Title: New Mexico State University College of Engineering
1New Mexico State University College of
3Science and Engineeringin New Mexico
- New Mexico is a high-tech state, hosting research
and development organizations that include - Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Sandia National Laboratories
- Air Force Research Laboratory
- White Sands Missile Range
- University of New Mexico
- New Mexico Tech
- Spaceport America
- New Mexico State University
Spaceport America
4NMSU Profile
- Land-grant institution established in 1888
- Engineering established in 1890
- Research expenditures for FY 2011 155 million
- Enrollment 14,495 Undergraduate, 3,529 Graduate
- Designated a NASA Space Grant College
- Ranked by the Carnegie Foundation as Research
University with high research activity
institution - Listed among Americas Best Colleges by Forbes
5NMSU Profile
- Ranked 30th nationally in all RD expenditures
among colleges and universities without medical
school (2009 NSF) - Ranked 17th nationally in federal engineering RD
expenditures (NSF) among all colleges and
universities - Hispanic-serving institution with main
campusminority enrollment more than 49 percent - 86 undergraduate majors, 53 masters programs,
21 doctoral programs - Colleges Agriculture, Consumer and
Environmental Sciences, Arts and
Sciences,Business, Education, Engineering,
Extended Learning, Health and Social Services,
6College of Engineering Academics
- Academic Departments
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Engineering Physics (Arts and Sciences)
- Engineering Technology and Surveying Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Degree Areas
- BS 14 disciplines
- MS 7 disciplines
- Ph.D. 6 disciplines
7College of EngineeringDegrees Offered
Aerospace Engineering (BS, MS, Ph.D.) Chemical
Engineering (BS, MS, Ph.D.) Civil Engineering
(BS, MS, Ph.D.) Electrical and Computer
Engineering (BS, MS, Ph.D.) Engineering Physics
(BS) Engineering Technology (BS-emphasis in
civil, electronics and computer, information,
or mechanical) Environmental Engineering
(MS) Industrial Engineering (BS, MS,
Ph.D.) Information and Communication Technology
(BICT) Mechanical Engineering (BS, MS,
Ph.D.) Surveying Engineering (BS)
- Sole provider in New Mexico of BS degrees in
- Aerospace Engineering
- Engineering Physics
- Engineering Technology (four disciplines)
- Industrial Engineering
- Information and Communication Technology
- Surveying Engineering
- Sole provider Aerospace Engineering MS, Ph.D.
- Broadening Participation, Lead Institution
- Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation
- Reaching the Pinnacle people with disabilities
9Student Population
10Student Population Diversity
11Research Summary
12Research continued
13Key Research Areas
- Aerospace
- Materials monitoring systems, biomimetrics,
structural computer simulation, nanosatellites,
unmanned aerial vehicles, and robotics - Energy
- Fuel-cell technology, renewable resources,
electric power systems engineering, smart-grid
and micro-grids - Information Sciences
- Wireless networking, remote sensing, sensor
networks, target recognition, speech processing,
space communications, and antenna design
14Key Research Areas
- Transportation
- Bridge and highway safety, evaluation methods,
design, and materials performance, structural
health monitoring of infrastructure - Water
- Technology development for advanced water
quality and quantity analysis
15Engineering New Mexico Resource Network
- Professional Development
- Delivery of professional development programs to
ensure a technically skilled workforce that
remains adaptable, innovative and relevant to the
needs of the state. - Business Assistance
- Delivery of technical support and relevant
resources to industry, government agencies and
non-governmental organizations. - K-16 STEM Outreach
- Delivery of learning programs for K-12 students
that support educational attainment in STEM
career fields.
Engineering technology students designed and
built a portable demonstration solar water pump.
16Advancing New Mexicos Economy
17Professional Development
- EUMP Professional Engineer Refresher Course
- Climate Station Training
- Weather and Climate Short Course
- Bridge Inspection Training
- Bridge Inspection Refresher
- Quality Concrete School
- PLTW Teacher Training
- SWTDI Photovoltaic/National Electric Codes
Training - MTEC Training
- IEE Pollution Prevention Training
- Wells, Pumps, Etc.
- FPGA Nano-Board Workshop
- Re-Energize the Americas Conference
NMSU has presented the Quality Concrete School
for nearly 50 years.
18Business Assistance
- Pollution Prevention Assessments
- Energy Efficiency Assessments
- Renewable Energy Deployment Assistance
- Manufacturing Proof of Concept and Prototype
Development Assistance - Advanced Engineering and Technology Assistance
- Innovation and Entrepreneurial Partnerships with
New Mexico Manufacturing Extension Partnership,
NMSU Arrowhead Center, and others
The engineering technology department has
developed a series of videos about alternative
energy technologies.
