Title: Communications 2 EE555
1Communications 2EE555
2Course Content
- Introduction Review
- Transmission Line Characteristics
- Waveguides Microwave Devices
- Radiowave Propagation
- Antennas
- Microwave Radio Radar Systems
- Fibre Optic Communications
3Introduction Review
- Microwaves are defined as radio waves in the
frequency range gt 1 GHz. - However, waves gt 20 GHz are commonly known as
millimeter waves - Distributed, rather than lumped, circuit elements
must be used at microwave frequencies because of
a phenomenon called skin effect.
4Skin Effect
- At microwave frequencies current travels on the
outer surface, or skin, of the conductor because
of the increased inductance created. - The skin depth , ? (in m), for a conductor with
permeability, ? (in H/m), conductivity, ? (in
S/m), and at a frequency, f (in Hz), is given by
5Skin Effect (contd)
- The current density, J, decreases with the
distance beneath the surface exponentially. - At a depth ?, the current density decreases to
Jo/e. - As f increases, ? ? and resistance ?.
J Joe-z/d
conductor surface
direction of current
6Transverse Electromagnetic Waves
In free space
Direction of Propagation
Magnetic Field
Electric Field
7Notes on TEM Waves
- The E- and H-fields and the direction of motion
of TEM waves are mutually perpendicular to each
other. - Velocity of radio waves in free space is c
3x108 m/s, but in a medium with dielectric
constant ?r
8Microwave Materials
- Glass epoxy printed circuit boards are unsuitable
for microwave use because of high dissipation
factor and wide tolerance in thickness and
dielectric constant. - Instead, materials such as Teflon fiberglass
laminates, alumina substrates, sapphire and
quartz substrates must be used (refer to text for
9Types of Transmission Lines
- Differential or balanced lines (where neither
conductor is grounded) e.g. twin lead,
twisted-cable pair, and shielded-cable pair. - Single-ended or unbalanced lines (where one
conductor is grounded) e.g. concentric or
coaxial cable. - Transmission lines for microwave use e.g.
striplines, microstrips, and waveguides.
10Transmission Line Equivalent Circuit
Lossless Line
Lossy Line
11Notes on Transmission Line
- Characteristics of a line is determined by its
primary electrical constants or distributed
parameters R (?/m), L (H/m), C (F/m), and G
(S/m). - Characteristic impedance, Zo, is defined as the
input impedance of an infinite line or that of a
finite line terminated with a load impedance, ZL
12Formulas for Some Lines
For parallel two-wire line
m momr e eoer mo 4px10-7 H/m eo 8.854
For co-axial cable
13Transmission-Line Wave Propagation
Electromagnetic waves travel at lt c in a
transmission line because of the dielectric
separating the conductors. The velocity of
propagation is given by
Velocity factor, VF, is defined as
14Propagation Constant
- Propagation constant, ?, determines the variation
of V or I with distance along the line V
Vse-x? I Ise-x?, where VS, and IS are the
voltage and current at the source end, and x
distance from source. - ? ? j?, where ? attenuation coefficient (
0 for lossless line), and ? phase shift
coefficient 2?/? (rad./m)
15Incident Reflected Waves
- For an infinitely long line or a line terminated
with a matched load, no incident power is
reflected. The line is called a flat or
nonresonant line. - For a finite line with no matching termination,
part or all of the incident voltage and current
will be reflected.
16Reflection Coefficient
The reflection coefficient is defined as
It can also be shown that
Note that when ZL Zo, ? 0 when ZL 0, ?
-1 and when ZL open circuit, ? 1.
17Standing Waves
Vmax Ei Er
Vmin Ei - Er
l 2
With a mismatched line, the incident and
reflected waves set up an interference pattern on
the line known as a standing wave. The standing
wave ratio is
18Other Formulas
When the load is purely resistive (whichever
gives an SWR gt 1)
Return Loss, RL Fraction of power reflected
?2, or -20 log ? dB So, Pr ?2Pi
Mismatched Loss, ML Fraction of
power transmitted/absorbed 1 - ?2 or -10
log(1-?2) dB So, Pt Pi (1 - ?2) Pi - Pr
19Time-Domain Reflectometry
Transmission Line
Pulse or Step Generator
TDR is a practical technique for determining
the length of the line, the way it is terminated,
and the type and location of any impedance
discontinuities. The distance to the
discontinuity is d vt/2, where t elapsed
time of returned reflection.
20Typical TDR Waveform Displays
RL lt Zo
RL gt Zo
ZL capacitive
ZL inductive
21Transmission-Line Input Impedance
The input impedance at a distance l from the load
When the load is a short circuit, Zi jZo tan
For 0 ? l lt ?/4, shorted line is inductive.
For l ?/4, shorted line a parallel resonant
For ?/4 lt l ? ?/2, shorted line is capacitive.
22T-L Input Impedance (contd)
- When the load is an open circuit, Zi -jZo cot
(?l) - For 0 lt l lt ?/4, open circuited line is
capacitive. - For l ?/4, open-line series resonant circuit.
- For ?/4 lt l lt ?/2, open-line is inductive.
- A ?/4 line with characteristic impedance, Zo,
can be used as a matching transformer between a
resistive load, ZL, and a line with
characteristic impedance, Zo, by choosing
23Transmission Line Summary
is equivalent to
l gt ?/4
l lt ?/4
is equivalent to
l gt ?/4
l lt ?/4
l ?/4
?/4-section Matching Transformer
24The Smith Chart
- The Smith chart is a graphical aid to solving
transmission-line impedance problems. - The coordinates on the chart are based on the
intersection of two sets of orthogonal circles. - One set represents the normalized resistive
component, r ( R/Zo), and the other the
normalized reactive component, jx ( jX/Zo).
