Title: Reducing Hospital Readmissions
1Reducing Hospital Readmissions
- Payment Reduction Initiatives from Medicare
- Ranae N. Beeker, RN,MSN,CCM,ACMAdmissions
Coordinator/RN Case Manager - Sue Noyes, RN,BSN,CCM
- Manager Case Management/Social Services
- Definition A readmission is a return
hospitalization after an earlier hospital
admission. - Medicare is reviewing all cause readmissions
for 30 days post hospitalization - Exception Same-day readmissions for the same
condition to the same hospital
3Reducing Avoidable Hospital Readmissions
- Current focus of Center for Medicare and Medicaid
Services (CMS) with goal to achieve three-part
aim outcomes - 1) Better Care
- 2) Better Health
- 3) Lower Costs
- Readmissions national cost 17 billion annually.
76 considered avoidable
4Why are they important?
- Affordable Care Act directed by Medicare (CMS)
will financially penalize hospitals - July 2012 Readmission data publicly reported
- Readmissions are expensive, adverse events for
patients - Indicator for level of quality of care received
- Effective October 1, 2012 (FFY 2013). Medicare
payment reductions under this program will be
capped at 1.0 in FFY 2013. The capped reduction
amount will increase over time.
5Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC)
- Identified Acute Myocardial Infarction ( AMI)
Heart Failure (HF) and Pneumonia (PN)
readmissions as common, costly and often
preventable. - These conditions impose a substantial burden on
patients and the healthcare system and there is
marked variation in outcomes by institution.
630-Day All-Cause Risk-Standardized Readmission
Results for AMI, HF, PN
Measure CTMC Rate Readmission National Rate
AMI 19.6 19.2
Heart Failure 24.6 24.7
Pneumonia 17.0 18.5
Based on discharges from July 2008-June 2011 Data
from Hospital Compare website.
7What is CTMC doing to reduce readmissions?
- Working to promote transitions of care are
smooth, seamless (Transitions of Care Committee) - Identifying patients with readmission potential
on admission - Working with area nursing homes/skilled nursing
facilities - Working with our Home Health (as well as other
Home Health agencies that service our area).
8Sample of Readmission Diagnoses
- Sepsis
- Altered Mental Status related to infection or
encephalopathy - Acute Kidney Failure
- Anemia, Gastrointestinal Bleed
- Dehydration related to diarrhea or N/V
- Pneumonia
- Cardiac Dysrhythmias
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Acute on Chronic Congestive Heart Failure
- Acute Myocardial Infarction
9Reporting Readmission Rates Creates Incentives
for Hospitals to
- Evaluate the spectrum of care for patients
- Identify systemic or condition-specific changes
to make care safer and more effective - Invest in interventions that reduce complications
of care - Improve process for assessing the readiness of
patients for discharge - Improve discharge instructions
- Reconcile medications
- More carefully transition patients to next level
of care i.e outpatient care or other
institutional care
10Opportunities for Improvement
- End of Life Care Planning opportunity
- Partner with Home Health Agencies
- Partner with Nursing Homes
- Promote smooth transition of care (regardless of
disposition) - Establish high-risk criteria for discharge staff
(i.e. Social Workers, Case Managers and nursing
staff) - Create readmission evaluation tool
- New concept idea Huddle (5min) with identified
readmission (team approach) - Promote f/u appt for all discharge patients
within 5-7 days of discharge
11Next Steps.
- CTMC will be providing information as Medicare
continues to move forward on budget reduction
initiatives. - Work collaboratively with physicians health
care community . - Mode of contact via your office staff, email,
Medical Staff office. - Do not hesitate to call Case Management or
Administration with questions - This is definitely a work in progress for all
hospital systems.
13Thank You for your Time and Attention.
- http//www.hret.org/care/projects/resources/Readmi
ssion_Guide.pdf - www.rarereadmissions.org/documents/RARE_Discharge_
Observation.doc - 21st Annual MidasUser Symposium Potentially
Preventable Readmissions - Wagonhurst, Patrice Tools to Successfully Apply
for the CMS Community-Based Care Transitions
Program - 2012.Nikiforakis,K. Cheshire Medical Center.
Keene, NH
- http//www.qualitynet.org/dcs/ContentServer?cid12
cPage - http//www.hospitalcompare.hhs.gov/hospital-compar