Title: Direct Broadcast Receiving Station
1Direct Broadcast Receiving Station
- Craig Tapley
- DBRS Manager
- http//magic.tacc.utexas.edu/station/
- 2 X-band and 1 L-band antenna
- 3 independent GPS time systems
- 3 independent capture computers
- 3 primary processing systems
- 1 testing and support system
- 1 local visualization station
Coverage Area
- Excellent coverage of the lower 48 states
- Excellent coverage of the western Gulf
- Excellent coverage of Mexico and Central America
- Clear view of the horizon down to 0 degrees
elevation - Two x-band antennas resolve all current
scheduling conflicts - Single L-band antenna for near constant CHRPT and
HRPT coverage
0 degree elevation coverage for Terra-1
4General system Status checking program(CheckStatu
- General status checking program
- Intended to find and report error conditions
across a network of mission critical systems - Simple module additions allow customization for
use in other locations
5CheckStatus Basic functions
- System IDs and e-mails start and end of any
warning condition - System can be programmed for any warning
condition response - Currently running on two magic DBRS systems on
opposite half hour schedule
6CheckStatus Sample Module
- Check_noaa_status
- Uses wget (web information retrieval program) to
retrieve current status of all active NOAA
satellites - Compares status to previous runs recorded status
- Sends warning e-mail message if there are any
status changes - Gives operator a heads up chance to change the
capture priority if a change is needed
- QA system
- Human check of all data
- View thumbnails
- Add comments to specific images of interest
- Click view to see details of capture
- Sort by system, satellite, date, key word or
primary capture designation
- Capture data screen
- Summary of all capture statistics
- Archive file locations
- Processing start times and durations
- Comments and warning messages
- Line error profile information
- Click view for more detail on processing or
capture information
- Process detail screen
- Name and product ID for each process run on pass
data - Start and duration for each process
- Click view for more detail about each process
All thumbnail images throughout the system can be
clicked for higher resolution view of the image
11Process Logging system (Proclog)
- Time and status of captures
- Antenna alignment info
- Percent of data captured
- Distribution of data errors
- Data processing times
- Reporting and graphing
- Specialized reports
- Special events and notes
- Human QA interface
- Web served interface
12Processor Optimization
- Stock Dell 8250 desktop servers
- 2.7 Gigabit processors
- 80 GB IDE 7200 RPM hard drive for raw data
storage - 120 GB IDE 7200 RMP hard drive for product
storage - MODIS and OCM test data base line numbers were
gathered - MODIS test data pass ran in 12937 (average over
three trials) - CPU usage averaged 21.8
13Processor Optimization Changes to configuration
- Lilo configuration was changed by adding
Appendidebus66 ideoata66 to boot
configuration to force hardware to operate at max
available speed of the mother board - Hard drives were split onto individual IDE chains
to minimize data collisions and maximize I/O
14Processor Optimization MODIS results
- MODIS results
- LILO change decreased data processing time
significantly - Changes in IDE configuration also decreased data
processing time.
15Processor Optimization OCM results
- OCM results
- Combination of LILO and IDE configuration changes
made only small differences in total processing
LILO and IDE changes
16Processor Optimization Summary
17Auto-alignment System Overview
- Runs auto-alignment process daily using the
following conditions - Max and min sun elevation
- Clear time to next pass
- Length of alignment time
- Error collar ( 1001degree)
- First pass runs sunalign and checks if suggested
correction is smaller than error collar - If suggested corrections are less than the error
collar alignment is repeated and results are
accepted - If suggested corrections are outside tolerance
collar process is aborted and a warning messages
is sent to the operator (or optionally some other
action can be taken)
Adjustable alignment parameters
18Auto-alignment baseline antenna alignment
- Antenna holds alignment fairly well over time
- Some pointing slip is experienced over time
- Antenna takes successful pass captures even
through the worst alignment period - No clear indication of needed alignment without
specific operator investigation
19Auto-alignment Auto alignment operating
- No operator attention needed
- Antenna reports any alignment issue outside of
set collar - Alignment is performed at the same time and
elevation on most days allowing best alignment
time and elevation to be repeated
20Auto-alignment Side by side views
Auto-alignment on
Auto-alignment off