25Smith Chart Basics
r 0
z1 1j0.7
r 2
z2 2-j1.4
r 1
26Applications of The Smith Chart
- Applications to be discussed in this course
- Find SWR, ???, RL
- Find YL
- Find Zi of a shorted or open line of length l
- Find Zi of a line terminated with ZL
- Find distance to Vmax and Vmin from ZL
- Solution for quarter-wave transformer matching
- Solution for parallel single-stub matching
27Substrate Lines
- Miniaturized microwave circuits use striplines
and microstrips rather than coaxial cables as
transmission lines for greater flexibility and
compactness in design. - The basic stripline structure consists of a flat
conductor embedded in a dielectric material and
sandwiched between two ground planes.
28Basic Stripline Structure
Ground Planes
Solid Dielectric
Centre Conductor
29Notes On Striplines
- When properly designed, the E and H fields of the
signal are completely confined within the
dielectric material between the two ground
planes. - The characteristic impedance of the stripline is
a function of its line geometry, specifically,
the t/b and w/b ratios, and the dielectric
constant, ?r. - Graphs, design formulas, or computer programs are
available to determine w for a desired Zo, t, and
Circuit Line
?r (dielectric)
Ground Plane
Microstrip line employs a single ground plane,
the conductor pattern on the top surface being
Graphs, formulas or computer programs would be
used to design the conductor line width.
However, since the electromagnetic field is
partly in the solid dielectric, and partly in the
air space, the effective relative permittivity,
?eff, has to be used in the design instead of ?r.
31Stripline vs Microstrip
- Advantages of stripline
- signal is shielded from external interference
- shielding prevents radiation loss
- ?r and mode of propagation are more predictable
for design - Advantages of microstrip
- easier to fabricate, therefore less costly
- easier to lay, repair/replace components
32Microstrip Directional Coupler
Conductor Lines
Ground Plane
Top View
Cross-sectional View
Most of the power into port 1 will flow to port
3. Some of the power will be coupled to port 2
but only a minute amount will go to port 4.
33Formulas For Directional Coupler
The operation of the coupler gives rise to an
even mode characteristic impedance, Zoe, and an
odd mode characteristic impedance, Zoo, where
For a given coupling factor, C (which is V2/V1)
34Coupler Applications
- Some common applications for couplers
- monitoring/measuring the power or frequency at a
point in the circuit - sampling the microwave energy for used in
automatic leveling circuits (ALC) - reflection measurements which indirectly yield
information on VSWR, ZL, return loss, etc.
35Branch Coupler
Z1 0.707 Zo Input power at port 1 will divide
equally between Ports 2 and 3 and none to port
Can provide tighter coupling and can
handle higher power than directional coupler.
Branches may consist of chokes, filters, or
matched load for more design flexibility.
36Hybrid Ring Coupler
Input power at port 1 divides evenly between
ports 2 4 and none for port 3.
Similarly, input at port 2 will divide evenly
between ports 1 and 3 and none for port 4.
One application circulator.
37Microstrip Stripline Filters
Side-coupled half-wave resonator band-pass filter
Conventional low-pass filter
38Scattering Parameters
- Microwave devices are often characterized by
their S-parameters because - measurement of V and I may be difficult at
microwave frequencies. - Active devices frequently become unstable when
open or short-circuit type measurements are made
for h, Y or Z parameters. - An S matrix is used to contain all the
39S-Variables S-Parameters
2-Port Network
For port x Vx Vix Vrx
Px Pix - Prx ax2-bx2
b1 S11a1 S12a2 b2 S21a1 S22a2
40S-Parameters of 2-Port Network
Note when port 2 is terminated with a matched
load, a2 0. Similarly, a1 0 when port 1 is
S11, and S22 are reflection coefficients, i.e.,
?11, ?22.
S21 represents the forward transmission
coefficient. Thus, Insertion Loss/attenuation
-10 log (Po2/Pi1) -20 log S21 dB
S12 is the reversed transmission coefficient.
41Properties of S-Parameters
- In general, S-parameters have both magnitude and
angle. - For matched 2-port reflectionless networks, S11
S22 0 - For a reciprocal 2-port network, S12 S21.
- For a lossless 2-port network, S12 S21 1.
- For n-port, b S a. The n x n S matrix
characterizes the network.
42Microwave Radiation Hazards
- The fact that microwaves can be used for cooking
purposes and in heating applications suggests
that they have the potential for causing
biological damage. - Health Welfare, Canada specifies no limit
exposure duration for radiation level of 1 mW/cm2
or less for frequencies from 10 MHz to 300 GHz. - Avoid being in the direct path of a microwave
beam coming out of an antenna or waveguide.
- Reasons for using waveguide rather than coaxial
cable at microwave frequency - easier to fabricate
- no solid dielectric and I2R losses
- Waveguides do not support TEM waves inside
because of boundary conditions. - Waves travel zig-zag down the waveguide by
bouncing from one side wall to the other.
44E-Field Pattern of TE1 0 Mode
End View
Side View
TEmn means there are m number of half-wave
variations of the transverse E-field along the
a side and n number of half-wave variations
along the b side.