19K-16 STEM Outreach
- NM Project Lead the Way
- NM Pre-Freshman Engineering Program
- NM BEST Robotics Boosting Engineering, Science
and Technology Robotics - NM Alliance for Minority Participation
- Reaching the Pinnacle (students with
disabilities) - IEE Pollution Prevention, Energy Efficiency and
Water Education Programs - WERC Environmental Design Contest
Students have been learning about engineering
through the PREP program since 1997.
20Manufacturing Technology and Engineering Center
Faculty and staff 1 faculty and 8 staff
Specialty Areas Mechanical and manufacturing
engineering, product design and development,
prototyping, machining and fabrication, training,
Project Lead the Way administration Student
Involvement 3 student employees Annual Research
Expenditure 300K Primary Funding Agencies New
Mexico Research and Public Service Project, New
Mexico Chile Association, Private Sector
21Southwest Technology Development Institute
Full-time Staff 5 Specialty Areas Photovoltaic
(PV, solar electricity) system design and
engineering, PV system field test and
evaluation, data collection, engineering
performance and economic analyses. Development
and outreach of solar codes and standards. Design
and development of laboratory-grade monitoring
instrumentation. Student Involvement 3
undergraduate employees, capstone mentor for two
graduate students Annual Research Dollars 1.7
M Primary Funding Agencies U.S. Department of
Energy, Sandia National Laboratories, several
major investor-owned utilities, private industry.
22Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Research
- Full-time Staff 19
- Specialty Areas Radiochemistry, Organic
Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, and In-Vivo
Bioassay Services. - Mission/Community Involvement Perform
environmental monitoring of people, air, water
(ground water and drinking water), soil, and
sediments in and around the Waste Isolation
Pilot Plant looking for actinides and other
specific elements/compounds. - Annual Research Dollars 3.2 M
- Primary Funding Agencies U.S. Department of
Energy, Los AlamosNational Laboratories, URS
23Institute for Energy and the Environment
- Full-time Staff 12
- Specialty Areas Advanced water treatment,
alternative energy, biofuel, environmental - Student Involvement (summer 12) 4 MS, 7 Ph.D.
chemical engineering students involved in
research. Fall 12, anticipate adding 3-4 MS
students. - Annual Research Dollars 2.3 M
- Primary Funding Agencies Bureau of Reclamation,
Office of Naval Research, National Energy
Technology Laboratory-DOE, Intel,
Freeport-McMoRan, U.S. EPA, Shaw Environmental,
State of New Mexico, and Winrock -
24End of Formal Presentation
The remaining slides provide information
on Research Focal Areas and Department
25Bridges, Structures, and Infrastructure
- Bridge Research
- Inspection US, Korea, China
- Safe Load Testing
- Health Monitoring
- Monitoring Defective Components
- Smart Bridges
- Concrete Shrinkage and Control
- Nonlinear Ultrasonic Testing
- Close-range Photogrammetry
- Evaluation of structures
- Safety/security of infrastructure
26Power Systems
- Involved in all aspects of electric power
systems, including economics, management societal
aspects of power engineering - Control and management of networks through
distributed intelligence - Development of prototype renewable-energy-based
micro grid electric distribution system in
partnership with electric utility - Development and demonstration of innovative
energy-related technologies with potential to
reduce dependence on fossil fuel energy
- Electric Utility Management Program
- 1 of 10 university-based power engineering
programs in the U.S. - Graduates 15 BS,10 MS/PhD annually
- State-of-the-art electric transmission simulation
27Aerospace Research
- SNL Reduced-Order Modeling of Shear Layers
- NASA Simulation Study of A 6-DOF Cable-Robot
based EVA Training System - DOD Flapping Wing Aerodynamics and Control
- NASA Simulating reduced gravity in space flight
training using an exoskeleton - NASA Structural Health Monitoring and
Self-Healing of Aerospace Structures
28Suborbital Space
- Planning and support for launching unmanned,
high-altitude research balloons up to 60 million
cubic feet and weighing as much as 8,000 lbs.
