Title: Tropical rainforest and artic tundra
1Tropical rainforestandartic tundra
2Artic tundra is not as cold as people think it
is Its actually a little bit cold and warm it
is A little bit of both. The artic tundra
animals Are the artic wolf, and ox.
3The tropical rain forest is a hot moist place. It
has vines and moss and really tall trees. The
tropical rain forest animals are the toucans ,
sloth, and monkeys. The tropical rain forests
deadly plant is the host tree. When an animal or
person is on the tree quickly it grabs and
strangles the animal or person
4This animal is the toucan
This cute animal is a sloth
tropical rain forest animals
This is an endangered jaguar
This is a macaw
5This is a beautiful artic fox
This is a an ox
artic tundra animals
This is a lazy polar bear
This is a caribou
6The malaria
The host tree
tropical rain forest plants
Bengal bamboo
The coconut tree
7Bearberry bush
Tufted saxifrage
artic tundra plants
Labrador tea
Pasque flower