The magnetic field (not shown) forms closed loops
horizontally around the E-field
45TE and TM Modes
- TEmn mode has the E-field entirely transverse,
i.e. perpendicular, to the direction of
propagation. - TMmn mode has the H-field entirely transverse to
the direction of propagation. - All TEmn and TMmn modes are theoretically
permissible except, in a rectangular waveguide,
TMmo or TMon modes are not possible since the
magnetic field must form a closed loop. - In practice, only the dominant mode, TE10 is
46Wavelength for TE TM Modes
Cutoff wavelength
- Any signal with l ? lc will not propagate down
- the waveguide.
- For air-filled waveguide, cutoff freq., fc c/lc
- TE10 is called the dominant mode since lc 2a
- is the longest wavelength of any mode.
Guide wavelength
47Other Formulas for TE TM Modes
Group velocity
Phase velocity
Wave impedance
Zo 377 W for air-filled waveguide
48Circular/Cylindrical Waveguides
- Differences versus rectangular waveguides
- lc 2pr/Bmn where r waveguide radius, and Bmn
is obtained from table of Bessel functions. - All TEmn and TMmn modes are supported since m and
n subscripts are defined differently. - Dominant mode is TE11.
- Advantages higher power-handling capacity, lower
attenuation for a given cutoff wavelength. - Disadvantages larger and heavier.
49Waveguide Terminations
Dissipative Vane
Sliding Short-Circuit
Side View
End View
Dissipative vane is coated with a thin film of
metal which in turn has a thin dielectric coating
for protection. Its impedance is made equal to
the wave impedance. The taper minimizes
Sliding short-circuit functions like a shorted
stub for impedance matching purpose.
Resistive Flap
Max. attenuation when flap is fully inside. Slot
for flap is chosen to be at a non- radiating
Rotary-vane Type
Atten.(dB) 10 log (Pi/Po) -20 log S21
Max. attenuation when vane is at centre of guide
and min. at the side-wall.
Sliding-vane Type
51Iris Reactors
Inductive iris vanes are vertical
Capacitive iris vanes are horizontal
Irises can be used as reactance elements, filters
or impedance matching devices.
52Tuning Screw s
Tuning Screws
A post or screw can also serve as a reactive
element. When the screw is advanced partway into
the wave- guide, it acts capacitive. When the
screw is advanced all the way into the waveguide,
it acts inductive. In between the two positions,
one can get a resonant LC circuit.
53Waveguide T-Junctions
E-Plane Junction
H-Plane Junction
Input power at port 2 will split equally between
ports 1 and 3 but the outputs will be antiphase
for E-plane T and inphase for H-plane T. Input
power at ports 1 3 will combine and exit from
port 1 provided the correct phasing is used.
54S-Matrix for T-Junctions
For ideal T-junction
Note sign is used for H-plane T, and (-)
sign for E-plane T.
Also note that even though S22 0 (i.e.
lossless), S11 and S33 are each equal to 1/2,
i.e., input power applied to ports 1 and 3 will
always suffer from reflection.
55Hybrid-T Junction
Under matched ideal conditions
It combines E-plane and H-plane junctions.
Note S11, S22, S33, and S44 are zero.
Pin at port 1 or 2 will divide between ports 3
and 4. Pin at port 3 or 4 will divide between
ports 1 and 2.
56Hybrid-T Junction (contd)
- If input power of the same phase is applied
simultaneously at ports 1 and 2, the combined
power exits from port 4. If the input is
out-of-phase, the output is at port 3. - Applications
- Combining power from two transmitters.
- TX and a RX sharing a common antenna.
- Low noise mixer circuit.
57Directional Coupler
2-hole Coupler
Holes spaced lg/4 allow waves travelling
toward port 4 to combine. Waves travelling
toward port 3, however, will cancel. Therefore,
ideally P3 0.
To broaden frequency response bandwidth,
practical couplers would usually have multi holes.
58Directional Coupler (contd)
For ideal directional coupler
where a2 b2 1
Coupling Factor,
Insertion Loss (dB) 10 log (P1/P2) -20 log
59Cavity Resonators
Resonant wavelength for a rectangular cavity
For a cylindrical resonator
60Cavity Resonators (contd)
- Energy is coupled into the cavity either through
a small opening, by a coupling loop or a coupling
probe. These methods of coupling also apply for
waveguides - Applications of resonators
- filters
- absorption wavemeters
- microwave tubes
61Ferrite Components
- Ferrites are compounds of metallic oxides such as
those of Fe, Zn, Mn, Mg, Co, Al, and Ni. - They have magnetic properties similar to
ferromagnetic metals and at the same time have
high resistivity associated with dielectrics. - Their magnetic properties can be controlled by
means of an external magnetic field. - They can be transparent, reflective, absorptive,
or cause wave rotation depending on the H-field..
62Examples of Ferrite Devices
Differential Phase Shifter
4-port Circulator
63Notes On Ferrite Devices
- Differential phase shifter - q is the phase shift
between the two directions of propagation. - Isolator - permits power flow in one direction
only. - Circulator - power entering port 1 will go to
port 2 only power entering port 2 will go to
port 3 only etc. - Most of the above are based on Faraday rotation.
- Other usage filters, resonators, and substrates.
64Schottky Barrier Diode
Metal Electrode
Its based on a simple metal- semiconductor
interface. There is no p-n junction but a
depletion region exists. Current is by
majority carriers therefore, very low in
Semi- conductor Layer
SiO2 Dielectric
Metal Electrode
Applications detectors, mixers, and switches.