from sites all over the world - Received the Robert H. Goddard Award for
Exceptional Achievement in Engineering - CRDA between NMSU and FAA for Unmanned Aircraft
System Flight Test Center, allowing safe
operation in national airspace - Research and development for diverse UAS
29Bioengineering and Biomedical Research
- Development of an Adaptive Reduced-Gravity
Simulator for Aerospace and Biomechanics Research
(funded by NSF for 1.68 million) for neural
rehabilitation and physiotherapy of people with
walking impairment and human motion capture for
sports analysis - Human-body dynamics modeling and
characterization - Human dynamics database and computer animation
- 3D human motion analysis and performance
30Algal Biofuels for Aviation
- Production of jet quality biofuels from algae in
a drop-in fuel application - Conduct of long-term testing in aero engines
- Identification of issues related to combustion,
materials compatibility and heat transfer - Feedback of information to alleviate problems
from the feedstock and processing conditions
31Advanced Materials Research
- Advanced materials for sustainable energy and
clean water, including - Synthesis of nanostructured adsorbents for
hydrogen storage - Synthesis of carbon nanotube membranes for water
treatment and smart sensors - Synthesis, processing and microstructural
characterization of nanostructured materials - Thin-film characterization, especially
spectrometric ellipsometry and x-ray techniques - Modification of magnetic properties
- Correlated-electron systems, permanent magnets,
superconductors, and nanostructured magnets
32Chemical Engineering at NMSU
Faculty 9 Specialty Areas advanced materials,
renewable energy and clean water, biomedical
engineering, separations, modeling and
simulation Nuclear Energy Minor Enrollment (fall
2011) 145 BS, 14 MS, 13 Ph.D. Degrees Granted
(2011-12) 16 BS, 2 MS Major Employers
ExxonMobil, ChevronPhillips, Dow Chemical,
Western Refining, APS, Intel Annual Research
Expenditure 877 K Primary Funding Agencies
National Science Foundation, National Institutes
of Health, National Alliance for Advanced
Biofuels and Bioproducts, U.S. Department of
Energy, U.S. Department of Defense
33Civil Engineering at NMSU
Faculty 14 Specialty Areas Structures,
geotechnical, water resources,
environmental Enrollment (fall 2011) 282 BS, 43
MS, 24 Ph.D. Degrees (2011-12) 30 BS, 19 MS, 2
Ph.D. Major Employers NM Dept. of
Transportation, Sandia National Baker Concrete
Construction, Bohannan-Houston, Centex Corp.,
Chavez-Grieves Consulting Engineers Inc. Annual
Research Expenditure 1.9 M Primary Funding
Agencies NM Department of Transportation,
LosAlamos National Laboratory, U.S. Bureau of
Indian Affairs, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Sandia National
Laboratories, National Science Foundation, U.S.
Department of Agriculture
34Electrical and Computer Engineering at NMSU
Faculty 21 Specialty Areas Computer
engineering, signals and systems, power and
control, photonics and electromagnetics Enrollmen
t (fall 2011) 301 BS, 86 MS, 52 Ph.D. Degrees
Granted (2011-12) 29 BS, 30 MS, 2 Ph.D. Major
Employers PSL, NASA (White Sands, Johnson Space
Center), SNL, El Paso Electric Company, PNM,
Raytheon, General Dynamics Annual Research
Expenditure 2.1 million Primary Funding
Agencies Army High-Performance Computing
Research Center, Air Force Office of Scientific
Research, U.S. Department of Energy, NASA,
National Science Foundation, Sandia National
35Engineering Technology and Surveying Engineering
Faculty 13 Specialty Areas computer networking,
manufacturing, transportation and structures,
water resources, thermo science, VHDL and Altera
systems design, renewable energy and digital
systems, database systems and programming, data
analysis Enrollment (fall 2011) 537
BS Degrees Granted (2011-12) 69 BS Major
Employers Dept. of Transportation, LANL, Smith
Engineering, Meridian Engineering, PSL, Procter
Gamble, Halliburton, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, Harris, Lockheed Martin, El Paso
Electric, Hewlett Packard Annual Research
Expenditure 342 K Primary Funding Agencies NM
Space Grant Consortium, NM Dept. of
Transportation, NASA, Proctor Gamble
36Industrial Engineering at NMSU
Faculty 6 Specialty Areas Operations
research-transportation, scheduling, data mining,
statistical modeling Manufacturing Systems
Engineering- heath care, military and national
security Engineering Management and Enterprise
Development Enrollment (fall 2011) BS 63, MS
107, Ph.D. 25 Degrees Granted (2011-12) BS 6, MS
37, Ph.D. 1 Major Employers Ethicon, Intel,
Proctor Gamble, Nestlé, Boeing, Raytheon,
Lockheed Martin, General Motors Annual Research
Expenditure 32 K Primary Funding Agency
National Science Foundation
37Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at NMSU
Faculty 18 Specialty Areas Non-linear dynamics,
micromechanics of materials, bio-inspired fluid
mechanics, gas kinetics, spaceflight dynamics,
orbital mechanics, robotics Enrollment 705 BS,
30 MS, 21 Ph.D. Degrees Granted (2011-12) 105
BS, 12 MS, 2 Ph.D. Major Employers Los Alamos
National Laboratory, Sandia National
Laboratories, Cummins, Arizona Public Service,
Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Procter Gamble,
Intel, Caterpillar Annual Research Expenditure
1.3 M Primary Funding Agencies National Science
Foundation, NASA, LANL, U.S. Department of
Defense, U.S. Department of Energy, Army Research
Laboratory, Air Force Office of Scientific
Research, Air Force Research Laboratory