peptides were
identified by means of peptide induced
proliferation and cytokine secretion from PBMC of
allergic donors. - Histamine releasing activity was assessed to rule
out reactivity with IgE.
33Current Status of Peptide Allergen Extracts
Google for Circassia Ltd January 2011
- Cat (November 2009) Phase II, n121,
cat-exposure chamber, optimal dose decreased
symptoms 67. (September 2010) Phase II, n-200,
ongoing. - Ragweed (February 2010) Phase II, early skin
response reduced 47.(September 2010) Phase II,
n-275, ongoing - House dust mites Phase II, n50, 4 doses over
several weeks decreased skin and ocular challenge
response by 32-87. - Grass Results of Phase II study due in 2011.
34Tyrosine Adsorbed Grass Allergoid with MPL
Ragweed MATA MPL
21 randomisation
300 SU 2000 SU
700 SU 6000 SU
Placebo(2 L-tyrosine depot vehicle, no MPL)
Treatment period
Daily symptom and medication scores during
pollen season
MATA, modified allergen tyrosine
adsorbed International multi-centre 76 centers
in the US and Canada 3 weeks before start of
Quality of life questionnaire and immunoglobulin
35Median CSMS during the 3 peak weeks by treatment
- 12p 0.048
Median CSM score
300 SU set
700 SU set
2000 SU set
6000 SU set
Total placebo
N 249
36Enhanced Safety and Efficacy with Modified
- Chemical Treatment of Allergens- Allergoids -
May reduce immunogenicity as well as
allergenicity. - Recombinant Technology- Unmodified allergens -
No enhanced safety or efficacy. - Site-directed
mutagensis and deletion - Results to date
disappointing.- peptides Preliminary data
encouraging- fusion proteins - no human studies - Combined with Immune Stimulation- ISS-ODN (CpG)
Monophosphoryl Lipid A (MPL) - Results in large
trials have been disappointing.
- Only subcutaneous and sublingual immunotherapy
may be considered established. - Omalizumab increases safety but is cost
prohibitive for routine use. - Intralymphatic and transcutaneous administration
and peptide therapy show early promise.