65Varactor Diode
Circuit Symbol
Junction Capacitance Characteristic
Varactors operate under reverse-bias
conditions. The junction capacitance is
where Vb barrier potential (0.55 to 0.7 for
silicon) and K constant (often 1)
66Equivalent Circuit for Varactor
The series resistance, Rs, and diode capacitance,
Cj, determine the cutoff frequency
The diode quality factor for a given frequency,
f, is
67Varactor Applications
- Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) in AFC and
PLL circuits - Variable phase shifter
- Harmonic generator in frequency multiplier
circuits - Up or down converter circuits
- Parametric amplifier circuits - low noise
68Parametric Amplifier Circuit
Degenerative Mode fp 2fs
Pump signal (fp)
Nondegenerative mode
Upconversion - fi fs fp Downconversion - fi
fs - fp Power gain, G fi /fs
Input signal (fs)
- Regenerative mode
- negative resistance
- very low noise
- very high gain
- fp fs fi
Idler tank (fi)
Signal tank (fs)
69PIN Diode
PIN as shunt switch
PIN diode has an intrinsic region between the
P and N materials. It has a very high
resistance in the OFF mode and a very low
resistance when forward biased.
70PIN Diode Applications
- To switch devices such as attenuators, filters,
and amplifiers in and out of the circuit. - Voltage-variable attenuator
- Amplitude modulator
- Transmit-receive (TR) switch
- Phase shifter (with section of transmission line)
71Tunnel Diode
Equivalent Circuit
Characteristic Curve
Heavy doping of the semiconductor material
creates a very thin potential barrier in the
depletion zone which leads to electron tunneling
through the barrier. Note the negative resistance
zone between Vp and Vv.
72More Notes On Tunnel Diode
Tunnel diodes can be used in monostable (A or
C), bistable (between A and C), or astable (B)
modes. These modes lead to switching,
oscillation, and amplification applications.
However, the power output levels of the tunnel
diode are restricted to a few mW only.
The resistive, and self-resonant frequencies are
73Transferred Electron Devices
- TEDs are made of compound semiconductors such as
GaAs. - They exhibit periodic fluctuations of current due
to negative resistance effects when a threshold
voltage (about 3.4 V) is exceeded. - The negative resistance effect is due to
electrons being swept from a lower valley (more
mobile) region to an upper valley (less mobile)
region in the conduction band.
74Gunn Diode
The Gunn diode is a transferred electron device
that can be used in microwave oscillators or
one-port reflection amplifiers. Its basic
structure is shown below. N-, the active region,
is sandwiched between two heavily doped N
regions. Electrons from the
cathode (K) drifts to the anode (A) in
bunched formation called domains. Note that there
is no p-n junction.
Metallic Electrode
Metallic Electrode
75Gunn Operating Modes
- Stable Amplification (SA) Mode diode behaves as
an amplifier due to negative resistance effect. - Transit Time (TT) Mode operating frequency, fo
vd / l where vd is the domain velocity, and l is
the effective length. Output power lt 2 W, and
frequency is between 1 GHz to 18 GHz. - Limited Space-Charge (LSA) Mode requires a
high-Q resonant cavity operating frequency up to
100 GHz and pulsed output power gt 100 W.
76Gunn Diode Circuit and Applications
Tuning Screw
The resonant cavity is shocked excited by current
pulses from the Gunn diode and the RF energy
is coupled via the iris to the waveguide.
Resonant Cavity
Gunn diode applications microwave source
for receiver local oscillator, police radars,
and microwave communication links.
77Avalanche Transit-Time Devices
- If the reverse-bias potential exceeds a certain
threshold, the diode breaks down. - Energetic carriers collide with bound electrons
to create more hole-electron pairs. - This multiplies to cause a rapid increase in
reverse current. - The onset of avalanche current and its drift
across the diode is out of phase with the applied
voltage thus producing a negative resistance
78IMPATT Diode
A single-drift structure of an IMPATT
(impact avalanche transit time) diode is shown
Avalanche Region
Drift Region
Operating frequency
where vd drift velocity
79Notes On IMPATT Diode
- The current build-up and the transit time for the
current pulse to cross the drift region cause a
180o phase delay between V and I thus, negative
R. - IMPATT diodes typically operate in the 3 to 6 GHz
region but higher frequencies are possible. - They must operate in conjunction with an external
high-Q resonant circuit. - They have relatively high output power (gt100 W
pulsed) but are very noisy and not very
80Microwave Transistors
- Silicon BJTs and GaAsFETs are most widely used.
- BJT useful for amplification up to about 6 MHz.
- MesFET (metal semiconductor FET) and HEMT (high
electron mobility transistor) are operable beyond
60 GHz. - FETs have higher input impedance, better
efficiency and more frequency stable than BJTs.
81Microwave Transistor Power Gain
Matching Network GL
Matching Network Gs
Transistor Go
Max. power gain of a unilateral transistor
amplifier with conjugate matched input and output
Note that Go S212 is the gain of the
transistor. For unconditional stability, S11
lt 1 and S22 lt 1.
82Noise Factor Noise Figure
Noise Factor, Fn SNRin/SNRout
Noise Figure, NF (dB) 10 log Fn
SNRin (dB) - SNRout (dB)
Equivalent noise temperature, Te (Fn -1)
To where To 290 oK
For amplifiers in cascade, the overall noise
where Gn amplifier gain of the nth stage.
83Microwave Tubes
- Classical vacuum tubes have several factors which
limit their upper operating frequency - interelectrode capacitance lead inductance
- dielectric losses skin effect
- transit time
- Microwave tubes utilize resonant cavities and the
interaction between the electric field, magnetic
field and the electrons.
It consists of a cylindrical cathode surrounded
by the anode with a number of resonant cavities.
Its a crossed-field device since the E-field is
perpendicular to the dc magnetic field.
Interaction Space
Waveguide Output
At a critical voltage the electrons from the
cathode will just graze the anode.
Coupling Window
85Magnetron Operation
- When an electron cloud sweeps past a cavity, it
excites the latter to self oscillation which in
turn causes the electrons to bunch up into a
spoked wheel formation in the interaction space. - The continuous exchange of energy between the
electrons and the cavities sustains oscillations
at microwave frequency. - Electrons will eventually lose their energy and
fall back into the cathode while new ones are
86More Notes On Magnetrons
- Alternate cavities are strapped (i.e., shorted)
so that adjacent resonators are 180o out of
phase. This enables only the dominant p-mode to
operate. - Frequency tuning is possible either mechanically
(screw tuner) or electrically with voltage. - Magnetrons are used as oscillators for radars,
beacons, microwave ovens, etc. - Peak output power is from a few MW at UHF and
X-band to 10 kW at 100 GHz.
- Klystrons are linear-beam devices since the
E-field is parallel to the static magnetic field. - Their operation is based on velocity and density
modulation with resonating cavities to create the
bunching effect. - They can be employed as oscillators or power
88Two-Cavity Klystron
RF Out
Control Grid
Drift Region
Buncher Cavity
Catcher Cavity
Electron Beam
Effect of velocity modulation
89Klystron Operation
- RF signal applied to the buncher cavity sets up
an alternating field across the buncher gap. - This field alternately accelerates and
decelerates the electron beam causing electrons
to bunch up in the drift region. - When the electron bundles pass the catcher gap,
they excite the catcher cavity into resonance. - RF power is extracted from the catcher cavity by
the coupling loop.
90Multicavity Klystrons
- Gain can be increased by inserting intermediate
cavities between the buncher and catcher cavity. - Each additional cavity increases power gain by
15- to 20-dB. - Synchronous tuned klystrons have high gain but
very narrow bandwidth, e.g. 0.25 of fo. - Stagger tuned klystrons have wider bandwidth at
the expense of gain. - Can operate as oscillator by positive feedback.
91Reflex Klystron
Electron Beam
Condition for oscillation requires electron
transit time to be
where n an integer and T period of oscillation
92Reflex Klystron Operation
- Electron beam is velocity modulated when passing
though gridded gap of the cavity. - Repeller decelerates and turns back electrons
thus causing bunching. - Electrons are collected on the cavity walls and
output power can be extracted. - Repeller voltage, Vr, can be used to vary output
frequency and power.
93Notes On Reflex Klystrons
- Only one cavity used.
- No external dc magnetic field required.
- Compact size.
- Can be used as an oscillator only.
- Low output power and low efficiency.
- Output frequency can be tuned by Vr , or by
changing the dimensions of the cavity.
94Travelling-Wave Tube
RF Out
Electron Beam
The TWT is a linear beam device with the
magnetic field running parallel to tube
lengthwise. The helix is also known as a slow
wave structure to slow down the RF field so that
its velocity down the the tube is close to the
velocity of the electron beam.
95TWT Operation
- As the RF wave travels along the helix, its
positive and negative oscillations velocity
modulate the electron beam causing the electrons
to bunch up. - The prolonged interaction between the RF wave and
electron beam along the TWT results in
exponential growth of the RF voltage. - The amplified wave is then extracted at the
output. - The attenuator prevents reflected waves that can
cause oscillations.
96Notes On TWTs
- Since interaction between the RF field and the
electron beam is over the entire length of the
tube, the power gain achievable is very high (gt
50 dB). - As TWTs are nonresonant devices, they have wider
bandwidths and lower NF than klystrons. - TWTs operate from 0.3 to 50 GHz.
- The Twystron tube is a combination of the TWT and
klystron. It gives better gain and BW over
either the conventional TWT or klystron.
97Radio- Wave In Free Space
Radio waves propagate as TEM waves in free space.
For an isotropic (i.e. omnidirectional) source
where PD power density (W/m2) E
electric field intensity (V/m) Pr total
radiated power (W) and d distance from source
98Optical Properties Of Radio Waves
- Since light waves and radio waves are part of the
electromagnetic spectrum, they behave similarly. - Thus, radio waves can
- refract at the boundary between two different
media - reflect at the surface of a conductor
- diffract around the edge of an obstacle
- interfere with one and another to degrade
performance - Propagation of radio wave in the atmosphere is
greatly influenced by the frequency of the wave.
99Radio Wave Propagation Modes
- In every terrestrial radio system, there are
three possible modes of propagation - Ground-wave or surface-wave propagation
- Space-wave or direct-wave propagation
- Sky-wave propagation
- At frequencies lt 2 MHz, ground wave is best.
- Sky waves are used for HF signals.
- Space waves are used for VHF and above.
100Ground-Wave Propagation
Ground waves start out with the electric field
being perpendicular to the ground. Due to the
gradient density of the earths atmosphere the
wavefront tilts progressively.
Direction of wave travel
Increasing Tilt
101Notes On Ground Waves
- Advantages
- Given enough power, can circumnavigate the earth.
- Relatively unaffected by atmospheric conditions.
- Disadvantages
- Require relatively high transmission power.
- Require large antennas since frequency is low.
- Ground losses vary considerably with terrain.
- Applications MF broadcasting ship-to-ship and
ship-to-shore comms radio navigation maritime
102Space-Wave Propagation
Most terrestrial communications in the VHF or
higher frequency range use direct, line-of-sight,
or tropospheric radio waves. The approximate
maximum distance of communication is given by
where d max. distance in km hT height of the
TX antenna in m hR height of the RX antenna in m
103Notes On Space-Waves
- The radio horizon is greater than the optical
horizon by about one third due to refraction of
the atmosphere. - Reflections from a relatively smooth surface,
such as a body of water, could result in partial
cancellation of the direct signal - a phenomenon
known as fading. Also, large objects, such as
buildings and hills, could cause multipath
distortion from many reflections.
104Sky-Wave Propagation
- HF radio waves are returned from the F-layer of
the ionosphere by a form of refraction. - The highest frequency that is returned to earth
in the vertical direction is called the critical
frequency, fc. - The highest frequency that returns to earth over
a given path is called the maximum usable
frequency (MUF). Because of the general
instability of the ionosphere, the optimum
working frequency (OWF) 0.85 MUF, is used
105Formulas For Sky Waves
- From geometry (assuming flat earth)
- d 2hv tan qi
- where hv virtual height of F-layer
- From theory (secant law)
- MUF fc sec qi
106Free-Space Path Loss
- Defined as the loss incurred by a radio wave as
it travels in a straight line through a vacuum
with no absorption or reflection of energy from
nearby objects. - Formula Lp (dB) 92.4 20log f 20log d where
f frequency of radio wave in GHz and d
distance in km. - If f is in MHz, replace 92.4 above by 32.4.
107Fade Margin
- To account for changes in atmospheric conditions,
multipath loss, and terrain sensitivity, a fade
margin, Fm, must be added to total system loss - Fm (dB) 30log d 10log(6ABf) - 10log(1-R) -70
- where d distance (km), f frequency (GHz), R
reliability (decimal value), A terrain
roughness factor (0.25 to 4), and B factor to
convert worst-month probability to annual
probability (0.125 to 1 depending on humidity or
108Antenna Basics
- An antenna is a passive reciprocal device.
- It acts as a transducer to convert electrical
oscillations in a transmission line or waveguide
to a propagating wave in free space and vice
versa. - It functions as an impedance matcher between a
transmission line or waveguide and free space. - All antennas have a radiation pattern which is a
plot of the field strength or power density at
various angular positions relative to the antenna.
109Antenna Efficiency
An antenna has an equivalent radiation
resistance, Rr given by
where Pr power radiated and i antenna current
at feedpoint
All the power supplied to the antenna is not
Antenna efficiency
where Pd power dissipated and Re effective
antenna resistance.
110Directive Gain Power Gain
Directive gain of an antenna is given by
where PD power density at some point with a
given antenna PDr power density at the same
point with a reference antenna.
Maximum directive gain is called directivity.
Reference antenna is generally the isotropic
When antenna efficiency is taken into
account directive gain becomes power gain Ap ?
D. In decibels, power gain is 10 log Ap
111Effective Isotropic Radiated Power
EIRP is the equivalent power that an isotropic
antenna would have to radiate to achieve the
same power density at a given point as another
antenna EIRP PrAt PinAp where Pr total
radiated power Pin antenna input power At
TX antenna directive gain and Ap antenna power
Therefore, the power density at a distance, d,
from an antenna is
112Antenna Miscellany
- Power captured by the receiving antenna with an
effective area, Aeff, is C PDAeff. Note that
Aeff includes the gain and efficiency of the
antenna. - Antennas can be linearly, elliptically or
circularly polarized depending on their E-field
radiated. - Antenna beamwidth is the angular separation
between the two half-power points on the major
lobe of the antennas plane radiation pattern. - Antenna input impedance, Zin Ei/Ii
113Half-Wave Dipole
Balanced Feedline
- Simple and most widely used at f gt 2 MHz.
- Its a resonant antenna since its length is 2 x
l/4. - Zin 73 W approx. Zmax 2500 W approx. at ends
- Radiation pattern of dipole in free space has two
- main lobes perpendicular to the antenna axis.
- Has a gain of about 2.15 dBi
114Free-Space Radiation Pattern of Dipole
115Ground Length Effects On Dipole
- Since the ground reflects radio waves, it has a
significant effect on the radiation pattern and
impedance of the half-wave dipole. - Generally speaking, the closer the dipole is to
the ground, the more lobes will form and the
lower the radiation impedance. - Length also has an effect on the dipole antenna
dipoles shorter than l/2 is capacitive while
dipoles longer than l/2 is inductive.
116Marconi/Monopole Antenna
- Main characteristics
- vertical and l/4
- good ground plane is required
- omnidirectional in the horizontal plane
- 3 dBd power gain
- impedance about 36W
117Antenna Impedance Matching
- Antennas should be matched to their feedline for
maximum power transfer efficiency by using an LC
matching network. - A simple but effective technique for matching a
short vertical antenna to a feedline is to
increase its electrical length by adding an
inductance at its base. This inductance, called
a loading coil, cancels the capacitive effect of
the antenna. - Another method is to use capacitive loading.
118Antenna Loading
Capacitive Loading
Inductive Loading
119Antenna Arrays
- Antenna elements can be combined in an array to
increase gain and get desired radiation pattern. - Arrays can be classified as broadside or
end-fire, according to their direction of maximum
radiation. - In a phased array, all elements are fed or
driven i.e. they are connected to the feedline. - Some arrays have only one driven element with
several parasitic elements which act to absorb
and reradiate power radiated from the driven
120Yagi-Uda Array
- More commonly known as the Yagi array, it has one
driven element, one reflector, and one or more
Radiation pattern
121Characteristics of Yagi Array
- unidirectional radiation pattern (one main lobe,
some sidelobes and backlobes) - relatively narrow bandwidth since it is resonant
- 3-element array has a gain of about 7 dBi
- more directors will increase gain and reduce the
beamwidth and feedpoint impedance - a folded dipole is generally used for the driven
element to widen the bandwidth and increase the
feedpoint impedance.
122Folded Dipole
- Often used - alone or with other elements - for
TV and FM broadcast receiving antennas because it
has a wider bandwidth and four times the
feedpoint resistance of a single dipole.
l 2
Zin 288 W
Feed line
123Log-Periodic Dipole Array (LPDA)
Feed line
Direction of main lobe
124Characteristics of LPDA
- feedpoint impedance is a periodic function of log
f - unidirectional radiation and wide bandwidth
- shortest element is less than or equal to l/2 of
highest frequency, while longest element is at
least l/2 of lowest frequency - reasonable gain, but lower than that of Yagi for
the same number of elements - design parameter, t L1/L2 D1/D2 L2/L3 .
- used mainly as HF, VHF, and TV antennas
125Turnstile Array
Half-wave dipoles fed 90o out-of phase
- omnidirectional radiation in the horizontal
plane, with horizontal polarization - gain of about 3 dB less than that of a single
dipole - often used for FM broadcast RX and TX
126Collinear Array
- all elements lie along a straight line, fed in
phase, and often mounted with main axis vertical - result in narrow radiation beam omnidirectional
in the horizontal plane when antenna is vertical
Half-wave Elements
Feed Line
Quarter-wave Shorted Stub
127Broadside Array
- all l/2 elements are fed in phase and spaced l/2
- with axis placed vertically, radiation would have
a narrow bidirectional horizontal pattern
Half-wave Dipoles
Feed Line
l 2
128End-Fire Array
- dipole elements are fed 90o out of phase
resulting in a narrow unidirectional radiation
pattern off the end of the antenna
Feed Line
l 4
Half-wave Dipoles
129Non-resonant Antennas
- Monopole and dipole antennas are classified as
resonant type since they operate efficiently only
at frequencies that make their elements close to
l/2. - Non-resonant antennas do not use dipoles and are
usually terminated with a matching load resistor. - They have a broader bandwidth and a radiation
pattern that has only one or two main lobes. - Examples of non-resonant antennas are long-wire
antennas, vee antennas, and rhombic antennas.
130Loop Antenna
- Main characteristics
- very small dimensions
- bidirectional
- greatest sensitivity in the plane of the loop
- very wide bandwidth
- efficient as RX antenna with single or
multi-turn loop
131Helical Antenna
- broadband ( 20 of fo)
- circularly polarized
- Ap 15 dB q-3dB 20o are typical
- when S, D, of turns increase
- Ap increases and q decreases
- to get higher gain and narrower
- beamwidth, use an array
- applications V/UHF antenna
- satellite tracking antenna
Ground Plane
Coaxial Feedline
End-fire Helical Antenna
132UHF Microwave Antennas
- highly directive and beamwidth of about 1o or
less - antenna dimensions gtgt wavelength of signal
- front-to-back ratio of 20 dB or more
- utilize parabolic reflector as secondary antenna
for high gain - primary feed is either a dipole or horn antenna
- use for point-to-point and satellite
133Parabolic Reflector Antenna
Power gain and -3 dB beamwidth are
where h antenna efficiency (0.55 is
typical) D dish diameter (m) and l
wavelength (m)
134Hog-horn Antenna
- The hog-horn antenna, often used for terrestrial
microwave links, integrates the feed horn and a
parabolic reflecting surface to provide an
obstruction-free path for incoming and outgoing
Parabolic Section
Feed Horn
135Microwave Radio Communications
- Can be classified as either terrestrial or
satellite systems. - Early systems use FDM (frequency division
multiplex) technique. - More recent systems use PCM/PSK (pulse code
modulation/phase shift keying) technique. - Microwave system capacities range from less than
12 VB (voice-band) channels to gt 22,000. - Operate from 24 km to 6,400 km.
136Simplified Block Diagram
Preemphasized Baseband Input
FM Modulator
RF Out
Ch. Combiner
RF Oscillator
IF Oscillator
FM Microwave Transmitter
Deemphasized Baseband Output
FM Detector
Ch. Separator
RF Oscillator
FM Microwave Receiver
137Notes On FM Microwave Radio System
- Baseband signals may comprise one or more of
- Frequency-division-multiplexed voice-band
channels - Time-division-multiplexed VB channels
- Broadcast-quality composite video or picturephone
- Wideband data
- IF carrier is typically 70 MHz
- Low-index frequency modulation is used
- Common microwave frequencies used 2-, 4-, 6-,
12-, and 14-GHz bands.
138Microwave Radio Systems (contd)
- The distance between transmitter and receiver is
typically between 24 to 64 km. - Repeaters have to be used for longer distances.
- To increase the reliability of microwave links,
the following techniques can be used - frequency diversity - two RF carrier frequencies
- space diversity - two or more antennas are used
- polarization diversity - vertical and horizontal
139System Gain
- System gain for microwave radio link is
- Gs (dB) Pt - Cmin Fm Lp Lf Lb - At - Ar
- where Pt transmitter output power (dBm)
- Cmin min. receiver input power (dBm)
- Fmfade margin for a given reliability objective
(dB) - Lp free-space path loss between antennas (dB)
- Lf, Lb feeder, coupling, branching losses
(dB) - At, Ar Tx and Rx antenna gain respectively (dB)
140Introduction To Pulsed Radar
Pulse of energy
Pulse Repetition Time
Pulse repetition frequency, PRF 1/PRT
Duty cycle, D t/PRT
Range to target, R ct/2, where c speed of
light, and t time between TX pulse and echo
Dead zone, Rdead, and resolution, DR, are both
Resolution can be improved by pulse compression.
141Radar Power Range Equation
Average power, Pa Ppt(PRF) Ppt/PRT
PpD where Pp peak power.
Ideal radar range equation
where PR signal power returned (W) G antenna
gain l wavelength of signal (m) s radar cross
section of target (m2)
In the real world, losses and noise must be
added to above equation.
142Pulsed Radar Block Diagram
Receiver Section
Video Amp
Video Detector
IF Amp
RF Amp
Signal Processor
T/R Switch
Control Section
Modulator Timer
143Radar Display Modes
Beam Sweep
Plan Position Indicator
144CW Doppler Radar
The Doppler effect can be used for determining
the speed of a moving target.
Microwave Oscillator
Doppler Mixer
v lfd/2 (m/s) where fd doppler shift (Hz) l
radar wavelength (m)
Basic block diagram of CW Doppler radar
145FM Doppler Radar
Both distance and velocity can be determined
if an FM Doppler radar is used.
where a slope of line or rate of change of fi
146Optical Fibre Communications
- Advantages over metallic/coaxial cable
- much wider bandwidth and practically
interference-free - lower loss and light weight
- more resistive to environmental effects
- safer and easier to install
- almost impossible to tap into a fibre cable
- potentially lower in cost over the long term
- Disadvantages
- higher initial cost in installation more
expensive to repair/maintain
147Optical Fibre Link
Input Signal
Coder or Converter
Light Source
Source-to-fibre Interface
Fibre-optic Cable
Light Detector
Fibre-to-light Interface
Amplifier/Shaper Decoder
148Types Of Optical Fibre
Light ray
n1 core
n2 cladding
Single-mode step-index fibre
no air
n1 core
n2 cladding
Multimode step-index fibre
no air
Variable n
Multimode graded-index fibre
Index porfile
149Comparison Of Optical Fibres
- Single-mode step-index fibre
- minimum signal dispersion higher TX rate
possible - difficult to couple light into fibre highly
directive light source (e.g. laser) required
expensive to manufacture - Multimode step-index fibres
- inexpensive easy to couple light into fibre
- result in higher signal distortion lower TX rate
- Multimode graded-index fibre
- intermediate between the other two types of fibres
150Acceptance Cone Numerical Aperture
n2 cladding
Acceptance Cone
n1 core
n2 cladding
Acceptance angle, qc, is the maximum angle in
which external light rays may strike the
air/fibre interface and still propagate down the
fibre with lt10 dB loss.
Numerical aperture NA sin qc ?(n12 - n22)
151Losses In Optical Fibre Cables
- The predominant losses in optic fibres are
- absorption losses due to impurities in the fibre
material - material or Rayleigh scattering losses due to
microscopic irregularities in the fibre - chromatic or wavelength dispersion because of the
use of a non-monochromatic source - radiation losses caused by bends and kinks in the
fibre - modal dispersion or pulse spreading due to rays
taking different paths down the fibre - coupling losses caused by misalignment
imperfect surface finishes
152Absorption Losses In Optic Fibre
Rayleigh scattering ultraviolet absorption
Loss (dB/km)
Peaks caused by OH- ions
Infrared absorption
Wavelength (mm)
153Fibre Alignment Impairments
Axial displacement
Gap displacement
Angular displacement
Imperfect surface finish
154Light Sources
- Light-Emitting Diodes (LED)
- made from material such as AlGaAs or GaAsP
- light is emitted when electrons and holes
recombine - either surface emitting or edge emitting
- Injection Laser Diodes (ILD)
- similar in construction as LED except ends are
highly polished to reflect photons back forth
155ILD versus LED
- Advantages
- more focussed radiation pattern smaller fibre
- much higher radiant power longer span
- faster ON, OFF time higher bit rates possible
- monochromatic light reduces dispersion
- Disadvantages
- much more expensive
- higher temperature shorter lifespan
156Optical Transmitter Circuits
Data Input
Data Input
157Light Detectors
- PIN Diodes
- photons are absorbed in the intrinsic layer
- sufficient energy is added to generate carriers
in the depletion layer for current to flow
through the device - Avalanche Photodiodes (APD)
- photogenerated electrons are accelerated by
relatively large reverse voltage and collide with
other atoms to produce more free electrons - avalanche multiplication effect makes APD more
sensitive but also more noisy than PIN diodes
158Photodetector Circuit
Comparator shaper
Data Out
Threshold adjust
159Bandwidth Power Budget
- The maximum data rate R (Mbps) for a cable of
given distance D (km) with a dispersion d (ms/km)
is - R 1/(5dD)
- Power or loss margin, Lm (dB) is
- Lm Pr - Ps Pt - M - Lsf - (DxLf) - Lc - Lfd
- Ps ? 0 - where Pr received power (dBm), Ps receiver
sensitivity(dBm), Pt Tx power (dBm), M
contingency loss allowance (dB), Lsf
source-to-fibre loss (dB), Lf fibre loss
(dB/km), Lc total connector/splice losses (dB),
Lfd fibre-to-detector loss (dB).